which class do you think is the best now (Full Version)

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comicalbike -> which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 7:23:36)

i say tec merc

goldslayer1 -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 7:28:08)

i prefer speed so im going with tac merc (str tac merc to be exact)

Feral Ninja -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 7:29:51)

Before the nerf: Tac Merc
After the nerf: Tac Merc

Wait... Something's not right...

T.600 -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 7:31:40)

In my opinion, the strength bounty hunter remains a very efficient build for quick wins with a stable win % and the focus bounty hunter can get slow wins while being almost unbeatable. So, I'd say bounty hunters are still best.

I expect that tac mercs will be the victims of many upcoming nerfs while the bounties remain strong :P. I actually think it would have been better if the devs hadn't made new classes. Sure, they offer a bit more variety in gameplay but they create a load of balance issues. The whole blood mage class is a joke and the skill tree needs to be revamped. They were supposed to be strength based classes but all strength blood mages builds don't get quick kills or a good win %. I just reverted back to plain old 5 focus. Tactical mercs are ridiculously overpowered for obvious reasons and cyber hunter are...ummm................................................... o_O

I'm not blaming the devs or anything but they have made a lot of work for themselves; it was hard enough to balance the three initial classes we had and now it will be even harder to balance six of them. Sure they have a testing team but in my opinion a PTR server would still be needed to fix pertaining and current balance issues.


hdude3 -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 7:32:45)

I agree[:D] (with comicalbike)
Btw how u put in image D:

MrBones -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 7:33:49)

I agree T.600

goldslayer1 -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 7:46:01)

i have to agree with t.600 on some of that
however i still feel that str tac merc (altho not high % as str BH) is slightly faster than str bh.

classifiedname -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 7:49:44)

i think BH is best they are not gunna get nerfed and with strength builds they will remain highest win %

The Cardclasher -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 8:12:17)

Support tact merc they can smoke and then BAM 60 with multi and 40+ with zooka and str tact merc too

Nehal007 -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 9:56:00)

stil saying tact mercr OPed i dont think so......only BM needs a lil buff btw i ll still go wid tact merc :P

TurkishIncubus -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 11:41:16)

Str TLM is the best build for now , Smoke+Hybrid+Reroute+Frenzy(bloodlust) , It should be a dream :D

8x -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 12:59:44)

Str Bh, I saw few bhs with delta wrist blades, 153 str (31-38 damage) and around 74 dex (23-28 def).

Fatal Impact -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 13:08:21)

The cyber hunter has been the primal class ever since it was released. Nobody noticed because they were scared to try it, and when they did they got confused. People say they arent good because they dont know how to use them, I say thats pathetic.

TTG Sean -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 13:09:30)

Fatal CH Seriously Is a TOUGH Class to Use :3

Fatal Impact -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 13:13:25)

If you dont know what your doing then yes TTG Sean, I would agree.

TTG Sean -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 13:19:08)

No, The Only Good Cyber Hunter I have Seen Is JonnyCrow, The Point is CH Isn't Going to Beat a Good Tac Merc or BH

Fatal Impact -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 13:29:15)

Think Twice, circle of pain, energy eggzooka,stun blaster, bunny borg E, gamma bot.. With malf Acting like smoke they are just as good if not better than the strength bounty. They even have an overlooked attack that regains energy and in my opinion thats better than frenzy witch just got nerfed :p adding shadow arts and defense matrix to this makes a deadly build. And they even have technician! What more do I need to say other than OP!

TTG Sean -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 13:31:10)

Fatal if you Think CH Is OP You Are Obviously Autistic

Fatal Impact -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 13:32:22)

No Im just smarter than everyone else... lol

TTG Sean -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 13:33:21)

If You play as CH You Will See What Im Talking About

*Nova* -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 13:35:15)

BM was buffed
CH was buffed
TLM was nerfed

So, which is the strongest now? ... TLM...
But I think they are still going to do more balancing, or at least that's what I think they said.

Fatal Impact -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 13:36:45)

lol thats the one class I havent tried yet.. I think I might class change when I log on. Good Idea!

TTG Sean -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 13:38:16)

BTW I passed you in Faction Wins ;3

.PinkMoose. -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/15/2011 13:45:00)

Idk were u play Lol but most of tac mercs don't do that considering they need high tech to make the smoke be effective and then they need high support and after high support they need to get hp and I suppose the merc will get reroute in the end real hard to make effective but it doesn't happen often not every1 does that

Segmail -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/17/2011 19:27:12)

I'd say Bounty Hunters.

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