Fire Staff of Awe (Full Version)

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BlackAces -> Fire Staff of Awe (7/16/2011 1:48:49)

Fire Staff of Awe

Also see other items of the Set of Awe:
  • Weapons:
  • Armors: Mighty, Deft, Insightful
  • Shield of Awe

    Location: Battleon » Valencia » Visit Grumbugly » Rentable Rare Weapons. You can rent any version of the Awe weapons of any element you like. Renting will cost 150 Z-Tokens if you are a Guardian, or 200 Z-Tokens if you are an Adventurer. Remember that you WILL lose the weapon when you log out. However, you can swap between different rented weapons during the same login session without having to pay again.

    Level: 0
    Power Level: CharacterLevel (with a minimum of 0), Mastercraft
    Type: Magic
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 2-6
    BTH: 0

    The weapon's Base and Random damage increase based on your Level. This affects all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials.

    Base:= round((0.00375*PowLvl^2 + 0.5625*PowLvl + 5.25)/2/(1+0.03*PowLvl)*0.75)
    Rand:= round(2*((0.0075*PowLvl^2 + 1.125*PowLvl + 10.5)/2/(1+0.03*PowLvl)*0.75 - Base))
    BTH := round(PowLvl/8)
    *See Appendix

  • The Staff of Awe has an overall 10% chance to perform one of 6 unique specials.

    The weapon special starts off as:
    Base & Rand: (0.2*XSpecial - 0.1*XNormal)*1000 / (Base + Rand/2)
    Lucky Strike: (100 + 6.6*PowerLevel) %


    XNormal:= ((Base + Rand/2)*(100 + 3*PowLvl) + 0.75*XStat/8*(100 + 6.6*PowLvl)/2) / 100.
    XSpecial:= (-0.00000349*PowLvl^3 + 0.000552*PowLvl^2 + 0.0801*PowLvl + 1.67) * (Base + Rand/2)
    XStat:= 2.1462*PowLvl + 10.399, rounded to the nearest 5, to a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 200.

    The BTH is
  • If Power Level is below 90: (min(2.1462*PowLvl + 10.399, 200) / 8 + max(0.7123*PowLvl - 19.111, 0)/20 + PowLvl/8) rounded down
  • If Power Level is above 90: (200/8 + min(5*PowLvl - 400, 200) / 20 + PowLvl/8) rounded down
    *See Appendix
      SPECIAL 1: Guardian Dragon
      Rate: 35%

      SPECIAL 2: Awe Blast
      Rate: 15%
        Hits: 3
        Attack Type: Magic
        Element: As Weapon
        Damage: 0.3187*[Starting Special] each
        Stats: No normal stats; 0.4604*[XStat] Lucky Strike damage each
        BTH: [SpecBTH]-5 each

      SPECIAL 3: Spiral Carve
      Rate: 15%
        Hits: 3
        Attack Type: Ranged
        Element: As Weapon
        Damage: 0.2833*[Starting Special] each
        Stats: No normal stats; 0.4092*[XStat] Lucky Strike damage each
        BTH: [SpecBTH]+5 each

      SPECIAL 4: Health Vampire
      Rate: 10%
        Hits: 1
        Attack Type: Magic; Damage is dealt to the enemy's HP. You heal HP equal to the damage dealt.
        Element: Harm
        Damage: 0.525*[Starting Special]
        Bth: [SpecBth]

      SPECIAL 5: Mana Vampire
      Rate: 10%
        Hits: 1
        Attack Type: Magic; Damage is dealt to the enemy's MP. You heal MP equal to the damage dealt.
        Element: Harm
        Damage: 0.63*[Starting Special]
        Bth: [SpecBth]

      SPECIAL 6: Powerword Die
      Rate: 15%

    This elite Staff of Awe is shod with red steel and holds a Magma Ruby which glows with the power of fire. The staff does extra damage the higher your level.


    Image thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf. Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Also thanks to Koree for helping out as well


    Spiral Carve. Deals *0.9 damage (Magic). Gains +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage.
    Awe Blast. Deals *0.9 damage (Magic). Takes -5 BTH and deals *85/80 damage.
    Health Vampire. Deals 0.5*1.05 damage (Magic). You heal HP equal to the damage dealt.
    Mana Vampire. Deals 0.6*1.05 damage (Magic). You heal MP equal to the damage dealt.

    The amounts listed above are already taken into consideration for the numbers listed for each special in the entry.

  • BlackAces -> RE: Fire Staff of Awe (7/16/2011 1:49:22)


    Level	PowLvl	Dmg	BTH		SBR	SBTH
    0	0	2-6	0		222.28	1
    5	5	3-8	1		279.1	3
    10	10	3-10	1		338.63	5
    15	15	4-11	2		395.82	7
    20	20	4-13	3		462.61	9
    25	25	5-14	3		532.6	11
    30	30	5-15	4		600.35	13
    35	35	5-17	4		675.12	15
    40	40	6-17	5		745.82	17
    45	45	6-18	6		817.02	19
    50	50	6-20	6		887.69	21
    55	55	7-20	7		958.94	23
    60	60	7-21	8		1029.37	26
    65	65	7-22	8		1098.53	28
    70	70	8-22	9		1165.95	30
    75	75	8-24	9		1240.69	32
    80	80	8-25	10		1303.65	34
    95	85	8-26	11		1354.27	36
    90	90	9-26	11		1419.41	38
    95	95	9-27	12		1490.17	40
    100	100	9-28	13		1556.86	42
    105	105	10-28	13		1618.95	44
    110	110	10-29	14		1675.89	46
    115	115	10-30	14		1727.11	48
    120	120	10-31	15		1772.09	50
    125	125	11-31	16		1810.27	50
    130	130	11-32	16		1841.12	51
    135	135	11-33	17		1864.1	51
    140	140	11-34	18		1878.66	52
    145	145	12-34	18		1884.28	53
    150	150	12-35	19		1878.24	53
    «A message shows up saying "The weapon grows to match you in power! It does #-# damage and +# to hit .»

    Level	Plvl	Carve		Blast		Hvamp		Mvamp		VampBth	CarBth	BlBth
    0	0	188.94		212.56		116.70		140.04		1	6	-4
    5	5	237.24		266.89		146.53		175.83		3	8	-2
    10	10	287.83		323.81		177.78		213.34		5	10	0
    15	15	336.44		378.50		207.80		249.36		7	12	2
    20	20	393.22		442.37		242.87		291.44		9	14	4
    25	25	452.71		509.30		279.62		335.54		11	16	6
    30	30	510.30		574.08		315.18		378.22		13	18	8
    35	35	573.85		645.58		354.44		425.33		15	20	10
    40	40	633.94		713.19		391.55		469.86		17	22	12
    45	45	694.47		781.28		428.94		514.72		19	24	14
    50	50	754.54		848.86		466.04		559.25		21	26	16
    55	55	815.10		916.98		503.44		604.13		23	28	18
    60	60	874.97		984.34		540.42		648.50		26	31	21
    65	65	933.75		1050.47		576.73		692.08		28	33	23
    70	70	991.05		1114.94		612.12		734.55		30	35	25
    75	75	1054.59		1186.41		651.36		781.64		32	37	27
    80	80	1108.10		1246.61		684.42		821.30		34	39	29
    85	85	1151.13		1295.02		710.99		853.19		36	41	31
    90	90	1206.50		1357.31		745.19		894.23		38	43	33
    95	95	1266.64		1424.97		782.34		938.80		40	45	35
    100	100	1323.34		1488.75		817.35		980.82		42	47	37
    105	105	1376.11		1548.13		849.95		1019.94		44	49	39
    110	110	1424.50		1602.57		879.84		1055.81		46	51	41
    115	115	1468.05		1651.55		906.73		1088.08		48	53	43
    120	120	1506.28		1694.56		930.35		1116.42		50	55	45
    125	125	1538.73		1731.07		950.39		1140.47		50	55	45
    130	130	1564.95		1760.57		966.59		1159.91		51	56	46
    135	135	1584.48		1782.54		978.65		1174.38		51	56	46
    140	140	1596.86		1796.47		986.30		1183.56		52	57	47
    145	145	1601.64		1801.84		989.25		1187.09		53	58	48
    150	150	1598.35		1798.14		987.22		1184.66		53	58	48

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