Tactical merc's Are Still Op (Full Version)

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.Nikzat. -> Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 9:45:49)

Have some ideas that will make TLM class more balanced?



TTG Sean -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 9:48:52)

Remove Hybrid And Give them Matrix, And Give CH Hybrid. And Gold Don't Say Your Blah Blah it will make Tac mercs more OP

8x -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 9:52:50)


Remove Hybrid And Give them Matrix, And Give CH Hybrid. And Gold Don't Say Your Blah Blah it will make Tac mercs more OP

At least now CHs know how mercs feel, because they have only 1 passive. And of course now you want TLMs to have only 1 passive too -.-

goldslayer1 -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 9:52:54)

removing hybryid wont solve any problem it will make it UP and then more people on the forums will complain and flame about it.

remove technician.
add a req on reroute
and add a req on frenzy

and in the mean time buff up some of the other classes in another way.

TTG Sean -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 9:57:59)

Dude If you Give them Matrix it Will make Tac Mercs Support Builds OP But It Will Help With Debuffing some of the Strength Builds

JariTheMighty -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 9:58:52)

Nikzat, when I battled you, you said Bounty Hunters are still the best class. And now you make a topic like this? Make up your mind... :p

Agiluz -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 9:59:16)

Just buff BM & CH problem solve

goldslayer1 -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 9:59:59)


Dude If you Give them Matrix it Will make Tac Mercs Support Builds OP But It Will Help With Debuffing some of the Strength Builds

so basically u want to force tac mercs into using 1 single build to even come close to effetive in combat?
that doesn't make sense. u dont want to balance the class u want to cripple it.

.Nikzat. -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 10:01:11)


A Str TLM is toooo OP'd
And yes a BH is a bit better in my opinion

TTG Sean -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 10:02:58)

No I Don't Goldslayer you Just won't Admit that your own Class is OP So You Suggest Minor Changes like Putting Requirements on Like Frenzy and Reroute. That wouldnt do ANYTHING

.Nikzat. -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 10:04:53)

you right. it wont change something.

8x -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 10:06:25)


No I Don't Goldslayer you Just won't Admit that your own Class is OP So You Suggest Minor Changes like Putting Requirements on Like Frenzy and Reroute. That wouldnt do ANYTHING

I think support requirement on reroute would do a lot (around 42 supp at max reroute)

TTG Sean -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 10:07:52)

Then EVERYONE Will use 5 Focus Builds Which Most already Do.

Stabilis -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 11:17:23)

Tactical Mercenary isn't really a mercenary as much as it siphoned the identity from the other 3 classes. It retains the hybrid armour, gains an insane health draining skill (frenzy) from the bounty hunter type bloodlust, it has the mage's reroute?! And it still has high powered attacks like artillery and surgical strike.

This class is not an Epicduel class I am sorry to say. This class only has skills that passively do all the work for the player; I mean, are their any real skills the player has to use?!

Those 2 passive skills mentioned should be nerfed to half their proficiency. Actually a class should have only 1 or 2 passive skills at the most...

Remorse -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 11:38:38)

^ I agree,

What you guys have to think about is that making CH and BMs better wont solve the problem as the orignal classes will become UPed.

The only way to make all classes equal with their evolutions is to change tac mercs to make them equal with mercs.

Because tac mercs are the only class that have tacken over the orignal class (mercs) And this need to be solved. Easiest way also fixes this problem of tac mercs being oped which is swapping their hybrid for something ealse (proberly Defence matrix)

The other problem is that Cyber hunters are still weak compared to BH and something like giving them a decent passive will solve this problem (make static charge passive , or give em hybrid for DM)

goldslayer1 -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 11:52:45)

omg again with hybrid.
i really hate the biased merc haters that started this "REMOVE HYBRID" riot
all it takes is 1 person to sprout the idea and then people follow.

TTG Sean -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 11:55:30)

Gold its the only way to balance tac mercs you just don't want to have balance.

Calogero -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 11:57:52)

@ Gold

well I hate the Biased Tact Merc lovers that Refuse the Nerf of Tact Merc with Hybrid... Defence Matrix will still be good enough for you...
It's like you people don't want balance... just an OP class

Mohandas Gandhi -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 12:02:36)

There are other peaceful ways of achieving balance, instead of taking away hybrid my friends. Before we nerf of buff any classes, we need to be able to understand each other.

I for one think that the game is good. The majority of players that we all face are tactical mercs right? That means that the players are enjoying the class to it's fullest potential.

I can sense all the anger and distrust among my forum friends, these threads are extremely biased, they seek to kill the class instead of saving it and I'm against that. We must leave the tactical merc class alone, and help buff the other classes.

8x -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 12:03:11)

Lets leave balancing to Ashari and other game testers/balancers. Because on forums everyone protects their own class or the class that they want to become.

Calogero -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 12:13:31)


most indeed do...
I am from orgin a Tech Mage, I have tested Blood Mage and Tact Merc...
I know for a fact that it's Op'd and removing ' Hybrid ' for Defence Matrix
allows them still to tank but it has to be set up first... They have Reroute so
they can always get enough energy to use it.

edwardvulture -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 12:18:18)

Take out their atom smasher, and either smoke or technician, or both. Replace it with something from blood mage.

Fatal Impact -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 13:50:39)

Ive been a tactical merc. 3 times and Im currently one, I will say they are a bit OP when It comes to strength builds, but I mainly use focus builds xD.

DeathSpawn -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 14:24:41)

OMG how many Threads are there on this? Also the dude just said discuss and put nothing else with it!!!!

These should start getting deleted or something this is ridiculous.

Yeah TaM's are OP'd and there's this nifty feature called "Class Change"

It only costs 50k creds or 900 varium!!!!! IKR Imagine that!!!!

So how about everyone makes these OP'd builds correctly so they can nerf them correctly as well since there team knows nothing on how to play this game and in the end can only go off what the actual players come up with????

Come on guys it's so fun to abuse these OP'd builds and fight TaM's EVERY match :D

goldslayer1 -> RE: Tactical merc's Are Still Op (7/16/2011 14:26:50)


well I hate the Biased Tact Merc lovers that Refuse the Nerf of Tact Merc with Hybrid... Defence Matrix will still be good enough for you...
It's like you people don't want balance... just an OP class

removing hybrid isn't going to "nerf" it its going to cripple the class just like heal loop mages were nerfed.

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