RE: DEVS if you care read this now! (Full Version)

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Cinderella -> RE: DEVS if you care read this now! (7/17/2011 16:24:06)

topics merged. Be nice to each other. :/

Callisto -> RE: DEVS if you care read this now! (7/17/2011 16:30:57)

Death I respect your opinion,I know you are good 2vs2 player of course but I think that lvl change of 2 really would make a difference.Have you ever been in a battle with lvl 28 against 2 lvls 33?I have,many times.I won exactly 3 times.As for me with lvl 30 against two lvl 33...chances are much bigger.
Everybody spams something of course,everybody always will.But it is all about the lvl and strategy cause your win depends not only on your skill but on your partner's as well.This is 2vs2,it's all about skill and team work,at least it should be.
Turn skips,cancelling a match,battle failing to start..those are lag problems,devs are working on them at the moment and they will be fixed.But 2vs2 system will stay this way,unless we do something to convince the devs it needs a change.

hoochhenry -> Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 17:34:58)

Do you guys think 2v2 should or should not be buffed ?

Look at the partners you can get in a 2v2 (im not saying there bad at the game) But me and A level 28 (for example) are VS. 2 level 33 Varium TLM ?

My team would lose :/

Dont Flame Me Please ..

All opinions are open for discussion

Thank You ! [:)]

Fatal Impact -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 17:36:57)

At this point in the game no, they have more important things to do. Later, yes :D

hoochhenry -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 17:38:49)

Ok, But what happens to all the 2v2 players in ED they have to suffer ?

Fay Beeee -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 17:43:03)

^ hoochhenry

They play, try their hardest - win or loose
They try 1v1
They fight NPC
They wait.


hoochhenry -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 17:56:11)

@Fay Beee

They play, try their hardest - win or loose
They try 1v1
They fight NPC
They wait.


They play, try their hardest - win or loose- People who play 2v2 will try their hardest to win. But on average 42% (or More) of the time they will loose (They dont like losing this % of the time)
They try 1v1-They play 2v2 because they dont like 1v1 (But only do NPC 1v1 to improve their 1v1 record)
They fight NPC- Most 2v2 players do this to improve 1v1 record. They cant NPC the rest of their life ?
They Wait.- They cant play ED anymore ? Until this is updated/improved ?

So your probs saying in your head why dont they quit, eh ?
Most 2v2 people love/like this game and dont wanna quit ..

Dont know if i made my point clear to you

Thanks for opinions

Fay Beeee -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 18:01:41)


So your probs saying in your head why dont they quit, eh ?
Most 2v2 people love/like this game and dont wanna quit ..

Please do not assume you know what I am thinking. You do not know me, or you would know I do not think that way.

hoochhenry -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 18:03:50)

thats why i said "probs"
And i know i dont know what your thinking

Sorry if i made it to be offencive to you

DeathSpawn -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 18:05:37)

Lol no wonder nothing ever changes.....

You all cry about the things that make no difference man come on and wake's useless I dunno why I bother....

I've said it multiple times maybe your just overlooking it or something but your fighting the WRONG fight :'(

hoochhenry -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 18:06:33)

Well its just MY opinion on 2v2 should be buffed

...Sonya... -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 18:07:05)

I can see this from both Sides.Nobody knows what anybody thinks,Although It is hard to battle 2v2,Especially getting a "Newbie" Partner.

2v2 Is 10x harder then 1v1 As it requires Ally Coordination.When you get one who Doesnt Speak english,Wont listen or runs.

But you have known this and You can battle as you wish.Im pretty Sure youre Quite happy when your against the newbie,Anywayz The unfairness of a 2v2 Goes untouched by the DEV's For know... Hopefully Edited =)


Callisto -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 18:09:59)

Make no difference?I'm sorry but I fail to see how balancing 2vs2 makes no difference.It is a part of the game that is here to stay,right now there is a problem cause lvl gap is too big,too many players without any decent weapons make you lose...people get too many unfair battles...And you say it is useless and makes no difference?
I don't think this is wrong fight,I think this is GOOD fight.Fighting for something we love and want to see get better,more fair and enjoyable for everybody...

hoochhenry -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 18:11:28)

Agreed :)

...Sonya... -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 18:13:35)

I agree with Yah Calli People need to Step Up And Speak For The Battle Mode which has been untouched in a while !


hoochhenry -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 18:15:27)


People need to Step Up And Speak For The Battle Mode

This is exactly right :)

pokepwner -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 18:15:27)

Wouldn't non-variums neeed to be slightly buff before balancing 2 vs 2? I mean understand, i feel for lvl 28 that face lvl 33 variums, but if the range was decrease i'd befacing lvl 33 more often and if you haven't realise, non variums are meat for variums. A possible way to balance would be to partner with people with similar wins like you. (example A team with 500+ 2vs2 wins VS A team with 200+ 2vs2 wins)

DeathSpawn -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 18:17:31)

Ok well since you guys are still fighting specifically my argument to this ill just copy what I've already posted....

How about instead of bothering with a two level change we concentrate on the things that really cause unfair battles??

Turn Skips, Disconnects either by an Admin warning mid battle or a Connection Lost- Refresh Your Browser Screen, Cancelling a battle then still get in match even though your not actually there and causing your partner to be alone from the start, AND how about the 2 turn and 4 turn buffs debuffs glitches that you people aren't noticing???

Hate to toot my own horn but I'm gonna cause this is rather annoying now....

I've been winning plenty with 28 non variums against 33 full varium teams as my record PROVES and it's not the issue. You can argue whatever you want about my record but in the end we've been in the same situations and I won you lost. As a more experienced 2v2 player I'm telling you that these are the issues and not a 2 level character that only has 8 less stat modifiers and possibly 2 less damage on primary or varium armor.....BIG DEAL!!!

Signature removed, please only use your signature once per page. Also slight flaming removed, no need to insult people. ~Illuminator

The UnleaShedWolfZ -> RE: 2vs2 Balance (7/17/2011 18:19:08)

I got into 20 battles of 2vs2 tday.
won only 2 with lvl 33 "Damage" and lvl 32 "forgot his name.."
so.. all my partners r lvl 25/26/27/28..... vs 33 33 full variums
So I was going to do a topic about it NOW , but ill coment on this cz callisto did it b4 me :)

Balance the 2vs2.
IMO : lvl 30 and 33 vs 30 and 33
not under 30..

...Sonya... -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 18:20:18)

@DeathSpawn : Your basically tellling me that if the opponents turn gets skipped and my debuff goes 4 turn and there 2 33's varium tlm against me and a 28 whos gonna win ?

FIX 2V2!


hoochhenry -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 18:23:08)


Personally I don't feel anyone that posted on here is worth anything in a 2v2 match. Get a good 2v2 player in here and lets see where that takes us.

Isnt that a bit mean to people ? :/

...Sonya... -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 18:25:50)

So your saying your a good 2v2 player here and nobody Else here is... Typical people who play 24 hours to perfect themselves and rip on people who have a life... And yes I beat u in 1v1 and 2v2 So yeah my opinion Counts ;D


DeathSpawn -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 18:25:52)

Didn't understand your comment fully Sonya lol but I've posted vids on youtube of the buffs debuffs if yall dont believe me or whatever and I've posted it in the bugs section ages ago. Also it's still occurring but haven't recorded it considering I've already proved it in three videos.

I'm saying would you rather have a 28 Non-Varium without skipping your turns or being smoked then shielding after smoke then planning out the fight for your victory when all a sudden shields gone and your still smoked with an incoming mass or you would like to have that as a 30 Non-Varium with random turn skips and no strategy considering you have no idea when your buff or debuff will shut off?

Oh and don't forget about the added percentage in your loss rate from the Disconnects. Those are always fun :D

Signature removed, please only use your signature once per page. ~Illuminator

...Sonya... -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 18:28:23)

That muust be Your IC Cause I dont have this problem and my freinds dont,Its Your problem if you need to improve Your IC Admin kicks and DC's have been gone since the last update The majour shutdown today is different and didint happen whilst in-battle...

And yes I wud rather have all the debuff stuff And Still have a 30+ Partner Give us a chance...


Callisto -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/17/2011 18:40:37)

Guys stop flaming each other and get back on topic.If you wanna flame personally,do that in pm.
Also me and Sonya are old and experienced 2vs2 players,so are luna and many more who posted here.So we KNOW what we are talking about.
Also,as for non var and var balance..everything will happen eventually but 2vs2..well to be honest it couldn't get any worse than it is.It's about time something gets done about it.

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