RE: Just Wondering ? (Full Version)

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aqwshadowking14 -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/18/2011 0:43:07)

3 is still too much of a gap because you kinda mis-calculated. The worst case actually could be 33+30 vs 30+27. It could be 3 lvls down so 30 - 3 = 27.

Callisto -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/18/2011 0:46:41)

3 gap as in 3 lvls difference.What you just said is 6 lvls gap which is even worse than it is now.(33+30=63 30+27=57 63-57=6 -lvl gap)
3 lvls gap would be 33+30 and 30+30 in the worst case :)

.PinkMoose. -> RE: DEVS if you care read this now! (7/18/2011 1:51:22)

I agree that the lvl is too big

Luna_moonraider -> RE: DEVS if you care read this now! (7/18/2011 3:37:18)

hmm well 3 lvl difference would be nice it would really help 2v2 but sadly it would increase the time waiting for 2v2 match to start. I would gladly sacrifice the fast waiting time for a lower lvl range.

MirageD -> RE: DEVS if you care read this now! (7/18/2011 6:14:35)

i agree that the lvl gap in 2v2 needs to be adjusted.....i'm not sure they should apply the weapons/armor requirements though because that would really increase the time it takes to get into matches.

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: DEVS if you care read this now! (7/18/2011 6:21:52)

An Example Of The Recurring Problem:

I'm Doing 2vs2 On An Alt... A Level 33 Merc.

I'm Standing Next To My Partner, A Level 28 Mage, Equipped With Only A Staff.

We Are Facing 2 Level 33 Tac Mercs, Full Varium, Fully Enhanced.

Now, We All Like A Challenge, But I Had No Chance Of Winning, Seriously.

This Is The Problem Callisto And Luna Are Speaking Of.

In Almost 2 Years Of GamePlay...The Devs Have Done NOTHING About Improving 2vs2...At All.

They Are Quick To Jump And Try to Balance Classes/Stats...What About 2vs2? Why Has This Been Ignored For So Long?

Surely, There Must Be Some Solutions To Improve On It. Why Won't They Listen Or Even Attempt To Apply Something That Might Help?

voidance -> RE: DEVS if you care read this now! (7/18/2011 7:21:59)

A simple fix to many problems including this one would be a varium server. Now lets see if I can explain this theory. Having a varium server would cut down the mass amounts of varium players on the current servers, which in turn would filter out the overwhelming amount of varium level 33's that 2v2. They could easily make the doom server it since the server lock prevents us from using that server until all other servers are near full. (which is almost never)

Callisto -> RE: DEVS if you care read this now! (7/18/2011 7:44:47)

@voidance in a way you are right BUT that would cause another problem,even bigger than it is now.Bigger gap between varium and non varium.Now why be selfish and focus on only one group when this is a problem that affects us ALL?I was non var for a while,I know how it feels and I still loved playing 2vs2.I would hate to be excluded from something like this.
Plus another server(keeping doom opened) would cost much more than simply lowering the gap from 5 to 3.It would fix so much for both var and non var.

voidance -> RE: DEVS if you care read this now! (7/18/2011 8:03:43)

I think you misunderstood the concept of my theory, i wasn't saying make 2v2 for varium users only, I was saying a varium server would make 2v2 more enjoyable for Non-varium players because they would have less chance of being paired against a varium player which ultimately would benefit both sides.

Callisto -> RE: DEVS if you care read this now! (7/18/2011 8:24:16)

I understand voidance your point,it would help but nothing guarantees that varium players would go there.Many stay in epic for many reasons and it would be harder to find a battle in 1 varium server.And besides what about luna,new hope,and many more good non varium players?This happens to everybody,it should get completely fixed,not just add a possibility to meet less varium players.Problem is not varium,it is lvl difference.Read Buffy's last post,that is exactly what I am talking about.
Your idea is good,I appreciate it.Even besides 2vs2,it would be nice to have varium only server.Although I think this problem is larger and varium server is just a possibility of getting better,lowering lvl gap would pretty much fix it for sure,in all servers.

voidance -> RE: Just Wondering ? (7/18/2011 9:54:01)

Well I guess all these will be is theories until the devs decide to test them, If any at all.

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