.Discipline -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (7/25/2011 15:00:53)
@Mirai: Just so you know, you can't see Dajaal at all, so describing him in detail, gives off an inaccurate mental picture of the situation. I don't mind it and you can keep it in your post, but yeah, just for future reference. I've reacted to the earthen spikes as well as the bubble shield. Dajaal has hit the deck, and those earthen spikes should be whistling over his head toward Grax's shield. Also, due to be laid on the floor Dajaal has decided to project the darkness that would usually linger around the floor upward, making it appear as if he has gotten back up. Also, he's roaring bloody murder again, which could have a lot of repercussions to Goshen and Grax. Although I'm guessing the water would dull the noise which actually reaches Grax's ears, it may cause the trapped water to vibrate quite violently when carried out at such a close range... Think storm in a teacup. Goshen, you're just going to end up pretty deaf and disorientated if your ears aren't covered at the moment the noise begins... which is just after the spikes pass Dajaal.