RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (Full Version)

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Mirai -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/4/2011 3:14:44)

Krey- Good question. I think she'd loop reasonably wide (as a crude guide, I think at one point her route would take her to within about 6 feet of the arena wall). So it'll take her a bit of time to make the trip (which makes it perfectly reasonable for Marcos to cast his spell before her's). Obviously, she's not so daft as to not be looking at Marcos at any time on her trip though!

Discipline- Bad luck, it was great to RP with you. I have to confess that at the beginning of this arena I spent a good bit of time wondering whether I had anything in Salina's armoury that could even so much as irritate Dajaal!

.Discipline -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/4/2011 4:36:47)

It was a pleasure to RP with all of you and I'm going to continue watching closely from the sidelines.

Not, however, before Dajaal has his final glorious tribute to his Lord, as I believe SPITE was one of the options presented and it would be near impossible to pull off a surrender by the hate filled murderous psychopathic darkness demon... the only question being how to make you all suffer as much as possible. ;)


superjars -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/5/2011 1:39:24)

Posted, knocking out Dajaal according to Disc's wishes. Ryu will have the other half of his removal from the arena, then on to the fight you've all been waiting for: Goshen vs. Leira: Part 2! I know I've got some fun posting planned and I'm sure Ryu is up for the challenge as well.

Also, more horrible poetry from the staff of Goshen. I've worked hard to make it this bad...

Krey -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/5/2011 22:30:11)

That... Might have been somewhat of a weak post! But it is done.

Mirai, you are being attacked by what amounts to an icy chaingun. <.<

Mirai -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/6/2011 19:08:05)

If it helps, I liked it, and thought the twisting of a shield into a chaingun was pretty cool! Anyway, Salina defends by diving to the floor, and counter-attacks with whistling. Feel free to ignore the second half of my post- it's basically just background filler, but I wanted to throw it in.

.Discipline -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/7/2011 16:57:25)

Took me a while as I was away on business but I finally put up the final post for Dajaal.
Thanks for RPing with me, guys, it was an honor and a pleasure.

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/7/2011 19:15:47)

It only gets harder. Krey, you have been cut, thank you for participating, and I hope to see you next year.

All entrants, the Ice Pillar has vanished. This is the last week of the competition, the Champion will be crowned next Sunday.

Krey -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/7/2011 19:40:37)

And Marcos has left the arena!

He is a sensible man and not willing to throw his life away out of spite. He really doesn't have any spite! Really, he's more inclined to study than to fight, for him this was a risky experiment with some potentially great rewards. And where is he going next? Probably after some crazy book or another.

Anyways, it was fun playing with you all, and good luck to the remaining competitors!

superjars -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/7/2011 19:55:00)

Great playing with you, Krey! It was a pleasure!

Mirai -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/8/2011 3:27:51)

Ditto- as ever, great RPing with you Krey- many thanks!


Hmm... slightly odd post coming up from me, with Salina saying goodbye to Marcos, starting to walk over to Goshen + Leira, but not actually doing very much!

By way of explanation, I was originally going to have Salina reply to Goshen's remark "Leira, it's time isn't it" by saying something along the lines of “Time for you to surrender Earth Giant? Yes, I think it probably is. Or is winning this tournament worth a trophy bathed in your sweet companion’s blood?” But I think that would have messed up our timeline, because Goshen poses the question almost immediately after Salina uses her whistle. So in summary- bit of a nothing post coming up!

superjars -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/8/2011 23:57:00)

Short, sweet and to the point. Got a bit of a nothing post as well. Setting up this last encounter and all that. Well, Goshen is playing the eternal gentleman and giving Salina and Leira first move. Take your best shot! :P

Mirai -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/9/2011 17:46:16)

And the violence begins anew!

Re-reading my post, I have a bit of a concern that I didn't give Goshen/Leira a chance to attack Salina while she moving forward. I know this was less of an issue for Goshen, as he offered first attack to the ladies, but apologies all the same.

So... although my post ends with Salina starting to launch a couple of sword thrusts, please free to stop her before she gets very far with those attacks.

superjars -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/11/2011 21:43:38)

Oh my! Goshen is enjoying this battle a bit too much... It's quite hilarious, to be honest, and somewhat disturbing. Well, we've got Goshen's disc set to smack Leira's but and then crash Salina's face party. I wonder what will happen next!

Mirai -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/12/2011 19:09:09)

Aaand postie! Notably, one of Salina’s attacks here is to try to scratch Leira’s hand with her nails. Way to combat stereotypes Mirai… maybe in the next round she can pull Goshen’s hair. Anyway, couple of points by way of explanation below: I'd have liked to have discussed this via IRC, but my computer keeps crashing tonight when I try to log on.


I wasn’t sure if Leira’s disembodied hand would disappear when Salina tried to grab it, so I’ve deliberately left it a bit vague as to whether Salina is still clutching the hand at the end of the post, whether she got to dig her talons into it, whether it vanished first.... or whether it was even inadvertently sent flying by Saina's attempted throw, in which case Leira might comically hit herself in the face.


As Salina deliberately decides to go with her fall (rather than try to stay on her feet), I assumed that she’d slide under (and slightly to the right of) the original arc of Goshen’s discus. However, I’ve again left this a little vague, as I was conscious that Leira might potentially deflect the disc in some way before it gets to her, and I didn’t want to inadvertently bunny Leira’s actions. Unfortunately, with Salina sprawling on the ground, I also couldn’t come up with a realistic attack for her to try to hit Goshen with!

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/14/2011 18:45:56)

All things must come to an end. As always, a challenge, however, in the end, someone has to come out on top. Only one Pillar now remains in the Arena, the Pillar of the element of the Champion.

Congratulations are in order then, for the 2011 EC Champion, Leira Wainwright, played by Ryu Viranesh.

Thank you to everyone for participating, and I hope to see you all again next year.

Mirai -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/15/2011 3:51:26)

Congratulations Ryu!
Well done- it was a pleasure to be in the final 3 with you and Superjars: you're both fantastic RPers.
I just hope your characters get to 'finish things' after Leira receives her coronation...

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/17/2011 14:06:05)

Just a bit of ic interaction from mr. Cursed wolf-man that I forgot to post a while back ;)

*ic* He arrived at the Arena just after it had started, the spectacle was amazing. "No! NO! you fool! You utter Fool Look out!" but the warning yell came out much too late and there, the cursed wolf warrior stared as the Demon who represented the lord of Darkness had been vanquished and vanished. "Blast!"

The spectacle again continued and Goshen or as he liked to call him Mr.boulder put up a hell of a fight. "Yeah! Go for it!" Only to also be beaten.
"Bloody hay of the lord of might. This is just unbelieveable!"

But in the end a female won the Ec. He couldn't believe his eyes and as all were ushered out of the spectator stands. The wolf man growled somewhere deep in his throat.

The dark lord's favorite had lost. Fool of a demon. The wolf man would have done a much better job.

.Discipline -> RE: =EC 2011= Finals Arena OOC (8/17/2011 14:54:11)

Yeah, keep dreaming, pup. :D ^^^

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