RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (Full Version)

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AQWPlayer -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 14:50:51)


wow now a non varium armor that can almost compete with founder... seriously ED staff?

Not even close -.-
Those armors are even worse than the current ones.

Cinderella -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 14:51:11)

We've heard you! And we just buffed the nonvarium armors from +6 to +7!

As for the Thursday/Friday discrepancies: I wrote the DNs on Tuesday, and added in the other part last night. I forgot to change the ArcAttack paragraph.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 14:51:39)

Founders have really fallen, our once proud armor is now garbage. Thank you.

Basicball -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 14:54:25)

DESIGN NOTES ARE LIVE! But with a slight correction: we just buffed the new nonvarium armors from +6 def/res to +7 def/res

Snaipera -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 14:56:11)

Enough with this . The Founder Armor has been on top of the food chain for over a year . It was about time it stepped down . Nice one for the non-variums . What I think would be better is if the resistance is moved to +4 and the armor gives +3 defense . This would help us customize our builds even further . Thus if it's firstly introduced on a non-varium armor it would be wicked awesome . Why not let the non-paying community test something first , eh? [:)]

Cinderella -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 14:57:15)

@Angels- this has nothing to do with Founders. There have been +8 and +9 varium armors for a while. It's just something nice we're doing for the ftp-ers.

StriderAigis -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 14:58:11)

well now time to farm a little :D

Digital X -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 14:59:16)

Shame all my non varium characters are like level 10 and below :(

But then again, this is a nice incentive to make me play them more often. Haven't touched them for weeks.

JariTheMighty -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 15:06:30)

Looks like these new armors got +1 stat point and +1 enhancement slot as well. :o

skeletondude -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 15:18:48)

hmm i lyk wht im see (the non var armor which are buff)

Lord Barrius -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 15:19:47)

As with other threads in the past 24 hours, I will remind you that constructive posting and politeness towards other users is not optional.

And we're not going to tolerate it from anyone, whether you're supporting staff or not. I've just deleted multiple posts that existed purely to insult Angels. If you don't agree with someone's opinion, that doesn't grant you the right to insult them. And you WILL be dealt with, regardless of what your stance may be.

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 15:20:40)

YES!!! thank you epicduel team. Btw Angels the armors are still worse than founders even though their 5 levels higher.

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 15:21:17)

Cinderella, with mercs having Hybrid armor that would give them +19 on defense or resistance isn't that unfair to the rest of the classes, The power houses get that much extra defense or resistance depending what they put the Hybrid Armor on. If non-varium is going to be like that and the stats are better on the Varium armor then how much more with the Hybrid armor will have as stats? I see balance getting further away because the tact mercs defense or resistance will be superior then any other class.

Feral Ninja -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 15:25:17)

So, Tac Mercs will keep being overpowered for another while.... Seeing as they use a scalpel instead of a sledgehammer.

Why isn't it obvious to them that the longer Tac Mercs stay overpowered, the less players enjoy this game? (Except Tac Mercs ofc.)

Wish they would just do a Huge Balance update in one go (And think very good about what to balance.)... >_>

Purple112 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 15:30:48)

People need to take a chill pill... it's just a game.

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 15:48:55)

@Hun King: So your worried about them tanking?

Rayman -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 15:52:58)

]Non variums armor got buffed by 1 def/res i read it at cindy twitter. Lol

...Sonya... -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 15:52:58)

Can we please have A look ? and Can we see the varium armor stats please [:D]


DeathSpawn -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 15:53:24)

Yippeee Founder armor is comparable to a non-varium armor :D

Maybe well get a surprise and they will either buff us or release a higher level founder armor?

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 15:54:53)

@DeathSpawn: ITs been almost 2 years since founder has been made, its time to move on.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 15:56:18)

This is exciting news, I am very happy for the non-varium players.

Founders armor will always be part of the game, but this game should go in cycles as it usually does. Be patient, and likely Founders will be readjusted.

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 16:15:29)

they already tanking, people always talking about making thing fair and balance is it trully fair that one class gets to have + 19 on defense or resistance while the other classes just get the stats with the armors and everyone told me my idea of an armor for the Blood Mage +13 defense\resistance is over powered so now what do you have to say +19 for the nonvarium mercs just imagine the bonus points for the varium mercs/tact mercs making the stat abusing even more possible with even a greater chance at blocking.

I am really not worried but these questions have to be asked, not only to get an answer but to make the programmers think od the consequences before they implement the new items. Just watch the forum after they release the armor.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 16:19:55)


I love LQS armors, hooray. I love EpicDuel. I hope the armors cost battle tokens along with insane credits to stop people from buying more than 1.

why not just make it impossible to buy more then 1 of any item (except boosters) as ur idea can stop people from just buying one

Womba -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 16:41:17)

*cringe* 21k Credits for teh epicz armorz? Yikes... Suppose I should start farming then. Although.. Me Knowing Me... I'll aim for 10,000 more than that... Getting bored of regular 'ole Merc. Wish me luck, the arcade! She calls to me.

Digital X -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 16:49:11)

Are these armours and update live now? I guessed an update/fix happened as i logged in and my graphics were set to high which usually indicates a change.

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