RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (Full Version)

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DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 16:50:54)

But what npcs will be the home to new LQS?

Feral Ninja -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 16:54:17)

Most likely only the fixes. ;)


We will likely be restarting once again today (Thursday) to install more fixes, but the content and balance updateswill be released tomorrow.

And yup, just logged in... My graphics are set to high aswell. :P Probably the fixes, since I'm not seeing anything on the ''What's new?'' thing.

Fatal Impact -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 16:55:20)

@Digital X: no armors today, just new fixes/adjustments like cinderella said in her DN post.

Digital X -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 16:56:02)

Ah right ok thanks, must have misread it and got confused.

Illuminator -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 18:04:35)

Obviously these armors will greatly help non variums. I think that the mercs will get the most help here because a dex and tech armor for mercs is great for tanking. In fact if I didn't have Founder and Space Warrior I would highly consider buying it even as a varium player as it has the best stats for a tank out of all non rare armors, even the varium armors. I think that there may be fewer non var mercs using supp or str abuse builds and instead going for more tank builds. New City Guard with Maple Cleaver, Marauder Boomstick, and Carrier Zooka will give some nice stats for tanking. Over 20 dex and tech before enhancements, not bad at all for non varium.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 18:21:58)

The armors sound cool but im stuck in a slight problem if i switch to Imperial mage i lose my important Support boost but i gain a well needed STR boost

Razen -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 18:24:04)

^: A tough choice indeed. I want the Imperial Mage armor for the looks.

@Illuminator: That's why I wish there were multiple versions of each armor granting different stats myself. Caden's Cuirass is nothing compared to that armor in Tanking.

*Nova* -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 18:44:17)

So, when is the LQS? Anyone know?

Wraith -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 18:56:34)

Hopefully 35k creds is enough for 2 lqs items.

Off topic content removed, please use the PM system to talk to a specific person about a different subject. ~Illuminator

Razen -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 19:03:38)

Anyways, as I said, I would really enjoy if there was a High Dex, High Tech Mage/Bounty Hunter armor. Considering what was seen with the New Guard Armor. Caden's Cuirass just doesn't cut it.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 19:09:34)

is it worth it....? om me why or why not :3

T.600 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 20:08:33)

Firstly, I hope that they fix the lag this update. The lag has caused me to skip turns in battle, so if the lag is gone then all the battlers should be happy :P. It would be better if they could explain to us how they plan on fixing the lag...but this isn't AQW, so I guess they'd like to keep everything secret :/. As for the balance changes, these are very much needed but I hope that they dont just add some requirements to a few of the tac mercs' skills. Hopefully the blood mages and cyber hunters will receive some new skills along with some buffs on their current skills. The balance changes probably wont be major though this update but it should hopefully help the other classes have more of a chance against the tac mercs. I hope that they dont forget about the old classes as well because they're just as important.

It's great to see that there are some new armors for non variums that are non-rare! It's been more than a year since they last released a non varium armor, excluding the junker armor that was mainly intended for the mid-level players. These should satisfy the higher level players, and maybe they will have a bit more of a chance in battle against other varium players. Some non varium tac mercs might be dangerous.

Varium players will receive an LQS armor? Oh no! There's just way too many flaws in Epicduel's LQS system and it's already evident from the DN's. Even if they perfected the system to make it like AQW's LQS system there would still be problems. We all prefer LTS's over LQS's for obvious reasons. In an LQS you could either stock too much or too little of everything, it could at an inconvenient time in your time zone. Epicduel thought they had a solution to this, restocks. This would work if you told us when you were going to restock and how much of everything that you're going to restock; the initial LQS should be in the evening for America, then they should restock once in the evening for Europe and then there should be a final restock in the evening for Asia. Once these restocks have been completed then the LQS items should be removed from the game. Unlike Charfade's items which haven't been removed, and now people just wait for random restocks. Charfade's LQS is an example of everything going wrong. We were told about it on the day of the release. We were never told the specific quantities. We were never given an exact time for restocks, but instead it all turned out to be 'when Charfade felt like it'. And we didn't even know if they would go rare forever, or would they just stay in-game forever and be restocked at these random, inconsistent rates? My point is that the items in the LQS need to go rare, just like in AQW, but they need to tell us that they will be going rare. Like you released bunny borg as a limited quantity item, but is it a seasonal item? Is it ever coming back? How do you expect us to know? Or will you just decide these things a day before the release? Things dont work like that in life, you have to be organised, leaving things to the last minute is not the right way to do things. I think that's covered everything I'd like to see from Epicduel's LQS's. I would like us to be warned before the release of the quantitites, stats and the looks of the items. I want there to be three restocks which are well planned and again, we would like to be warned of the time and day of these restocks. All of the items need to go rare once everything is sold out after all the restocks. They will never come back, and it lives up to the title. An item available in a limited quantity that was rare. For a lot of this to happen we need good design notes, Cinderella.

There's a day left before the update goes live, and at this rate I feel that this will be another typical, failed LQS in Epicduel. It doesn't have to be like that though. You need to give us a picture of the varium armor, tell us the stats, price and quantity. Tell us the times of all the restocks (hopefully three) and tell us that it will live up to its name and never return. This is a big opportunity for this game, you can either dissapoint us all with another terrible LQS, or you could perfect the system using the simple guidelines that I stated. I dont think that a lot of you would bother to read my post, but I hope that Cinderella or Nightwraith can, or any other player who isn't lazy :P.

I hope it's an electrical themed, rare armor with good stat modifiers. That would make my day.

Wootz -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 20:19:23)

Y'Know what's weird, that Static Charge & Fire Blast have a stat req while Frenzy & toxic grenade don't.
Well, nothing new :3

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 20:32:43)

im looking forward to this update

Edited reference to a post that no longer exists. ~Eukara Vox

elm street -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 20:36:08)

@t.600 one of the few times i can say i dont disagree with anything your saying. [;)] maybe we will be "heard" again haha

DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 21:37:11)

We should stay on topic guys :), I want a LTS not a LQS [:D]

Eukara Vox -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 21:49:44)

Please stay on topic.

WhiteTiger -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 23:41:53)

Well, for my build the new mage armor is worse than the Seraph Armor, so I guess I won't be getting it. :/ A shame too, since I've been wanting a change in my look.. The part that I really dislike is how it gives Strength, but I guess it's to help Blood Mages rather than Tech Mages.. Personally, I'd prefer if it didn't even give strength, or even if it was +5 STR/+7 DEX but I guess I'll have to wait for the next non-varium armor to be released... I really love how the other two armors' stats are distributed though, I guess picking mage really wasn't the smartest choice I made... :( It's good to see the devs are releasing a new non-varium armor though...

Razen -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 23:44:19)

^: That's somewhat of why there was a different variant that is more defensive. Like an Offensive Imperial Mage and Defensive one? [&:]

*Nova* -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/21/2011 23:53:09)

Anyone know the time for the LQS?
And would like to share it with me?

drinde -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/22/2011 2:15:17)


Imperial Mage: Good for BMs.

City Guard: Good Buffs.

Exile Soldier: Power Armor 2.0. So not getting it. Brrrr.

Oh yeah, skippin' turns are still happening.

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/22/2011 2:28:34)

Is Bllodmage even good for BMs? I mean support and tech could come a lot handier then strength and dex. Depends on your build. I'm not sure if i'm willing to spend that heap load of credits on my alt.

Thylek Shran -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/22/2011 2:37:27)


Name: Imperial Mage
Level: 30
Price: 21,600 Credits
Class: Tech Mage/Blood Mage
Defense/Resistance: +7
Strength: 7
Dexterity: 5
Enhancement Slots: 6

*Update* By popular request, we have made the armors a higher tier with more competative stats (with an appropriately increased price).

Are those already the updated armor stats ?

What about making them lvl 31 with +8 res/def to fit more into
the pattern of 25, 28..31 and make them more worth to buy ?
I would prefer not having 7 str on Imperial Mage.
It may be good for BM but not for TM.

frosty123 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/22/2011 2:43:05)

well the one thing i would really really really really like to know is that their balance changes.might make it worse. Far worse or make it a bit better. As for the armorscant really say i like the names or the design. I dislike how mercs get a armor that is used by a lv 3 and bm get the armor of a person that hasnt came out yet.

Razen -> RE: =ED= Design Notes - July 21, 2011 (7/22/2011 2:46:52)

@Thylek Shran: A Dex and Tech armor would've benefitted both Tech Mage and Blood Mage. But, no STR has to be it...I hate Caden's Cuirass because it wastes some of my(could be used for DEX) stat points into STR. D:

Anyways, I dislike that, what would probably be my favorite armor visually will be next to unusable for me as well.

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