RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (Full Version)

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Third Eye -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:43:40)

Defense matrix is equal to the circle thing of BH's.
Reflex boost however is equal to technician.
So I say 3 turns is enough.

BurningFlames -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:45:10)

If hybrid was removed that would mean Mercs don't have a single passive... Then they would need too make a new one because I would not want to see the old passives put into it.

InceptionAE -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:45:27)


I vote for in the middle.


Actually maybe we could not remove it from the original mercs. Because TLM would still have reroute.

BurningFlames -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:47:12)

@Above what do you mean ?

Wootz -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:49:35)


If hybrid was removed that would mean Mercs don't have a single passive... Then they would need too make a new one because I would not want to see the old passives put into it.

Iron skin again?

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 20:03:05)

One of the reasons Mages are able to compete at this time is reroute. Nearly all of Mage skills need prep (Malfunction) to be effective. As discussed before, high level casting is a true challenge for mages, so many rely on support or 5 focus. Those are the most competitive builds. Reroute aids in manna recoup from either atom smasher or emp, medic and recycle of skills when timing is crucial.

As you mentioned about Mercenary's hybrid. They dont have to worry about their physical side unless extremely high strength is involved or 5 focus bot. Nearly all their attks don't need preparation. Essentially they have the ability to do damage in a variety of ways, now add the ability to recycle skills, it makes the player competing against them work extremely hard.

Tactical Mercs now have new powerful skills along with reroute, yet still kept the core attacks. If they loosed their hybrid, it would definitely challenge the class because, not only will they have to figure how to protect one side of their defense, but trying to coordinate attks.

Being this seemed to be more of a business decision over a true balance decision, this class will likely stay in-tact for some time due to players class changing and getting new accounts to run this class. That being said, I will be curious to see how this game will improve the other classes.

altimatum -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 20:06:31)

If they do this they're going to get trolled to death by the high tlm population

Angels Holocaust -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 20:12:03)

If tactical mercs do get nerfed, I will be the first of many to complain.

Wootz -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 20:13:09)


One of the reasons Mages are able to compete at this time is reroute. Nearly all of Mage skills need prep (Malfunction) to be effective. As discussed before, high level casting is a true challenge for mages, so many rely on support or 5 focus. Those are the most competitive builds. Reroute aids in manna recoup from either atom smasher or emp, medic and recycle of skills when timing is crucial.

As you mentioned about Mercenary's hybrid. They dont have to worry about their physical side unless extremely high strength is involved or 5 focus bot. Nearly all their attks don't need preparation. Essentially they have the ability to do damage in a variety of ways, now add the ability to recycle skills, it makes the player competing against them work extremely hard.

Tactical Mercs now have new powerful skills along with reroute, yet still kept the core attacks. If they loosed their hybrid, it would definitely challenge the class because, not only will they have to figure how to protect one side of their defense, but trying to coordinate attks.

Being this seemed to be more of a business decision over a true balance decision, this class will likely stay in-tact for some time due to players class changing and getting new accounts to run this class. That being said, I will be curious to see how this game will improve the other classes.

1st of, It is Energy Points not "Manna".
Now the rest.
I agree with your post. And it'll be good to challenge them. As every class that uses a defensive type of build needs to coordinate his/hers defenses and attacks. Which sometimes can be really hard, especially since you fight, for example, a Merc with a whole Energy set of weapons along with a Bot and a maxed out BB and AS while using a +5 Focus build.
take out the HA. Give the Shadow Arts, if you ask me, the skill is almost useless, I don't even use it myself. And I win againts higher level full geared Variums.


If they do this they're going to get trolled to death by the high tlm population

Class change is optional. Who cares.


If tactical mercs do get nerfed, I will be the first of many to complain.

With you leading them, ofcourse.

Third Eye -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 20:28:17)

I don't understand why did you ignore my question to you.
How is it that taking away hybrid from TaM's make you auto lose?
If you can't defend your idea, I doubt that you can defend the others that you will lead.

It's not just that.
It depends on the level, how you play and if you have varium items or not.

Larcell -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 20:30:52)

Hmm, I have over 2000 losses (adding 1v1 + 2v2), so those 2000+ people were able to get through my Hybrid armor. I'd say there's nothing wrong with it.

Wootz -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 20:33:00)


Hmm, I have over 2000 losses (adding 1v1 + 2v2), so those 2000+ people were able to get through my Hybrid armor. I'd say there's nothing wrong with it.

If you're a Merc, then it's because of the lower levels and being a noob and putting everything random so your HA was on 1 ( Every new player did that, even me ).
If you're a TLM, then it's because: still the reason above and tough luck and you can't get lots of wins as a TLM it's live for only a few weeks. Merc is live for 2 years.

elm street -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 20:40:20)

massive migration to str bh. end of story

@above: my main was originally a merc that i started over with that by passed my previous "main" so i had HA maxed as fast as it needed to be. i still remember being 120-0 in 1v1 at one point [8D] (no NPC obviously)

Wootz -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 20:42:38)


massive migration to str bh. end of story

More wins for defensive BH :)
Also, people might go back to Merc.

PumKing -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 20:42:42)


Angels Holocaust
If tactical mercs do get nerfed, I will be the first of many to complain.

Why would you do that, I thought you were a more lvl header player? All that really needs to happen is that TLM needs to lose hybrid armor, and have it replaced with defense matrix, reroute is a fine passive,they have enough synergy with enough of there other skills as it is

helloguy -> It wouldn't matter (7/21/2011 20:44:40)

If TLM was nerfed (besides making people mad and all ) im saying thers no point in doing so than they all will jump to the next OPED class and we will be stuck back on square one

Wootz -> RE: It wouldn't matter (7/21/2011 20:47:47)

I'll just be like Angels Holocaust on this one. I don't give a damn nor do I care about them.

Third Eye -> RE: It wouldn't matter (7/21/2011 20:50:06)

Angels will do the opposite and care about his/her favourite class.

PD -> RE: It wouldn't matter (7/21/2011 20:50:38)

This is part of the developed theory of balance known as the "Class Cycle of Terror".

Sorry, we all knew about this a long time ago. Specifically me when I covered Stat inflation over half a year ago.

Feral Ninja -> RE: It wouldn't matter (7/21/2011 20:58:06)

TLM HAS to be nerfed.

It's a class that can do this: Tank with huge def/res, Heal Loop thanks to Reroute AND do a large amount of damage thanks to 5 Focus/poison/smoke... And that at the same time.

It's the most overpowered class, ever.

And besides TLM, what other class is majorly overpowered? None of them. (Yes, ok. For 1v1 the fastest kill class is BH, but in 2v2 BH loses from Merc.)

PD -> RE: It wouldn't matter (7/21/2011 20:59:46)

^^ Most overpowered class ever would be Alpha Techmage. Can't beat 150 Damage Supercharge and 1 cooldown heals :P

Wootz -> RE: It wouldn't matter (7/21/2011 21:04:15)


Angels will do the opposite and care about his/her favourite class.

Hers*. Nothing new :P


TLM HAS to be nerfed.

It's a class that can do this: Tank with huge def/res, Heal Loop thanks to Reroute AND do a large amount of damage thanks to 5 Focus/poison/smoke... And that at the same time.

It's the most overpowered class, ever.

And besides TLM, what other class is majorly overpowered? None of them. (Yes, ok. For 1v1 the fastest kill class is BH, but in 2v2 BH loses from Merc.)

People already know that, it's been written all-over again for 150 times atleast.


^^ Most overpowered class ever would be Alpha Techmage. Can't beat 150 Damage Supercharge and 1 cooldown heals :P

I totaly agree to you. I wish to know the reason why Diamond Blades got remowed though.

Feral Ninja -> RE: It wouldn't matter (7/21/2011 21:05:19)

PD@ Actually, a Destroyer Bounty constantly defeated Super charge and heal loop mages.
(High HP+High STR coupled with max Diamond Blades and some other skills)

That's what was fun in Alpha/Beta... Everyone could defeat everyone. :)

PD -> RE: It wouldn't matter (7/21/2011 21:06:15)

Diamond Blades were removed because they exponentially increased damage from wrist blades.

In summary, it caused BH's to do high damage. REALLY high damage.

I'm talking in the context of the Alpha Times John. If you look at Chaos1x's Supercharge build, it was pretty undefeatable. Even with a Diamond-blade boosted STR BH. There are several YT videos about Chaos1x vs. Bountak. Chaos1x always won. Always.

Third Eye -> RE: It wouldn't matter (7/21/2011 21:10:43)


It's a class that can do this: Tank with huge def/res, Heal Loop thanks to Reroute AND do a large amount of damage thanks to 5 Focus/poison/smoke... And that at the same time.

So true, and I wonder why Angels isn't responding to me.

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