RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (Full Version)

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Dendavex -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/22/2011 15:17:54)

Terranix Its a bad idea o.o Tact merc will be so support abusing all the time

Third Eye -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/22/2011 15:25:26)

Dendavex, stop saying things that you can't support. Why would removing hybrid be a bad idea? They can't abuse support because they will have to divide their stats to str/tech/supp and especially dex if they don't have hybrid.

Dendavex -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/22/2011 15:27:35)

Dude They will only divide into tech and supp and trust me YOU dont WANT halloween 2010 trust me

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