RE: (AQW) Arces (Full Version)

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Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/3/2011 17:16:27)

Chapter 25
Wolfwing's Plan

After they finished speaking, Arces and Constantine readied for war against Safiria.

The two armys met at the Vally of Death.
A war raged in no time.

Arces faught the first wave alongside his new allys.
He faught his way through the first wave like it was nothing.
The second wave was stronger, but not strong enough.
This kept up for roughly a week.
Arces' dragon instinkts toke over. He could stay awake for months.

When Arces found a breach, he decided to o through it.
He was heading to the one leading the vampire army.

He found a winged vamire standing there.
The vampire looked at Arces.
Arces said,"Who are you?"
The vampire said,"I am Edvard. The strongest of Safira's vampires."
"Then call back your forces Edvard."
Edvard laughed and said,"You will not win half-dragon."
Arces raised the sword the lycan gave him.
Edvard raised a sword givin to him by Safiria, Arces' sword.
Arces grew angry. That was his sword, forged by Galanoth himself.
Arces charged the vampire, his eyes glowing red.
Edvard blocked the attack with Arces' sword. He wasn't strong enough to keep Arces from disarming him.
Arces gave an evil smile, teeth now fangs.
Arces grabbed his sword, and pointed it at Edvard, changing back to normal.
Edvard charged the half-dragon.
Arces sliced off one of Edvard's arms when he got close.
Edvard, surprized and scared, said,"My master will end you. Wolfwing will win."He flew away.
Just then Safiria came to see Arces with Edvard's arm.
Arces was about to start explaining the situation when Constantine came to Arces' aid.
Safiria looked ready to kill both of them.
Arces stopped them before they did anything.
He said,"Wait!"
Safiria stopped and said,"I will listen."
Arces told them what had just transpired.

When he was done, Safiria shock her hjead and said,"So thats how it is. Edvard betrayed me to Wolfwing."
Arces asked,"Will you aid us Queen Safiria?"
Safiria said,"I will aid you, at least till Darkovia is free of Wolfwing."
Constantine said,"Then we must end this war."
She nodded and said,"The Vally of Death is yours, for now."
The werewolve king let out a large howl.
A voise said,"Very good."
All three looked to see Shadowslayer Z.
Safiria said,"Come to end us Z?"
Constantine said,"It will be an ghonor to fight you to the death Shadowslayer."
Z said,"I don't seek to kill you, yet. First on my list is Wolfwing."
The two leaders nodded.
Arces said,"Now lets talk about how we fight Wolfwing and his forces."
The four of them began to come jup with a plan.
They knew where Wolfwing resided.

They finaly came up with a plan.
The vampire and werewolve armys would distract the werepyres whil Arces would make his way to Wolfwing.

The two armys attacked Wolfwing's army.
When there was a big enough opening, Arces went deeper into the cave.
He knocked out whatever werepyres got in his way.
He finaly reached the bottom of the cave.
A werepyre unlike anyother was waiting for him. Wolfwing.
Arces raised his sword and said,"Fight me Wolfwing."
The werepyre said,"In due time young one."
Wolfwing bite a dragon that was waiting behind him.
The dragon began to transform.
It was now the Dracowerepyre.
Wolfwing said,"Behold the Chaos Beast Dracowerepyre."He flew deeper into the cave.
Arces raised his sword and said,"Then your my opponent."
The Dracowerepyre let out a loud mix of roar and howl.
Arces spread his wings, and flew around the Dracowerepyre, attacking it where he could.
The Chaos Beast let out large bursts of flame when it could.
Arces meet it's flame with his own.
Eventaly, Arces managed to stab the monster in the heart.
The Dracowerepyre began to be engolfed in white flames.
It had fallen.
Arces decended deeper into the cave.
He would face Wolfwing.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/4/2011 2:08:21)

Chapter 26
Chaos Lord Wolfwing

Arces went into the deepest parts of the cave.
Wolfwing was there, waiting.
He turned to Arces.
Wolfwing rose and said,"So you beat my monster."
Arces said,"Why are you fighting us Wolfwing? You lived peacefuly for centurys."
"I lived alone for centurys. I was hated by both werewolves and vampires. Why wouldn't I be mad at them?"
Arces said,"Why join with Drakath though?"
Wolfwing laughed and said,"He offered me vengence."
"What of Darkovia?"
"They will become my kin."
Arces gripped his fists and said,"And the world? They will see you as a threat and chalange you."
Wolfwing cracked a smiled and said,"The same for them."
"I can't let that happen."He raised his sword.
Wolfwing said,"And you will be the first."
Arces blocked Wolfwing's claw with his sword.
Arces sent a burst of flame at Wolfwing, which missed him.
Arces sent another blast at Wolfwing.
Wolfwing flew away from it, and tackled Arces.
He bared a giant maw of vampire like fangs.
Arces sent a burst of flame into Wolfwing's maw, sending him back in pain.
Arces got back up.
Wolfwing knocked him down.
Arces was knocked out.

Arces was surrounded by his friends and loved ones. they were encouraging him to keep fighting.
Galanoth said,"Keep fighting."
Artix said,"Don't let him win."
Robina said,"Fight."
Snowbeard said,"We are one."
Cysero shouted,"PARTY!"
Rolith said,"Get up."
Alina said,"For the king."
Zhoom said,"Come on."
None of them managed to stir him.
Then a voise said,"Stay with me Arces."
It was Gravelyn.
Arces looked in her eyes. She looked happy. This was Arces' true dream, to see Gravelyn happy.
Arces began to stir.

Wolfwing was about to bite Arces when it happened.
Arces began to let out a silver glow. His wings grew. His teeth became sharpened fangs. His eyes became white orbs. Instead of a crown of horns, he sprouted two bull horns. His body became incased in silver scales. His tail had no sikes on it.
He was in the true form of a Dream Dragon. A powerful form of peace and happyness.
Wolfwing stared at him, seeing his true desires.
Arces in turn saw them.
Wolfwing wanted peace between the night races of Darkovia.
Arces knew what to do. He breathed on Wolfwing, and then pinned him down.
In mere seconds he became the nightmare version of himself.
Arces sent a turret of flames on Wolfwing, weakening him.
When Arces stopped, Wolfwing was to weak to continue fighting.
Arces became himself again. he said,"What now Wolfwing?"
Wolfwing said,"Just finish me off Arces."
Arces said,"I've seen what you desire most. You can join forces with King alteon and Empress Gravelyn, and you can have a famiy."
Wolfwing said,"You would give me a chance?"
Arces nodded.
Wolfwing rose and said,"I will aid you then."
Just then a silver arrow pierced Wolfwing's heart. he bacmae a pile of fine purple dust.
Shadowslayer Z came out of the shadows and said,"Thus ends the greatest threat to Darkovia."
Arces said,'He just wanted friends. He was lost in lonliness."
"Maybe, but he was a threat."
"Probibly, but he was just lonely."
Z nodded and walked away.
Arces said,"Forgive me Wolfwing. You deserved better. If anything, it would be an honor to call you kin."
Arces walked away.

Darkovia was not one for celebrations, so he just set out on his journey back to Swordhaven.
He didn't notice imediatly, but his wings had vanished, and his eyes had become a lighter blue.

After a couple days of travel, he stopped for a drink, and noticed in the pool of water, his wings were gone and his eyes were a lighter color.
He toke of his hat, and noticed how much he had changed.
He had been growing a short rust colored beard, his hair was longer, and his face had become featureless.
He resembled a true half-dragon.

He arrived in Swordhaven.
He went to King Alteon. The king barly noticed him.
Arces relayed the evnts to the king.
King Alteon said,"Gravelyn will be interested to hear of this."
Arces nodded.
King Alteon nticed the biggest change in Arces. He was more confedent than before.

Arces changed out of his clothes, into his sleeping pants, and feel asleep.
He had stayed awake for a long amount of time. So, he slept for roughly the whole next day.

Arces dreamt of him and Gravelyn. He dreamt them getting married, them having children, Arces as a king, and Gravelyn his queen, him sleeping hand in hand with Gravelyn, watching his kids grow up, and his death.

Someone was shaking him when he woke up.
For a second, he hoped it was Gravelyn, but it was Artix.
Arces got dressed in his simple clothes. He trimmed his hair, and tied back his ponytail.
He went and had a few drinks with Artix.
After a few hours at the tavern, Artix was drunk.
Arces had the alcohol tolerance of a dwarf, so he barly felt anything.
Arces toke Artix to his room, and went and got himself a little bit of food.
He went back to his room after he ate.

He had the same dream.
He felt at peace.

Another person woke him up the next morning.
He opened his eyes. It was Gravelyn.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/4/2011 15:11:07)

Chapter 27
Should I?

Arces dressed in his clothes, and went with Garvelyn.
Gravelyn had told him she was there to hear what Arces had to say.
Arces told her the details of what happened since he last saw her, leaveing out the details of Miko's kiss, their talk, and his dream.
Gravelyn knew Arces wasn't telling her something. She let it go though.
The two went to a local tavern.
Gravelyn atracted a lot of attention from people. She wore her usual blood-red sleavless dress.
Arces was intemadating enough to keep them from tring anything.

The two had a few drinks.
Gravelyn could handle these drinks though.
After around ten drinks Gravelyn was drunk.
Arces decided to take her back to her room.
It was early afternoon by that time.
Arces was taking Gravelyn to her room when she said,"Where are we going Arces?"
"To your room."
"Don't try anything Arces."
Arces blushed so hard, Gravelyn shouted,"You were thinking about something wern't you?"
Arces got a little angry and said,"I was not!"
Gravelyn said,"Then why were you blushing?"
"That caught me off guard Gravelyn."
Gravelyn feel to the ground laughing.
When she stopped laughing, Arces helped her up.
They went to Gravelyn's room.
She feel asleep when she got in her bed.
Before arces left, he heard Gravelyn mutter,"Arces."
Arces left.

That night Gravelyn was sober, and woke went to Arces' room.
The two decided to go watch the stars.
Gravelyn realy knew her constalations.
Eventaly, Gravelyn started playing with her hands.
Arces noticed and asked,"Are you okay Gravelyn?"
Gravelyn jumped when she heard his voice. she said,"Just lost in thought."
Arces knew she was hidding something and asked,"What about?"
She blushed."Just someone close to me."
Arces knew it was a lost cause to continue.

After the two went to bed, Arces heard Gravelyn call herself an idiot.

Arces woke up the next day to find Gravelyn had left for Shadowfall.

That afternoon, King Alteon called for Arces to come to him.
King Alteon said,"We have recived rports of Chaos in Mythsong."
"The music capital?"
The king nodded."And Lorestockapoloza is coming up. This could be bad Arces."
Arces knew what to do. He walked out of the throne room.

Arces went back to his room to find something waiting for him.
It was a new armor. It had a note on it.
It read:
'This armor was made on short notice.
Don't ruinn it so fast anymore Arces.

Arces put on the armor, and put the note in his bag.
He got ready to depart.
The armor was exactly like his old one.

Arces found a dracolich waiting for him outside the city.
Arces told it to go to Mythsong.
It jumped into the skys.

Arces arrived in Mythsong in only a couple hours.
He got off his dracolich and went to the town.
Where was the Chaos Lord hidding?

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/7/2011 14:29:54)

Chapter 28

Arces went into Mythsong City.
It was based off of every single form of music.
Arces was walking when he bumped into a man.
He wore odd purple clothes. He wore a white mask.
When Arces saw his eyes in the mask, he knew this was servant of Chaos.
Arces looked away and drew his sword.
The man was gone.
Arces sheathed his blade, and went to the center of the small city.

Waiting there was a man in off clothes.
He introduced him self."You must be Arces, I am Dorian Mode."He bowed.
Arces nodded and said,"I am Arces."
Dorian said,"You've heard?"
Arces nodded.
Dorian sighed and said,"People have gone missing, and music pirates have been-"
"Music pirates?"
"Pirates that use music as a weapon."
"They have been attacking people."
"And whats causing it?"
"A man by the name of Discordia. He was once a composer. We have no idea what caused him to join Drakath."
"Where should I begin?"
"Goto the Great Godfather of Souls. He is our best chance for the time being. He resided at the beehive to the west."
Arces ran off when he was told where to go.

After a couple hours he arrived at the giant beehive.
A man with brown skin awaited him. His eyes were like show lights.
Arces went up.
The man said,"What do you want interloper?"
Arces saiud,"Dorian Mode sent me to talk with you."
The man said,"Very well. I am the Great Godfater of Souls. Or as Dorian tends to call me, Soul."
"Well Soul, I need to ask about Discordia."
"You wish to know about my ex-student?"
Arces nodded.
"I don't know much about him. He kept to himself. All I know is that he want \ed to learn the music to contol someone's mind. He always looked for it, unsecsessful. Thats all I knew of him."
Arces nodded. When he was about to walk away, Soul stopped him.
He said,"You mind aiding me?"
Arces sighed and asked,"What?"
"I am the dansing champian of Mythsong."
"A new comer has come to take my title by using magical dancing shoes."
Arces sighed,"What do I do then?"
The man looked older and said,"Take the shoes so it is a fair competition."
Arces sighed and said,"Fine."
The man pointed at the hive and said,"He is in there."

Arces faught through the men in bee suits, and the queen of the hive.
After the queen was out of the way, a horc was practicing dancing in the behind the queen.
Arces asked,"Lord Overdance?"
The horc looked at him and said,"Yes?"
Arces said,"Hand over the magic shoes."
Overdance looked confused. He said,"What magic shoes?"
Arces said,'Those shoes."
Overdance was even more confused.
Arces just sighed and said,"Fine."
Arces dropped his sword and punched Overdance.
The horc got up and said,"That was uncalled for."
Arces punched him again.
The horc, angry, punched Arces in the chest.
Arces didn't feel it that much. He punched Overdance in the face again.
Overdance got up, an he de;livered a kick to Arces, hitting him in between the eyes.
Arces got man, and with all his strength, dleivered a kick to Overdance's right shin. Arces heard it shatter.
Overdance feel to the ground howling in pain.
Arces said,"Now the shoes."
"I don't have any magic shoes you fool. I'm just that good."
Arces didn't buy it so easily.
Overdance said,"I don't cheat. If you want, just take my shoes."
Arces touched them, and didn't feel any magic in them.
Arces just sighed and said,"The Godfather of Souls lied to me."
"Big surprize. He does this every year to anyone better than him."
Arces said,"He will pay for this."
Overdance said,"Hit him once for me. And don't worry, my leg will heal in no time."
Arces walked off.

Arces meet up with the Godfather of Souls.
The old man looked at Arces and said,'Is he-"Arces punched the old man in the face.
The Godfather of Souls fell to the ground. Arces said,"That is from Lord Overdance."
The old man shouted,"How dare you strike a servant of Discordia!"The old man noticed what he just said, and stepped back.
Arces cracked a smile and said,"You just became useful old man."
The Godfather of Soul began to run off, only for Arces to tackle him the the ground.
Arces tied the old man up, and toke him to Mythsong City.

He told Darian everything that had happened.
Darian said,"Well that settles how almost every contestant each year suffers strange injurys. And it also gives us a way to find out Discordia's plans. Thank you Arces."
Arces let out a yawn, not noticing the sun begining to set.
Darian said,"You can bunk with me tonight Arces."
Arces thanked Darian, and went with him to his house.
Arces dressed for sleep, and feel asleep.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/7/2011 21:37:44)

Chapter 29
The 6th Chaos Lord

When Arces woke up, Dorian said,"Arces, we have something for you to do. The Stairway to Haven is under attack."
Arces looked confusied.
Dorian said,"It is how we get to Lorestalkapalooza. it is watched over by Mozzy Mogbourne, the musical moglin. the ship he piolets is the Lead Zeppelin."
Arces sighed and said,"Fine, I will deal with it."
Arces went north toward the Lead Zeppelin.

When Arces arrived, a moglin with black fur jumped him.
The moglin wore sunglasses.
Arces said,"Dorian sent me."
The moglin relaxed.
Arces said,"Whats worng?"
The moglin said,"My ship be taken mun. I want those things off it."
Arces said,"Thats why i'm here."
Mozzy layed back and said,"It was nice knowing you mun."
Arces climed up the stone steps.
He faced anything in his way.
When he reached the top, a giant lobster made from rock was standing there.
Arces raised his blade.
the lobster hit his sword, only to have it's claw chopped off.
Arces made one quick movement, and the lobster was beheaded.
Arces checked the zeppelin, noting was in it.
Arces decinded the mountain.

Arces told Mozzy it was safe.
Mozzy thanked Arces.

Arces went back and told Dorian everything that happened.
Arces decided to explore Mythsong City.
When he finished looking around the city, he went to bed.

He dreamt of him and Gravelyn.
They were watching the sunset in Swordhaven.
Then, when they were about to kiss, The Twins popped into Arces' dream.
Xing said,"You desire love. A simple but powerful desire."
Xang said,"We can give you the one you love. Would you like to observe her?"
Arces looked at The Twins, he didn't truset them.
He said,"Not enough to win me over."
They exchanged looks. They asked together,"What about your family?"
Arces looked surprized.
He thought for a second.
Xing said,"We'll give you a glimse Arces. If you wish more, then you join Drakath."
Xang said,"What is it?"
Arces said,"Show me. But I will not join."
They sighed and showed him the day his father gave him to Galanoth.
Arces watched.
The man who was his father said,"Forgive me my son."He walked up to Galanoth's cabin.
Arces watched as his father gave him to the Dragonslayer.
When the man rode off, he looked back, reviling his face. His face looked familiar.
Arces knew this man, but he couldn't remember who.
The Twins pulled him from the memory.
Arces fell to the ground.
When he was able to get up, he pulled out his sword, and slashed at The Twins.
They faded, laughing.
Arces woke up sweating.

Arces talked to Dorian.
Dorian told Arces that he had found another lead on Discordia.
His friend, Don Giovanni, was in trouble. He had made a deal with a demon to find out more on Discordia.
The deal was his soul.
So Don Giovanni has till the sun has set to get his soul back, or he will fade to nothing.
He is willing to tell of his info on discordia if someone retrieves his soul.
Arces agreed to get his soul back.

Arces found his way to the Orcestra Ruins.
There was a man sitting there with a sad look on his face.
Arces went up and said,"Are you Don Giovanny?"
The man said,"Have you come to retrieve my soul?"
Arces nodded.
"Dorian must have sent you. Good. Faust is in the ruins."
Arces decided to travel into the ruins.

Arces faught past the Mozards and the cannons.
They were nothing to him.
He traveled to the top of this wonderful place.
In the top part of the ruins, a chorupted demon was there holding a blue orb in his hands, a soul.
Arces walked up to the demon. He was twice Arces' size.
Arces unsheathed his blade.
Faust said,"You wish a deal?"
Arces nsaid,"Not a deal. I wish that soul back to its rightful owner."
Faust laughed and said,"Only for yours."He held up a contract. Arces sliced through it.
Faust smiled and said,"I like you. You'll be a good soul for my collection. I have never gotten a hlaf-dragon soul."
"You won't get my soul."
Faust smiled and said,"Not if master Discordia has anything to say about it."
Arces said,"Your master will fall."
Faust's smile faded and said,"Not today."
Arces blocked Faust's attack.
Faust attacked again.
Arces blocked all his attacks.
Faust eventaly became tired. He said,"Your running out of time. The sun has almost set.
Arces noticed it. He had rougly an hour to end this before Don Giovanny was gone for good.
Arces became still, and thought of what made him happy.
Faust was attacking.

Arces thought of him and Gravelyn, and kids of their own.
Arces let out a csothing breath.

Arces opened his eyes.
Faust stopped and stared at them, seeing his greatest desire.
Arces forced himself not to see Faust's desire.
Arces charged Faust.
His eyes were the pearl white they were before.
Arces sent his sword through Faust's heart, making the demon fade.
Arces grabbed Don Giovanny's soul, and pulled his blade free.
Arces' eyes changed back to their original color.
He left the ruins, and returned to Don Giovanny.

He handed Don Giovanny his soul.
Do Giovanny said,"Thank you young man. You have given me a longer life. I thank you again.'
"The info?"
"Ohh yes. Discordia has something big planned."
"I know that. What does he plan though?"
"He plans to enslave all of Lorestalkapolooza."
"Drakath gave him what he wanted."
Arces knew what he meant. He had music that could control minds.
Arces said,"Thank you Don Giovanny."
Arces went back to Mythsong City.

He told Dorian everything.
Dorian was troubled. He said,"This was to close Arces. Lorestalkapolooza is in three days."
Arces nodded and said,"We need to get there now."
Dorian nodded and said,'The Lead Zeppelin leaves tommarow morning. We leave then."
Arces nodded and got ready for Lorestalkapolooza.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/8/2011 1:07:56)

Chapter 30

The following morning, Arces and Dorian meet at the Lead Zeppelin.
Mozzy said,"The Bruise brothers have taken the zeppelin. Can you handdle them?"
Arces nodded.

Arces charged the zeppelin.
Nothing was safe. So unsafe, Dorian and Mozzy stayed away from him.
Arces faced every skeleton, rock lobster, even music pirate in his way.
He made it to the zeppelin.
Arces faced every monster in the zeppelin, forcing two horcs out of hidding.
The Bruise Brothers.
Arces made the first move. He attacked the older brother.
The younger one blocked the attack, forcing Arces back.
Arces did the attack again. The older brother delivered a punch to Arces' stomach.
Arces attacked the younger brother. He was sent back by th older one's fist.
Arces began to get mad. his eyes were turning red.
The Bruise Brothers sent two punches at Arces at once.
Arces jumped over them, and sliced at their backs.
They both feel to the ground in pain.
Arces kicked both in the face, knocking them out.

Arces brought the two out of the zeppelin.
Mozzy said,"Thank you again Arces. Lets get going."
The three of them borded the Lead Zeppelin.
They were going to Lorestalkapolooza.

It was a days journey before they reached the location.
It was huge.
Their was someone waiting for them at the entrance.

Arces went up to the entrance.
A women with an electric guitar was waiting there.
Arces went up and asked her,"What are you doing?"
The women stirred and said,"Waiting."
"Who are you?"Arces asked.
"I'm Kimberly of One Eyed Doll."
"One Eyed Doll?"
"It is the name of my band."
"Where are they?"
"I don't know mister. Why are you here?"
"I'm here to stop Chaos Lord Discordia."
Kimberly said,"I'll join you then Arces."
Arces said,"Thank you."He was curious of how she knew his name.
Arces and Kimberly went into the giant tent.

Kimberly played music to aid Arces in fighting.
Arces faught all the monsters who got in his way.

The second floor, Arces was fighting with strength that shouldn't have been possible without using his dragon powers.
By the third he was stronger.
The same for the fourth.

When they finaly reached Discordia, Arces raised his sword high.
It was the man he bumped into when he came to Mythsong.
Arces raised his sword.
Discordia raised a choruptid rose.
Discordia sent a storm of purple rose petals at Arces.
Arces sent an inferno of flames at the petals.
Arces' flames burned the petals to dust.
Discordia said,"You will not win Arces."
Arces cracked a smil and said,"Your nothing compaired to the others."
Discordia charged Arces.
Arces swung his sword when Discordia tried to hit him on the head with his rose.
The rose was split in two.
Arces hit Discordia on the side of the head with the hilt of his sword.
Discordia feel to the ground, his mask having a giant crack down the middle.
Arces said,"It is over Chaos Lord Discordia."
Discordia's mask feel, showing his face. He had a puzzled look on his face. He asked,"What?"
"What do you have to say for yourself?"kimberly asked.
"Chaos Lord?"
Arces said,"What are you talking about?"
Discordia said,"I remember hearing some music."
"It was the best ever right?"Kimberly asked.
"I lost control of my actions. I became a dummy so the real Chaos Lord would go unnoticed."
"It was you."
"Me?"Arces asked.
"No. Her!"He pointed at Kimberly.
She burst out laughing. She said,"So i've been revealed."

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/8/2011 2:08:08)

Chapter 31
One Eyed Doll

Arces let the idea of Kmberly as a Chaos Lord sink in. She didn't look or act the part.
Kimberly said,"To bad, I had hoped to be friends."
Arces pulled out his sword and said,"You must fall like the others Kimberly."
Kimberly laughed and said,"We'll see."
Music pirates began to swarm Arces.
They were no trouble for him.
Kimberly was impressed. She sent more pirates on him while she got ready.
When Arces finished off the last of the pirates, it was to late.
Kimberly was ready.
She began to play a song on her guitar.
A rift in time formed in front of them. It pulled Arces and Kimberly in.

When they came to a stop, they were on a small rock island in a volcano.
In front of Arces was a giant dinosour with dragon wings and red eyes.
Kimberly said,"Meet the Chaos Beast, Pony? Gary? Yellow? Yea, Pony Gary Yellow.
Arces just said,"Thats the best you could come up with? Fine."
Arces summoned forth a pair of dragon wings, and flew around the Chaos Beast.
Arces let out a giant turret of flame on Pony Gary Yellow.
The beast looked at Arces, and let out a loud screach.
Arces had to cover his ears.
The beast lunged and tried to eat Arces.
He dodged, and went to the back of the monsrter. He let out another turret of flames, making the beast wail.
Arces landed on it's back and up to its head. Arces jumped off, and embeded his blade into Pony Gary Yellow's chest.
The monster let out a sream of pain, and stumbled back.
Arces landed on the ground in front of Pony Gary Yellow, and let out a lrge tornado of flames on it, forcing it into the lava.
Pony Gary Yellow was defeated.
Kimberly said,"You killed my new friend! We can't have that."
Kimberly opened another time rift, Arces jumped through.

They were back at Lorestalkapolooza.
Kimberly's stage had grown wings, and getting ready to fly into the air though.
Arces jumped onto the stage before it was to far off the ground, his wings gone again.

Arces came and faced Kimberly. She was prepairing to take over their minds.
Kimberly said,"Your tough Arces. You need to beat the band before me. Junior!!!!!!!"
A choruptid man on a choruptid drum set came down.
It was One Eyed Doll's drummer.
Arces faught Junior.
Junior made a lot of Chaos energy when he played his drums.
Arces attacked Junior.
His attacks were simple, but effective.
After a while, Junior was beaten.
Kimberly said,"You don't know when to give up do you? Well nether do I!"
"That all you got Kimberly?"Arces asked.
"Not close. Mr. Socks!!!!!!!! Your up."
Another choruptod man came walking up. He was the basist of One Eyed Doll.
Arces faced Mr. Socks.
When Mr. Socks attacks, he swung his guitar, and hit with devestating force.
Arces managed to dodge his attacks.
Arces managed to knock his base guitar out of his hands.
Mr. Socks fell to the ground, defeated.
Arces shouted,"You're next Kimberly!"
Kimberly began to walk down to Arces.
She said,"Not yet."
She began to play a small tune that made Arces fall asleep.
Before he was completly asleep, Arces heard Kimberly say,"Sweet dreams."

Arces was living his deepest desires.
He was having dinner with his parents. There was a person seated next to him, Gravelyn, they held each others hands. a boy was sitting next to Gravlyn, their son.
A man was sitting across from Gravelyn. Her father, Selpulchure.
King Alteon and others were seated at the table.
It was one of his greatest desires, peace.
Arces wanted this to be.
The dream shifted to nightmare.

There was a grave in front of him.
On it read:

Daughter of Sepulchure
May you rest in peace'

Arces began to weep.
Before he shead any tears though, he grabbed a hold of himself.

He opened his eyes.
Kimberly's concert had begun.
Arces shouted,"Fight me Kimberly!"
Kimberly smiled and said,"Very well."
The two began to fight.
Arces swung with his sword, while Kimberly simply played music.
Arces kept swinging his balde till his arms grew tired.
Arces lowered his blade, which allowed Kimberly to sent a blast at Arces.
He got up.
His eyes had turned into red orbs.
He sent a wave of flame at Kimberly.
Kimberly's shield barly held against it.
Arces thought of Gravelyn and regained control.
His eyes turned to pearl white.
He attacked Kimberly with new found strength.
Kimberly's sheild of music broke on the first strike.
On the second, he brock her guitar in half.
She fell to the ground. Her eyes had turned into purple orbs. She screamed in pain.
When she stopped screaming, she said,"Tha...thank you hero. You freed me from Drakath's control."
Arces said,"So you're not chaotic anymore?"
Kimberly said,"I'm still chaotic, i'm just not under Drakath's control."
"Close enough."
"You should come up and play with me Arces."
"Ohh no I couldn't Kimberly."
"Come on. Come melt faces with me."
Arces sighed and said,"Sure."
They grabbed a couple guitars, and started rocking.

Arces stayed for all of Lorestalapolooza. A week long festival.
Arces left after Lorestalkapolooza.

He arrived in Swordhaven in only five days.
He told King Alteon all that had transpired, minus his dream. King Alteon was interested.
Arces decided to get some sleep.
He hadn't slept in almost two weeks.
Arces went to his room, dressed in his sleeping pants, and wnet to bed.
He fell asleep in only a few seconds.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/9/2011 12:46:39)

Chapter 32
The Gravelyn Chronicles

Gravelyn had just recived news on Arces.
He had defeated Kimberly.
Gravelyn gave a little smile and said,"Arces."

That night Gravelyn went to bed.
She was in a red sleeping gown.
She fell asleep in no time.

Her dream was of her and Arces getting married.
She hadn't told antone, but she had fallen in love with Arces, but was scared to say.
When her and Arces kissed, the dream shifted.
The two a married couple.
There was a little boy roaming around.
Arces had a crown on his head, along with a short trimed red beard.
Gravelyn was wearing a tiara.
The boy in front of them was their son.

Gravelyn woke with her heart pounding.
Despite her father, she was alive.
Gravelyn got into her armor, and went to her throne.

That afternoon, Gravelyn dossed off.
She at firest dreamt of her and Arces watching the sunset.
Then, The Twins appeared.
Gravelyn reached for her father's sword, but it wasn't there.
Xing said,"You have such a simple desire. We can make it happen."
Xang said,"We can show Arces as well."
Gravelyn said,"I will never serve Drakath, so forget it."
The Twins said,"He dosn't need you little girl."
Gravelyn looked back and said,"What do you mean?"
"You'll see,"Xang said.
"But for now,"Xing said,"we'll show you Arces."
The scene shifted to Swordhaven.
Arces was looking out the window.
He muttered under his breath,"Gravelyn."
She felt her heart leap.
Could this realy be Arces?"
Gravelyn muttered,"I love you Arces."
Arces stired.
He looked back to find nothing.
He asked,"Gravelyn?"
She woke up.

She sat on her throne for a while.
She thought about that dream she just had.
Was it real?
She hoped it was.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/9/2011 13:25:22)

Chapter 33

Arces heard that there were problems in Arcangrove.
He didn't bother telling the king. He just grabbed his dracolich, and flew to Arcangrove.

When he arrived, a mage was waiting in front of the tower.
Arces landed near the mage.
Arces dismounted, and went to the mage.
The mage said,"Good day. I am Rayst."
Arces bowed and said,"I am Arces of the Shadowscythe. I heard there were problems here in Arcangrove."
Rayst said,"Our portal to the Para Elemental Realm has been shut down, effecting all of Arcangrove."
"Where is the portal?"
"At the top of the tower."
Arces ran up to the top of the tower as fast as he could.

When he reached the top, he saw the portal.
It was a simple one, only meant for one destination.
Arces put his hand on it.
Nothing was wrong.
He said,"Simple fix."
He focused some of his dragon magic into the portal.
It opened.
Arces stepped back.
A creacher started to form in mid air.
It asked, only half formed,"Who dares invade our realm?"
Arces replied,"I do. And who are?"
"You would call us Chaos Lord Ledgermayne."
"A Chaos Lord?"Arces asked, unsheathing his blade. He slashed through Ledgermayne.
Legermayne was uneffected.
Arces said,"Your just a harmless illusion."
Ledgermayne said,"Wrong! I am MAGIC!"
Arces was lifted into the air, and sent out the tower window.
He saw Ledgermayne close the portal before Arces lost site of him.
This was bad.
Arces hit the ground, knocking him out, but not breaking any bones.

Arces woke up a few hours later.
Rayst and a bear were over him.
The bear said,"Your awake young one. Good."
"Who are you?"
"He is Ewe,"Rayst said."Master Druid of Arcangrove. He has healed you enough to wake up."
"You had no brocken bones despite your fall. Not surprizing for a half-dragon."
Rayst said,"Thank you Ewe, I need to talk to Arces."
Ewe left.
Rayst said,"What happened up there Arces?"
Arces told him.
"A Chaos Lord huh? This could be bad. And he is made of manna."
"My blade was useless on him."
"Not surprizing. There is only one weapon meant to fight magic like him. the Supreme Arcan Stalf."
"Then hand it over."
"Thats the problem. Its not with me."
"Its in four pieces. One to different hidding places, to prevent anyone from miss using it."
"Then i'll get each of them."
"First, we need you to help out Ewe at the Cloister. It is wear the druids get their most power. We will need the druids aid against Ledgermayne."
Arces nodded.
In the morning he would head to the Cloister.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/9/2011 16:30:08)

Chapter 34
The Hunt For The Stalf

Areces set out that morning.

It toke only an hour of hiking to reach.
Arces arrived at the Cloister, a giant tree.
Ewe was there waiting.
He said,"Welcome Arces."
Arces bowed and asked,"What is wrong with the Cloister?"
Ewe looked sad. He said,"It has been over run by monsters."
"What does it do anyway?"
Ewe said,"It helps power the portal to the Para Elemental Realm. It makes it so no dies on the way in."
Arces replied,"Then i'll aid you in freeing it."
Arces went in.

Arces faught the monsters in his way.
He kept it up until he found something wrong with the tree.
He touched it's trunk.
Images flashedd through his head.
When he backed away, he knew what was wrong.

He ran to the other side of the tree, to find a piece of the tree itself broken in two.
The missing piece was being held by the Wendigo, a monster that mostly lives in mountains.
Arces went to the top of the tree.

When Arces made it, the Wendigo was watching the sky.
It held the missing piece in it's hand.
Arces saw he would have to fight it.
Arces snuck up on the Wendigo.
The monster sniffed the air, and turned to Arces.
It hit Arces in the chest with the tree piece.
Arces got up, and blocked the second attack.
Arces sent a little bit of flames at the monster, it backed away.
Arces made a ball of flames, and sent it at the monster's face, hitting with out a problem.
The Wendigo dropped the piece of tree. And backed away in fear.
Arces toke the tree limb, and hit the Wendigo on the head, knocking it out.

Arces placed the limb back in place.
The tree healed itself.
Arces had saved the Cloister.

Arces told Ewe the Cloister would be fine.
The druid thanked Arces.

Arces returned to Rayst.
He told Rayst the Cloister would be fine.
Rayst said,"Now we can begin to collect the pieces of the stalf."
Arces nodded.
Rayst told him the first piece would be in Mudluk. He would have to talk to Paddylump, the only mage of Mudluk.

Arces traveld to the tiny village of Mudluk.
He meet a weird frog man.
The frog said,"Welcome to Mudluk friend. I am Paddylump."
Arces explained the situation to Paddylump.
Paddylump said,"We will give you Rod of Defiance when you handel small problem for us."
Arces accepted the job.
Paddylump said,"Through all our efforts to protect rod, we make problem."
"I thought you were the only mage here."
"We all know magic, but mage study all magic, most Mudluk just study healing magic."
"I see."
"We make Tiger Leech. It very evil, and toke rod."
Arces knew what to do.
Paddylump gave him dirctions to the Tiger Leech.

Arces found the small fortress.
He pressed each of the magic runes like Paddylump told him to, in the right order. The fortress opened up.
A monster was inside, looking happy for fresh meat.
Arces attacked the Tiger Leech.
The leech was stong, but feel to Arces after his fifth blow.
Arces toke the rod it protected.

He showed the rod to Paddylump.
The mudluk looked surprized he had the rod.
Paddylump said,"It is now yours to end Ledgermayne. Fight well Arces."
"Thank you Paddylump."
Arces went to the locations of the next peice. The Runes of Riparian. They were located at the Natatorium.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/9/2011 19:42:43)

Chapter 35
The Supreme Arcane Stalf

Arces traveled to the lake called Natatorium.
Arces dove into it.

Surprizingly he could breath the water.
He swam to the bottom of the lake.

When he reached the bottom, a mermaid was waiting there.
She introduced herself. She said,"Hellow surface dweler, I am the mermaid sage, Nissy."
Arces introduced himself and asked,"I mush find the Runes of Riparian."
Nissy sighed and said,"They are held in a sunken ship, guarded by an ancient creacher called Nessie."
Arces sighed and said,'Where would the ship be?"
Nissy gave him the directions to the sunken ship.

Arces swam to the ship, fighting whatever got in his way.
He arrived at the ship.
When he went in, a monster was waiting for him. It was asleep.
Arces toke his chances and tried to sneak past it.
He accedintly tapped it's tail when swimming by it.
Nessie woke up to find a tresspasser tring to steal her treasure. Nessie attacked Arces.
Arces managed to block the attack.
Nessie attacked again.
Arces blocked again.
This kept up until he was pushed against the wall of the ship.
When Nessie got ready to strike, Arces was desperite enough to summon up a powerful flame.
To his surprize, a flame came from his maw.
Nessie ran from the flame.
Arces toke his chance and went for the runes.

Arces began to swim to the surface, when he felt something was following him.
When he looked back, nothing was there. He continued up.

Arces traveled to the next location.
The Ruins Gilead.

Arces meet up with Umbra, the Master Shaman.
Arces said to the shaman,"You must be Umbra."
Umbra nodded,"Rayst said you would come for the cloth soon enough."
Arces nodded.
The shaman said,"You will need to retrive it from the Mana Elemental in the ruins."
Arces wasn't surprized.
Umbra told Arces what he needed to do.

Arces went after all four runes around the ruins, each, together, would allow him to fight the Mana Elemental.

When he had all four ruins, he went to the highest point in the ruins.
When he showed the ruins to the gate, it opened.
Arces went higher.

When he reached the top, he faced the Mana Elemental.
It wasn't that tough looking.
Arces attacked the monster.
His blade went through it.
When it attacked, his blade protected him.
Arces kept protecting himself.
When the elemental sent another attack, Arces sliced off it's arm.
The Elemental had a weakness.
Arces got it to attack him again, and stabbed it in what was it's chest.
The monster fades.
Arces held up the stalf, and the cloth came to it.
Arces was almost done.
Then, Ledgermayne formed in front of him.
Arces shouted,"Ledgermayne!"
The mana being said,"We know what you are trying mortal."
"Drakath will not stop me."
"We no longer serve The Master."
"Why do you call him 'The Master' then?"
"That is all we know him as. But no matter. You will not stop us and our journey to stop the flow of magic into this world."
Arces said,"But that is the life force of Lore."
"I won't let you destroy Lore monster."
Ledgermayne said,"I will win fool."
When Ledgermayne vanished, an explosion of mana sent Arces flying back, nearly falling off the floating piece of ruins.
Arces got up and said,"I will win."
Arces decinded the ruins.
He went past Umbra, and went to his last location, Mafic.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/10/2011 2:14:26)

Chapter 36
The Para-Elemental Realm

Arces had arrived at Mafic.
There was no one waiting there.
Arces went up to the entrance.
He was jumped by something.
When he looked at it, he saw rock and fire.
The creacher said in a deep voice,"What do you want intruder?"
Arces replied,"Rayst sent me."
The creach got off Arces. It was a golem.
The golem asked,"What is you name?"
"I am Arces. You?"
the golem staritened and said,"I am Felsic, first of all magma golems. Named after the father of my creator. Friend of the mage Rayst and of Warlic. Guardian of the Chaos Control Crystal. Jailor of-"
"Sorry to stop you, but I need that crystal you mentianed."
The golem sighed and said,"It is guarded by my pet, the Mafic Dragon. You will have to beat it to gain the crystal."
"Of course."
Arces knew he would have to beat the dragon, something that disqusted him, fighting dragons.
Arces decinded into Mafic.

He faught his way to the bridge, only to find it raised.
Arces went back and activated the swiches to lower the bridge.

Arces went back to the bridge.
He crossed it.
When he reached the other side, he saw a giant red dragon.
Arces knew better than to sneak past it.
He said something in a language of growls and roars, draconic.
He said to the dragon,"I do not want to fight brother, but i require the idem you guard."
The dragon stireed and saw Arces. It replied,"You will not have my master's crystal with out a fight."
Arces sighed and said,"Then fight me."
The dragon waited for Artix to make the first move.
Arces lunged at the dragon. it simply moved out of the way.
Arces turned and sent a jet of flames at the dragon.
The dragon did the same.
They kept it up until Arces started to lose ground.
In his depest desperation, he used his dragon magic. His flames became blue and stronger.
The dragon began to lose ground.
Then, The dragon's flames broke, sending Arces' strait at it's face.
The dragon was out, but not dead.
Arces saw the gem behind the knocked out dragon. He went to it.

He pulled out the stalf.
The crystal started to move twoard it.
It kept moving slowly twoard the stalf.
Then, when it was only a couple inches from the stalf, Ledgermayne appeared and toke the crystal.
Ledgermayne said,"You will not beat us."It crushed the crystal.
Arces said,"This won't stop me."
Ledgermayne said,"We will see."
Arces fell to the ground.
He held the stalf over the crystal shards. The shards started to float around the stalf.
Arces said,"I have a chance."He rose and readied to leave.
Arces headed strait for the Tower of Magic.

When Arces made it to the tower, Ewe, Umbra, and Rayst were waiting there.
When arces came up, Rayst said,"Ahh, Arces, Felsic, it is good to see you."
Arces did not notice the golem following him.
Arces told them the events that had transpired.
When he finished, he showed them the Supreme Arcane Stalf.
All of them looked at it with surprize. the crystal was odd as shards.
Arces said,"When do we attack Ledgermayne?"
"Now, Arces."Rayst came up and examined the stalf again.
When he handed the stalf back to Arces, Arces said,"Lets get ready."

Arces, Rayst, Ewe, Umbra and Felsic went through the portal at the top of the Tower of Magic.

The world they stepped into was coposed of floting earth, terras. The tress were magic, the ground was too.
Arces felt a strong surge of energy stepping into this world.
He felt ready to defeat Ledgermayne.
They continued to journey though the Para-Elemental Realm, until they reached a small forces of magical monsters.
Astral falcons and mana imps.
The group decided that they destract the monsters while Arces sneaks by them, and gets to Ledgermayne.

When the group attacked, Arces grew a set of wings and flew by the monsters.
He flew past all the terras, until he saw the one he was looking for.
Ledgermayne was summoning something. Arces landed on the terra, receding his wings.
Arces shouted,"You're time is here Ledgermayne."
The Chaos Lord said,"You are to late to stop us Arces."
Ledgermayne raised his hands, finishing the summoing.
A golem of pure mana began to form. It was three times Arces' size.
It was a Chaos Beast. The Mana Golem.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/10/2011 12:59:30)

Chapter 37

Arces faced The Mana Golem. It was obsorbing all the mana in both Lore and the Para-Elemental Realm.
Arces had to stop it.
He threw his sword at it's face. It bouced right off.
Arces charged it, grabbed his sword, and tried to send his sword into it's face.
Arces managed to embead his blade in it's face, but it shatered.
The Mana Golem let out a howl of pain.
Arces' weapon was gone.
He had one choise.
He grabbed The Supreme Arcanr Stalf. He pointed it at The Mana Golem, and sent a giant blast of magical enrgy at it.
Instead of obsorbing it, it hurt the golem.
Arces toke his chances and did it again. The golem was getting weak.
Arces ran up to the golem and sent a jet of falmes at it.
The golem let out another howl of pain.
It tried to get the Arces, but to no avail.
Arces thought of Gravelyn's smile, and his eyes turned into that pearl white color. His flames became stronger.
The golem was getting weaker.
Arces grabbed the remains of his sword, stopped the flames, and raced up the golem's arm.
The golem tried to stop him, but was to slow.
Arces raced up to it's face, and sent the remains of his sword into it's face.
The Mana Golem roared in pain. It began to glow.
Arces had to get off it.
When he landed, The Mana Golem exploded.
The Chaos Beast was gonme, now the Chaos Lord remained.
Arces grabed his shattered sword, and put the pieces in his sheath.
He extended a set of wings, and flew off to another terra, where Ledgermayne was waiting.

Arces landed on the terra.
Ledgermayne said,"You have defeated our Chaos Beast. Now, you will perish mortal."
Arces replyed,"Not if I have this."
Ledgermayne looked at the stalf. It said,"You used the shrds from the Chaos Control Crystal, interesting."
Arces raised the stalf, and pointed it at Ledgermayne. A blast of mana went strait at him.
Ledgermayne got out of the just in time.
Arces sent another blast at him, and another, and so on.
Ledgermayne was dodging them all.
Arces jumped into the air, and hit Ledgermayne on the head with the stalf, knocking him back to the ground.
Ledgermayne got up only to be hit on the head again by Arces.
Arces readied another beam on Ledgermayne.
The Chaos Lord got up and out of the way at the last second. He was weaker though. Arces saw this.
Arces charged right up, pulled out the hilt from his sword, and sliced at Ledgermayne with the remaining blade on it.
Ledgermayne was to weak to dodge the slice. He healed the gash in only a couple seconds.
Arces got to a distance, and sent a jet of flames at Ledgermayne.
Ledgermayne didn't see it coming, and couldn't get a shild up.
The Chaos Lord wailed in pain.
Arces kept the flames going until Ledgermayne collapsed.
When it did, Arces went up to Ledgermayne, and pointed his stalf at the monster.
Arces was summoning the full power of The Supreme Arcane Stalf.
When there should have been a giant beam of mana, the crystal shards stopped floating.
Ledgermayne rose, and said,"We win Arces."
When it looked like Arces was going to die, a voise said,"He is still needed for the plans you traitor."
Arces looked to see Drakath.
Ledgermayne said,"Sorry Master, but Lore must die. You will die if necisary."
Drakath said,"Not today."He focused his energy into the remaining crystal shards on the stalf.
Arces sent a powerful blast at Ledgermayne.
Ledgermayne let out a louder wail of pain. And the Chaos Lord vanished.
Arces said to Drakath,"Why would you help me Drakath?"
"Your still necisary Arces."
Arces toke his chances, and tried to hit Drakath in the face with his stalf.
Drakath saw it coming, and grabbed the stalf.
Arces said,"Thought I had the element of surprize."
Drakath said,"I will see you again Arces."
Drakath vanished.

Arces returned to Rayst and the others.
They had defeated all the mosters.
Arces went up and told them of what happened.
Rayst and the others looked uneasy.
Ewe said,"Never mind that for now. First, the druids give you our thanks Arces."
Umbra said,"As do the shamans."
"And the magma golems."Felsic looked like he was tring to smile.
Rayst came up and said,"All the magic users of Arcanegrove owe dept to you Arces."
"That is good to know. Because one day I might ask you to aid me in fighting Drakath."
"We would fight alongside you with pride,"Ewe said.
"All of us,"Felsic replied.
Arces nodded and said,"We are done here. Let us be on out way."

Arcangrove had a small feast in Arces' honor.
Arces decided to be on his way in the morning.
After the feast Arces went to stare at the stars.
When he looked at the constelation Lion Heart, he remembered the story Galanoth told him.

'Lion Heart was once a feirce lion here on Lore. He was strong, wise, and kind. When he became charuted by an unown force, he was forced to run from the evil energys. When he became tired, he would be even more charupted. In his despiration, he looked to the stars and found his answer. He climed to the highest point in the world, and jumped into the stars. As so, he became the constaltion, Lion Heart.'

Arces always remembered the story. It was the first Galanoth told him. To him, Galanoth was like a father.
Arces looked at the stars for another hour, before going to bed.

The next morning, he set out on his way back to Swordhaven.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/10/2011 13:37:41)

Chapter 38
The Sandsea Awaits

Arces had traveld for almost a week. That fight against Ledgermayne had nearly wiped him completly out.
Arces went up to the gates.
The guards alowed him to pass.
He went to the throne room.

When he went in, King Alteon was surprized to see him.
To Arces' surprize, Gravelyn was standing right next to the king. She looked both happy and mad to see Arces, if that is posible.
Gravelyn went up to Arces and slapped him. She said,'How dare you leave with out telling the king or me where you were going!?"
Arces got up and said,"I have toaken down another Chaos Lord."
Gravelyn got a little less mad and said,"Tell us what happened."
Arces began to tell them the story.
When he was done, Gravelyn let out a sigh and said,"Forgive me for slapping you my friend."
Arces said,"It is no problem my lady. I deserved it."
King alteon said,"While you were gone we resived word of Chaos is the Sandsea. Ahoom sent us word that there have been weird sandstorms happening."
Arces didn't need an explanation. He knew what to do.
When he was about to leave the throne room, he collapsed.
Gravelyn ran up and caught him. She shouted,"Arces!"

Arces woke up in his chambers. It was late night.
When he tried to stand, his legs ached in pain.
Someone in the corner said,'Don't try my friend, it will make you feel worse."
When Arces looked, it was Gravelyn.
Arces then noticed he was in his sleeping clothes.
He looked at Gravelyn and asked,"Did you change me?"
Gravelyn said"'No that was Artix who did that."
Arces nodded and asked,"What happened to me?"
"You were suffering from exahstion, and your legs broke when you colapsed. Knowing half-dragons, you'll be fine soon."
Arces nodded and said,"Thank you my friend."
Gravelyn said,"It is no problem Arces."

The next few days Arces stayed in bed to heal up.

After a week in bed, him and Gravelyn were enjoying a nice look at the beautiful day.
Arces said,"I think i'll be taking a nap soon Gravelyn, you mind helping me to my bed?"
Despite him healing ver well, he still needed help moving in and out of his bed.
Gravelyn, wearing her dress, helped Arces up.
When they were to his bed, Gravelyn sliped.
Arces fell onto his bed, and Gravelyn was overtop him.
They stared into each other's eyes. Both looked like they were in a daze.
Then, Gravelyn was leaning in to kiss Arces.
Arces closed his eyes and got ready for the kiss.
Then, someone knocked on the door. Gravelyn got off of Arces and went to see who it was.
It was Alina. she had come to give Arces his daily potion to speed his healing.
Arces proped himself onto his bed.
Alina said,"Drink this potion as fast as posible Arces."
She walked out.
Gravelyn sat in her chair in the corner looking depressed.
Arces didn't know what was wrong with her. Maybe she loved someone.
Arces felt horrible to let something like that happen.
Arces drank his potion in one chug.
The potion had a side effect though. It makes you sleepy very fast.
In only a few seconds, Arces was asleep.

He had a dream.
Him and Gravelyn were enjoying a beautiful day with their son.
Arces wore a set of royal robes and King Alteon's crown. He had a short trimed red beard, his hair was cut short and ragged.
Gravelyn wore a beautful red sleaveless dress, a gold tiara, and her hair was tied back into a ponytail.
Their son was around five. He wore a small leather tunic, a coton shjirt undrneath, a pair of black pants, and small leather boots.
He looked like his father. His hair and eyes matched both his parents, but he looked more like his father.
The three of them had a wonderful day.

Arces woke up to find Gravelyn sleeping in her corner.
It was late night.
Arces decided to check his legs.
They were nearly healed.
Another day or two, he would be able to walk again.

The next morning him and Gravelyn watched the activitys outside.
Gravlyn looked disturbed by yesterday.
Arces put a hand on her shoulder and said,"Don't worry Gravelyn."
That seemed to reasure Gravelyn for some reason.
She said,"Thank you Arces."
Arces nodded and looked at the activites.

That night him and Gravelyn, after they ate, watched the stars.
Gravelyn said,"The stars are so beautiful, arn't they?"
Arces, not losing his confidance, said,"They are. but not as beautiful as you lady Gravelyn."
Gravelyn didn't catch what Arces said, and asked,"What?"
Arces said,"Nothing my lady."Arces' face was so red his flames looked pale.
Gravelyn just laughed when she saw his face.
Arces couldn't help laughing too.
The two looked at the stars until Alina came in.
Alina gave arces his potion, and left.
Gravelyn helped Arces to his bed, and he drank his potion.

He had the same dream as the night before.

He woke up to find his legs completly healed.
He got up, dressed, and ready to head to the Sandsea.
He said goodbye to Gravelyn and King Alteon, and left.
He was wearing a set of desert rags instead of his armor.
He got on his dracolich, and flew to the oasis in the Sandsea.
What ever awaited him, he was ready.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/10/2011 21:22:45)

Chapter 39
Zahart, Mage of the Sands

Arces had been flying for roughly a couple hours before he reached the Sandsea Oasis, a small town around the Sandsea's largest oasis.
Arces landed at the entrance to the small town.
Zhoom came up and said,'Good to see you Arces. It has been a while."
both shock hands.
Arces said,'I heard you have had some problems my friend."
"I wish we didn't."
Arces nodded. He said,"What has exactly happened?"
Zhoom told him about the odd sandstorms erupting all around. And the spoting of the traitoris mage, Zahart. Zhoom belived he was responsible for these storms.
Arces said,"Where do we begin?"
"A long time ago, the Sandsea had a port, before we became a desert. It was uncovered by the sandstorms, and we belive Zahart is there."
Arces nmodded."Sounds good to me."
The two decided to set out.

When they arrived, the port was infested with bandits and orcs.
Arces said,"What is with all the bandits and mercenarys?"
"Protection. Zahart was never a good mage, but he could still use an artifact if he found one."
Arces understood.

Arces faught past the bandits, and orcs, until he reached a group of Horc Pay Blades.
They were ruthless mercanarys, they worked for the highest bid, and faught until their jobs were done.
Arces faced the four orcs and said,"Let me by."
The orcs looked at him and pointed their blades at him.
Their leader, the largest, said,"Zahart wants no interuption."
Arces inhaled a large breath.
The orcs laughed saying,"He is going to blow us down?"
They had no idea what he was.
Arces sent a large blast of flames on them.
Their leader was the only one who got out of the way. The other three got hit by the flames, and fell over, dead.
Their leader stood and said,"Fight me firebreather."
Arces unsheathed his word, freashly forged.
Their blades meet in mid air. They kept slashing at each other, only to have their swords meet in mid air.
They were evenly mached in swordsman ship.
The orc did a dirty trick, he triped Arces, making him drop his blade.
The orc got ready for the kill.
Arces meet the orc's eyes. Arces' eyes had turned their fire red.
Arces sent a giant jet of flames down the orc's throat, burning him from the inside out.
The orc feel to the ground, dead.
Arces grabbed his sword and proceded.

He saw a man in black rags reading ancient writing.
Arces walked up to the man.
The man said,"I said no interuptions."
"Are you Zahart?"
The man turned and said,"You arn't one of the Pay blades. But I am Zahart."
Arces pointed his blade at Zahart and said,'Then you won't mind answering some questions."
"I do mind."He pulled out a ring and said,"Tibicinius, rise and kill this hero."
A blast of Chaos energy sent Arces back a few feet.
A weird creacher floated in front of Arces.
The monster said,"Master?"
"Kill this fool Tibicinius."That was he had to say.
Tibicinius grabed Arces by his throat, and lifted him up, choaking him to death.
Zahart was laughing.
Then, an arrow barly missed Zahart, tearing a little chunk from his rags.
Zahart looked to see Zhoom with his bow at the ready.
Zhoom said,"Let my friend go Zahart."
Zahart said,"Tibicinius, kill these-"
Zhoom jumped down, knocked an arrow, and pointed it at Zahart's right temple. He said,"Chaose your next words carefully."
Zahart stopped and thought for a second before saying,"Let him go."
Tibicinius dropped Arces.
Arces was gasping for breath.
Zhoom said,"Come with me Zahart."
Zahart's reponce was,"Tibicinius, get us out of here."
The two vanished.
Zhoom, so surprized, accidently let go of his arrow, which was speeding toward Arces.
Arces dropped just in time.
Arces, in a rasping voice, siad,"Be careful Zhoom.'
"Sorry Arces."
"What was that thing?"
"A djinn."
Arces asked,"Those things in lamps?"
"Not all of them. Some can be put in rings and such, like that one. I never thought they existed until now."
Arces said,"How do we beat it?"
"With another djinn. And I think I know how to find one."
Arces asked,"How?"
Zhoom said,"We find the God King of the Sandsea of course, Sek Duat."

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/11/2011 19:02:56)

Chapter 40
Sek Duat

Arces and Zhoom knew of one place to search for Sek Duat.
The Pyramid of Sek Duat. A pyramid ordered by Sek Duat lV, aka, Sek Duat.
They traveled to the ruined pyramid.
It was guarded by mummys and Anubis Guards.
Zhoom said,"They are noting compaired to me."
Before Arces could respond, Zhoom ran to the entrance, and destroyed each of the guards.
Arces went up and said,"You are definently tougher than you look."
Zhoom nodded and went deeper into the pyramid.
Everywhere Arces went, Anubis guards were knocked out or dead, and mummys were piles of dust and rags.

When Arces fianly caught up, Zhoom was facing a way to a chamber.
The half-elf said,"He is through there. I know it."
Arces said,"I feel it too Zhoom. It feels like a thousand deaths in there."
Zhoom began to walk in, sword drawn.
Arces pulled out his blade, and followed.

The two were facing a skinny creach in gold armor and rags. Sek Duat.
The lich said,"You found me. Stubborn as usual Zhoom. And another hero is with you."
"I am Arces, servant of her lady Gravelyn."
Sek Duat laughed and said,"So the truse is real? I guess your proof of it."
Zhoom pulled up his sword and said,"We have questions for you monster."
The lich stepped back and said,"Catch me."
The carpet he was standing on began to float, then flew away.
Zhoom said,"Go after him Arces."
Arces sproated a pair of wings, and his eyes turned pearl white. He flew after Sek Duat.

Arces spotted the lich.
He was going at fast speeds.
Arces foreced a strong push with his wings. He was catching up with the monster.
Sek Duat looked back to see Arces flying behind him. He meet Arces' glance.
Arces saw what Sek duat desired.
He saw Sek Duat in his human form.
The king had brown hair, tanned skin, yellow eyes, and had more mussle. he wore his armor, but no mask.
He went out to his people. He raaied his hands, and it began to rain.
He wanted his old life, and more.
He also wanted power.
Arces looked at the creacher. It was to good for him.
Arces pushed his wings harder.
He was now so cloase the flying carpet, he could almost touch it.
Sek Duat looked away from Arces, and forced a stalagtite to fall on him. It missed by only an inch.
Arces let out a jet of flames. It missed the lich entirely.
It now looked like Sek duat would get away.
Zhoom appeared on one of the broken collums at the exit. He knocked and arrow, and aimed at Sek Duat.
Arces kept the lich's attention.
Sek duat was only a foot from the desert, when an arrow bounched of his mask. He feel to the ground, dazed.

When Arces and Zhoom got theground, the tied up the lich.
They waited for him to come to.
When he did, he asked,"You dare tie up the God King of the Sandsea?"
Zhoom said,"You are king of nothing Sek Duat."
The lich looked mad and said,"You will get nothing from me elf."
Arces said,"Then we can give you to Zahart."
Sek Duat backed away and said,'You wouldn't dare. I am the King of the Sandsea!"
Arces looked at him and said,"You're just a living pile of dust in an old pyramid. If you don't talk, you're worth nothing."
Zhoom smiled and said,"So the imortal lich is scared of Zahart."
Sek Duat was scared."I'll tell you what you want, just don't hand me over to that pethetic mage."
"Then you know where to find a djinn?"Arces asked.
"I have one location that might be hidding one. but you have to take me with you."
"Deal,"Arces and Zhoom said."Now spill it."

The three of them headed toward a cave deep in the desert.

When they arrived, an old cave was laid in front of them.
Zhoom would watch over Sek Duat while Arces went in and find the djinn.

Arces traveled through the cave , which was more like ruins on the inside.
He faught anything in his way.
Nothing got in his way after a while.
He eventaly entered the remains of a great hall. And at the end, was a golden lamp.
Arces went down the hall, toward the lamp.
When he was about to grab the lamp, something hit him in the back of the head. It was a rock.
He looked behind him to find Sek Duat, but Zhoom wasn't with him.
Arces said,"What are you doing here lich?"
Sek Duat looked annoyed."I am here for what is mine."
Sek Duat pulled out a hidden sword, finely made, and charged at Arces.
Arces blocked the attack, forcing Sek Duat back.
Arces attacked Sek Duat with feirce strikes.
Sek Duat attacked when he had the chance to.
When their blades meet again, Sek duat attacked Arces with a fireball.
Arces got mad, and sent a jet of flame at the lich.
Sek Duat backed away.
Then, an arrow priced Sek Duat's back.
Zhoom was behind the lich. He had a black eye and a small gash on his cheek.
Sek Duat faced Zhoom, and sent a giant fireball at him.
Zhoom was hanging off of the edge of the floor.
Arces ran to him to try and save his friend, Zhoom fell to his death.
Arces face the lich."You will pay Sek-"
He was hit in the shest with an arcan spell. his heart stopped, and he fell.
Sek Duat put down his sword, and graabbed his prize.
The lich said,"Victory is mine!"
While he was laughing, Arces and Zhoom walked away with the lamp.
Sek Duat was holding a rock.
They had sliped him some dream powder. It made anyone belive what they wanted.

The two meet up outside the cave.
Arces said,"What do we do now Zhoom?"
Zhoom's face was stern."We summon the djinn of course."
Zhoom rubbed the lamp. A djinn appeared before them.
The djinn said,"I am Saahir."
Arces said,"Saahir, we seek your aid to defeat a man named Zahart, and a djinn named Tibicenas."
"Did you just say Tibicenas?"Saahir asked.
"You know him?"Zhoom asked.
"Yes. there are three kinds of Djinn. the good djinn like me. The evil djinn, like Tibicenas once was. And the Efreet, leader of all djinn. Tibicenas sought more power than the Efreet. thus, he found out about the powers of Chaos. The Efreet was not happy when he heard of Tibicenas useing forbidden powers. He sealed him in a ring, and trapped him to the Lore for the rest of existance."
"Well Zahart uses him now,"Arces was asying,"and is destroying the Sandsea."
Saahir looked at them."I will aid you."
Arces smiled and said,"We thank you Saahir."
the three headed back to the Sandsea Oasis.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/12/2011 20:10:13)

Chapter 41
The Chaos Shinx

Arces, Zhoom and Saahir meet together the next day.
Zhoom had recived reports that something was happening in the Sand Castle. An ancient structure held together by magic.
The three decided to head there. Saahir would wait in his lamp.

When Zhoom and Arces made it to the Sand Castle, they knew something wasn't right. the two went toward the structure.
When they heard movement, they hid behind a sand dune.
Mummys were patroling the structure. They were dressed in armor.
Arces whispered,"How do we get past them?"
Zhoom wasn't there.
Arces looked at the entrance, and saw Zhoom surounded by armor, rags, and dust.
Zhoom was sneaky if he could get past Arces' sences.
Arces followed Zhoom.

The two traveled through the castle, fighting everything in their path.
They reached the top of the castle.
When they walked through the arch way, Zahart and Tibicenas were there. They were facing a giant statue of a lion with a human head. A shinx.
Zhoom knocked an arrow. Arces unsheathed his sword.
Zahart said,"Now rise mighty Chaos Beast. Rise mighty Chaos Shinx."
Arces saw Zahart place a purple crystal in the shinx's chest. The shinx began to come to life, stone becoming flesh.
When it was completly alive, it faced Arces and Zhoom with hate.
Zahart and Tibicenas did not notice the intruders.
Zahart said,"Kill them Shinx."
The giant shinx bounded toward the two.
Zhoom got on top of the arch. Arces faced the shinx.
Arces slashed at the shinx's face.
The shinx let out a giant roar.
Arces covered his ears. it was so loud, the Sand Castle shock from it.
Zhoom shot an arrow into it's neck.
The shinx quit it's roar, and stared at Zhoom.
Something swated down the shinx when it tried to lucge at Zhoom.
A dragon was standing where Arces had been mere seconds earlier. It was what you saw in a nightmare. It was Arces.
Arces let out a turret of red flames.
The shinx howled in pain.
Before Arces completly lost it, he regained control. He thought of Gravelyn's smile to make him happy again.
He began to change into his dream form.
Everyone looked at the noble dragon.
Arces saw all their desires.
Zahart's dream was him as a great mage.
Zhoom dreamt of a family.
The shinx dreamt of life.
Tibicenas showed only darkness.
Arces attacked the shinx, knocking the crystal from it's chest, turning it back to stone. Arces destroyed it with his tail.
Zahart stared at the dragon.
Arces changed to his original form.
Zahart snapped out of it."Tibicienas, kill these-"
Zhoom shot at Zahart's ring, breaking the jewel on it.
Tibicenas said,"I am finaly free. Drakath said it wouldn't take long until I was free."
Zahart said,"Tibicenas, obey your master."
The djinn faced Zahart and said,"I have no master."He grabbed Zahart by the neck, holding him in the air."Obey me Zahart." The djinn dropped the mage.
Zahart said,"Yes my master."
Zhoom and Arces stepped back to avoid the djinn.
Tibicenas said,"I thank you. now I am free to take down the Efreet, and take his throne. You may keep your lifes."
Tibicenas and Zahart vanished.
After a couple minutes, the two snapped out of their fear.
Arces said,"We need to get to the djinn world, and save the Efreet."
Zhoom nodded."Only one creacher can aid us with this."He pulled out the lamp."Saahir, we call for you aid."
A djinn began to form in front of the two.
Saahir said,"What do you require?"
Arces looked at the djinn."We need to get the world of djinns."
Saahir asked,"Why my friends?"
"Tibicenas is free, and he seeks to take down the Efreet."Zhoom had a stern look on his face.
Saahir rcoiled in anger."What happened/"
They told him.
The djinn looked angered."I will take you. I do not blame you for freeing Tibicenas eather. But we must save the Efreet."
Saahir opened a portal to his world."We must go now."
the three stepped through the portal.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/12/2011 23:30:03)

Chapter 42
King of the Sandsea

Arces, Zhoom and Saahir appeared in the Djinn world.
It was a paradice in a world of Chaos.
Saahir was the only one not surprized at what was in front of them.
Then, the sound of flames filled their ears. the three turned to see a djinn with flames burning on his shoulders and head.
The djinn said,"Who dares to defile my realm?"
Saahir bowed and said,"Mighty Efreet, they do not mean harm. they only seek to defeat the true threat."
The Efreet looked down on the bowing djinn."Saahir, my student. what do you mean?"
"Tibicenas,"was his reply.
Efreet gripped his fist in anger and said,"Traitor. What of his prison?"
Zhoom and Arces stepped foward and said,"That would be our fault he escaped."
Efreet looked into their eyes."You meant no hamr. I will forgive you if you aid us."
Arces said,"We would be honored."Both of them bowed.
Zhoom proceeded to ask,"What is Tibicenas' story?"
Saahir said,"The Efreet will not-"
Efreet said,"That is enough, they desirve to know."
Zhoom and Arces listened to the King of the djinn.
"Long ago, when Lore was VERY young, I was made King of the djinn. I was originaly a djinn of evil. During the war btween good and evil, I seperated from the other djinn. I chose to unite our kind."
Arces began to see what Efreet had lived. He originaly had red skin with no flames. He had s crown of horns on his head. His eyes were icy blue. He also wore a chestplate of pure iron.
The Efreet continued."when the war was at it's worst, I sought to end it there. I went to the center of the battle feild, and began my speeach.

'My brothers and sisters.'
the fighting stopped. All djinn looked at the young Efreet.
'Why do we fight? We are all of the same kind. We all live. We all need one another. Yes, each one of has diferent belives, but are we so different?'
The two kinds of djinn looked at one another. They were surprized to hear these words.
'We all seek our own dreams. We are all djinn. Again, why do we fight?'
A djinn of good stepped foward.'It is what we have done for all existance. What else is there?'
'We can unite. We are all djinn, wether good or evil. We must work together, or vanish.'
The djinn began to see truth in his words.
'What do you say?'
All the djinn put down their weapons and cheered.
The leaders of the two djinn stepped foward.
The good one was skinny, but had glowing yellow orbs for eyes, he also had pale skin. He wore a blue tunic.
The evil one had silver skin and red eyes.
They both said,'Lead us mighty one.'They bowed, like the rest of the djinn.
Efreet looked at the two leaders and said,'I will lead you.'
The two leaders turned to mist, and fused with Efreet.
The mighty djinn became what he is now. He shouted,'I am The Efreet, ruler of the djinn.'

"I toke on two students when I became their leader. Both were formed when the old leaders vanished. Saahir and Tibicenas. I taught both how to fight and everything. i acted like a father to them.
"After a centary of training, they both were no longer my students. They were ready for life."
Saahir continued."Me and Tibicenas began to fight for our Efreet. After years of serivise, tibicenas asked me;
'Saahir my brother, why do we no seek more power?'
'Why would we need more power brother?'
'I do not know, but why?'
'We have all the power we need right now.'
'Could there be another reason?'
'Only if you wanted The efreet's throne.'
'I see, thank you my brother.'

"Tibicenas soon saught out that power. He used forbidden powers, and became infused with the lost power of Chaos."
Efreet cut off Saahir."Tibicenas saught me out, and challanged me;

Tibicenas came up out of nowhere, and faced The Efreet.
Efreet turned to see his student, distorted.
'Tibicenas, what have you done?'
'I have take on the forbidden power. Chaos.'
That word set off the Efreet. He attacked tibicenas, and engolfed him in flames that burned through time and space. Tibicenas wailed in pain.
'You will pay for admitting that crime Tibicenas. there is a world oppisite of ours. You will be trapped there, in this ring.'Aring formed in Efreet's right hand.
As Tibicenas was being sealed, he shouted,'You will pay Efreet!'

The Efreet stopped talking.
Zhoom said,"It must have been hard."
"It was elf."The efreet looked burduned."He was like my son. Him and Saahir were all i had at one point. But Tibicenas was a treat to the order. I had to do it."
Arces nodded.
"Touching teacher."
The four of the turned to see tibicenas and Zahart.
"You will pay for sealing me away."He had an evil smile on his face.
"I will not fight you twise my student."
"Mighty efreet,"Saahir had an angered glare at Tibicenas,"let me fight him."
Saahir attacked Tibicenas.
"Saahir, you-"Arces cut himself off.
Saahir was being crushed.
Tibicenas crushed Saahir until he became nothing but light.
Zhoom was surprized,"You killed Saahir."
"Sadly no, he will return to this world in a few hundred years."
Arces looked at the Efreet."Djin can grant wishes right?'
The Efreet said,"To an extint."
"I wish Tibicenas to be striped of his powers."
"I can only take his djinn powers."
"Close enough."
"Very well hero."
The Efreet formed a seal of flames in his left hand, and sent it at Tibicenas.
Tibicenas fell to the ground, weak.
"What have you done?"he asked.
"Taken you down to my level."Arces pulled out his sword.
Tibicenas formed a blade out of his powers over Chaos.
Arces said,"Let us end this."
"Very well Arces."
Their blades meet in mid air.
The two meet each other's blows.
They kept it up.
After a while, zhoom pulled out his sword.
But, it wasn't his sword, it was the one Sek Duat had. Arces kenw this sword. The blade of Kings. It was made when Sek Duat l came to throne.
Zhoom joined in the fight.
It proved to aid Arces in fighting Tibicenas.
They kept up the blows, unti lTibicenas gave an opening. Arces kicked him in the chest.
The djinn went back, dropping his blade.
Arces ran up to Tibicenas, and lodged his sword just a few inches from the djinn's heart.
Zhoom landed the final blow, and sent his sword through Tibicenas' heart.
The Chaos Lord began to vanish.
When he completly vanished, The two rose, and faced the Efreet.
The king of the djinn looked skocked at what the two did."Thank you young ones. As a reward, you may each grant a wish."
Arces went up first and said,"I do not want a wish mighty Efreet. i only seek your aid against Drakath."
The Efreet looked at Arces and said,"A simple man. I will aid you when the day comes."
Arces bowed, and allowed Zhoom to go up.
"Mighty Efreet. I only wish my race to exist once more."
The Efreet snapped his fingers, and a bunch of orb appeared in the area. they began to form into elfs with tan skin and white eyes.
Sand Elfs.
Zhoom looked at the Efreet.
The Efreet said,"They will live in our world. We grow food here. Each one here is each elf killed by Sek Duat and his men. one day, they will return to Lore."
Zhoom looked at their faces and began to cry."Thank you mighty Efreet."
A female sand elf with brown hair walked up to Zhoom.
Zhoom remembred her."Mother."
She looked happy and said,"Thank you my son. You look like your father you know."
Zhoom back away."Don't say his name, he let you die."
She looked a little sad."I stayed behind Zhoom. I told him to run off and let me die. You were moreimportant than me."
"He did take care of me."
"I know, I watched over you Zhoom. Your father raised you alone. Sek Duat never wanted you. He just wanted the sand elfs to die. He got you to safety. He cared for you until he died."
Zhoom began to cry.
"Go my dear. it is time for you to return."
Zhoom said,"I will see you again."
His mother nodded.
By this time, Zahart came to.
"Wh..where am I?"
The efreet came to the mage.
Zahart was freaking out when he saw Efreet.
"He can not stay here."Efreet didn't like Zahart.
Arces nodded."We must go soon anyway."
Efreet said,"I can send you back to the Oasis."
Zhoom said,"That would be thanked Efreet."
"The two of you must never return until Drakath is gone."
Arces grabbed Zahart."We would like to go."
Efreet summoned a seal of flames.
The three vanished from the djinn world.

Zahart, Arces and Zhoom popped up in the center of the town.
Everyone was starring at the three of them.
Someone shouted,"It is Zahart!"
Zhoom shouted,"No need to fear, Zahart is nothing but a pathetic excuse for a mage now."
The town trusted Zhoom's word, as did the Sandsea.
Zhoom and Arces began to tell the tale of the land of djinn, and the return of the sand elfs.
After the tale, Zhoom said,"And now Sek Duat is no longer King of the Sandsea. We require a new king. I have seen many heros, but only one could be king. Arces."
Zhoom bowed in front of Arces and said,"Will you be our king?"
Everyone bowed like Zhoom.
Arces said,"It is not that i'm honored Zhoom, but i am not ready to be a king. These are your people, not mine. this is your land, not mine. You desireve to be king more than me Zhoom."
Everyone was shocked by Arces' words.
Zhoom rose and said,"I could never be the King of the Sandsea. You would be a better king than me. i am not worthy of it."
"You just proved you are Zhoom. A true king never accpts that kind of offer with out reason. You want me to be king for your people. So be king, and lead them to a new life."
Zhoom said,"Very well Arces, I will become King of the Sandsea."
Arces shouted,"All hail King Zhoom!"
Everyone shouted the same message.
As of that day, Zhoom would lead his people to a new life.
King Zhoom was born.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/13/2011 1:31:56)

Chapter 43
King Zhoom

Arces found his dracolich, and flew back to Swordhaven.

When he arrived, he gathered all the those of power in Swordhaven together. King alteon, Princess Brittney, Princess Victoria, Princess Terra, Artix, Rolith, Alina, and, to his surprise, Gravelyn.
Arces told them,"Friends. I have returned from the Sandsea. I have defeated Tibicenas, a Chaos Lord. i have gained the aid of the djinns. and the sandsea has gained a new king. Zhoom is going to be crowned their king with in the following month. He wishes us all to be there."
Everyone was surprised by what Arces said. artix said,"I knew Zhoom would become great one day. But what happened in the Djiin world?"
Arces told them what they had done.
When he finished his tale, everyone all felt it to be true.
Alina said,"When is the crowning?"
"With in a couple weeks. Zhoom wishes all his friends to be there. He now resides in Sek Duat's old palace."

Within the following days everyone of them prepaired to leave Swordhaven.
Artix would ride a caravan with the king and princesses. Arces and Gravelyn would ride dracolichs. Everyone else had griffons.

Arces and Gravelyn were talking while they were in the air.
Arces said,"Are you okay Gravelyn?"
Gravelyn said,"Yes Arces, i'm...i'm fine."
Arces said,"Your lieing. I can tell. You arn't okay."
Gravelyn looked a little red and said,"You shouldn't-"
Arces interupted."Stop lieing to me Gravelyn, just come clean. I know something isn't right. I can tell it in your eyes."
Gravelyn looked at Arces and said,"It has nothing to do with you Arces."
Arces muttered,"I love you Gravelyn."
Gravelyn didn't catch what he said."What?"
"Nothing. It has nothing to do with you."
Arces and Gravelyn didn't talk to each other for the rest of the trip.

When they landed, Zhoom welcomed them."Arces good to see you. And is this your girl friend?"
Gravelyn was pure red.
Arces was even redder. He said,"No Zhoom, this is Gravelyn, Emress of the Shadowscythe."
Zhoom nodded and said,"Sorry Lady Gravelyn, I was only joking."
Gravelyn nodded and said,"It is okay Zhoom."

With in the next couple weeks, everyone arrived.
Princess Miko, Cysero, everyone from Swordhaven, Nythera and her husband Ryugi, Warlic, and many more, even Kasof.
Everyone came to see the new King of the Sandsea crowned.

The next day, everyone dressed for the occasion.
Gravelyn wore her beautiful red dress. Plus she tied her hair back into a ponytail.
Arces wore a fine red tunic, with black dress pants, and a pair of hunting boots.
Artix wore a finely made tux.
The princesses wore beautiful white dresses.
Warlic wore his regualr robes.
Nythera and Ryugi were dressed for the occasion. nythera in beautiful purple ball room dress. Ryugi in a grey tux.
Everyone else was in fine dress clothes.

Zhoom came walking into the room wearing a finely made set of robes.
Everyone stood on each side of Zhoom.
Zhoom walked down the ayle of people.
Zhoom walke up to Arces, King Alteon, and Gravelyn.
Zhoom bowed in front of Arces.
Arces held a crown of rure gold over Zhoom's head."now ends Zhoom."
He placed the crown on Zhoom's head."Now rise King Zhoom."
Zhoom rose as King of the Sandsea.
Everyone started claping.

After the crowning, everone began to talk, dance, and eat.
Nythera and Ryugi were dancing.
Cysero was dancing with his wife.
Artix was dancing with Princess Brittney. Princess Brittney was staring at her sister with distaste.
Others were also dancing.
Arces looked to see Gravelyn looking at those dancing with jealocy.
Arces walked up to Gravelyn. He stood next to her.
Miko looked at him, telling him to go ahead.
Arces faced Gravelyn."Lady Gravelyn."
Gravelyn looked at Arces.
Arces held out his hand."Would you have this dance with me?"
Gravelyn looked at Arces' face, noticing he was blushing. she wondered if he felt the same about her.
She grabbed his hand and said,"You may."
Arces saw the smile on her face.
The two went on the dance floor.
To both of their surprise, they both knew how to dance.
They danced for a few songs, never even losing eye contact.
Then, Miko managed to get them to sing a certain song.
This song, was a slow love song.
All the dancers began to slow down, and hold each other closer.
Arces looked even more embarased, samefor Gravelyn. they danced slower, and pulled sach other closer.
Gravelyn looked up at Arces. Their eyes meet once more.
Gravelyn began to go in and kiss Arces.
Arces knew what she was tring to do.
Arces pulled away. And left.
Miko was disapointed. Her plan to help Arces had failed.

Gravelyn meet up with Arces outside.
Arces was disapointed. When he saw Gravelyn, he began to walk away.
Gravelyn ran up, and grabbed Arces.
Arces said,"Let me go my lady."
Gravelyn looked conserned."Arces. We need to talk."
"No we don't."
Gravelyn pulled Arces closer, and said,"Why are you running?"
"I'm not running-"
"Why are you running?"
"I said i'm not."
"You are."
"I am-"
"Admit it Arces!"
"I have nothing-"
"Do you love someone?"
That question caught Arces off guard."that is none of your-"
"Be honest Arces."
Arces looked at her beautiful face. Her face made him calm down.
"I do."
Miko was off in the distance, tring to get Arces to admit his feelings to Gravelyn.
Arces looked back at Gravelyn."Someone close to me."
Gravelyn looked at her love. She didn't know who he meant.
Gravelyn said,"Is it Princess Miko?"
"Is it one of the princesses?"
"Someone more beautiful than any princess."Arces was staring at Gravelyn.
Gravelyn wasn't sure, but she had a strong guess of what he was suggesting. She still didn't know he loved her though.
"I think I understand Arces."
"You do?"
"You love someone close. I don't completly understand, but I have a guess."
Before Gravelyn left, Arces said,"Wait."
Gravelyn stopped.
Arces walked up. He loked Gravelyn in the eyes.
Gravelyn was blushing.
Arces leaned in, and kissed Gravelyn.
Gravelyn was confused. She didn't understand what this meant.
Gravelyn said,"I'll be going now Arces."She walked away.
Arces felt a surge of guilt in his heart.
He felt something from that kiss.
It made Arces feel worse than ever.
She had feelings for him. But they were confused feelings.
Arces knew there was no chance they would ever be together.
Arces began to cry when he came to terms with this.
Artix found Arces like this.
Everyone watched as this great hero was on his knees crying.
This sight made others feel like hope was vanishing.
As Artix and Cysero help their friend to his room, he kept muttering,"I love her to much. I love her to much. I can't let her go."

When they got to his room, Cysero gave him a small potion.
Artix said,"Arces who can't you let go?"
Arces looked at the two after he calmed down,"Promise not to tell?"
They both promised.
"I have fallen in love, but it is never meant to be."
"Who Arces?"Cysero asked.
He muttered,"Gravelyn."
The other two asked again,"Who?"
Arces said,"I love Lady Gravelyn."
The two decided it was time to leave.
Like they promised, they didn't tell anyone one he loved Gravelyn.
So far, barely anyone knew about his love for Lady Gravelyn.

Arces and the others left the following day.
Artix would be going to BattleOn, along with multible others.
Arces was heading back to Swordhaven, along with Gravelyn.
The two didn't talk on the trip back.
Both felt horrible about the night before.
Arces, for kissing Gravelyn.
Gravelyn, thinking Arces was in love with someone else.

Arces went to his room, and began to cry himself to sleep.

He had a nightmare that night.
He was looking at a tombstone set before him.
It was Gravelyn's.
Arces began to cry.

Arces woke the next day.
His day was better than the night before.
It was going well, until word came of an army approacing Swordhaven.
The Underworld Assalt has begun.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/13/2011 15:28:27)

Chapter 44
The Underworld Assault Pt:1

Arces and everyone else prepaired for war.
At first the army was suspected to belong to Drakath. But after arces got a look at them, they wern't Drakath's.
This was going to be a long battle, Arces knew it.

When Swordhaven's warriors and mages were ready, the army was alomst near.
Arces stood with King Alteon and Lady Gravelyn.
King Alteon, dressed in gold battle armor, raised his sword, and sent the forces to strike.
Gravelyn and Arces did the same.

When the armys meet in battle, Arces felt something was out of place. These things wern't alive.
Arces let out a crude smile, he didn't have to hold back.
Gravelyn felt the same. She raised her father's sword, and began to use her full strength.
With in time, everyone knew these things wern't alive. Nobody held back.

After a few hours, the army retreated.
The reamins of the enemys that were slain was just their armor.
They were just tortured souls.
The soldiers set up camp, and decided to protect Swordhaven.

The next day, the enemy army attacked again. This time in larger numbers.
The forces of Swordhaven were going to be outnumbered before long.
In their desperation, Gravelyn summoned forth an army of undead to aid them.
The numbers of the undead proved to aid Swordhaven's defences.
The enemy army retreated at the sight of the giant army.
The defenders toke another rest.

That night, the defenders were wore out from the fighting, and passed out. The undead watched over them.

When they woke, the enemy was attacking.
The undead were holding off the enemy as best they could, but the enemy was gaining ground.
Arces got up, and sprouted into his dragon form. The silver scales didn't distract any of the enemy or the undead, but the defenders stared at Arces.
Arces flew up into the air, and let out a giant jet of flames on the enemy army.
When half the amry was gone, the rest retreated.
Arces landed and turned back into himself.

When all was peaceful, Arces and Gravelyn were walking around the camp.
"This army is strong, but they might prove to strong."Gravelyn was lost in thought while she talked.
Arces was thinking too."How can we beat numbers that griw each day?"
"I don't know. My best guess is we gain more nubers each day as well."
"That would take up to much of your energy. You need it to fight off the enemy."
Gravelyn nodded. This was a tough problem."What if we call for-"
A horn rang around the camp. The enemy was attacking.

The defenders meet in combat with the enemy.
Arces was in his dragon form. He was flying over the enemy with Arcers on his back.
They shot arrows down while Arces let out his flames.
When the foe fleed angain, only around a dozen remained. they couldn't be a problem to them anymore.

Arces was in his tent, thinking. How could such a force exist?
Arces knew he had to check out the rest of the world.
He pulled out a cantine of watr and a bowl. He poured the water into the bowl, and infused it with his dragon magic.
The bowl began to glow, showing him the event around the world.
Shadowfall was taken over, due to Gravelyn being here.
Mobius was weak against the forces on them. They wouldn't last that much longer.
The Sandsea was under heavy assalt.
But the place under the most attack, was Battleon. It was a surprize they had lasted so long there.
Arces put more magic in the bowl to see where this assalt was coing from.
He coulden't find an entrance, but he was in the Underworld.
The magic lead him to a monster unlike any other.
Arces recoiled when he heard the creachers name. Ter Mol Bal Dol.
Everyone knew that name.

Arces told the defenders what he had found out.
When he mentioned Ter Mol Bal Dol, everyone began to freak out.
Arces managed to calm them down. He said,"We can still win this. No matter what, we must win."
Everyone saw Arces as a beacon of hope. He would lead them to victory.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/13/2011 16:06:03)

Chapter 45
Underworld Assalt Pt:2

Arces was fighting the enemy along side Gravelyn and King Alteon.
They faught with the power of twice what they had.
Everything was going their way. Until a large number of brutes began to come in their direction.
Arces could tell they were demons. They were another foe.
The demons meet the defenders in battle.
Arces couldn't turn into a dragon because he had used to much energy with the water.
This was going to be tough.
Everything was going the other way.
Arces was to distracted with fighting to notice Gravelyn get captured.
When Arces heard her scream, he turned to see her gone.
He used what energy he could spare to find her.
She wasn't that far away.
He went after her.

When Arces found her, she was surrounded by skinny demons. They had skinney swords in their hands.
Arces confronted the demons.
There were four demons. Arces faught the four of them.
Arces meet each of their blows, and even slased one of them in two.
Arces faught the other three, slicing them in half.
Arces killed the four of them, and went to the tied up Gravelyn.
When he cut off the mouth gag on her, she shouted,"Behind You!"
Arces meet a blade in mid air. He turned to see Buster, Lord of Pain.
Buster said,"To bad. My lord would enjoy to have her as his bride."
Arces got mad, his eyes turning red, and shouted,"You will pay for this demon!"
The two's blades meet again. Arces was fighting more savagly than usual.
Arces and Buster kept fighting.
Buster managed to put a small gash on the side of Arces' face. Arces burst out in a wail of of pain.
Arces still faught him, but the gash felt like it was on fire.
When there blades meet again, Arces arm broke. He let out another wail.
Gravelyn began to cut herself free.
Arces continued to fight buster. He used his left hand to hold his sword.
Buster asked,"Why do you fight for Gravelyn?"
"I fight for many reasons. I devoted myself to her father, I seek to end Drakath, She is my friend, and so on."
"Tell the truth Arces. I will take care of her, don't worry."
That made Arces even more angry.
Gravelyn had managed to free herself. She was busy tring to stand up.
Arces continued to fight Buster.
When his blade meet Buster's, arces pushed Buster back.
Gravelyn grabbed her father's sword, and sent it through Buster's back, piercing his heart.
Buster burst into flames.
Gravelyn burst into pain.
Arces ran up, and begaan to use his magic to heal Gravelyn, and himself.
After a few moments, Gravelyn was healed.
She looked into Arces' eyes."Why do you fight for me Arces?"
Arces gained the confidance he needed more than ever."For one reason in particular."
Gravelyn asked,"What is that Arces?"
Arces began to blush."Because....i...I..I love you Gravelyn."
Gravelyn began to blush hard from this. Time began to stand still.
He loved Gravelyn.
Gravelyn said,"I love you Arces."
both their hearts began to beat so fast, they didn't notice the army begin to vanish behind them.
Both leaded in and kissed.
Arces was wrong. They were meant to be.
The two kissed until people found them.
When people saw them. The two withdrew from the kiss.
People began to congrdulate the new couple.
The army was gone, but the war still raged.
They would set out aid Battleon.

On their way, a wave of peace went over the land.
They knew what this meant. Ter Mol Bal Dol was dead.
Arces and Gravelyn held each others hands.
The war was over, but Drakath awaited.
A wave of light began to approach.
Seeing this Gravelyn and Arces kissed.

Arces woke up in his bed.
He was sure he had just woke from a dream.
Arces out of his bed, and dressed.
When he looked into the mirror, he saw a small scar on his cheek.
He didn't know how it was possible. Could that dream have been real?

He went through his day after he shaved and trimed his hair.
His scar began to vanish.
His dream still remained though. he never told anyone about it.
But, he felt happier. he felt like a chunk in his life was filled.
And Gravelyn felt the same.
To them, the event was just a dream.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/14/2011 0:01:46)

Chapter 46

Arces was enjoying a day to himself.
It felt weird. That dream he had felt like more than a dream. He actualy felt like he kissed Gravelyn.
Was it realy a dream?
Arces didn't know.

That afternoon, Arces was called to the King's throne room.
When he arrived, King Alteon was on a coot. Aroud him was Beleen, Artix, Cysero and Alina.
Arces went up to the king.
King Alteon didn't look well.
Alina looked like she was freaking out.
Everyone else looked scared and concerned.
When Arces came up, the king smiled."Good everyone is here."
Cysero asked,"Whats wrong my king?"
King Alteon said,"Drakath's attack on me did more than we realized. i am slowly being killed by the Chaos in me. Alina here is searching for a cure."
Alina just grunted.
Artix said,"There must be something we can do."
King alteon said,"Not for you, no."
Artix and everyone looked even more worried than before.
King alteon said,"Artix, can you handle something for me?"
"What my lord?"
"Go and look for the best healer here in Swordhaven. Maybe one of them can heal me."
Artix saluted the king and left.
When he was out of ear shot, the king looked at Arces and the others."Do not let Artix go into Doomwood. Arces, you must deal with the problem before he gets there."
Everyone exchanged looks. Arces asked,"Why?"
Arces asked,"Why my lord?"
King Alteon said,"Vordred th-"Chaos tenticles sproted from his chest."Don't let him into Doomwood, no matter what."
Arces wanted to ask more, as did Beleen and Cysero, but Alina forced them out.

Arces told Cysero and beleen,"Keep Artix busy while I head to Doomwood."
Both agreed to it.
Arces put on his armor, and set out for Doomwood.
Arces got on his dracolich, and left.

Arces arrived at Lightguard Keep in only an hour.
It was a wonderful place.
Arces landed right outside the keep.
He went up to the gate.

When it opened, he was confronted by a paladin with grey hair."Who are you? Who sent you? And what side are you?"
Arces said,"I am Arces. King Alteon sent me. and I serve her lady Gravelyn."
The paladin looked unhappy he served Gravelyn, but let him pass.
Arces meet up with the paladin in his quarters.
the paladin asked,"Do you know what is happening here?"
Arces looked confused."No I don't. all i've been told is to keep Artix out of Doomwood."
"Wise. All we know is that the paladins are vanishing, and the undead are rising. Will you aid us?"
Arces nodded.
So they discused the plan.

When all was said and done, Arces went out and helped the front lines in Doomwood.
Arces helped fight off the undead.

When the undead were warded back, Arces found the one leading a part of the army.
Arces went to the cliff over looking the army.
There waiting was what appeared a paladin. But, it was undead.
Arces faced the monster.
Arces slashed at it, only to find it to survive his strike.
It hit him with a light spell. That meant this was an undead paladin. But how?
Arces used his strength, and slached off it's head. The paladin still moved.
Arces stabbed it where it's heart should have been.
It stagered back.
Arces lit the living corpse on fire.
The monster started to burn to dust. It was no longer a threat.

Arces went back to the keep.
The army wasn't in chaos like he thought they would be.

Arces went to the paladin's chambers. He told the paladin everthing that had happened.
When he was done, the paladin looked concerned.
Arces asked,"What is happening?"
The paladin looked scared."I don't know half-dragon. All I know is this is evil magic, unlike any other in this world."
Arces asked,"What now?"
A knoight came into the room and said,"You sneak into the undead ranks."
Arces was confused.
The paladin said,"He will make you look like an undead."
Arces just went with it.

After an hour, Arces look into a mirrior, and was amazed by how he looked.
He looked just like a rotting zombie.
Arces went out into Doomwood.
The undead didn't bother him.

When he reached the undead main forces, they let him trough.
He walked through, and was getting ready to place the rune.
When he made it to a hidden spot, he placed the rune behind some bushes.
He heard something. Someone was talking.
Arces listened." get to work."
A voise said, obviosly human,"Yes lord Vordred."
Vordred. That was the name King Alteon said.
Arces looked up.
A man in amror of pure skulls was there. His eyes were like orbs that saw souls.
The monster looked at Arces.
Vordred went up and said,"Worm. You are not dead. But you soon will be."
Arces backed away.
Vordred said,"You dare challange Vordred the Paladin Slayer?"
Arces pulled out his sword.
Vordred muttered something in some ancient language.
Arces was engulfed in darkness.
What Arces saw was horrid. He saw his skin actualy rotting. His hair burning away. His eyes turning black and vanishing. His armor reamined, along with his bones.
Arces made no sounds from his mouth.
He bowed to Vordred.
vordred said,'Now take down the Paladins.

Arces went right into the keep.
When he was confronted by the paladins, he saw the main one was gone.
Everyone said,"Welcome back Arces."
Then they noticed his sking gone.
Everyone backed away from his bones.
Arces pulled up his sword, only for his hands to be caught in darkenss.
Behind him stood a women wearing purple robes, had black hair, blue eyes, and her face was flawless.
The paladins said,"Vayle."
Vayle said,"So this is the hero. What has happened to him?"
The guards didn't know.
Vayle said,"We must revive him."
She held up a crystal."It will only work for-"
The crystal flew to Arces.
In seconds, Arces had his skin and everything back. He was alive.
Arces told them wah thad happened.
After he was done he said,"Will you aid us Vayle?"
vayle said,"It is not for Artix. He must still pay. But I will aid you."
they planned everything out from there.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/14/2011 16:49:19)

Chapter 47
Vordred The Paladin Slayer

Arces was waiting at the keep. He was waiting for Vayle to be ready to leave.
Arces was just standing there when he heard someone shout,"Artix is coming."
Arces snapped out of it and went to the gate.

Artix was up at the gate shouting,"Let me in!"
Arces came out of the gate.
Artix said,"Ahh Arces. can you tell these fools to let me in."
Arces said,"Sorry Artix. You have two choises. Leave, or fight me."
Artix was shocked to hear Arces say this."I won't leave Arces."
Arces sighed and said,"You're shoes are untied."
Artix said,"Nice try Arces."Artix stood stern.
After a couple miniutes he looked down.
Arces hit him on the head with the hilt of his sword.
Artix was out cold, but still alive.

Arces toke Artix to the holding cells below the keep.
When Artix woke up, he was angry."Let me out of here Arces!!!"
Arces just ignored Artix.
Vayle walked into the room, holding Artix's axe.
Artix looked at her and asked,"Vayle, why are you doing this?"
"You are in danger Artix."
Artix smiled and said,"You care about me?"
Vayle blushed and said,"It is not that you fool. The undead-"
"Undead?"Artix was smiling.
"-that is hunting you, will become unbeatible if he beats you."
"No undead can beat me."
Arces faced Artix."He is immune to light based attacks."
"I can't use light based attacks, remember?"Artix was looking at Arces.
Vayle just sighed and said,"You're hopeless Artix. I can't belive i have to protect you."
Artix just sighed and said,'Just let me out of here and i'll deal with this Vordred guy."
Arces looked puzzled."How do you know about Vordred?"
"I got it out of Cysero and Beleen of course."
Arces sighed and said,"Is there anyone who can aid us?"
"The only one who could aid us at the moment is that annoying moglin Zorbak."
Arces sighed."Why him?"
Vayle and Artix had the same look.
Arces said,"Very well. Where is his hut?"
Vayle said,"He lives in the Doomwood Swamp."
Arces set out for the swamp.

When Arces arrived, someone was standing right in front of the hut.
Arces asked,"Zorbak?"
The mogin turned. It was Zorbak in a green mask."I not Zrobak. I be Zomboda."
"You're kidding. Right zorbak?"
"I not be Zorbak. I be Zomboda."
"Fine. Zomboda, i'm looking for Zorbak."
"See Zorbak, bring undead you must."
Arces sighed and asked,"Where do I find undead?"
"Be in Doomwood we are. Everywhere undead be."
Arces sighed and went into the swamp.

Arces walked around for a few minutes before he found any undead.
A skeleton was just standing there.
Arces went up, knocked it's sword out of it's hand, and carried it back to the hut.

The skeleton was fughting, but he handed it to Zomboda.
The moglin toke the skeleton and said,"Very good. See Zorbak you may."
Zomboda walked off into the trees with the skeleton.
Arces walked into the hut.

Arces found Zorbakand said,"Hellow Zorbak."
"Very good Arces. Now what do you want?"
"I want to know about Vordred."
Zorbak thought for a second."All I know about his is he is immune to light based attacks, he is hunting down paladins, and he was made in the Necropolis."
"Wasn't the Necropolis destroyed?"
"Well yes. But it was rebuilt by the new Necromancer in charge."
Arces sighed and asked,"How do I get in?"
"Easy. You eather become undead, a necromancer, or an undead necromancer. No one else can get in."
Arces looked annoyed."Very well. I'll become a necromancer."
Zorbak looked confused and asked,"Your going to join them?"
"Where do I learn necromancy?"
"The Tower of Necromancy is where you go to start learning. But why?"
"I'm going into the Necropolis."
"Are you crazy?"
"Probibly Zorbak. Now how do I get there?"
Zorbak sighed and said,"I have a map. hold on."Zorbak began searching around his shack."
After a few minutes, Zorbak handed Arces a map."This will lead you to the tower in no time. Just cross through the swamp."
Arces said,"Thanks Zorbak. I'll be headin out now."
Zorbak just turned and went back to waht ever he was doing.

Arces was now facing the Tower of Necromancy.
He walked up to it. There was one door way, and few windows.
Arces went to the giant door way.
A flying eye said,"What are you doing?"
Arces faced it and said,"I seek to speak with the Necromantress here."
The eye said,"Are you a necromancer?"
"No. But i seek to be one."
The eye faced the door, and it opened."She resides at the top. You must go up and face all the challanges."
Arces went up the tower.

After ten levels of chalanges, same as in the game, he reached the top of the tower.
Arces faced a girl looking out a giant window.
Arces aked,"Are you the Necromantress?"
The girl turned."I am. My name is Sally.'
Arces said,"I seek to learn necromancy."
Sally looked at him."Your the servant of gravelyn's arn't you?"
Arces nodded.
Sally asked,"Are sidding with us?"
Arces nodded.
Sally looked happy."I will teach you the basics, then you can go to the Necropolis.
Arces said,"Thank you Lady Sally."Those words felt like sand paper to Arces.

Sally began to teach him how to summon undead, something he would only use in doomwood, along with useing the power of darkness. Sally taught him all the basics.

After a few hours, Sally said,"Now you may ask me a question."
Arces didn't have to think about."How did Vordred come to be?"
Sally smiled."When I was all alone, a voise told me to come to the ruins of the Necropolis. When I arrived, it told me to study in necromancy. But, I needed a teacher."
"Only one came to mind. The voise told me how to bring him back to life. Once everything was ready, I summoned Noxus in the form of a lich."
"Like Sek Duat."
Sally nodded."Noxus taught me how to use necromancy. and in time, we rebuilt the Necropolis. And over the following year, we constructed Vordred."
"We use ancient magics, forgotten by all, and left in the ruins of an ancient temple."
"What was exactly done?"
"We made Vordred using the souls of one thousand soldiers, a powerful necromancer, and he was made on the night of a new moon. we also did multible other thing. From which no one is allowed to know."
"I think that answers my questions for now. When do i start classes?"
"As soon as you get to the Necropolis."
Arces bowed to Sally, another thing that felt wrong, and left for the Necropolis.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/18/2011 23:11:11)

Chapter 48
Necro U PT:1

Arces was at the gates to the Necropolis. It was defenitly intimidating.
Today was the start of the first term for Necro U. Everyone was returning to continue or begin their studys.
Arces went in.

What was inside surprized Arces. It was a giant university.
Arces began to walk around.
There were people all around him. Not all of them wore robes. Some wore dresses, armor, and more.
Arces went to an information desk.
Arces asked the necromancer behind it,"Where do I go to get my class schedule?"
The necromancer said,"You go to the Headmaster's office to recive your schedule."
"Thank you."
Before Arces left, the necromancer said,"Take a map."
Arces toke one, and began to head twoards the Headmaster's office.

When Arces found the office, he walked in.
There was a secretary sitting there.
Arces went up and said,"I need my schedual for the year."
The secretary, a necromantress, said,"What is your name?"
The secretary asked,"Did you say Artix?"
"No. My name is Arces. A R C E S, Arces."
"Ohh, yes."She began searching through her desk.
She handed him a piece of paper."These are your classes for the year."
Arces nodded and left.

Arces went to his first class.
It was Basic Necromancy. His teacher was Professor Lichbane, a lich with blue flames in his chest.
Arces toke a seat in the front row.
Lichbane began to talk."Welcome to the start of the first semester young ones. Today we will begin your training in the ever growing art of Necromancy. Are there any questions?"
A necromancer in the back raised his hand. He wore simple black robes, no hood, and a silver chestplate over his robes.
"Yes, and what is your name?"
"I am Kirt Shadowbane. What exactly are we going to learn in this class?"
"Well Kirt, you will be learning the basics of necromancy. To put it simply, you will learn to raise the dead."
"That is all I wanted to know."
Arces looked back at Lichbane. The professor looked at Arces.
Arces had changed out of his armor in to a set of red robes, keeping his shoulder guards on, and the bottom half of his armor.
"What are the three laws of Necromancy?"Lichbane asked Arces.
Arces thought about it."First law, darker the heart, darker the power."
Lichbane nodded.
"Second law, it is imposible to bring someone completly back with necromancy alone."
Lichbane nodded again.
"The third law"Arces didn't know.
"Sir,"a necromantress next to Arces stood up."It is obvious he dosen't know the third law, same for almost all begginers."
She wore a black sleavless dress. She had black hair, emerald eyes, and wore a thin layer of lip stick.
"Name, and tell us what the third law is."He looked annoyed.
"I am Veronica Feldin. And the third law is darkness is the key, a phrase still studied to this day."
Lichbane looked at Veronica and said,"Well done Veronica. you wouldn't mind helping our new friend out would you?"
Veronica sighed and said,"Do I have to?"
Lichbane smiled and said,"Yes."
Veronica sighed and sat down.
Lich bane looked at Arces."Name?"
Arces straitened,"Arces."
"Last name?"
Arces said,"I don't have one."
Lichbane sighed and said,"Orphan?"
Arces nodded.
Lichbane smiled and turned to the board.
Their lessen began after he got everyone's names.

After class, Arces was walking out of class with a couple books in his arm.
Veronica cornered him and said,"It looks like i'm stuck with you Arces. You better not ruin my grades."
Arces smiled and said,"I look foward to working with you Veronica."
Veronica blushed and walked away.
Kirt walked up and said,"You better watch it with Veronica. She can be a tough one. Don't push it with her."
Arces smiled,"I've dealt with worse."
Kirt sighed and said,"You're funeral."

Arces had one more class that day. History. he learned history of the greatest battles in history, and the greatest undead and necromancers.
His teacher was Doctor Deathhand, an ancient lich, older than Sek Duat.

After class, Arces asked where he would find dorm room 370.
It wasn't that far away, only a couple buildings over.
When he went in, there were two people talking.
One of them was Veronica, the other was a guy with blond hair, skin like Veronica's, and yellow eyes.
When Arces entered, the guy left.
Veronica looked at Arces with distaste."About time Arces."
Arces smiled and said,"Hey Veronica."
Veronica let out a grunt."Lets get started."
She pulled out a book for Basic Necromancy.
They began reading.

After about an hour Veronica packed up her stuff and got ready to leave.
Arces said,"Lets hang out sometime Veronica. You seem like a nice girl."
Veronica looked at Arces and asked,"You think i'm nice?"
"I can see through acts like yours. You try to strike fear into people. I've seen it before."
Veronica seemed even more surprized.
"You don't have to make people hate you Veronica. So, you want to hang out?"
Veronica blushed and said,"Meet me at the tea shop on saturday."She walked out.
Arces was about to get ready for sleep, when someone knocked on the door.
Arces answered it.
The blonde guy walked in."What did you and Veronica talk about?"
Arces told him.
The guy grunted, and went to a bed on the other side of the room.
Arces asked,"What is your name?"
The guy looked annoyed,"My name is Teleron Feldin, Veronica's older brother."
Arces nodded."You care for your sister?"
"She is all I have left in this world Arces. I protect her."
Arces nodded. He didn't have something like that.
Arces toke the bed near the door.
The two went to sleep.

Arces had three classes that next day.
Evil Magic, taught by Lady Bylten, a female ghost. Mathmatics, taught by Professor Hendor, a young necromancer. And Poisens, taught by Nogle, a rotting moglin.
After his classes he went to the tea shop.

The shop was called the Green Leaf. it was rather peaceful.
Arces found Veronica. He was wearing black cotten pants, hunting boots, and a leather tunic over a white linen shirt.
Arces sat at the same table as Veronica.
Arces said,"Nice to see you Veronica."
She grunted and said,"Why so nice?"
"I'm not always nice Veronica. Normaly i'm not that nice. Its mostly in battle though."
Veronica asked,"What do you want?"
"I want to get to know you."
A skeleton walked up to take their order.
They both ordered a cup of peppement tea.
Veronica was surprized to hear him order that kind.
When the waitor left, Arces looked at Veronica."I would like to get to know you my new friend."
Veronica looked shocked."Why? My life is full of torment. Go and ask my brother."
"I want to hear you talk though."
Veronica blushed and said,"You first."
Arces told her a lie about his life.
He was an orphan raised in an orphanage. All he new from his parents is that one of them was a dragon. When he was old enough, he left the orphanage, and began to study to become a paladin. When his training began, he released a powerful pulse of darkness, forcing the paladins to banish him. He then set out to become a necromancer.
To his surprize, she bough that lie.
"You never knew your family?"
Arces looked sad."No."
Veronica said,"You've dealt with a tough life, but mine is worse."
Arces looked interested."Tell me. It might make you feel better."
Shec sighed and said,"Very well."
She was once the daughter of a noble. But when she was only five, her father and mother were killed by a monster called Sepulchure.
Her brother toke her to safty.
In their need, they ended up in the Necropolis.
Her brother began to study the art of necromancy, as did she thirteen years later.
When she ended her story Arces said,"That is indeed a tough life Veronica."
She looked away, and Arces saw a tear go down her cheek.
Arces wiped the tear away and said,"I'm a friend. You can count on me for anything."
Veronica blushed but smiled."Thank you Arces."
Arces smiled.
Their tea came.
Arces drank his slowly, enjoying the taste.
Veronica drank her tea in only a couple minutes.
They began to look over their Basic Necromancy book.

After an hour, and Veronica drinking three pepperment teas, they went to their dorm rooms.

Arces asked Teleron about his sister."What was she like before that incident?"
Teleron thought back."Happy, shy and playful."
Arces laughed hinking of Veronica like that.
Teleron looked at Arces with an annoyed look."Why are you asking about my sister?"
Arces luaghed and said,"I want to be her friend."
"Don't try anything."
"I won't."
Teleron grunted and went to sleep.
Arces slept well that night.

Over the next couple of months, Arces followed a schedule, and went to all his classes.
His favorite was Basic Necromancy. He had two friends in that class. Veronica and Kirt.
The three hung out a lot.
They were good frinds over such a short time.

Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: (AQW) Arces (8/20/2011 1:06:25)

Chapter 49
Necro U PT:2

Arces had been at Necro University for nearly the whole semester.
Today was his last day for the semester.
He was at the top of his class, Veronica was the second best. His teachers praised him.
He was getting ready for his last leasons.

After Basic Necromancy, he had finished all his classes for the semester.
Arces meet up with Kirt, Teleron, and Veronica.
When Arces came up Veronica blushed and said,'Were going to get some tea. You in?"
Arces smiled and said,"Sure."
The four of them went twoard the tea shop.

When there, Arces heard some people talking.
"...coming here tommarow."
"Seriocly? Vordred is coming?"
"From what I heard. It is eather him or Noxus giving the speach."
Arces quit listening. Tommarow was their last day they had to be there.
The four of them drank their tea.
Veronica kept staring at Arces. Teleron seemed annoyed. Kirt was staring off into space. Arces was lost in thought.

After they drank their tea, Arces said,"You hear Vordred might be here?"
Teleron didn't bother to listen. Kirt and Veronica listened with open ears.
"From what I heard, eather him or Noxus is giving the speach tommarow."
Kirt smiled. Veronica smiled, but not about Vordred.

Arces went out and got some air.
The lights were glowing brighter. It was almost time for bed.
Veronica came out of the shop.
Arces began to walk towards his dorm room. Veronica followed.
Veronica sudenly said,"Hey Arces."
Arces looked back to see Veronica."Hey Veronica."
"Can we talk?"she was bright red.
Arces saw her face and began to blush as well."Sure."
They walked to a table in the court yard.
Arces sat down, Veronica next to him.
Arces stared at the sky. It was a bright green.
Veronica sudenly said,"We need to talk."
Arces looked at her, she was even redder."What about?"
"We've been friends all semester, even best friends. But it feels like something has been growing."
Arces didn't know where she was going, but had a quess.
"Do you feel anything for me Arces?"
Arces thought."A few things."
Veronica laughed and said,"Still unreadable Arces."
Arces laughed."Thats me."
Veronica turned red again."Do you feel anything for me? Some feelings?"
Arces turned red and said,"I don't know."
Veronica looked like she was forcing something out."I have something to say!"
Arces stared at her.
"All this time a feeling has been growning inside me."
Arces was beggining to piece it together.
"Through this semester, I have begun to feel something for you Arces."
Arces knew what she was about to say. It had been told to him twise. One of the two times he forgot.
"I...I...I love you Arces!"
Arces was unprepaired for those words.
Veronica leaned in, and kissed him.
Arces pulled away.
Even though he knew it was never possible for him and Gravelyn to be together, he still loved her.
"I don't have feelings like that for you Veronica."Arces felt even guiltier for what he said next."But i'll be willing to try to love you."
Veronica was stunned."Dose that mean-"
"Yes. I will be your boyfriend."
Veronica began to cry."You would try?"
Arces nodded.
Veronica walked up to him, and kissed him again.
Arces closed his eyes. He thought,"Gravelyn forgive me."

The next day, everyone went to listen to the speach.
To their surprise, Vordred didn't speak, but a lich was in the center. Arces knew who he was. Noxus.
Noxus began to speak."Good necromnacers of Nero U, you have finished this semester of classes. Come in two months your second semester begins. You have all proved yourselfs worthy to be necromancers. But only two of you are the best here. Veronica Feldin and Arces."
Arces and Veronica rose. They walked to Noxus holding hands.
Noxus said,"Both of you have proved yourselfs as necomancers. So come your next semester, you will take advansed coarses."
Veronica looked even happier.
The two got up, and toke their seats.
Over the next two hours, Noxus praised the necromancers.

After the speach, everyone got ready to leave. Most to their dorms, others to temporary homes.
Arces and Veronica were watching the sky. Arces stroked Veronicas hair.
Veronica smiled, like she didn't want this day to end.
Kirt and Teleron walked up.
Teleron still didn't like the idea of Arces dating his sister. Kirt was envious of Arces for having a girlfriend.
Arces said,"Hey guys."
Veronica didn't move.
Kirt said,"What are you two planning to do for break?"
Arces said,"I'm staying to help out."
Veronica said,"Me and Teleron stay here every break. I'll help out Arces."
Kirt said,"Then i'll stick around with you."
Arces smiled and said,"It'll be good to have you around with us."
Teleron looked annoyed,"Can we talk Arces."
Arces looked at Veronica.
"Go my love."
Arces got up and followed Teleron.
Teleron pinned him up against a wall.
"What are you doing Arces?"
Arces asked,"What are you talking about?"
Teleron looked angry."You have flaws in your story. You're planning something that will lead to breaking Veronica's heart. So, answer the question."
Arces knew there was no way out. He told Teleron everything. Arces left out the parts about his true love.
When he was done, teleron let him down."I want to aid you Arces."
"I lied about Sepulchure killing my family. Noxus was the one who killed them."
"I see. What about Veronica?"
"Yuo'll have to tell her and Kirt everything."
Arces agreed.

The next day, they meet at the tea shop.
When no one was in ear shot, Arces told them everything he told Teleron.
Veronica felt a little sad, but still loved Arces. Kirt was annoyed.
Arces told them what he planned.
The three of them said,"Then we will aid you."
Arces looked at the three of them."Realy?"
They nodded.
Arces said,"I'm seeing Noxus today. We'll talk when I return. Mett in my dorm room."
They agreed.
Arces went to the main office.
He had everything planned out.

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