RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (Full Version)

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Midnightsoul -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 15:31:21)

actually, founders get free varium sometimes when theres a release. btw, beta was actually the most biggest stage of epicduel. we might need a reward...
maybe a physical bot or some credits/varium

ajs777 -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 15:56:22)


actually, founders get free varium sometimes when theres a release. btw, beta was actually the most biggest stage of epicduel. we might need a reward...
maybe a physical bot or some credits/varium

we got a reward once, and hey im all for beta rewards, after all, im beta :D

edwardvulture -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 16:12:30)

Same man Give us free Physical assult bot.

button33 -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 16:24:27)

We need rewards

ajs777 -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 16:27:55)


Same man Give us free Physical assult bot.

wow and us founders are greedy? and i think its the ones with beta weapons who should get the rewards

Midnightsoul -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 16:29:28)

lol, aj, ur all like "the more the merrier!!!" or maybe something similair but doesnt sound so childish. maybe give beta testers 1000 varium? I WOULD BE SOOOOOOOOO HAPPY.

skeletondude -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 16:36:36)

^ 1000 var wow i don't think the devs will agree to tht cuz founder got 1k var and it's best were get sum cool weap or credits

edwardvulture -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 16:37:36)

Do I need to restate what founders got? Well here it is:
Founder Armor: Still arguably the best armor in the game
Founder Achievement: 5500 Rating Points
Free Beta Weapons
Free Hoverbike
Free 1,000 varium
And you got so much already you CANNOT call us greedy.
The ones who got beta weapons later got nothing.
There now you got nothing to say, you already got so much already. To argue for you is to make an invalid point. ajs777 you are forever pwoned.

Midnightsoul -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 16:39:42)

dude, edward... he had nothing against it...

edwardvulture -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 16:40:45)

^You should have seen what he wrote on the other thread. Was flaming for pages.

ajs777 -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 16:42:55)


Do I need to restate what founders got? Well here it is:
Founder Armor: Still arguably the best armor in the game
Founder Achievement: 5500 Rating Points
Free Beta Weapons
Free Hoverbike
Free 1,000 varium
And you got so much already you CANNOT call us greedy.
The ones who got beta weapons later got nothing.
There now you got nothing to say, you already got so much already. To argue for you is to make an invalid point. ajs777 you are forever pwoned.

Do I need to restate what founders got? Well here it is:
Founder Armor: Still arguably the best armor in the game (promo item)
Founder Achievement: 5500 Rating Points (pointless)
Free Beta Weapons (outdated)
Free Hoverbike (false)
Free 1,000 varium (trust me, ive paid for mine)
And you got so much already you CANNOT call us greedy.(well i can because you have done nothing and ask for free stuff)
The ones who got beta weapons later got nothing.
There now you got nothing to say, you already got so much already. To argue for you is to make an invalid point. ajs777 you are forever pwoned.

lol try again boy, you have paid nothing and your asking for free stuff, so yea, try again :3

DillBagel -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 17:00:11)


I think it will be nice to receive some gift, but it won't happen I even took my time to send NW some weps and armor for beta tester as a gift but he didn't answer me back, I suppose they are not giving us nothing

No matter how good your items were, Nightwraith would have to redo them. If anything, let him come up with his stuff unless they ask.

edwardvulture -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 17:02:24)

ajs777 I payed with my time and I possess $70 worth of varium. If you keep complaining that people who bought half that amount got more than I ever did that you sir, are illogical.

Rayman -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 17:05:54)

im a beta tester and a good reward for me can be 2 hp boosters or just 500 credits cuz with archivement im fine.

ajs777 -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 17:08:31)


ajs777 I payed with my time and I possess $70 worth of varium. If you keep complaining that people who bought half that amount got more than I ever did that you sir, are illogical.

and who are you to judge how much ive bought? i dont feel its any of your business to have to present my recepits that total more then $100 and judging by your character page you must be stockpiling that varium, i know you have alts but ive only seen your non var ones, and i too have paid with time, to much of it, i still dont see why it is we founders get called greedy when everyone else is the same exact way, everyones greedy its human nature

frosty123 -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 17:35:53)

Back to the topic. Well i will gladly take a gift. Mabye a weapon? Like a sniper Rifle. Does 32 damage 8+to support and 5 to dex. And a 5%chance to not get def. :)

LambO -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 17:41:34)

A shop would be nice just for Beta players.
Varium & non varium stuff, which you will have to pay for, but it would only be allowed for the Beta Testers.

frosty123 -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 17:42:47)

^ dont understand. Pay for with credits or real money

LambO -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 17:46:59)


So Non-varium players can get items & varium can get items like any other shop.
This shop would need the Beta Tester achievement to get to it.

Like you click the Achievement in you're Achievement page & a shop pops up.

*Nova* -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 17:57:00)

HEY, wait! That means I can benefit from this since I'm a beta-tester NON-varium....
Only thing is, I don't think we should get anything. That's my thoughts on this.

I'm just happy someone actually included non-variums on these perks things.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 18:03:51)

im gonna go with Lambo but Lambo can we also have an Alpha shop becuase they are still here just in small numbers and when Delta ends can we open a gamma shop(becuase most would of rage quit by then)

LambO -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 18:10:26)

^ That's not up to me. xD

But I think after every stage comes to an end, Alpha, Beta, Gamma shops should open so people have more than just a badge you know.
There could be hair styles for just the Alpha players, houses for the Beta players, weapons for the Gamma players.
Just a idea.

Laces -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 19:23:36)

Alphas should get something. After all, they deserve it. Maybe an Alpha Shop with upgraded alpha weapons?

Offtopic: But Edward, asking for free stuff is being greedy. Yes we got all those items but they're all useless except the Founder Armor and the 1000 varium which none of use asked for.

Firewallblast -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 21:33:19)

I wouldnt mind that heck give them 50k since its not influincing the game play

Laces -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/23/2011 22:13:12)

^Ooooh I like [:D]

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