RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (Full Version)

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T.600 -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 0:49:51)

@above: We already have beta weapons, but they're only level 25.

Laces -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 0:59:04)


I've been thinking about this for some long time. I just made this account because i forgot my password to my forum name and e-mail so just disregard the new member status.

There should be at least items, maybe call it beta shop containing these.(all 0 credits)

Beta Claws (Physical)
Beta Maul (Energy)
Beta Stick (Energy)
Beta Sword (Physical)
Beta Armor

The three class only weapons give out 70+ stats

The Sword gives 80+ stats (20+ to all stats)

The armor+50 stats and 15 res or def.

They sound OP because they are. This should'nt be a game changing change so they should make it NPC'able and Challenge'able only. (For those who don't understand For Npc's and Challenge battles only) No 1v1 random battle.

Damage ranges are your level + 3 (Basic math people!!!)

Hope this helps answer the NPC Gap between players. :)

Sir, this is ridiculous. You realize how unfair this is too the people who don't have the badge? A sword that gives 80 stat boost? Are you crazy? No, this is the most OP and ridiculous idea. Why do you think that this won't be game-changing? Doesn't matter if they're NPC and Challenge only. It makes fighting NPC's free kills. You could also Challenge a random player who doesn't have these weapons and its free kills. This ruins the fun out of the game. No. Simply No.

Tal. -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 1:06:15)

lol free armor over does it.

theholyfighter -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 1:20:33)

New weapons are nice but too many stats......
Saying this as a non varium
How about adding 30 stats in total for each weapon?

By the way as a sum-up on what I hope for
1. 10k credits?
2. New items?
(Bike, weapons,..............)
3. Although not possibly, maybe.... 1000 varium?

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 1:28:41)

level 30 beta weps that are dif color and look upgraded and better stats and slots is my opinion and would cost 10k credits... also the same for founders.. level 30 armor with increased stats and make it look upgraded

drinde -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 1:34:26)

Give us Creditzzz.... Seriously, a gift would be great, but this should apply to people in Beta without the Badge too.

Who said I'm blaming anyone? I'm just mentioning that...

theholyfighter -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 1:59:51)

Reminder: This discussion is about gifts for non varium players

A Beta Shop is a great idea, but the items should have a credit price ( we didn't pay, that's true) Cost: How about 10,000 credits?
Item Color : Silver Beta Weapons?????

You got no one to blame about not getting the badge.....

Please do not double post; use the Edit button instead. Thanks! ~Lectrix

Laces -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 2:01:21)

Wow. Suddenly people who were originally against Founders getting a buff are now, "oh well since we'll get upgraded beta weapons, you Founders can have your level 30 armor." Its true. Since your not a Founder and you don't get anything, you don't want Founders to get something. Thats simply it. But since you have the Beta Tester Badge, "oh I support because I have it."

Better get your umbrella because its raining cold hard facts up in here.

@Drinde, Only people with the Beta Badge. And upgraded beta weapons should goto people who already have the beta weapons. If you didn't get the badge, Beta was there for a while, so its your fault for not getting the badge.

theholyfighter -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 2:09:09)

Well yep........Betas would support the Founders and vice versa when both sides get what they hope for
Isn't that great? Everyone's happy

PenyihiR -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 2:25:56)

Beta Shop Like Aqw or alpha Shop like herosmash.,
Thats what i need

theholyfighter -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 2:48:23)

Yep.....My HeroSmash account is Alpha and the shop is just awesome- ---

DillBagel -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 4:14:20)

The alpha shop was meh.

I honestly don't think betas need anything. I'm especially surprised at the non variums who always bug variums about asking for things. Hypocrites xD

LamentationsXV -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 4:47:05)


I've been thinking about this for some long time. I just made this account because i forgot my password to my forum name and e-mail so just disregard the new member status.

There should be at least items, maybe call it beta shop containing these.(all 0 credits)

Beta Claws (Physical)
Beta Maul (Energy)
Beta Stick (Energy)
Beta Sword (Physical)
Beta Armor

The three class only weapons give out 70+ stats

The Sword gives 80+ stats (20+ to all stats)

The armor+50 stats and 15 res or def.

They sound OP because they are. This should'nt be a game changing change so they should make it NPC'able and Challenge'able only. (For those who don't understand For Npc's and Challenge battles only) No 1v1 random battle.

Damage ranges are your level + 3 (Basic math people!!!)

Hope this helps answer the NPC Gap between players. :)

Are you always this stupid or are you making a special effort today? o.O

drinde -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 8:54:24)


The Sword gives 80+ stats (20+ to all stats)

The armor+50 stats and 15 res or def

This would majorly OP the Beta Players. On Bosses: Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! They go down. Imagine challenging poor, naive low LVS and 1-Hitting them.

Lenofor -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 9:00:55)

Isn't ED comunity a bunch of ungrateful people? It delights my heart...

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 9:01:10)


I've been thinking about this for some long time. I just made this account because i forgot my password to my forum name and e-mail so just disregard the new member status.

There should be at least items, maybe call it beta shop containing these.(all 0 credits)

Beta Claws (Physical)
Beta Maul (Energy)
Beta Stick (Energy)
Beta Sword (Physical)
Beta Armor

The three class only weapons give out 70+ stats

The Sword gives 80+ stats (20+ to all stats)

The armor+50 stats and 15 res or def.

They sound OP because they are. This should'nt be a game changing change so they should make it NPC'able and Challenge'able only. (For those who don't understand For Npc's and Challenge battles only) No 1v1 random battle.

Damage ranges are your level + 3 (Basic math people!!!)

Hope this helps answer the NPC Gap between players. :)

when i say make a shop i dun mean making a shop with some super OPed weps. make a shop selling some bike or robo or some weps that players drew during beta or alpha phase(alpha/beta suggestion shop).

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 9:05:34)


Isn't ED community a bunch of ungrateful people? It delights my heart...

wat is there to be grateful about when non varium beta player got nothing but a measly useless badge. if the badge unlocks a shop or something it would be better. aqw non member beta player got some cool stuff why cant ed non varium player get good stuff too we did help test the phase like every1 in beta did.

skeletondude -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 9:10:31)

^yah i agree we shud get sumthing lyk a weap or a robot cuz beta was a phase everyone loved and would never forget :)

theholyfighter -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 9:11:59)

Let's not care about those insane ideas.......80 stats......It just made more complaints and takes up space

Please notify whether or not you support my previous ideas..

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 11:51:42)

guys why dont we just use the shop idea every alpha has alpha tester so they all get a shop most betas have beta tester so they get a sho and next phase gammas get a shop and so on

skeletondude -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 12:05:55)

^the next phase will nxt year and im pretty sure tht there are sum pretty impatient gamma players who will not wait tht long

Calogero -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 12:23:45)


I've been thinking about this for some long time. I just made this account because i forgot my password to my forum name and e-mail so just disregard the new member status.

There should be at least items, maybe call it beta shop containing these.(all 0 credits)

Beta Claws (Physical)
Beta Maul (Energy)
Beta Stick (Energy)
Beta Sword (Physical)
Beta Armor

The three class only weapons give out 70+ stats

The Sword gives 80+ stats (20+ to all stats)

The armor+50 stats and 15 res or def.

They sound OP because they are. This should'nt be a game changing change so they should make it NPC'able and Challenge'able only. (For those who don't understand For Npc's and Challenge battles only) No 1v1 random battle.

Damage ranges are your level + 3 (Basic math people!!!)

Hope this helps answer the NPC Gap between players. :)

Dunno if Trolling or plain stupiid

frosty123 -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 17:21:43)

^ i say plain stupid.

@skeletondude Beta players had to wait longer Alpha players waited even longer than the beta players.

And about the beta/alpha shop is a no. Why should beta get the same rare items as alpha. Make em seperate.

skeletondude -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 17:57:12)

^frost so wht's ur point im a beta player too i waited longer im jus saying tht some gamma players are impatient that they won't actually wait for a year to get their reward and start flaming the forums

frosty123 -> RE: Beta Testers need a GIFT(Varium & Non-Varium) (7/24/2011 18:02:46)

^ it had no point i was just saying. I suppose they can make the gift after delta is over but i suppose delta will flame and beta will flame because they are waiting to long so they wait till next phase for the delta to be happy but the next phase people will flame and so on while the alpha wait even longer

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