What an excuse -.- (Full Version)

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sylar67 -> What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 9:33:45)


Also, as of this Friday we will be adding a restriction on sellback for the current promotional items, the Delta Destroyer set. Sellback will be restricted during the promotional period and reactivated once the item is no longer for sale in case you ever need to part with it to free up space. This will help protect players who somehow manage to lose control over their accounts (remember, kids! Keep your passwords safe!) and wake up one day to find their cherished promotional gear sold!

What an excuse to not let us get extra credits pft , it was 40k credits now its 20k and tomorrow they wont let us sell them OMG

when if that excuse should have had place it should be unsellable after the offer is gone bcz when the offer is here if they were sold you can get a replacement but if they are unsellable now and you lose them later when offer is gone you cant get a replace for them -_-

Smackie El Frog -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 9:35:47)

Agreed. Also, this used to be a nice way to make some quick credits if you only needed for a thousand more. Pretty cheap. I like to have full control over my inventory cause I am the only one making decisions.

Wraith -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 9:40:34)

What the hell...

So, your gonna gimme a bunch of weapons i' m not gonna use and then tell me I can't sell them? Then you make them sell able when they aren't available? Holy crap...

Acient J -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 9:43:32)

Except the weapons are free: you're paying for the Varium.

Smackie El Frog -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 9:46:08)

Then why does a free weapon have a sellback price of 5k?! Its such a tease to not be able to sell your free weapon for 2 of the in game currencies. And when you can finally sell it, it is gone for good.

Remorse -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 9:51:35)

Yeh i realy don't get why they did this.

It sorta counters the purpose of them putting it in on the first place.

Once rares are actuly RARE then they shouldn't be able to sell ..not the other way around.

They only other reason i see for doing this is to stop us getting easy credits and thus have to buy larger packages to get more e.e

Fay Beeee -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 9:58:08)

You could actually try and use the weapons?

Why would you want to sell them until you see how they work with the new armours?

sylar67 -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:01:42)


They only other reason i see for doing this is to stop us getting easy credits and thus have to buy larger packages to get more e.e

thats on their top list taking #2 as for #1 is enhance ,enhance ,enhance ; buy var, buy var ,buy var . ==> making it 4 weapons instead of 2 like the beta weaps so we have to pay 6800 var to enhance them instead of 3400 -.-

@FAY : if you gona get (2) 10k var packs why not benefit from selling the 1st packs weaps and keep the 2nd one :)

Remorse -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:04:20)

^ you would want to sell them if for example you were going to purchase another large package of varium.

Instead of wasting a whole set of wepons you could sell them before you buy the package and make alot of money.

Infact the only time it makes sence to want to sell rares is during the promos exsistance.

If Inventory is a problem rather than make promos sellable once the promo is finished they could make rares take up no inventory space ?

I just relised another reason why this makes aboulutely no sence.

If the reason is to prvent hacking, making them sellable after the promos are finished this isn't goin to help at all they need to be nonsellable once the promos are finished!!..

Persides if some one is hacked during a promo and sold them then, the devs could look at the players purchasing history, see that they purchased pack of varium during that time and refund them the promos...

sylar67 -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:14:01)

^ i already said your edit :)

Dendavex -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:15:10)

If they can do that why cant they restore all the things i have bought in game that were sold by a hacker -.-

goldslayer1 -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:15:50)

they only did this so people who buy alot of packages cant sell the weps and get loads of credits in return to then buy the package and get them again with 15k credits from package.
basically if u buy and sell delta weps u get about 65k credits per package. keep repeating and thats alot of credits. the devs dont want people to do this so they stopped the sell back on delta weps. which is a backstab to those who buy the large packages. we buy the packages we should be able to sell the weapons (for their actual price which is about 10k-11k per delta wep) since we are the ones buying overprice packages.

sylar67 -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:17:46)

^ i dont see any reason why this is bad as long as the players are happy getting credits and the devs are happy getting money -_- PFT

goldslayer1 -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:20:15)

the actually get more money from people who want more credits this way. preventing it to be sellable until the phase is gone isn't going to prevent hackers from selling them after delta is over. so these are just excuses

Remorse -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:23:10)

^ I agree,

Not a very good decesion by the devs. No offence.

Infact their is no reason for it at all and we would be disapointed if it was implaced.

sylar67 -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:23:18)

^ IKR thats the topics name -.-

Dendavex -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:24:21)

They'll make less money they fail

Remorse -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:28:57)

^lol maybe we should add it to the fail moments thread xD
fail moment:
ED devs trying to make rares non sellable to use then sellable later on whens it worse...

PivotalDisorder -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:29:37)

so they do something to make more money and everyone complains, they do something for balance and make less money and everyone complains.

nice jobs guys ^^

Remorse -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:31:43)

^ This is not going to make them money thts why its a failure..

Complaints are good BTW they help imperfections to be improved so if that is a actuly non sarcastic coment then thank you! :)

sylar67 -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:32:06)

@ jehannum balance ? lol this has nothing to do with balance , they ripping us off with the varium costs cant we have some revenge in the credits ?

PivotalDisorder -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:40:38)

it has EVERYTHING to do with balance. wasnt that long ago varium players wanted an option to buy credits with varium
cause they have tons of varium and not many credits. the delta weapons have basically given anyone who buys the package
a massive amount of extra free credits. a lot more than selling gamma bot and gamma bike. im not surprised at all that they
made a change to the resale. I sold 2 of the weapons myself, now have 40k, and wont need more credits for at least 6 months.

stop crying, go fight and EARN your credits like everyone else.

PS: also means enhancements can be done for credits

Epic Pwnser -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:50:49)

I love the sweet talk and everything, but this is such a perfect example of how limiting ED has been trying to be. And will be as this seems to be the cause for the future.
Limiting as in:
Nerfing- Diminishing progressions
Restrictions of our boundaries- Server Lock

And now this. What an excuse!
They're now limiting us players from selling our weapons for gods sakes. And then after this Delta phase, they'll allow us to sell it back, after the stupid promotional period.
It's so frigin clear what the devs are trying to do, it's blatant and uncalled for.
Now this question that Lambo asked:
So after the promotional period (Delta), is it that you won't be able to be hacked?

Now really. Why not LOCK every single weapon that anyone buys so that they won't make the mistake of selling it back and asking for it back?
How about the gamma bot? The other seasonal rares? Gamma Bike? Charfade's bike? Charfade's sword? ETC.

That's annoying and frivolous. It's not going to make you any more money for doing such things.
Why not make it a responsibility on the players to NOT get hacked. MAKE their own passwords STRONG.
It's good there's the restrictions on the beta weapons and founder armor, as they aren't coming out anymore.

But now! Really? You get the idea to restrict the whole Delta set? Why didn't you get the idea to restrict the entre gamma set?
As I said, why not restrict every weapon in the entire existence of ED?

Edit: I'm Epic Pwnser and I approve this message xD

PivotalDisorder -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:56:58)

ok look at it this way, they were incredibly generous to add 4 awesome weapons in the delta package.
gamma was a bike and a robot. plus the robot could even be bought separately, delta weapons cant.

so then people use this kindness so they can basically have a large amount of varium AND credits before
they even have to click 1v1/2v2/Jug/NPC. non variums have nothing they didnt earn by doing fight after
fight after fight, and you want to be able to buy everything so your fully geared and enhanced at level 30.

also they dont want players abusing the offer to buy a ton of LQS armours released tomorrow.

Sageofpeace -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/28/2011 10:59:47)


Look at it this way for those who haven't buy the delta weapon yet it means that instead of 50$ dollar they will have to wasted 100$


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