RE: What an excuse -.- (Full Version)

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Smackie El Frog -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/29/2011 10:11:07)

Something just clicked in my mind...Too lazy to check the old posts to see if its been brought up so here it goes. First we get enhancement slots for almost all items we equip. Than we got a hit with a "balance update" to stat progressions. Now we finally got varium sellback. And what a win that was! But I guess it was too much of a win for us. Because now those promotional items are sellback locked. What a world we live in! xD

Drianx -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/29/2011 10:20:49)

There are some issues here:

1. High level Betas (BTW where are the low level deltas???) were not sellable too.
2. Are you sure you want to enhance deltas for ~3k varium and then sell them, only to get a new un-enhanced set when you buy the next 10k pack? Just thinking.
3. Some people might still sell them accidentally. Not everyone is that careful.

Wraith -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/29/2011 10:45:01)

^I sell my Un-enhanced deltas.

Smackie El Frog -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/29/2011 10:53:33)

Yeah was Drianx responding to me? Not sure since it was like just a post....But if it was...

1. High level Betas (BTW where are the low level deltas???) were not sellable too.
I don't care about betas because they did not have a high sell back rate.

2. Are you sure you want to enhance deltas for ~3k varium and then sell them, only to get a new un-enhanced set when you buy the next 10k pack? Just thinking.
Exactly what Sinastr said. Don't sell the ones you have enhanced. For me that is just the club.

3. Some people might still sell them accidentally. Not everyone is that careful.
Well it is what it is. If you click sell and get rid of it, it's totally on you and no one else. This never an issue for me. But for someone how sells their stuff without meaning too... Take your dang hand off the mouse when you are looking at your gear. DERP

Wraith -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/29/2011 10:59:17)

I have an idea! Sell them right now! Thats right, right now!

At least we get 5k free creds per weapon. And most of us are gonna buy more, so yeah.

tigura -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/29/2011 11:02:32)

All that you guys have said is true... but there ARE a LOT of people (usually less experienced players) who fall for scams and lose their accounts. I dont have the delta weapons but to my understanding there are 4 and you guys want to sell the ones that arent for your class? If this is true, maybe titan should make them 2 weapons, the sword and the other as one, like the beta weapons. This weapon could switch between being a maul, a staff or wrist claws.

sylar67 -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/29/2011 11:10:28)

lol tiguraa xD its me colonel :D

i already said that but nooo devs dont wana make it 2 weapons so we pay extra 3400 varium i already said that many times and even be4 delta started when i saw in the new class testers 4 weapons i said that why did they do 4 to take 6800 variummmmmmmmmmmmm for enhance but noo one gave a dam -.-

tigura -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/29/2011 11:15:47)

oh hi colonel :P

It may seem like they are ripping you off, be who MADE you enhance the weps? The devs? Or you? They gave you a choice, and you chose to enhance all of them.

Smackie El Frog -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/29/2011 11:16:37)

Oooh I haz an idea! What if we had a box in our settings that you check or leave unchecked depending on what you wanted. The box would be something like this. "Make Rare's Sell-able" That way the user chooses for themselves rather than the developers choosing for everyone.

tigura -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/29/2011 11:21:01)

Then hackers could just check the box and sell the rares

Yo son -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/29/2011 11:22:02)


Except the weapons are free: you're paying for the Varium.

I love how, in your world, 50 dollars is free, just amasing.

Smackie El Frog -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/29/2011 11:24:30)

Well duh. But this is a solution for players who sell their rares without meaning to do so. For hackers aka scammers....just don't be stupid. Can't fix stupidity. But the developers don't have to lump everyone into the stupidity group because of those people complaining.

tigura -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/29/2011 11:28:45)

Hmm.. thats true.

AQWPlayer -> RE: What an excuse -.- (7/29/2011 11:31:31)

Sellable promos can get variums tons of credits, but they don't use credits other than for class changing, so I support making the Delta set sellable.

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