RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (Full Version)

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kwj3 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 1:58:32)


Making the founder's armor maybe have these specials (but only one)

Make them go first ALWAYS (If against 2 founder armor users, does the support who goes first thingy)
Or maybe

+8 to all stats and +8 enhancements and +10 res or def

Rage does 65% ignore of the enemy's defense/resistance and gain more rage per turn (It is called Duel master founder armor amirite gaiz?)

Return 30% of all the damage taken to the enemy (Can't Kill)

This should make the founder armor more viable in battle, or make it in par with the LQS items that ran out in 60 seconds (YES YOU TESLA)


DeathSpawn -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 1:59:58)

Yeah lets throw all those in and make everyone that's not a founder quit :D

goldslayer1 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 2:01:43)



Making the founder's armor maybe have these specials (but only one)

Make them go first ALWAYS (If against 2 founder armor users, does the support who goes first thingy)
Or maybe

+8 to all stats and +8 enhancements and +10 res or def

Rage does 65% ignore of the enemy's defense/resistance and gain more rage per turn (It is called Duel master founder armor amirite gaiz?)

Return 30% of all the damage taken to the enemy (Can't Kill)

This should make the founder armor more viable in battle, or make it in par with the LQS items that ran out in 60 seconds (YES YOU TESLA)



i hope ur being sarcastic

kwj3 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 2:03:29)

Ok ok that deserves a slap to the face to the non-founders.

But seriously guys how many ARE founders out there?

Scyth789 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 2:05:09)

@ ND Mallet Guy :

Dude, There surely is a difference between a Defense n Health. If you've forgotten then at our current level, that's lv 33, our stats increase in steps of 5. So if we are to put according to your theory then it'll be 10 stat Points in exchange for 2 resistance. So I just made 1 small correction to your theory, which apparently doesn't make much sense.

On Topic :

1. Non-Founder Varium players will argue that they paid more than Varium players. Not true in all cases. And, we decide how do we want to spend our money and so we buy accordingly. Now if you wanna agrue coz you spent your varium more recklessly then we did then yep, you win it there. But that won't win you as the Loudspeaker. Each vote still counts as equal.

2. Most players seem to think that Founders possess just the one armor. O well, since when did they start forming this idea about us ? Just like you we too possess every type of armor. And buying some depends on our choice too.

3. @ Goldslayer :

ok. when u bought the varium package in december. why did u buy it?

That's what you asked Lambo. Well, If you ask me then I had 2 reasons. Firstly I wanted the Bigger Varium PAckage anyways for my gear. Secondly, YES - I paid coz I wanted the Founder Duel Master Armor. And this is just like for all the other armors we all pay here and it's nothing different. And anytime there was a better armor I always have bought it. And of course we always pay for better stuffs.


change the stats on founder.

That made me LOL loud dude.


im saying its pathetic to see founders say they proudly supported the game when it was 1st here and that took a risk and this and that.
when they only bought the package out of greediness for power.

Greed for power. Well, isn't that the same reason why all Non-Founder's are shouting in here ? Isn't the very thought of being underpowered scaring you ?


compare the price of each armor and enhancements and see how much i had to pay to stay competitive while u only truly needed 1 armor.

We needed just 1 armor ? ROFLMAO. Anyways, as you stated that you paid doe staying Competitive. Just that very same way we are too, we ain't asking for anything free.

I just wanna add some more things. Most players here when lose to a Founder will say that "Yeah, I lost to him coz he was a founder". Still they won't appreciate that the opponent outplayed him, but dump your reason for loss on an armor just to make them feel good.
And one more thing, I never saw anyone from here arguing n standing up in favor of Non-Varium Players who just are one the receiving end always. You all just ignored them always when they had to work hard for everything and still never complain as much as you all here. Never have you all stood for them this very same way. So much for fairness. Thus, we only ask for what we pay. Am I true ?

DeathSpawn -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 2:05:47)

Personally I'd be happy if it was something as small as +10 to 2 stats and still 7 res

Although an Ultra-Rare deserves more than that there's just too many people crying about it so no way Titan will give Founder the advantage again especially with a lvl 25 armor.

So whens the 25 second sale of a lvl 33 LQ Founder armor gonna be?

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 2:16:16)

nobody comments on what i say :((((((((( lol.

Laces -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 2:20:20)

Lol Chosen, I had the same thing happen to me in EDF. It'll go away [:)]

Again, if the max your going to see a Founder is 1/16 = 6% (That is if the remaining 100 Founders are all on, on the same time and since 1600 players are usually on nowadays), I don't see how this is game changing. We ask for a small buff, its not going to change anything. And we'll pay, but since we can't sell it or anything and since its almost useless now and considering its an Ultra Rare and such, whats wrong with a little buff to make it a tad weaker but able to compete?

DeathSpawn -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 2:20:43)

Hello My name is Lord NubSack what's your name? Would you be interested in accepting my Ultra-Rare Founder armor for an EM Tesla Armor?

There I'm replying to you Chosen One

kwj3 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 2:20:59)

@ deathspawn

They work so hard on designing an armor, Player buys 5 of them each to show they're rich (there are thousands of rich players there)

Player A: Lololol it looks so bad but I'll buy 5 of them (100 people do that at the same time
Player B: Woot I'm here in time to buy one of them (Mother calls to fix up his bed) Works bed very badly for 10 seconds *goes downstairs* Hmm i'll buy them now *CLick* ERROR SOLD OUT
WTH *refreshes page* OMG IT'S ONLY BEEN 15 SECONDS AND IT'S OUT *Cries in very badly made bed*
Player A: Hey cool they restocked it *Buys more*
Player B: *done crying, checks out twitter* Friend: WOOT THEY RESTOCKED IT
Player B: *Click,type,type, Click, Click, Equips bike and goes to location ASAP* Click Buy (1 left) ERROR SOLD OUT *Cries even harder*


DeathSpawn -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 2:22:53)

Dude I'm mad just reading that because that's EXACTLY what happened to me man....crazy are you psychic?

goldslayer1 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 2:25:26)


Now if you wanna agrue coz you spent your varium more recklessly then we did then yep, you win it there.

i dont get how that make sense. just because u bought varium before a non founder doesn't make u any more special.


2. Most players seem to think that Founders possess just the one armor. O well, since when did they start forming this idea about us ? Just like you we too possess every type of armor. And buying some depends on our choice too.

its not what most players think. its whats obvious
if u bought other armors when founder was the best thats ur choice. however u did not need that other armor because founder was the best at that time. u might have bought some armors. but im sure theres a LONG list of founders who didn't buy another armor in this game

heck i think one of them is on the 1 vs 1 all time.


That's what you asked Lambo. Well, If you ask me then I had 2 reasons. Firstly I wanted the Bigger Varium PAckage anyways for my gear. Secondly, YES - I paid coz I wanted the Founder Duel Master Armor. And this is just like for all the other armors we all pay here and it's nothing different. And anytime there was a better armor I always have bought it. And of course we always pay for better stuffs.

ok so my point is u only wanted it because of the best armor in the game that had a reign of a year and a half.
just proves my point. however thats not directed at u, thats directed at those who brag about the "i supported the game before u" who only bought the package for founder. also u founders didn't get 1 armor. u got 2. thats double the ultra rare rarity.


That made me LOL loud dude.

laugh all u want if founder becomes +8 res or even +9 it will be OP because of the stats being placed specifically and not like bunny borg where its all spread out. allowing founder to spam does stats better than bunny borg.


Greed for power. Well, isn't that the same reason why all Non-Founder's are shouting in here ? Isn't the very thought of being underpowered scaring you ?

no because we are trying to prevent the armor from being OP like it was before.
however when we buy a new armor today like tesla
EVERYONE who was here at that time could have bought it. people cant buy founder. so it shouldn't be buffed.
no rare armor should be buffed. no matter how weak it is.


We needed just 1 armor ? ROFLMAO. Anyways, as you stated that you paid doe staying Competitive. Just that very same way we are too, we ain't asking for anything free.
yeah except i had to be a load more of armors than the most founders ever had to buy back then. ur asking for an upgrade but anything beyond what founder already has would make it OP.


I just wanna add some more things. Most players here when lose to a Founder will say that "Yeah, I lost to him coz he was a founder". Still they won't appreciate that the opponent outplayed him, but dump your reason for loss on an armor just to make them feel good.
well i can see how that happened back when founder was obviously the best. however i dont have a need for that. sure founders do have the advantage for str builds but thats it. thats all they should get.


And one more thing, I never saw anyone from here arguing n standing up in favor of Non-Varium Players who just are one the receiving end always. You all just ignored them always when they had to work hard for everything and still never complain as much as you all here. Never have you all stood for them this very same way.

i did stand up for non vars. i did in a thread today made by xxmirxx. i stood up for non vars before.
but their voice is sometimes hardly heard. and theres never much of an intense arguement about non vars needing new weps because its pretty obvious they need weps.
and this is a different arguement of founders trying to have more power over non founders vs non founders who want a fair game.


So much for fairness. Thus, we only ask for what we pay. Am I true ?
sure go pay and BUY tesla armor and any other armor like everyone else does instead of requesting buffs for ur current already good armor.
and if tesla armor is too ugly for ur eyes then either cover ur eyes or request armor skins where u can wear the skin of an armor (founder for example) and look like a founder while wearing tesla armor.
problem solved.


Personally I'd be happy if it was something as small as +10 to 2 stats and still 7 res

+10 res. HELL NO that just makes it OP.


Again, if the max your going to see a Founder is 1/16 = 6% (That is if the remaining 100 Founders are all on, on the same time and since 1600 players are usually on nowadays), I don't see how this is game changing. We ask for a small buff, its not going to change anything. And we'll pay, but since we can't sell it or anything and since its almost useless now and considering its an Ultra Rare and such, whats wrong with a little buff to make it a tad weaker but able to compete?

its already a "tad weaker". just request an armor skin and buy a new armor like everyone else.
no rare armor should be buffed. EDIT: no armor at all should be buffed.

DeathSpawn -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 2:51:33)

^ Do you even read the stuff or just quote people and post wildly?

Lol it says right in the quote +10 to 2 stats and still 7 res

goldslayer1 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 2:52:46)

sounded like u said u will be happy if it was +10 res or +2 more stats

ur not exactly phrasing it right

DeathSpawn -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 2:55:27)

^ Hmmm +10 to 2 stats and 7 res....

Just pass your hand over your head and move on :)

goldslayer1 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 2:57:08)

if u mean
+10 str
+10 dex
then just say that -.-

and i wouldn't agree to that. its already the best stat wise. u want more?

u can obviously tell ur not phrasing it right because u just said "to 2"
thats very confusing, so i suggest u

pass your hand over your head and move on


DeathSpawn -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 3:01:14)

Can't say +10 str and + 10 dex because then I would also have to specify +10 Tech and +10 Dex for Tech and Blood mages

Hey lets do some back and forth bickering since you messed up and misquoted me :D

If your pride was hurt from a misquote just say so don't get all defensive man if your feelings got hurt I beg your forgiveness your holiness....

goldslayer1 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 3:05:00)


Can't say +10 str and + 10 dex because then I would also have to specify +10 Tech and +10 Dex for Tech and Blood mages

so ur saying u were too lazy?


If your pride was hurt from a misquote just say so don't get all defensive man if your feelings got hurt I beg your forgiveness your holiness....

ur funny.
u sure its not u who got butt hurt cause someone said u mis-phrased what ur trying to say?

DeathSpawn -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 3:09:40)

Think I've said my peace as I've stated facts and your flaming borderline trolling

Post new topics then I'll reply but as far as this goes you need to stand in the corner!!!

I'll tell you when you can come out :)

xxmirxx -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 3:23:25)

Dude he was one come up with facts and you were one not doing it.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 3:25:02)


Post new topics then

k ;)

Personally I'd be happy if it was something as small as +10 to 2 stats and still 7 res

hmm i think i understand what u mean now after reading it several times.
u want +10 str + 10 dex for BH and merc FM
and +10 dex +10 tech for mage's FM

i think thats absurd. founder armor is already the best armor in the game stat wise.
no need to give it more stats. and no need to buff it.

DeathSpawn -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 3:27:46)

Plenty reason to buff it as it's not logical to honestly believe that 2 stats are better than 2 res

goldslayer1 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 3:30:41)

theres nothing logical about buffing an armor that has already had its use and was the best for a year and a half.
ill tell it like this.
if i had founder, i wouldn't have bought all those armors back when founder was the best in the game for a year and a half.
because founder is already the best. maybe i would have bought bunny borg for support builds but founder would be my number one used armor if i had it.

BTW 2 stat points can also mean an extra resistance

Rooster -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 4:30:29)

Why does this discussion always become so irrational. I don't understand where the problem is if we paid for our upgrade of founders armor and if that upgrade does not make the armor stronger than others.

Scyth789 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/30/2011 5:00:22)

This discussion n the decisions both lie is the hands of the Devs. And Goldslayer, when it comes to buying armors please don't debate as if you're the only one who has ever bought every single armor. That's really annoying. And since you do not possess one of those FDMA, neither of us Founders expect you understand what pride it holds for us.

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