RE: Concerning armor discussion (Full Version)

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MrBones -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/29/2011 9:55:01)

This is my first post on the subject. Top clear the table, I am not a founder.
The founder armor has been the most powerfull armor for nearly 2 years. That is a fact and do not need to be discuss. You guys had a great run. Now top gear stay on top for less than a month.

Now I found the game when it was in the gamma phase. I spent over 250 $ US on the game already.
Upgrading the founder armor to keep it as the top armor is for me a bad buisness decision. The next generation of players deserve top gear. Pleasing about 100 founders to make the majority angry is ludicrous.
May I point out that some of those founders bought ONLY 1 varium pack in their entire ED life. We all are supporting the game, some more than others. The game phase in witch we discovered the game doesn't matter in the long run. I (like any other players that don't have this armor and support the game) deserve to have acess to top gear.

You can still wear it with pride (as it is the best looking armor ingame) but that is all. Stop living in the past. Founder armor is dead. Beta phase is gone forever. Focus is here to stay. Balance will never be perfect. Enhancements won't disapears. There will be be more robots.

Like it or leave it.


Looking at Bunny Zookas: They were the most powerful auxilary for a year or longer. The only buff they got was +1 damage... after it was ingame for a year.
Founder Armor had its time. It also got a buff. I can almost understand that Founders want to see it buffed some more. But Nonfounders are simply on rage.
Founders bought their armor once, enhenced it once and could use it till now. It is still very powerful. Nonfounders bought a lvl 25, a lvl 28 and maybe even one or two rare armors - all needed to be enhenced - just to even try staying at the same grade as Founders. Founders supported this game in an unstable phase, when the game could easily disappear from screen (btw bunny was directly after founder)... Well, the game can continously disappear from screen, seeing that many variums quit. Still there are many players supporting ED, buying varium till today. What about us ?
Founder Armor is ultra rare... so what ? Any rare item that lived to be one year ingame got a small upgrade of +1 "something". Founders got their +1 "something".

LatinLover/Martini you make a good point. This armor had an update already..for free. Time to move on

comicalbike -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/29/2011 9:56:58)

mr bones i am a founder and i agree with you

Rooster -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/29/2011 9:59:48)

@ MrBones
Let me just point this out again: We're not asking for it to be "Top Gear", we're just asking for it to be equally powerful AND we're willing to pay for that. Would that still be a problem?? And if so, why?

MrBones -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/29/2011 10:07:24)

Equally powerfull as the top gear ??

But what happened to all my other armors that were the best at some point ?????? Why do I have to keep buying and buying new armors and enhance them, costing me alot of money ANd having me sit in front my computer like an idiot trying to get LQS ???

While you just sit back and pay for your armor udapte to keep up with all that. Not fair. Bad buisness and demining for all the other players (witch makes for about 98 % of the ED population right now)

Rooster -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/29/2011 10:30:06)

@ MrBones

First off, most founders also have most of the other gear that went useless. So we're suffering the same fate there. We're not complaining about that. Founder armor, however, is something special for us, an maybe that's only understandable if you have one.

As far as the LQS goes, you really think we wouldn't still be sitting in front of the computer waiting for the LQS to open?? Look at some founders Char pages. A lot of them have it all.

Finally, we should be spending the same amount of money on the founder upgrade than anyone else would on a regular armor. As a lot of founder would still be buying the other armors too, devs would even make more money. More Money = Good business model.

So all in all, the main argument I hear from you is that you think we should all be the same, and even if founders would be paying the same or more money for their armor upgrade, they shouldn't get it because it would make them stand out one way or another. Is that correct? I can understand this argument, although I don't agree with it. All your other arguments are, in my opinion, unfounded.

sleams -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/29/2011 10:56:19)

Even the idea of making it upgradable though still may have some problems. From one perspective I can see it this way, I bought a varium armor around the 1st year the game came out, but missed being a founder. Now the armor was one of the best at the time however now non-varium armors are about on par with it, same goes for some of my coolest looking first v-day weapons. I kept them because they still look the best out of all my equipment. However, there is no way to make any of them on par with brand new varium equipment. I dealt with that fact bought another varium package and am updating my character, to move with the times is what is normal and what is always to be expected. It is this way not only in epic duel but life, I love my old desktop computer but does that mean I should expect the company to release updates for it to be on par with a mac pro-dx? Ofcourse not, especially since that is impossible. My main point is to say that the armor can be kept as a nice aesthetic piece, but as far as power goes, upgrade the same way like everyone else.

Oba -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 11:00:00)

I agree with LambO, make Founder armor a upgrade, till lvl 30-33, that we PAY for. And dont re-release it, just read the name of it... FOUNDER armor.

If the non-founders think we are greedy for an upgrade till Founder armor, that we will pay for, is it them who are greedy, not the Founders.

@Sparticus, Yes I heard that aswell. I even think she mentioned September.

tigura -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 11:03:42)


MrBones -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/29/2011 11:25:06)


First off, most founders also have most of the other gear that went useless. So we're suffering the same fate there.
As far as the LQS goes, you really think we wouldn't still be sitting in front of the computer waiting for the LQS to open?? Look at some founders Char pages. A lot of them have it all.

Well if you buy gear for rare points or because you like to collect them, it is absolutly not the same thing as HAVING to buy the next new armor to stay competitive. FOR 2 YEARS YOUR ARMOR WAS THE BEST AND YOU DID NOT HAVE TO BUY A NEW ONE.


Finally, we should be spending the same amount of money on the founder upgrade than anyone else would on a regular armor. As a lot of founder would still be buying the other armors too, devs would even make more money. More Money = Good business model.

You want a good buisness model ??? Make the new update founder available for everybody ingame as an LSQ then if you are so concern with money. Oh but oh no wait no..never. I wanna be special. I discovered the game before eveybody. I am so cool. Not cool in real life but at least on a little browser game.

BTW Did you know that some founders only bough one varium pack in their entire ED life ?? Keep awarding stuff to them. Keep segragating the rest of the ED population. I have spent more than some (maybe most) founders on this game. Where is my reward ? I never asked for one and never will be.. so should you. Especially when that armor was a 'gift' for bying varium and already had update.


All your other arguments are, in my opinion, unfounded.

IMAO. an argument being founded or not is about facts, not opinions.

This have to stop now.

Sparticus -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 11:44:33)

Mr.Bones: as always you hear yourself and no one else.

The DEVs don't kiss anyone's but. They cater to paying customers and provide paying customers with many options to spend their money. That's called capitalism, an idea that escapes most people. Strangely enough, the minority you so freely malign happens to be the paying customer base for ED, a fact not lost on the games designers.

The statement that "WE, the majority of players here in today's ED, disagree with that" is patently false. You have no clue who is for or against upgrading and you personally have absolutely no way of ever finding that answer out. The vast majority of players in ED don't use the forum and if they do they don't post. Of that I am absolutely positive. There are thousands of player accounts and no more then a few dozen active posters on the ED forum. Using mistruth to back up your opinion is weak and demonstrates a poorly thought out position.

Playarn: It seems to be a forgone conclusion that the armor will upgrade, the question seems to be when and how. I have no clues to this but I suspect it will only upgrade slightly and will not change look wise at all.

Dendavex -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 11:49:54)

Founder is getting a +1 buff thats all you fought for *rofl*

Sageofpeace -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 11:54:37)

im not a founder and i think is fine if the armor get a slight upgrade even if they don't pay for which they are willing to, is a cool it be a wasted if it turn useless and most of the founder buy the new armor even when they had the stronger one at one time

Rooster -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/29/2011 11:57:47)

So again, you're saying that unless everyone gets a new founder armor it shouldn't happen. What I read through the lines here is that you feel it's unjust that we get to keep wearing an armor that's not available to everyone. This appears to be your major sentiment. I'm fine with that, but I don't agree with it. Your other arguments are, again in my opinion, unfounded.

Furthermore, while I'm sure that there's some founders that have only bought one varium package, I have yet to come across one. Maybe you can link a character page? The founders that would benefit from an upgrade are the active ones that are still playing. I'd be surprised if you could find one there who has only bought one varium pack.

Laces -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 11:58:41)

@Dendavex, stop flaming Lamb0 and other Founders. You sound like an immature child. My thoughts on this. You guys are just unhappy that you didn't get the armor and therefore don't want it buffed.


3. The vast majority of players don't want it buffed because they don't have it. This has been proven so don't argue with me on this subject. Proven with the thread that Beta Testers should get a gift/buff and majority of the forum supported it because they had it.

You don't have it, you won't let it be buffed. That, my friend, is selfishness. If there are only a 100 Founders left, then why are you so worried about the buff? The likeliness of you facing a person equipped with a Founder Armor is lets say 1/16. Considering there is 100 of us and at least 1600 players online nowadays. If we are willing to pay for an upgrade that costs as much as a new armor, I don't see why not.

Sparticus -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/29/2011 11:59:04)

Sorry, no facts to support any of your arguments, the continual use of the word buff to describe an upgrade that requires purchase and the false statement that your opinions represent "most" of ED. This totally discredits all of your arguments. Founder bashing, jealousy and hate mongering have become a sport and those who trade in it have become little, squeaking voices that annoy everyone but no one bothers to listen to any longer.

All I see are wanna be Founders with a Napoleon complexes. I agree this should stop now, allow the DEVs to sell their product any way they see fit and stop the whining.

Dendavex -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 11:59:20)

@Laces I couldve got armor I just didnt know you could use phone for varium
I had a phone just didnt use it :/

Yo son -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 11:59:26)


think about how much money you actaully saved by not buying an armor every time a new armor came out,

think about how much money you saved by not enhancing every armor you brought,

think about how much more/eazy wins you got when founder armor was/still is the best,

think about having the best(stats wise/look wise) for 1 and half years now,

think about an armor that is class friendly, when ever you class change.

btw this been going on for a really long time now.


Its funny because everyone who doesn't want it buffed doesn't have it, so don't bring that up. These weapons from all the phases should, maybe not now, get buffed. Not just Founders because these are all exclusive items that people payed to support the game in its early phases. But they should all receive buffs at one point when they become obsolete.

Is funny becasue everyone who wants it buffed are founders! Just like every one who doesnt want TLM nerfed are TLM, and everyone who wants it nerfed are not; see, is like a cycle of life. In this game maybe.

Dendavex -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 12:00:49)

Yo son actually got a very good point :/

Laces -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 12:01:39)

@Yo son, the "Its funny part..." is not a valid argument thats why I said you can't bring that up if you read the post by Redxtra you would know why I said that..

Several points, just because we have Founders Armor doesn't mean we didn't buy other armors and enhance them. Thats a misconception held by most people. So basically half of your points are false.

Dendavex -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 12:04:49)

@LACES he got a valid point
I dont want founder buff im not founder
You do you probably do so whats your problem?

Sageofpeace -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 12:07:52)

yo son

most of the founder if not all still buy most of the new armor

Cinderella -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 12:11:06)

Merged discussions since they're both about buffing founder armor.

One of the concepts we're brainstorming about is to have items that don't have inherent stats, but are fully customizable. What we envision would be better, I think, than just buffing founder armor, or the suggestion about switching stats based on what class you are currently. Kind of like how AQW does it. Because of the potential to be abused, it would likely be restricted to items of a certain rarity. This is not a promise, but an idea we're working on.

Rooster -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 12:16:24)

@ Cinderella

Interesting suggestion. That should make most people happy.
I dearly hope it's not going to take too long to implement though.

Lenofor -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 12:17:43)

So, this would apply only on rare armors like bunny, space warrior, tesla([:)])? That is an great concept all arround and gives more options for builds but i think the charm of ED items is arround selling outdated things and buy new and improved ones

Sageofpeace -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 12:34:16)

well as long as if doesn't take to more year to come with a solution im ok with it

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