RE: Concerning armor discussion (Full Version)

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zenix -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/29/2011 5:52:18)


bunnyzookas were meant to be seasonal at 1st. (they had seasonal tags on them too)
so because it was originally meant to be a seasonal it was buffed by 1 damage.

Thank you, didnt know that. So this is one more line on Founders gravestone: Its not a seasonal.

Drianx -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/29/2011 5:52:24)

One more thing founder people:

Also think about some kind of buff for founders without armor. Just as founders who got pack 4 get the same buff as those who got pack 3 although they paid more, founders who bought packs 1 and 2 also deserve a reward for their early support.

sylar67 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 5:53:23)

NO NO NO !!!!!!!

People don't realize that the founder armor is the best armor in the game used in its own level its a" LEVEL 25 ARMOR " not a lvl 33 armor -.-

if used in its lvl witch is 25 it is the most overpowered armor you cant use it at lvl 33 and ask for it to get buffed .

xxmirxx -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 5:53:41)

Haven't are founders been punished enough. Can't we at least respect them. Since they never doing anything wrong.

zenix -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 5:53:46)


lol i replied to some of it.
and i will have to agree no buff to founders.
its now time for the game long time "supporters" to support it by buying a new armor every time a stronger one comes out

Yea, thats it [&:]

@ sylar67
The power of an item does not explicitly correspond to its lvl (as many varium items of lower lvl can easily compete with high lvl nonvarium items).
The power of an item links with its stats, boni, pluses, or however you name it.

Space Rusty -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:18:44)

No stop asking for a buff and gifts you guys are really annoying

They said founder armor is best armor in game but not for how long

So shut up and play

comicalbike -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:23:07)

but the new armour is no good

LambO -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:24:53)

Not asking for free buffs or gifts....
We are asking to pay to make our amour stronger, like you pay for a new amour.
Are we asking it to be the best forever? No.
Are we asking for anything free? No.
We are only asking for it to be upgraded so we can use it in the future.

Seriously, you guys flame us cause we want to PAY to use our amours, really?
We will pay the full price of a normal priced amour or even more.
Yet you think we are greedy, selfish, asking for things free..

sylar67 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:26:54)

^ read my post #55

@ bluebird im 100% that u put some enhancements on dex so just take -4 enhance from dex and put on str the build wont be affected but you wont have that 4 support you dont want and 4 extra tech wouldnt be bad :)

goldslayer1 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:28:30)

in that case re-release a founder version lvl 33, and let everyone right now have a chance to buy it.
even non founders ;)


but the new armour is no good

actually it kinda is.
just simply use 4 less base dexterity and put those 4 into str and enhancements into str. and its like having bunny borg with 4 on dex 4 on str and 8 on tech (without the annoying +4 support)

same for support builds. IMO its better than bunny borg because u can basically go with any type of build.
all builds require some ammount of tech and dex. the str and support can be backed up by enhancements.


@ bluebird im 100% that u put some enhancements on dex so just take -4 enhance from dex and put on str the build wont be affected but you wont have that 4 support you dont want and 4 extra tech wouldnt be bad :)

thats right lol the extra tech gives them more resistance and if u use str tac merc or str BH ur also rasing ur smoke screen debuff

Dendavex -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:29:10)

@Lambo yes you are asking for it to be best forever even by paying for it its annoying how would you like if I came in your house and wrecked everything while shouting what would you say??

Thats how annoying you are [:@]

LambO -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:30:57)

Why re-release it? We are asking for our amour to be stronger, not a new amour.
If Founder amour does get upgraded the level on the amour can be also.

It would be really silly to release Founder amour again cause it's Ultra rare.

@Den. You could try, by time you would of done anything in my house, you're teeth would be at the back of you're throat. =)
Not flaming, just stating the obvious.

sylar67 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:31:14)

@ gold : you always repeat what i say -.-''

T.600 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:32:44)

@Lambo: It's fine for you to pay for upgrades for your valuable founder armour, although it shouldn't become the best armour in the game after the buffs you pay for.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:34:19)

@sylar lol thers about a minute and 20 secs difference from our posts, i cant type that fast.


Why re-release it? We are asking for our amour to be stronger, not a new amour.
If Founder amour does get upgraded the level on the amour can be also.

It would be really silly to release Founder amour again cause it's Ultra rare.

thats still not fair.
ur armor already has the most stats in the game making it +9 res would make it OP.
i already proposed an upholder solution.
every december they make a new armor promo, it would be a really strong armor.
and each year the armor release is stronger than the one from last year. and no buffing them.
founders however, get the 1st year free. so if they do this next december
u get a free armor.
if u want ut armor to be buffed then let others buy it again and have a chance at it.

and if they buff it. thats exactly what it will become.

Dendavex -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:35:04)

@Lambo YOU can cry for founder buff knowing your gonna end up crying like a little baby

Calogero -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:35:45)


Are we asking it to be the best forever? No.

Funny, the way I see it this is exactly what you guys are asking...

Dendavex -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:37:51)

@ANDY EXACTLY they fail
Are we asking to keep the best forever
YET YOU want a buff what a fail of a speech founders arent good at their speeches some AK and mods have to admit that

goldslayer1 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:38:53)

if founders really want to look like founders when they fight, then have skins for founder armor.
and if u truly want to pay for a strong armor then BUY A NEW ONE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. and simply use ur skin over it and walla u got urself looking like a founder.

LambO -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:39:28)

No. Founder amour is Ultra rare for a reason, it would never come back.
If we want a upgrade we will wait for the Dev's to say something.

Den, I wouldn't need to try if you came to my house. I would rip you're head off. Standard.
Yeah, cause I'm really crying about paying for my amour to be upgraded.

I am NOT asking for it to be the best, I'm asking for a upgrade. To be on PAR or a tad weaker.
I'm not talking about major Overpowered-ness so get that thought out of you're head.

Den. Yeah, cause you're posting is so much better than mine...

goldslayer1 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:41:27)

ur armor isn't a seasonal so therefor it shouldn't be buffed.
its an ultra rare, lets leave it at that.
and because its ultra rare others cant get it. so having it as the most OP armor in the game would be unfair.

Dendavex -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:41:32)

@Lambo par with the best will make it better than the best because of stats
ARe stupid and blind?
It does not need a buff and will not be getting
All founders who ask should get ultra super rare armor that gives -7 resistance

sylar67 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:42:06)

guysssssssssssssssssssssssssssss it is the best armor in the gameee People don't realize that the founder armor is the best armor in the game used in its own level its a" LEVEL 2555555555555555555555 ARMOR " not a lvl 33 armor you cant use it 8 lvls higher then its inteced used level and ask for it to be like a lvl 33 armor pft

like they are complaining about the new lvl 28 non var armors having 7 resis when they are 3 levels higher then the founder and yet have and equal resistance and get 8 more stats then them when your 3 lvls less PFT -.-

Dendavex -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/29/2011 6:42:40)

Angels been pwned by OWA

goldslayer1 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 6:43:56)

the non mem armors with +7 res are lvl 30 not 28

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