Cataclysm -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 1:57:11)
I'm going to weigh in on this. If it's going to be a completely free buff, then no. Founders get bonuses, yay. That's all fine and dandy, but they DON'T get a free pass on a section of equipment forever. That's something that shouldn't happen. You supported the game early, but that was then. You don't deserve to keep the top armor for free, forever. As higher level armors come out, EXPECT your armor to get outclassed, EXPECT it to become obsolete and uselss. Don't expect it to be constantly buffed up to be better than whatever just came out. That's just foolish thinking. If you're going to have to pay about the same as a whole new armor of equivalent power (i.e., you want your armor to preform as well as the Tesla armor, fork over ~the same price as the Tesla armor), then I see no problem with it. The staff makes a bit of money, and it's not like Founders are getting the armor for free. They get a GREAT armor for free, with the option to PAY to upgrade it to be equivalent to a higher level armor. That sounds reasonable. They end up paying what the people who want Tesla armor pay, and get the same benefits. It's no different than buying Tesla, except they get to keep their Founder armor's appearance and keep using their Founder armor.