RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (Full Version)

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Angels Holocaust -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 22:22:27)

Yes an upgrade would be nice.
xxmirxx do you honestly think that founders care about the price? If we did, we would've left this game by now. Cost is nothing, we will pay any amount of money to make sure founder is playable.

xxmirxx -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 22:38:13)

I didn't say all founders Angels Holocaust. I was asking question to GreatWarrior08. But that wouldn't be enough you would also need 4 plus stat boost as well. You can't say that not fair I know past I refer some of you as free loaders. But I never ment all founders.

Sparticus -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 23:25:17)

Upgrading founder armor to make it competitive with other new level 33 armors is a very good idea, so good that I'm sure it will happen. I will go out on a limb and state that for the record. Founders will pay for the upgrade, nearly as much as a new armor, just for the privilege of being able to still use it effectively. Its good business for ED since they will make money doing nothing more then updating the armors stats and the upgrade will be very popular with the owners of the armor. Its win-win, a no brainer.

redxtra -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 23:30:31)

that rly isnt a good idea like we all have to adapt to the new armor and such and basicly u want founders 2 be buffed up so they dont have to adapt?
founder armor should stay the same as it is now because if ED buff up founder armor everyone is gonna complain about it and we alrdy have enough complaining here dont ya think?

kittycat -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 23:36:13)

Founder Armor is indeed a rare and exclusive armor. It deserves such perks, but to be honest, I think the perks should be something more meaningful, not competitive. Competition between the Tasla Armor and the Founder Armor would be quite an incendiary event if the Founder Armor exceeded the statistics of Tasla Armor.

Colarndo -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 23:38:58)

Maybe there could be a ver 2.0 upgrade for varium and credits. This is what they did for mechquest house mechs, you buy the low 1.0 with options of upgrading to the 6.0.

xxmirxx -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 23:44:25)

GreatWarrior08 I like your post I like how you go straight to point . I wish my post were like that.

Fatal Impact -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 23:55:26)

Nope. Founder has had its time to shine, give the new-comers a chance.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 0:20:03)

No, and if they buff one armor then every single armor that was evercreated should get the same buff even the Tesla armor. It is quite clear that the vast majority of players don't want to see the Founder armor buffed so can this be the final thread on this subject.

Laces -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 0:25:42)


Several points, I'm not saying they should receive a buff or not, but

1. This is not a communist society
2. This is an exclusive armor not like other armors
3. The vast majority of players don't want it buffed because they don't have it. This has been proven so don't argue with me on this subject. Proven with the thread that Beta Testers should get a gift/buff and everyone supported it because they had it.

Sure, a buff would be nice, but its the Devs decision.

redxtra -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 0:28:23)

thats why new armors are coming out
if u want more power go and buy new armor insted of beg for founder armor to get buffed.
and its funny cause all the ppl who said "yes buff the founder armor" have founder armor theirself.
if u buff that then ppl are gonna ask for more buffs.
first founder armor then beta weps then gamma bot then when the new phase comes out delta weps
so nothing needs to be buffed just do the simple thing and adapt to the game

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 0:32:26)

@ redxtra

Founders are willing to pay the same cost of a new armor or even more to make our armor playable. Why is that so wrong?

Laces -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 0:35:50)


Its funny because everyone who doesn't want it buffed doesn't have it, so don't bring that up. These weapons from all the phases should, maybe not now, get buffed. Not just Founders because these are all exclusive items that people payed to support the game in its early phases. But they should all receive buffs at one point when they become obsolete.

redxtra -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 0:48:11)

ok but it should just be a new armor to get in a varium package not to buff up the founders armor. make it availiable for anyone 2 get.

yea the reason why we disagree is because the founders have had their time to shine for 2 good years they have and just to get buffed up now just to compete against tesla armor? but now it just seems like yall are power hungry cause if this does get buffed up then when ever that have armor for +10-+12 then everyone is gonna come back here and ask,beg,plead for founder armor to be buffed again.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 0:55:43)

@ redxtra

It's founder duel master armor, not let everyone who missed out on the item get it back.

Laces -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 0:57:20)


A buff is not needed at the moment, but when it becomes completely obsolete, a buff on all "phase" weapons, excluding the bot should get a buff.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 1:01:29)

@ Laces

Founer armor is dead now, the buff has to happen now.

redxtra -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 1:05:21)


then keep it like that it doesnt need a buff or anything. if bluebird no.1/comicalbiker can go from founder to bunny borg then anyone can adapt. and if they do buff it then they should make it cost as much as tesla. nut like i said it doaent need a buff its getting old its like your tryin to bring bk leg warmers and parachute pants.

DeathSpawn -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 1:24:25)

Lol Angels its a losing fight.

Like everything in the forums. The only ones that talk here are those that know nothing of the game. It's truly a shame they take anything from these forums considering everything they take from it is useless garbage these people come up with.

So many things wrong with the game personally I wish they would just fix the current issues first instead of these useless updates.

Founder armor is an Ultra-Rare armor and as such deserves a much needed buff or a higher level version that we pay for. These arguments never go anywhere and Founder threads always end up locked.

GreatWarrior08 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 1:27:28)

Founder Is Dead!

dont compare us with Biker And btw he Used Founder to get alot of wins the retired and went Borg

redxtra -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 1:42:21)


so are u saying idk anything about the game?

well imma say this....founder armor is indeed ultra-rare
but the way i see the armor it went from lvl 12 with +3 def/res to lvl25 + with +7 def/res if they do wht they keep doin the next time founder armor will be in by the lvl cap of 35-38

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 1:48:51)

Founder armor is a piece of history it needs to be buffed constantly.

GreatWarrior08 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 1:50:37)


Founder armor is a piece of history it needs to be buffed constantly.

I totally agree it has to be Buffed if you like it or Not It Must be buffed

redxtra -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 1:55:18)

then wait for the ED staff to say something about it like theres no need to be impatient

Rayman -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/29/2011 1:55:27)

a good buff is +10 resitance/defence and 1-4 stats more thats ok for a year.

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