RE: Concerning armor discussion (Full Version)

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Angels Holocaust -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/28/2011 20:51:44)

@ Nexus

Well your zookas don't have the ultra rare tag on it so they don't deserve a buff. Founders do and they deserve the upgrade.

GreatWarrior08 -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/28/2011 20:54:02)

@ Nexus
Founder should be Buffed Because it is a Founder special Offer the Most rare rare armor of all your's is just an Event rare that happens to be stronger aux ... There will be more stronger aux than bunny and rixity's in game.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/28/2011 20:54:27)

Angels Alpha Gear is ultra rare so where is its buff

xxmirxx -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/28/2011 20:54:46)

GreatWarrior08 please stop double posting you thats considered spamming. Angels Holocaust you did get buff when they gave you 10 enhancement on armor. That was buff for founders in the game.

GreatWarrior08 -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/28/2011 20:59:27)

@ One Winged Angel1357

Beta blade did get buffed before it had 5 stats now it has 8-9 the resistance increased and the enhancement when from 5-6 to 10. thats a big Buff 2 be honest.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/28/2011 21:01:28)

@greatwarrior thats all fine and good but Beta blade is not Alpha Blade

Nexus... -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/28/2011 21:04:30)

Very good point One Winged! I totally forgot about the Alpha weapons.

Also Angels, your armor did get buffed. Remember when it had 15 stats (7 and 8), well now it has 16 (8 and 8). Thats a buff right? Lol. In response to anyone who claims that "founder should get a buff because of its rarity tag", well where are the Alpha Weapons buff? They have been around longer then your armor, so maybe they should be buffed further. A rarity tag should not determine when or if an item receives a buff. It determines the rarity score of your item, which in this case is higher then every armor in game. Be happy with what you get, and stop complaining about how deprived you are. If you really want to pay for a buff in stats/resistance, go pay for a new piece of art with better stats (which honestly arn't better anyway).


One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/28/2011 21:07:14)

why thank you Nexus i have been fighing for an Alpha Weapon buff since the Beta Buff

also to everyone be careful how you phrase something it may come back to bite you in the butt, the Devs do it in their posts so its very possible that we can do it too

GreatWarrior08 -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/28/2011 21:10:08)

^ Did you Purchase? it No Did you spend money on Buying it No

So Why does it deserve a Buff when you got it for credit-Free it doesn't ..

And just to be clear Only the bought armor counts Not rare thats why beta and founder are rare and bought.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/28/2011 21:14:29)

why would it need a Buff becuase when was teh last time you saw an alpha player or alpha weapon unless your as lucky as me your answer is never my answer is two weeks ago i saw one in Jugg.

also my thinking Alpha deserves a buff conflicts alot of common knowledge on this forums becuase i do not own Alpha Gear and i used to be destroyed by alpha gear so why would i want to see it buffed quite simply Alpha Gear is the Alphas players badge of pride they deserve to be able to show it off in battle and not have it outdated it should always be usable so alphas can always show it off.

that last paragraph look formiliar to anyone else

Nexus... -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/28/2011 21:14:54)

Did you purchase Founder armor? Did you spend money on buying it?


How can I get this into your head. You bought Varium, and received Founder armor/achievement as a BONUS, not the other way around.

GreatWarrior08 -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/28/2011 21:20:26)

Nexsus Buying the Package is BUYING Founder its just it wasn't in the Shop.! Doesn't make any difference

GreatWarrior08 -> Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 21:26:35)

I think they Should Because they are the Most rarest armor in the game and it should be buffed Because in future there will be more armors that be beyond better than founders.

Nexus... -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/28/2011 21:29:38)

My name is spelled with one "S"

Alright here is a quote for you.


As a special thanks to our players who upgrade during the Delta stage, purchasers of the Epic Varium Package AFTER THE DELTA RELEASE GOES LIVE will receive the Delta Destroyer Weapon Pack!

This is what a promo item is, a "special thanks." Founder Armor/Achievement was merely a "special thanks" for buying the 10k package, just like the Delta Weapons are currently. You are buying the 10k package, and in doing so, they are thanking you by rewarding the promo. You are not "buying" the promo.

Sorry, but you lose ;)


One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 21:31:12)

Nope it has had its rain of power and just like kings and queens its rain of power must end

redxtra -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 21:42:25)

founders had their time to shine now its tesla
its like founders were hannna montana and tesla were justin beiber

elm street -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 21:48:06)

^now i dont wanna buy it anymore [&:]

Stabilis -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 21:53:56)


Nope it has had its rain of power and just like kings and queens its rain of power must end

Before I go on topic, I just lol'd at that typo for awhile:

Rain of Power

Anyways, an item released only as a rare (alpha phase) should update as they age. However you do not need to waste time on one item and have a smaller catalog when you can have more items and more choice and individuality.


If we can't sell it, upgrade it annually.

If we can, forget it.
Also, Founder should never rise to be the best, but second place (at best).

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 21:57:15)

Founder getting a paid buff should eventually happen, but not right now. I rather see players who had "Bought" Beta weapon set get some type of improvement within their weapons.

As Founders, we got Beta weapons free, and it would be nice for Beta Weapon Holders who paid at that stage get some type of paid buff if they choose.

rej -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 21:58:35)

no. absolutely not.

how many more of these topics will be made before people finaly start realizing founders won't be getting a buff? [:'(]

Sipping Cider -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/28/2011 22:03:46)

I am non-founder and i would be fine with a buff............under one condition.

Why not buff all old armors/weapons? Then everyone would be happy i think.

rej -> RE: Concerning armor discussion (7/28/2011 22:06:54)

i agree with OWA, if any items should be buffed, it should be the alpha set. bring them up to par with the player-suggestion items, THEN start worrying about founder [:D]

xxmirxx -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 22:09:56)

I am willing as long it is not free and do it exactly as I said .

I disagree angels you need plus 5 because by end of year top best armors will be plus 12. But I also think all armors should get payable buff time were they were introduced. So founders will have to wait to december same with space armor. I think thats fairest in all situation. But over course all of you think I stupid so my idea is just purely flamming.
GreatWarrior08 I got question are you willing to pay full price as new armor. I mean varium as well credits.

GreatWarrior08 -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 22:14:11)

I dont have a prob Mir I get 10k Bp everyweek. But if i have to than sure.

Sipping Cider -> RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No (7/28/2011 22:21:55)

I would be fine with a buff as long as all other old items are buffed too. As for what the ending power for Founder Armor should be, i think it should be less defense/resistance modifiers than the best armor in that category but it should have to most stats. Right now it seems fine, but maybe 1 or 2 points more in resistance should be good. Also, although i do not have founder armor, i think it should be physical or energy. I always wondered why they only made an energy version of it.

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