BlackAces -> The AntiGuardian! (7/30/2011 11:03:24)
The AntiGuardian! Today's Event > The AntiGuardian! (New quest) OR Today's Event > The AntiGuardian! (UltraGuardian and AntiGuardian armors) or Guardian Tower > Nimrod > Quests > AntiGuardian! You have been enlisted in the search for a missing Guardian named Seffiris in the scorching Skraeling Desert... Search! 2 BATTLES Full Heal 2 BATTLES Full Heal See below for encounter list «Scene: Skraeling Desert.» Ammerthon: So have you had any luck in finding Guardian Seffiris yet, «You»? «You»: No, Guardian Ammerthon, I haven't. I'm sorry... I know Seffiris is like a sister to you. Ammerthon: Yes, yes she is. I'm sorry as well. She's been missing for three days now. And in this desert, three days is an eternity when you're alone. Ammerthon: You should return to Battleon and rest for a bit. I will keep looking for another half day, and then catch up to you. «You»: Are you sure, Ammerthon? Ammerthon: I am. Now go and be safe. «You»: You as well. Hopefully Warlic is returned from whatever journey he's been on and we can enlist his help. Ammerthon: I hope so, too. «Scene: Another part of the Skraeling Desert in which Ammerthon encounters a bloodstained Guardian Blade blade-down in the sand.» Ammerthon: !!!! Ammerthon: Seffiris! Are you near?!? «Ammerthon walks toward the Blade and the Scene zooms in.» Ammerthon: ......blood........ Only on the hilt........? «Ammerthon moves in closer, but then the AntiGuardian grabs him and hauls him off-Scene. New Scene: Battleon.» Sage Uldor: «You», I have been seeking you. «You»: Sage Uldor! I was just getting ready to go to the Crossroads. Is there something you need? Sage Uldor: My latest vision is complete. It came to me over several nights, in bits and pieces, like a puzzle. Sage Uldor: It was as though something was actively trying to prevent me from seeing everything at once. Scrambling my thoughts. «Scene zooms in on Uldor.» Sage Uldor: I see an ocean of hatred rising up to consume Battleon... Sage Uldor: Propelled by the fire and darkness at the heart of daemonkind... Sage Uldor: And I fear it has been able to approach very closely without our knowledge. «Scene zooms out.» «You»: ......... «You»: Well, you DID see it. So we'll be ready. I'll spread the word and we will be on guard for anything! «Scene: Greenguard Forest. Warlic floats in.» Warlic: Ah, poor little axiomatic chipmunk! Warlic: Did someone hurt you? Warlic: Do not worry, I will help you. «Warlic casts a healing spell.» Chipmunk: *squeak squeak* Warlic: You are very welcome, little one. «Scene zooms in on Warlic's face.» Chipmunk: *squeak squueeeaak* Warlic: ......... What? Are you CERTAIN that is what you saw? «Scene zooms out. The Chipmunk scurries away as the AntiGuardian's shadow appears.» Warlic: You will need to go back to where you came from. Your intent is all too clear... ???: MY INTENT IS NOT TO BOW TO YOUR WILL, MAGICIAN. Warlic: I can destroy you with little more than a thought, you-- «A column of black and red spews up from under Warlic and he disappears.» ???: WHICH IS WHY I CANNOT LET YOU THINK. «Scene goes to darkness. New Scene: Battleon Guardian Tower.» Vabin: Whew, is my arm tired! These Guardian Blades are HEAVY! Serah: You can say that again. Are you almost ready to break for lunch? I could really go for a tuna salad at the Inn! Vabin: Yum-O! That sounds-- «The AntiGuardian enters via appearance over a circle of red and black.» Serah and Vabin: (simultaneously) !!!! «Scene zooms in on the AntiGuardian's face.» ???: HELLO, LITTLE MONKEYS. «Serah and Vabin raise their swords and charge at the AntiGuardian. Scene fades to darkness and then returns, sans Serah, Vabin, and the AntiGuardian.» «You»: (off-screen) Hey! I have some news! We need to be ready for-- ««You» enter.» «You»: Vabin? Serah? «You»: Where did they go? Their replacements should be here, at least. Enter the Tower! «Scene: Interior of the Guardian tower, Vabin and Serah dead on the ground, no one else in sight.» «You»: !!! «You»: What on Lore did this?!? «The AntiGuardian enters.» ???: I DID. CALL ME... THE ANTIGUARDIAN. «You»: You--! You're not going to get away with this. ???: YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT IT IS I WANT, WEAKLING. «You»: Just wait until the rest of Battleon's Guardians find out what-- AntiGuardian: THE REST? YOU'RE WELCOME TO WAIT FOR THEM, BUT I HAVE A SNEAKING SUSPICION YOU WILL FIND THIS TOWER LITTERED WITH THEIR BODIES. AntiGuardian: THEY'LL NOT BE JOINING YOU FOR QUITE SOME TIME. AntiGuardian: IN FACT, IT IS YOU WHO WILL BE JOINING THEM... AntiGuardian: ... RIGHT AFTER I DO SOME REDECORATING. «The AntiGuardian smites the floor of the Tower. New Scene: Outside, where the Guardian Tower is seen splitting in two. Aria and Aquella enter the Scene.» Aria: What was tha-- Aquella: -- By the Water Lord!! The Tower!! «Scene: Back in the Tower.» «You»: Oh no-- AntiGuardian: HAHAHA. YOUR WORDS ARE SMALL, JUST LIKE YOU. «You»: .............. AntiGuardian: AND NOW YOU CAN FIND NONE. IN SHOCK, ARE YOU? I HAVE WAITED MANY YEARS FOR THIS DAY. MY POWERS HAVE REACHED THEIR PEAK. AntiGuardian: EVEN YOUR ARCHMAGE FELL TO ME THIS DAY. NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU. AntiGuardian: I AM ENJOYING THIS FAR TOO MUCH. I WILL GIVE YOU A DAY TO SEE IF YOU MIGHT REVIVE ANY OF YOUR WOUNDED. AntiGuardian: AND THEN I WILL EXPECT YOU TO FIGHT ME. WE SHALL SEE IF YOUR HATRED MATCHES MINE. AntiGuardian: HAHAHAHAHAHA! «The AntiGuardian leaves.» «You»: ............ «You»: No. I'm not waiting a day. I'll fight you now! I'LL FIGHT YOU NOW, MONSTER!!! «Scene zooms in on the entering Nimrod, who raises a Blade of Awe.» Nimrod: Wait, «You». I've seen his power. He cannot be fought alone. We must take him together... «Scene: Exterior of the Guardian Tower.» «You»: Don't run away from me, demon!!! «The AntiGuardian appears again.» AntiGuardian: YOU'RE A BRAVE ONE, INSECT. IMPATIENT TO DIE, HM? «You»: NOW!! «Nimrod enters and strikes at the AntiGuardian with the Blade of Awe, but the AntiGuardian raises an arm and breaks the Blade. Then purple magic streams out and throws «You» and Nimrod off-Scene.» AntiGuardian: I'LL BE WAITING FOR YOU. «As an afterthought, the AntiGuardian picks up the broken Blade and throws it after «You». The words Skewered by the Blade of Awe! appear at the top of the Scene as the AntiGuardian strides away.» «You»: I... I couldn't stop him... Sage Uldor: Robina, Aria, and the others are helping with the wounded. You, however, MUST battle the AntiGuardian. «You»: Yes. But after seeing what he is capable of, I'm not so sure that-- Sage Uldor: My visions have been clearer after his arrival. I know why he is what he is... «Scene zooms in on Sage Uldor.» Sage Uldor: 30 years ago, Ghin Surrech's father was killed defending the Guardian Tower at Barrowdell from a battalion of Seekers and Undead bent on securing the Darkness Orb. Sage Uldor: Ghin's mother, torn by grief, and a mage by class, directed her rage at research into the afterlife. Ghin watched his mother lose herself in her mission over the following years. Sage Uldor: Eventually one of her spells resulted in her vanishing into a portal to points unknown. Sage Uldor: Ghin, a youngster when this all began, knew nothing but hatred, directed not at those who killed his father, but to the Guardian to which his father devoted his life. Sage Uldor: Ghin took up his mother's studies and enlisted the help of a Summoner using his inheritance. Sage Uldor: Over the following years, Ghin dedicated his life to becoming a perfect warrior, balanced for defeating Guardians, utilizing shadowy secrets from the beyond. Sage Uldor: As a final, desperate measure, Ghin commanded his Summoner to call forth a demon and materialize it within Ghin himself. Ghin survived the most terrible pain he had ever experienced-- Sage Uldor: -- every cell of his body having to share its space with that of a demon's cell. What Ghin became was unique among all things. Sage Uldor: Technically a half-demon, but with the full power of a demon within his body, unadulterated by its mixture with the human side of Ghin. «Scene zooms out.» Sage Uldor: Ghin Surrech had finally become-- the AntiGuardian. And now he has set his plan to destroy the Guardians in motion... «You»: With the power he commands, how can I stop him? Sage Uldor: Ghin's armor is infused with demonic power, directed by his will to do most of its damage against Guardian equipment. But I am not sure how that might be countered. «Scene zooms in on the Inn's door as Yulgar opens it and steps out.» Yulgar: I think I know what needs to be done. Yulgar: «You», follow me to Adder's Forge. «Scene: Isle d'Oriens. New Scene: Adder's Forge.» Adder: You've waited a day, and we appreciate it. Yulgar and I have worked harder and faster than we ever have to craft an armor that can counter the AntiGuardian's power. Adder: Yulgar? «Yulgar enters, raising the UltraGuardian Plate.» Yulgar: We only had time to make a few. You'll need to get them down to Battleon right away. And then battle the AntiGuardian before he can move on to whatever his next target may be... Mighty UltraGuardian Plate Deft UltraGuardian Leathers Insightful UltraGuardian Robes UltraGuardian Shield The game will load the version of the UltraGuardian Plate you chose along with the UltraGuardian Shield. Depending on your level the Power Level of the UltraGuardian Plate/Shield is as follows: Level 0-24: UltraGuardian (5) Level 25-51: UltraGuardian (25) Level 52-64: UltraGuardian (52) Level 65-84: UltraGuardian (65) Level 85-104: UltraGuardian (85) Level 105-124: UltraGuardian (105) Level 125+: UltraGuardian (125) «Scene shows the AntiGuardian defeating Robina, Zephyros, and Eselgee across a gray background. New Scene: Interior of Yulgar's Inn, where the AntiGuardian sits at a table.» «You»: Hey you. UGLY. Ghin: HUH. INTERRUPT SOMEONE WHILE THEY'RE ENJOYING A DELICIOUS SALAMANDER STEAK, EH? «You»: I challenge you to a duel. Outside. Now. Ghin: I NEVER THOUGHT YOU WOULD COME BACK. HMF. THIS SHOULD BE INTERESTING. «Scene: Outside in Battleon.» Ghin: ANY FINAL WORDS BEFORE I CRUSH YOU? «You»: You know that salamander steak you were eating? That's what you're going to look like when I'm done with you. Fight! If you are a Guardian, a choice is before you! You may declare yourself as a Guardian and fight the AntiGuardian confronting his full rage. If you succeed the UltraGuardian armor & shields will become attuned to you and you may permanently attune it as a no-drop armor. Alternatively, you may conceal the fact you are a Guardian, and fight the AntiGuardian in a weaker state, but if you do this, the UltraGuardian armor will not acknowledge you as a Guardian! The choice is yours! Fight as a Guardian Fight as an Adventurer Please wait while the UltraGuardian Equipment is Removed... «Scene: Battleon. Warlic appears.» Warlic: «You»! I am sorry, but I was temporary disincorporated. Has the demon-- Oh. Yes. I see. Warlic: ....................... Are you all right? «You»: I'm still alive, Warlic. I'm still alive...
AntiGuardian Shop Armors: AntiGuardian Plate AntiGuardian Plate Z AntiGuardian Plate AntiGuardian Plate AntiGuardian Plate Z AntiGuardian Plate AntiGuardian Plate UltraGuardian Armor! Yulgar: As you have defeated the AntiGuardian while wearing the UltraGuardian Armor it has become attuned to you. Yulgar: We can activate specific powers within the armor to support your fighting style. Yulgar: The Mighty Armor has a powerful attack with Melee weapons, the Deft Armor can use your finesse to Intimidate your enemies with Ranged Weapons... Yulgar: ... and the Insightful Armor will sometimes restore Mana when you attack with Magic weapons! - Mighty UltraGuardian Plate
- Deft UltraGuardian Leathers
- Insightful UltraGuardian Robes
- UltraGuardian Shield
The one you choose becomes your No-Drop Armor and the UltraGuardian Shield becomes your No-Drop Shield. Play again! Guardian Tower! Leave Write-up thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf Encounter List Level 0-24 Acclaimed Warrior (1) Cyclops Trainee (5) Mummicane (7) Runt Roc (9) Salamander (6) Sphinx Acolyte (7) Level 25-51 Distinguished Warrior (18) Hatchling Roc (18) Mummicane (27) Scorpion Zard (31) Sphinx (27) Level 52-64 Cyclops Defender (56) Magical Sphinx (47) Mummicane (47) Salamander (54) Scorpion Zard (51) Titled Warrior (46) Young Roc (36) Level 65-84 Cyclops Chieftain (66) Cyclops Chieftain (66) Giant Mummy (65) Lectro (27) Mummicane (67) Renowned Warrior (58) Scorpion Zard (71) The Roc (72) Level 85-104 Big Roc (88) Big Salamander (76) Cyclops Chieftain (86) Eminent Warrior (78) Grand Sphinx (87) Mummicane (87) Scorpion Zard (91) Level 105-125 Cyclops Chieftain (106) Fabled Warrior (98) Great Grand Sphinx (107) Huge Salamander (98) Hunting Roc (110) Mummicane (107) Scorpion Zard (111) Level 125+ Bun-Bard (115) Cyclops Chieftain (126) Enormous Salamander (118) Legendary Warrior (114) Mummicane (127) Veteran Hunting Roc (125)