Enhancements my thoughts (Full Version)

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Elf Priest JZaanu -> Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 13:06:00)

Since the introduction of this modified version of requests made by many players. I think this element has brought my experience in this game much lower. I ponder why there needs to be a 3rd tier of paying players.

My feeling is if there is no enhancements, players would have more options for build making due to having more weapons to afford to buy. This is how it was done in the old days, now we have mega powerful weapons that we just alter the stats around and play.

Many players who have multiple accounts that have purchased varium with then, it has been a thorn. It takes about a month to earn 120k+ credits for each weapon (4)?

Out many odd features implemented, this one irks me the most. And in the long run, this feature will drive out more people out of this game then anything else.

You want people to class change, then make it affordable to operate their weapons by no enhancements.

Hopefully this feature will be eliminated, because it is nothing but a sink-hole for caring supportive players. Eventually this will drive me out of the game as well.

This can be a discussion if some players understand the perspective I am expressing. Honestly, I am just tired of every single angle tied with varium.

AE needs to figure how to keep their players for this game, and not drain them financially with such aggressive methods.

My apologies to all. I am just tired.

ajs777 -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 13:08:23)

Epicduel is a business, just as much as it is a game

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 13:11:44)

When a product or service behaves like a business, then it causes distrust. Many have expressed this, and can AE/ED change this?

When someone supports a business or product, people do it because the feeling that is given. When monies is attached in all angles, it limits one's freedom to enjoy.

DeathGuard -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 13:20:24)

I have spent more than 200k credits on enchancements, and I think it was kind of dumb from my part since I should have buy seasonal rare (nonvarium) to higher my rarity socre and get treasure hunter. This feature gets around like 300-400$ dollars per day since all wants to be at the same rate, since new weps get release and the olders ones get forgeted. If this feature was deleted, maybe a refund or a special gift and achievement should be gived to those who used this feature.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 13:33:19)

It is easy for this game to balance the non-varium weapons and varium, yet AE/ED continues this system that will eventually fail them. As I mentioned in another post, the players drive this game. At this time, there is not enough varied content to hold itself on it's own.

When players enjoying paying for a feature, then the game is doing it right. When a player has to pay to order to compete with given climate of the game, then there is a problem.

The biggest overpriced item in this game is stats. With no multi-layer content, and only pvp, this is their only true sales for most of this game's community.

Eliminate Enhancements, allow players to pay for wonderful features that does not impact other players ability to enjoy the game.

xxmirxx -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 13:33:14)


My feeling is if there is no enhancements, players would have more options for build making due to having more weapons to afford to buy.
No not at all if agility was remove then players would have freedom.

It takes about a month to earn 120k+ credits for each weapon (4)?
It takes long for some players so its 2 months.

And in the long run, this feature will drive out more people out of this game then anything else.
Your incorrect because we aren't getting smaller but bigger.

You want people to class change, then make it affordable to operate their weapons by no enhancements.
Everything fine it just you guys need to change way you buy enhancement.

Hopefully this feature will be eliminated, because it is nothing but a sink-hole for caring supportive players. Eventually this will drive me out of the game as well.
We all need move on because eventually you will get to old to play. AE is doing great job making money off ED.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 13:40:21)

Mirxxx are you posting as a non-varium player in rebuttal to my post, if you are, pls. don't.

I am speaking as a fully-functional highly supporting varium player who has invested tremendous community time and monies to this game.

I am also a grown mature adult, so the phrase "get too old" is not relevant to me.

I am speaking about using better methods to obtaining monies for this game, and enhancements are not it. Agility is not a paid feature.

xxmirxx -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 13:47:43)


I am also a grown mature adult, so the phrase "get too old" is not relevant to me.
Well I am too but I realise this game is for kids. And I was merely speak truth agility wasn't pay feature but in end it became one. because of constant change your builts and buying new weapons. If agility was remove then people wouldn't feel need to buy enhancement all time.

DeathGuard -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 13:50:39)

I have seen varium players selling their outdated weps to buy enchancements or neither buying the new rares or promo.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 13:55:50)

This is becoming into a 10+ age game it seems.

Though this is off topic, Agility was a build compressor. The class that benefited the most was Mercenary. Both BH and Mages had ability to expand their HP and compete. Now with the new Tactical Merc, it takes advantage of both sides of the coin with hybrid and reroute.

I do ask not to discuss build/class issues.

this is about creating features that stem away from the enhancements feature.

The game needs to add more value where players don't have to work to enjoy the game, but to enjoy to play, so they can achieve their desired goals.

This game should have 0 outdated weapons. This is another issue they must deal with. It is a constant cycle of upgrades from the previous where the previous becomes obsolete.

xxmirxx -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 14:20:41)

Agility and enhancement play big part in your discussion. If you remove agility then people would feel need to spend less on varium on enhancement and credits.

I do ask not to discuss build/class issues.
All this relate to spend less on varium. Whichfor AE is no no.

This game should have 0 outdated weapons. This is another issue they must deal with. It is a constant cycle of upgrades from the previous where the previous becomes obsolete.
Thats way life like old its you and others need to move on. I am sorry if I am playing both parts of your discussion.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 14:40:06)

There needs to be a system placed into the game that separates the active players from the inactive ones. I for one don't mind because I don't waste time on alts, or trolling people in oz world 6. This is epicduel we're supposed to be fighting, not making 6 accounts and getting 10 wins everyday and socializing as if it were Facebook, Myspace or any other media site. This game was created so we can fight and not talk, our wins do our talking it's as simple as that.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 14:45:43)

When I ask not to talk about Agility, you choose to bring it back on this topic. Don't. It is not a paid feature. I will not repeat this again.

In regard to varium, if positive varium features implemented beyond enhancements, then it would provide a more solid options for varied types of players.

I disagree with your opinion of outdated weapons. If the game added another feature(s) where every purchase has a true value and use, more players have more options to make their playing experience more enjoyable.

Mirx you're not playing both sides, you are playing a single side only, yours. :)

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 14:48:16)

@ Jzannu

Just ignore xxmirxx, hes trying to troll you now. Don't let him do that to you. If we pretend that he's not there maybe he'll go away.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 14:54:17)

Angel, thank you for your thoughts, but I am only speaking of enhancements. If a player wishes to support the game, regardless by means, if it is class change, or creating a new account, it is still the same. Enhancements is a quicksand in regard to build making, flexibility, and true valued varium use.

The game uses a peer pressure tactic of power to gain sales through enhancements. Who doesn't want the easiest road to victory. If everyone else is using that same road, and your feeling like a 2nd tier player, yet you also invested in the same weapons, one is more inclined to pay for enhancements.

I am also speaking for long term as well. To keep your player base, where it expands, yet contain those players who have been there since the beginning, enhancements is not it.

xxmirxx -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 14:55:19)

Not yet but know myself I will find something I will agree with you. JZaanu your just choosing ignore facts about secret about enhancement.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 15:08:51)

well i manage to enhance most of my weps but when a new weps comes it takes me months to just enh it. eg the new armor i dun even have enuf credits to buy the new armor because i just spend 30k on enhancements on my aux because they made carrierzooka have 8 slots. and now i will have to farm round 80k creds to buy and fully enhance the new city guard armor. yes u might say i can sell weps but i hate selling stuff. some people hate selling stuff.

some varium player play smart and farm credits to enhance their wep even tough they have varium to do the enhancements. spending varium wisely is good i rather spend varium on wep than bag slot, buddy list slot, token boosters, exp booster, credit boosters,enhancement, brainwash and lastly i would never ever spend varium to buy the gold card. only suckers buy the gold card cause it was clearly a scam from the beginning.

Also enhancements are becoming the controller of the game it is like if u have less enhancements means u have less stat less stat mean good bye you. enhancements make the varium and non varium gap bigger and biger because a varium player can easily get like +60 plus on just 1 stat with enhancements.

Wraith -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 15:18:25)

While your idea was great, it would also be a thorn if enhancements were removed. Actually, scrap that. It would be great.

xxmirxx 7/30/2011 14:55:19, JZaanu is not ignoring anything. She also isn't a child, unlike you. She knows what she is talking about. Please don't take a well-written post with much time put in and treat it like...erm...<<censored>>. Also, what secret is there to enhancements? That the devs are greedy? I'm sure that she knows that...right?

Removing enhancements would be great, however...

If enhancements were removed, it would be simpler for people to hop class to the OPed one and start killing, earn 50k credits and switch to the next one, and not pay anything for enhancements. That idea is appealing though :D

You would need to refund a few thousand players. What about really inactive players like Flath? He paid money for enhancements, and his refund will do nothing. Unless you propose to scrap it and call enhancements "Carpe Diem" (I think that's how its spelled...)? In the long run, this will destroy the company.

Most of my enhancements came from varium. Thats Stun Cannon 8 + Stun Blaster 8 + Plasma ACP 4 + Imperial ACP 6 + Necro Mage that I sold 6 + WarBot E 8 + Bunny Borg P 8 + Space Warrior E 8 + 3 promo swords 30 + Delta Daggers 10 + both eggs 16 + Circle of Pain 6 + Charfade's Gun 8 + Charfade's Staff 8. I added it up, total of 20000 Varium. I might have missed a few.

Without enhancements, 20k Varium can sustain me for 6 months+.

xxmirxx -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 15:19:02)

I am sorry JZaanu I read your post. I to like see up so I won't post here.

DeathGuard -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 15:32:30)

This will give lead to some war and falmming but what will the devs do to calm down their anger? Jzaanu maybe you got an idea about it.

xxmirxx -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 15:36:04)

It has been doubt with we agree to disagree.

Sipping Cider -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 15:39:17)

Here is my idea on how enhancements should work:

I remember from a post Cinderella made that she said the original idea for enhancements was to increase the playable life for weapons. That means you could buy the newest weapon and then 10 weeks later it could still be competitive due to enhancements. I like the thought behind it, but obviously it did not work, as enhancements just became a part of the weapon when you bought it. What if all weapons started out with 0 enhancements, but after every new weapon gets released, all old weapons gain an enhancement slot?

This would keep old weapons around longer, and not just boost the newest weapons. People would not feel as much as a need to enhance and they would not complain about how weapons are more expensive because of enhancements. Also, a lot of talk about founder armor being buffed as occured and since there has been tons of updates since founder armor was released this would satisfy those who want the founder armor buffed.

This would also take out that third tier of paying players since everyone should be equal in battle. Someone who upgraded a few years ago might have less powerful weapons, but their weapons would have more enhancements.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 15:47:14)

Devil's you are very correct, the game has put themselves in a very difficult position of past paid enhancements. What to do? For players who paid, they loose their varium value nearly 50%, and for players who are non-varium or on budget, it is a tiring effort to obtain these credit enhancements.

If they remained at the primary as they first implemented, I don't think this would have been so frustrating. But now every single competitive item has enhancements attached, will the new robot, what about helm/haircut enhancements?

They could eliminate it immediately from items here on, I don't think it would be an issue, or decrease the slots slowly. This was one of the largest errors, in my opinion, this game made, by adding another tier of paying players above the cost of weapons.

Long term, this will suffocate the player base as it already has done to some degree.

Can this game apply features and experience beyond just weapon sales for monies? Either they don't know how, or they are not willing to expand themselves to do it as of yet.

Callisto -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 15:48:24)

I agree with everything you posted Jzaanu but the problem itself is much bigger than just enhancements.Game is all about varium,you have to pay for everything.Buddy room,inventory room,weapons,bikes,houses,even haircuts,you name it,you have to pay for it if you want to stay competitive.It wouldn't be such a big deal if the amount you have to pay wasn't so big.Smallest pack is only enough for 1 weapon and 2-3 enhancement slots.

If I understood your idea correctly,removing enhancements would encourage more variety of weapons,people would choose what fits their game style rather than just focusing on number of stats and relying on enhancements.It would also decrease stat abusing and lower the gap between var and non var to how it was before.

I can see the positive side of it but if they were to remove enhancements many players would demand for refund,in varium or credits and that itself would be a big problem for devs.Making everybody happy afterwards would be impossible without fair refund in some way,cause of that,I don't see it happening.

aqwshadowking14 -> RE: Enhancements my thoughts (7/30/2011 16:30:25)

As for enhancements lets not just think about us high lvls, but instead think of the low levels. With enhancements at low lvls, you can beat any non-var that's 5 lvls higher than you. Enhancements brought corruption, but if they got rid of enhancements, it would bring more corruption.

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