Do classes really need buffing? (Full Version)

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the archangle -> Do classes really need buffing? (7/31/2011 16:04:28)

Will it is something that all devs and mods say (We can not nerf the class anymore) So they say we will make other classes stronger.But do we need it really that much?
I say no i like a lil challenge it makes the game more fun! So what if you ''loose'' at battle just say ''Good Game''
Tell me what you think!

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (7/31/2011 16:28:04)

fine with me im a tlm.

*Nova* -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (7/31/2011 16:32:30)

So, TLM has been nerfed the farthest and it's still OP?

the archangle -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (7/31/2011 16:38:04)

@nova yes it is. But tlm is not op it is the way tlm is made

Calogero -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (7/31/2011 16:38:06)

It isn't a ' Good Game ' if 75% of the players are Tact Merc which use rediculus OP'd builds...
You don't want a Buff? fine, Just Don't ruin the future Balance for us

skeletondude -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (7/31/2011 16:38:33)

@nova:needs more nerf

yes the other classes except tac merc needs more buffing up to the lvl of tac merc

DeathGuard -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (7/31/2011 16:38:43)

Yep Nova, anyways all should have chances to win, anyways I don't see a point in not buffing the uped classes, so I don't support it.

AxeOFury -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (7/31/2011 17:33:31)

How about tlm get a little hybrid nerf, they take away enhancements and stat diminishment. :) done!

Scyth789 -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (7/31/2011 17:40:02)

I don't see the need of a nerf. Just replace their Reroute and we're all good. After all if anything is worse than a Merc is a Merc with Reroute.

the archangle -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (7/31/2011 19:12:26)

Now i think its smoke that ruins it.. hybrid is easy for a techmage cus they flip it then you use physical so no hybrid take but i say smoke or reroute
i see this with tatical merc they use smoke,poison,zooka,heal then you dead [:D]

InceptionAE -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (7/31/2011 19:17:30)

If you want us without reroute, give us Bloodlust or Deadly aim..

If you people REALLY hate TLM then give us Static Charge (Since it's not passive)

.PinkMoose. -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (7/31/2011 19:24:12)

bloodlust plox :o

DeathSpawn -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (7/31/2011 19:33:02)

This is a widely debated subject.

Honestly it could go either way as far as buffing or nerfing.

Whatever they do I hope they do it right this time. I'm not sure if the problem is the inexperienced testers, the coding, or what but something needs to be done.

TaM's aren't exactly overpowered per-say. There just easier to make a good build with making just about anyone good with it.

If they choose to nerf it needs to be something defensive. This could be a nerf to their heal, Hybrid, more on frenzy, or anything really. High defenses plus reroute is tough for anyone. You guys say "Oh but there not getting much energy back" Guess what, your getting more back that way and keeping your health than a Techy with low defenses and taking huge amounts of damage.

Remember it rounds up as well so 3 hits causing 40 damage total will give you more energy than 1 hit dealing 40 damage. Personally I'd rather get more turns not sure about you.

the archangle -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (7/31/2011 19:43:57)

I highly agree!

rej -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (7/31/2011 19:47:30)

thid question has allready been answered, why is it still being asked

of COURSE some of the classes need buffing, only the foolish and selfish would think otherwise.

the archangle -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (7/31/2011 20:02:27)

@rej im not selfish at all i do think otherwise .. the devs work hard on classes so why not say hey thanks for the classes and be greatful for what they have done!
im not trying to be rube but i do not like people who act like that

Sipping Cider -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (8/1/2011 11:24:11)

Although a little challenge is nice, i want to be competative with any class i choose. This way i can join the faction war as a tech mage, tactical mercenary, cyber hunter, or what ever i want. Also, if i am going for a daily leaderboard i want to be able to be the class i wish to be.

Remorse -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (8/1/2011 12:48:59)

At first I was ok with the thought of tac mercs , thinking theyd would be just a chalenge.

But they are so much more than a chalenge.

You Vs. one really smart tac merc even with luck on your side odds are you will lose.
It's not a chalenge it's us getting slaughtered.

I was fine with all other Oped builds, Heal loopers fine, Str BH fine. But tac mercs ........ Just change em for chirst sake, I'm sick of waiting.

Infinity Everlasting -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (8/1/2011 12:52:20)

A simply way would be to replace tlm's hybrid armor with defense matrix or reflex boost and give hybrid to cyber hunters. This way tlms will somewaht resemble mage with a poison skill and a minor healing skill. Cyber hunters will obtain some of the original mercs' power with hybrid armor + a chance to regain mp with static charge.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (8/1/2011 12:53:54)

removing hybrid = killin build varieties.
less build varieties = less balance.
anyone who is suggesting to remove hybrid clearly doesn't want the game to be balanced but for tac mercs to be UP.

Fatal Impact -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (8/1/2011 12:54:58)

Give tlm bloodlust, shadow arts and deadly aim, then they would get confused cause they cant max everything.

Drakadh -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (8/1/2011 12:55:45)

To be honest IDK what to take of since some ppls would say " OW GOD YOU DEVS YOU RUINED TLM" :L So Idk what to do

Remorse -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (8/1/2011 12:57:28)

Why do you think the devs decided to buff all the other classes instead of nerf TLM's ... for that exact reason.

I have a new stance on TLM now. They can keep hybrid but reroute has got to go.

Dendavex -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (8/1/2011 12:59:48)

@Remorse lol xD that was stupid reroute is staying you just want to kill tlm build varities
Hell no thats wrong
Make other classes just as strong as TLM
Tlm is not getting nerfed confirmed by the Devs
Plz give up in your pointless removals and just agree with me and say all classes need to be like TLM

goldslayer1 -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (8/1/2011 13:01:43)

i dont agree on reroute either. for them to be at their best they would have to be maxxed. and because of the tanking they are likely to receive less energy back from reroute
and the reason they dont want to try big nerfs is because last time they did, it wasn't well. this time they are trying a new approach of buffing instead of nerfing.

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