RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (Full Version)

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bsteiny16 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 16:28:10)


I'll do 'em after I'm done wit hthe quest "Bear Facts". I'm trying to get da Ice orb.

Anastira -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 16:43:33)

Shadow: Perfect! The lightsabers, I mean. I'm not sure if I asked for two or not, but either way, it's awesome...and the handle is just like I wanted it! *goes to ooh and ah over her new, handsome lightsaber*

Sorceress: Application! Here are examples:





[NOTE: "Anastira" can be replaced by your own username or anything else, provided it isn't too long.]



And now, I'll add my signature, which you can't put in examples 'cos D13Forum made it for me. Thanks, D13Forum! (I hope I got your name right!)

bsteiny16 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 16:51:25)

Ana, you didn't. It's D1F3Forum.

He made mine too, which he's very proud of because it's so awesome.

Speaking of awesome, I finished da siggies! I couldn't do SD's request.....when I resized it, it was covering most of the sig and it didn't look good when I cropped it. The most I can do with that image is turning it into a banner.

Oh, Sorceress, here's yours:


Oh yeah, Ana? Compare your's to MINE! :P

Sorceress555 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 16:52:40)

No ya didn't. It was D1F3Forum.

Anyways, accepted, Ana. But get to work on making nice transitions. Your Waterpower sig is very choppy-looking.

Bsteiny, nice, thanks! Ooops, didn't notice that my '1' was actually an 'I'.

Aaaaand new ad sig! Here it is:

bsteiny16 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 17:01:21)

Also, this is my clan's forum. If anyone would like to join the actual clan, say "Potato". (My clan is a DF clan)

Destroy8r9 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 17:29:14)

Potato i got school now and i finally no longer have gastro so yay[:D][:D][:D]

bsteiny16 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 17:49:06)

So, you want to join? PM Necro Berserk, and tell him what rank you want to be, and he'll sign you up. should give him your DF Character Page so he knows everything about your character.

Destroy8r9 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 18:05:17)

what ranks are their b

Nightlark -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 18:09:32)

Guys, I don't think this is the place to discuss your clan. You should probably do that by PM.

bsteiny16 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 18:18:48)

Good point. I also might have to go soon...hmmm.....I don't know when, but I bet in the next 30 minutes or so.

Sorceress555 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 19:03:19)

Yeah...we probably shouldn't spam up this thread TOO much...just a fair amount. No, kidding.

Anyways. Bsteiny, I hope you don't mind but I was inspired by that phoenix sig you made and plan to do my own version. When I'm done I'll post it to the premade siggys on page one.

Destroy8r9 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 19:24:39)

soz sorc also i should be able to work on some siggys today because i home from school still got gastron[:(][:'(][:(][:(][:(]

Sorceress555 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 19:29:03)

Does that mean you have a minor tummyache [:'(] or you're really sick [X(]? Either way I am sympathetic.

Anyways, look on the bright side. You don't have to go to school! You can make siggys! And no public school + siggy-making time = great! Well, unless you want to go to school and/or don't like making siggys.

Nightlark -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 20:22:00)

Hmm... I think I'm going into a sig-making craze. I'll take the next request, but until then... *poofsouttoGIMP!*

Destroy8r9 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 20:40:14)

drak im just gonna remind you about the text coulour change for fire and ice siggy remeber icey blue on the fire side and flame red on the ice side so you can read it easier

Sorceress555 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 21:00:53)

Gah! Ana took the sig-making computer and now I'm locked out of my hobby, my unbeatable passion, my light of this world and savior from complete darkness and the bottomless reaches of despair and melancholy, my beacon of hope!

Okay, well. I don't depend on sig-making THAT much. But close.

Anyways, I'll be offa the proper sig-making prgrams till Ana's done. And even after that the computer may be unavailable, meaning more precious time spent not making sigs. Ah, but I forget that I have other, higher goals to reach, including learning French and calculus, eating, and sleeping. Yes, this family of mine takes academic studies very seriously indeed.

Anastira -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 21:02:13)

Shadow, Sorceress: I'm in a sig-making craze, too! Just came down on me in the past day or so. I'm making an awesome magic sig, using PB! :D I'll post it here soon, when it's done.

Here it is!



Nightlark -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 22:53:13)

@Destroy8r9: I did mess around with it, but the colors made it look sloppy.

@Sorcie and Ana: Ahahaha, the bug spreads! As does the paurple... Either way, nice sig, Ana! I liked the matching of the colors.

Anastira -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 23:01:05)

Why, thank you! I'm still learning. :P

Carly9467 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 23:17:59)

I just made a new sig :3
The pic on the right is the Time Turner from Harry Potter (Used in the movie Prisoner Of Azkaban.) Hermione used it. I'm saving up for a replica! >:D
I'm a HUGE Harry Potter fan :3


Nightlark -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 23:21:35)

lol... did anyone ever finish No Brainer's request on page 4?

BTW, nice siggy, Carly.

Carly9467 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 23:22:49)

lol i guess not.

Thnx. Is it to big on file size?

Nightlark -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 23:24:02)

I'll get to his request, then, unless Sorcie or somebody says otherwise. I can't do the duck... I'll try my best with the torn edges thing.

@Carly: No, it's fine.

No Brainer, here's your sig!


The text should show up soon. Photobucket is slow with this type of stuff.

Anastira -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 23:41:27)

Carly, Shadow: Kvetha fricaya! [Must use plural form because there are two of you.] Loving the siggy as always, Carly! I'll upload it to my Photobucket account, once I have the time, if it doesn't matter to you. I want to always have it so I know where it is. :P

My favorite things...

Harry Potter
Science Fiction

And a few other things. So, as you can tell, I'm a huge Eragon/Harry Potter fan!

*Stops at a fireplace and uses Floo Network to get back home from Hogwarts - I mean, Hogsmeade*

Carly9467 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/8/2011 23:57:12)

Nope its not bother :)

Harry Potter <--Most of all
Eragon <--only the movie
Science Fiction

I love those :D

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