Omni -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/5/2011 12:23:26)
Let me set some things clear: Game Wise: Not being able to release the balance updates/changes sucks. Yes we know. We would like to be able to as well, but it simply is not possible without more time. It's much better to hold off the release of the changes than make the game unplayable do to bugs. This update is featuring A TON of lag reducing changes and as I speak Titan is coding his fingers off to make even this work and fix all the issues with it. Forum Wise: Trolling, flaming, hating, whining, complaining, and any other form of nonconstructive useless negativity is against the rules. Keep your posts constructive and useful. Do we understand you're upset? Yes. Are you allowed to be upset? Absolutely. Can you express that you're upset without breaking any rules? Completely possible and mandatory. Omni Wise: Once again, we know you are upset, and we get that, but following the forum rules isn't optional. Let's stick this thing out another week and we'll keep you informed the best we can. Thank you.