Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/5/2011 13:18:53)
With the updated improvements set for next week, and the opportunity for more features, this is important to me. Where this game lacks is features, so it feels quite promising. This game is such a reflection on life, we have hopes and preparations to get certain aspects accomplished, yet the unexpected happens. If this was a time membership game, then there would be issues, since it is not, it is unnecessary at being so upset. It also gives me time to create more wonderful posts. :) With your post Omni, people don't need to purchase everything that is released, yet this is only a pvp game with not much beyond. People who do spend are spending to compete, and in some cases, to win. When the game can truly balance themselves in cost structure, feature structure and balance structure (stats/classes), then this game will provide well rounded entertainment. As of now, its mainly pvp. and it is clearly pay to win. If the game becomes skills and strategy, then your statement can truly apply. :)