RE: Most Wanted Features (Full Version)

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One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/4/2011 19:50:30)

@Cindy its less work on his brain so he doesnt run out of ideas so he can keep making more gear.

Suggestion gear is resting his brain not his body. and also if the person makes it an SWF thats already ED style why does he have to redraw it again

PumKing -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/4/2011 20:08:01)

There are few things that I want changed, but they all pale in comparison to these two things.

#2. Please quit favoring the TLMs, used to be mercs which were finally balanced just as delta came out (and finally get it once the bot nerf occers). WHY? it upsets the balance of the game, turns people off of it, frustrates people who like to be the other classes, and litterally sucks the fun out of the game. there have been too many great ways to fairly nerf the TLM class for me to say anything worthwhile now

and #1.(most important of all) give the non-vars more non-vare weps.armors. Quite frankly a post was made a little while ago that did a good job of outting a list together of var weps that only imbeciles with var buy who are even too stupid to look around in game for better weps (and I'm not even talking about promo or seasonal weps either) as far as I'm concerned, all the weps on that list should be turned into novar. With the increase in non-var armors, this is becomeing a little bit farther behind on the to-do list, however, I think it would be more fair of the devs if all the var armor that gives +4 to res or def would simply beturned into non-var, there is really no reason they still need to be var at this point in the game

nico0las -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/4/2011 20:33:50)

A few things I liked, i will re-mention, along with my ideas:
Retrain revamp
Founder step-down
Faction wars
Juggernaut Factions, and daily juggernaut factions

Here's something I thought about at tennis:
A "selling items" page. That's a terrible name, but i'll explain:
Say you have the beta gear, which you REALLY don't need at all (me!), well, why not have some sort of area where we can set up an item for sale, say for the beta mace, 250 varium and 5000 credits, and sell the item, with it's enhancement along with it? I KNOW that there is going to be rare gear up for grabs again, but it beats trading accounts, getting scammed, and such. The fact that "rare" stuff is going up for availability, well, then that's great news for the new guys, and for us founders, well, we didn't really want em (I speak for myself here). Again, I know that the rares will go available again, but seeing as the only reason the majority of betas have the gear is because of it's rarity, well, it's not that huge a loss. I personally have no issue with this. Whether it will be implemented, Idk, but i think it'd be a really great feature. We sell our gear in exchange for varium and credits? seems better than selling them at a shop where we get like 25% of the original price.
Oh and they are priced on rarity, so ultra rare (founder armor, alpha gear) would be like 2000 varium. idk.

@pumpking: you know what it is? Hybrid armor. THINK about it. Tacts need less dex, so they get to focus on their other stats. It has the ability to gain back tech, because they already have 12 free defense points, and no one really switches the attribute from defense to resistance. So, to make it even, we either kill off hybrid armor entierly, make the other non-merc classes hit much higher, or give each class hybrid. There's no other answer.

Epic Pwnser -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/4/2011 21:39:19)

What I would like and probably everyone here to some degree:

Increase varium package value
AKA Wiseman's idea. The varium packages already cost $50, and they definitely, compared to other games, are super expensive. Increase the value and players will be more satisfied with their purchase.

Retrain revamp
This was promised long ago, but not followed through. Forgotten.

Take out server lock
Single most restricting feature that killed rigged 2v2 and competitions/tourneys

Founder Stepdown
This was on the to-do list a while back, and forgotten.

Official Tourneys/competitions for prizes
That would be awesome and interesting.

Earnable achievements for doing stuff
Suggested from the old EDF and would take a while to do. But, it would be a good feature along with the battle token achievements.

Give more weapons/content for non-variums so that they can actually compete
Though it has gotten a little better for non-variums, as a person with experience with a lvl 31 non varium merc, it still has not gotten better. Variums have too much of the advantage. Close the gap even further!

Incorporate ballyhoo into ED
The other AE games have it, why not this one as well?

Faction wars (exile v.s. legion). The actual kind. Pit each faction member against each other. And a reward for the winner.
Would make the game infinitely more fun to play.

Midnightsoul -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/4/2011 21:43:53)


sorry dude but u need to stop complaining about TLM's. I have a BH 4ever and i have no problem with it. ive actually killed a TLM with full hp... -_-

btw, it was a 10k varium no-lifer

DeathSpawn -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/4/2011 22:37:40)

Tournaments would be great feature but would involve tons of involvement by the devs and ultimately too time consuming although if they could make it happen that would be great and I'm sure they would see it as a profitable feature :)

Wonder if they could set it up where you use a certain amount of varium to enter and they award prizes based on the outcome?

Perhaps Varium package awards? Also the house would keep the initial 20% or so making it rewarding in multiple ways.

A new game mode allowing ally link for 2v2 matches would also be great but lets not ruin the current random 2v2 mode.

But in the end I'd rather all the bugs get fixed first.....ikr wishful thinking....

Algorithm -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/4/2011 22:39:10)


veneeria -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/4/2011 22:54:01)

1. Retrain revamp
- pretty much everyone already explained it

2. haircut revamp
- so that we won't need to pay again for the already bought haircut when changing "colors", or for changing back to an already bought haircut/ previous haircut.

3. emotes during battles

4. other types of usable items to "help" in battle
- other than energy boost/ heath boost... perhaps something to neutralize poison/ make weaker .. or other debuffs... or the inverse.. to debuff?

5. 2v2 invite battles (like allys ? perhaps)

6. Founder step down

7. "Ignore"

- Not to mean or anything.. but sometimes a button to ignore all chat or invites would really be great.

8. Tournaments

9.New Animations
- Some animations really need a revamp.

10. Mysterious Cake
- Mysterious.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/4/2011 22:59:10)

well every1 has been suggesting way to improve the playing for high lvls wat about the low lvls. well what i want most in Ed is a good tutorial so that tehre would be lesser NOOBS in 2v2 and more decent players in 1v1.

1) IN Game Tutorial

Reason why i want this is stated at my opening line.

2) 2v2 balancing

2v2 has been broken since beta and yet the devs chose to ignore 2v2er cries there has been loads of thread like this clicky and this clicky and yet the devs still ignore 2v2ers.

3)Influence gained by 2v2 faction to be INCREASED

yes i have even placed this in the suggestion thread and yet the devs are still ignoring 2v2 faction woohoo let the 1v1 faction own 1v1 and win wd easily.

2v2 faction influence to be increased. calculations to prove that 1v1 faction gain more influe than a average 2v2 faction are below and in this thread ------> Click here

Calculations for the current battle reward system

1v1 daily faction leaders: Control alt Death
1v1 wins:3439

2v2 daily faction leaders: Xx SuPErIorsssS xX
2v2 wins:630

now lets times the numbers by 5

CaD influence gained: 17195

Superios influence gained:3150

compare the difference:14045

look how much more a 1v1 faction can gain by just playing 1v1. ok u guys might say this is not accurate ok i will use Ed world for gamma record the most 1v1 wins and the most 2v2 wins.

DSX:11,232 1v1 wins

KOTR:1918 2v2 wins

DSX influence gained:56510

KOTR influence gained:9590


This clearly shows the unfairness of 1v1 faction and a 2v2 faction. note that 2v2 are way longer compared to 1v1.

4) More game in velestra arcade

velestra arcade is a deserted place basically no1 goes there to pay the arcade pods as there are many other arcade pods around delta V.

5) Full credits non varium robot

it has been like ages since robots were made the devs promised a non varium robot i know the fulfilled it by making the assault bot available in arcade but seriously arcade is a super scam and chance of winning a bot is very very low. so pls do make a non varium robot.

6) faction war improved

Faction war really needs to be improved the current faction war is about VARIUM and more VARIUM. u know wat i mean it takes VARium to fire the cannons and basically Varium controls the faction wars between exile and legion. why not make some feature like mission which give influence to exile/legion. or we put in tokens to increase the overall influence of exile/legion(something like aqw war). make faction war better because it is seriously boring right now.

7) varium pricing

AKA Wiseman's idea.

8)Retrain revamp

same with what most people say

9)Take out server lock

hate server locks and i dun not find it useful at all

Sageofpeace -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/4/2011 23:12:03)

Movable achievement

Why cuz Is Cool

Wiseman Varuim Idea

why cuz epicduel is not a free walk in the park and you got to pay even to change your looked

More Arcade Features

why cuz if you are not a faction player them what do you do with your tokens?

edwardvulture -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/4/2011 23:36:57)

1. Arcade game where varium has no advantage.

2. More missions.

3. Enhancements Lowered to 8 when fully enhanced with all gear

FrostWolv -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/5/2011 2:44:48)

@Luna u r right about 2v2 system

I m just thinking about 2v2 ... if Devs allow linking of 2v2 ... then new strategy will be seen

One will tell his linked partner to take that skill which synergies with his own skill to dominate 2v2 ... and they will happily 2v2 together ever after (end of the story)

Fatal Impact -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/5/2011 2:56:56)

^Or 2v2 with your alt :0

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/5/2011 7:14:54)

"Most Wanted desperate Feature"

inventory slots for credits .

why-old non varium players has to sell their old gud rare wepons to get new(no place to keep) +n plus things get even worst when u hve to complete a mission n buy "5 thing" for the mission. that means person has to sell 5 of his weapon to complete those mission "if he ever wants to complete"[>:].

one more reason for the slot thing is if they collect rare weapon they may have change to get the treasure hunter achevement( u dont c any non varium player wid that achevement[:(])

btw m a varium player[8D] .its only a concern for the non varium players[:)]

Dark Eyes Warior -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/5/2011 8:27:41)

You can do Missions each day so we can get more prizes.

Fay Beeee -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/5/2011 8:33:37)

Thought of another one :)

1 Extra slot for boosters in battle. (only works when you fight a Boss)

Goony -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/5/2011 8:53:54)

Offline battle mode - So that tournaments could work for a worldwide community;)

Arcade games - Some of the mini games developed a while back by the AE staff could be put ingame...

Save battle for replay later :p

Events, not just releases ;)

Aegis Omega -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/5/2011 9:07:15)

1. Chain Quests - to give the game more fun in terms of rewards and stuff .
2 . Level requirements for enhancing - to abuse the wasting of Varium .
3 . Tips during loading times - for some more "pro-to-be" knowledge.
4 . Rewarding NPC's - just like Ballyhoo from the other games .

drinde -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/5/2011 9:43:54)

1. Retrain System Update
2. Better 2v2
3. Founder Step Down
4. Balance. Most of all, this.

Sipping Cider -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/5/2011 12:33:44)

Besides the things that must happen and will for sure happen (balance, new items, lag reduction) here is what I would like to see:

  • New Retraining Method
    So I can retrain faster, easilier, and equip my weapons while training so it is easier to maximize my stats
  • Tournaments
    So there are battles that have more importance to them and builds that are slower have more purpose
  • New name for Variums
    So upgrading makes you feel more awesome and special, and so insults wont happen as much between varium and non-variums. (Right now being called a varium player could be taken as an insult, but if there was a name like Dragon Lord than someone who says "wow, your a dragon lord". That sounds cool and not degrading like, "wow, your a varium player")
  • Arcade Games
    Hopefully bike related games wil apear there and bikes will have more use. Note that this feature would be nice, but I do not want it to be done till othe stuff happens first.
  • New Map Areas
    Wonder what that ice place will be or that volcano place. Also not that important of a feature but it would be nice to see.
  • Different Competition Between Factions
    This way new factions or ones that are not that top notch can be competitive with other factions that are about their level of power and factions that want more reason to be competitive and are competitive will only focus on factions that are around their level of power. Ways this could be done have been suggested, like regionalizing factoin wars.

icestorm100 -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/5/2011 13:27:02)

Nice ideas sun guardian., i hope bikes will have more use in the future except for traveling faster

halfcab -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/5/2011 16:21:38)

  • Re-Playable Missions
  • 1v1v1
  • More Unique Items
  • Better use for Battle Tokens

ajs777 -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/5/2011 22:38:48)

1. 2v2 hosting
2. CO-foudner and founder faction step down
3. Founder Helmet
4. ????
5. Profit!

DeathSpawn -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/5/2011 23:22:12)

Keep in mind with the tournys it would be more of a bracket type tourny.

Button mash tournys to see who can stay on the longest wouldn't be interesting and few would enter.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Most Wanted Features (8/6/2011 3:14:36)

anddddddddddddddd wats the use of posting these waste of time..they wont bother building such feature .if v r lucky all they will do is juzz read this post ..thats alll[>:]

and cindy will give some reason for not happening n then over .

they cant aford making few changes in build "not even in one whole week" pathetic n u guys think they can build these features ..arrrrrrrr(guys "stop dreaming") juzz dont get ur hopes to high .they will juz say srry n next weeek.[X(]

retrain for free should not cost ani more 500 credits [:)]

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