RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (Full Version)

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Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/12/2011 14:53:02)

afraid not this time, delta. i'm nearly finished with this story, but if i'm feeling brave, i might be able to start a new story and then i could add you in that one... but for now, answer is no. sorry :/

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/12/2011 16:01:51)

@vector: it's quite alright, it was merely a suggestion, you don't have to feel obligated to add my character,I'm fine with your story as it is anyway. Oh yeah if I remember correctly I will be using your character in my up and coming story Blitz Crossover: The Tale Of The Two Heroes. (In actually it will be part of your character but still I thought I should tell you anyway).

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/12/2011 19:22:11)

Good, I like how Psi (or is it Experimental?) is really getting angry. Showing how his true nature is finally shining through, after being dormant for so long.

Also, stoic Strebor is stoic.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/12/2011 20:25:51)

both, goldstein. theyre two names of the same being, with the latter for in-game use.

there was simply no time to show it, and even if there was, he
a) had to be focused (the assumption that Demo's merely unconscious helps with the stoicism... or was it the meds?)
b)... i forgot this other reason. ^^;
either way, every second counts, and neither Psi nor Strebor was willing to waste any time.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/13/2011 18:55:06)

Good... Sry I couldn't comment yesterday for personal reasons, but anywho... Time to get to the good stuff.

Yeah, L.A.S.E.R.s nowadays can easily punch through tanks these days. They fry electronics and make the people inside heat up dramatically, usually unto death. That is if the tank does not outright explode, of course. The ammunition will blow up even if they don't cause damage to the engine/fuel by some chance, if the heat is high enough. The fact that L.A.S.E.R.s fire instantaneously also allows multiple shots in multiple locations to occur within seconds, or even less, if the system allows it. It all depends on how the L.A.S.E.R. is created/fired, though, because the process will obviously take time, albeit a short period of time for modern L.A.S.E.R. weapons, such as the ones they mount on miltary 747 equivalents, or at least are thinking about doing... I am not sure if they have those actually equiped like that to go into combat, or if it is still in the military testing phases...

What's REALLY nasty is the idea of using a L.A.S.E.R. formed of Gamma radiation as a weapon. That could theoretically spur a nuclear fusion reaction... and the weapon itself would be spectacularly powerful alone. Just looking at Gamma radiation can permanently blind people, and direct contact with a target could instantaneously melt through it, and boil the flesh off living beings near the beam. That is a conservative estimate, btw. If the earth is hit by a short burst of gamma radiation from a star they pass in their course through the galaxy, IT could be vaporized... Let alone the possible damage to the sun if it is hit... Even I don't have a good guess as to what that would do...

The weapon that would create such a thing would have to be capable of annihilating atomic/subatomic particles, though, so the only thing likely to emit gamma radiation for military purposes in the next couple hundred years would be nuclear weapons, but still... Nasty concept.

Yeah. I was thinking that would happen soon (Demo being kidnapped). Pity I didn't think of them using a L.A.S.E.R. based weapon as... actually, I did, but I had favored nuclear weaponry, because you had stated that it was an explosive weapon. The villains originally said that, but I am almost certain you made the same statement in commentary, and didn't mention it being a guess, or what the villains had said, albeit you were being rather unclear, and I am too lazy to check that right now, because I want to actually get to working.

I doubt all the heroes don't suspect them being prepared. The smarter of them almost certainly do, and many probably despair, but many are yet most likely filled with hope for victory, especially with their retreating into their base leaving them less room to break through to execute their target, or rescue Demolicious.

You seem to be very good at integrating commentary into your story... Either that, or what I and others had said had already been thought up by you... Reactions, scenarios, ect.... Hard to believe, but that's just probabilities-wise. It is still entirely possible, and DANG, man, good for you if you did!!!

Yeah... nice of you to show your distrust of Death by mentioning your thinking he would go against his word and leave them dead. Death's cruel ironic touch has already skewed the scale of chance for good vs. evil dramatically in evil's favor with his making the war planned to end once one of the V.I.P.'s died... Especially if Lokos is as hard to kill as I think he'll be... I am betting he happens to have a healing factor, if not true immortality, at least... which makes me think it would be funny if he got his head chopped off, but was still alive, but it would also be sad... very sad.

Nice to see the villains fielded tanks as well, considerign they are obviously well funded and resourceful enough to have them...

Interesting personality you used for her...

Meh, I have no problem with using such effective means of combat you described as "methods only the most evil villains would dare even consider". So long as it's effective, especially with retribution involved... I used to torture people proffesionally, somewhat early in my carreer... Govornment work (not for SCIF, if any of you are wondering). You'd be suprised how major govornments don't care too much about torture when national security is involved... Then again, it depends on the people, since many human rights advocates insist it is a crime, even with all the lives saved. Fools... There should be some rule where international laws concerning torture are voided if certain circumstances are involved...

Oh, and yes, trauma such as what you did not describe but implied tends to emotionally wound somewhat. Brings all but the hardest wills to pitiful weakness...

... Sadly, I somewhat wanted the humvee she was in to be blown up... It would sort of give the story a dark sense of tragedy that would improve my oppinon of it quite a bit... not that I dislike it or anything, but I'm somewhat disapointed that you didn't describe your fighting to Demolicious... It would have helped to increase the tension, especially if, at the climax, you just barely were able to stop her execution by throwing the sword, like you did, but in a much more spectacular sounding way...

Nice to see that you and Un-Death had a nice fight. Also nice to see that you were seemingly defeated at the end until the distraction of the Villainous Weapon of DOOM...That shows the realistic fact that if you were not careful enough to dodge his attacks, you are still a machine, and they have limits. Your structuring is made of metal, and he has supernatural power. That gives him a greater potential strength, if not a definite one. It very much makes sense to me that that is the result, especially with someone who has the responsibility of forcing the dead to their fate as the opponent.


Momentum ftw, perhaps?

This makes me wonder if the heroes survived/how. I, of course could save them, considering a nuclear weapon is a great enough threat to "unlock" my greater powers, but I am wondering what you shall do about that, story-wise. Especially because DEMO was still with the heroes, unless they had left during your fight with Un Death?

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/13/2011 19:28:02)

holy tortillas, where do i start...? [>:]


Yeah, L.A.S.E.R.s nowadays can easily punch through tanks these days. They fry electronics and make the people inside heat up dramatically, usually unto death. That is if the tank does not outright explode, of course. The ammunition will blow up even if they don't cause damage to the engine/fuel by some chance, if the heat is high enough. The fact that L.A.S.E.R.s fire instantaneously also allows multiple shots in multiple locations to occur within seconds, or even less, if the system allows it. It all depends on how the L.A.S.E.R. is created/fired, though, because the process will obviously take time, albeit a short period of time for modern L.A.S.E.R. weapons, such as the ones they mount on miltary 747 equivalents, or at least are thinking about doing... I am not sure if they have those actually equiped like that to go into combat, or if it is still in the military testing phases...

actually, the laser i was having it used was more like a reference to the SPARTAN laser, than anything else, but, meh.


What's REALLY nasty is the idea of using a L.A.S.E.R. formed of Gamma radiation as a weapon.

i don't quite think the villains would want to use that kind of laser considering the potential backlashes... *shivers*


Yeah... nice of you to show your distrust of Death by mentioning your thinking he would go against his word and leave them dead. Death's cruel ironic touch has already skewed the scale of chance for good vs. evil dramatically in evil's favor with his making the war planned to end once one of the V.I.P.'s died...

as if their sheer numbers wasn't enough...


Interesting personality you used for her...

meh, the 'bio' she gave me was 'unknown', so i had to get a bit creative while still keeping her villainous intentions... if not cruel.


This makes me wonder if the heroes survived/how. I, of course could save them, considering a nuclear weapon is a great enough threat to "unlock" my greater powers, but I am wondering what you shall do about that, story-wise. Especially because DEMO was still with the heroes, unless they had left during your fight with Un Death?

actually, it's sort of both. the heroes were smart enough to run for dear life out of the doomed section of deathitude, while you were helping them escape too.


... Sadly, I somewhat wanted the humvee she was in to be blown up...

[:o] you big meanie! imma tell my mommy on you! XP
i thought that too, actually, but then strebor wouldve been part of the casualty report, and i didn't want that, as he's important to the last chapter... whether or not Demo survives.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/13/2011 21:30:33)

Eh, you portaid her well enough with the knowledge at hand, I suppose. A tiny bit sad about not turning her to the side of good in the war, but meh. That would be hard to do well... although it actually happened in the Deathitude war... while I was on, at the very least. And based on what Wiiman told me, I think she may have been while I wasn't, too, though there's no certainty there.

Good to know on the escape part...

Aaaand yes, I wouldn't have liked Strebor to die, either... Especially if you failed to mention it... FRIDGE HORROR!!!!!

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/13/2011 21:44:44)

never knew she changed sides. personally im the kinda player who tries to solo everything he can and wait 5-10 levels for things he can't, so it'll be hard to spot me beyond my brief appearance in overlook :P (which explains i'm almost always out of the loop)

here's something to look out for, though: if Psi sees Strebor instead of Demo when he's begging for her to still be alive... umm... things won't look too good. [X(] course that's for the next, and last, chapter, so...

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/16/2011 0:11:17)

Wait, that's not the end, is it? Is it? Oh Lord, please no! That was spectacular, do it again!

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/16/2011 0:44:27)

relax, goldstein, i'll be sure it's not the only story i write, but yeah it's over.

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/16/2011 1:09:11)

No sequel?

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/16/2011 1:40:29)

Still some unanswered questions here, oh well I guess in the grand scheme they don't matter*. It seems you went for the realistically-short-lived-happy-ending...oh sure you have a nice "And they lived happily ever after" moment but...realistically it would fall apart eventually, but hey you are the author of this great story.

Goldstein: Heh a classic C&H video, I do agree That there should be a sequel to this story. I mean there are so many possibilities of what could come next... I've already got ideas in my head!


Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/16/2011 9:13:07)

what i meant by 'it's over' was that i'm not putting the sequel within this first story. i just don't see myself copying delta's strategy of bunching up all my stories in one thread :P

@SL9K: there was a reason i left out this omega thing from this first story... i kinda felt like it should be in the next one, really.
they knew it can't last forever, but Psi would rather have Demo live her life first than to have her torn away from him so early. having her pass on peacefully is what he'd rather have since he can't keep her forever.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/16/2011 13:25:28)

*dramatic music*

The day has arived... TIME TO FINISH THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

And now, on to the commentary:

O.o Condition: Critical? Nasty... That makes me randomly thing she shall now become a cyborg... and also makes me wonder who you were before you were one... and if her brain is intact enough for her to remeber you... or will be, that is.

Hmm... Indeed... I feel for you. Such uncertainty and sorrow... Not knowing whether your love is alive or not? I would not wish that on anyone. Let us hope things improve.

Seeing as she's alive, I ranodomly wonder if she will have to have her leg amputated, but I doubt she will... perhaps she shall have a limp, but I doubt anything worse than that shall happen.

Hmm... Interesting side effects indeed... It makes me wonder just what shall happen, exactly, as a result of the bond of love of so unlikely a pair, and how the world shall be changed...

Oh, yes. There are many new scientific experiments that could be opened up by the aquations emerging and the defeat of the villains... For example, with the villains weakened so severely, tests could be done to determine how the powers themselves work, which could have quite a few lasting effects and improvements upon society, although it is difficult to predict just what shall come of that, good or evil.

I find it funny that Demolicious assumed Strebor was refering to the biological compatibility of Aquations and humans/supers (The super powered humans' DNA could be significantly different enough to sway that one way or another for them, compared to humans; It's hard to say which has the better chance of compatibility... although genetically speaking, the chance of offspring between the 2 species is slim at best)... That could be an incorrect inference, but anywho... She could also be refering to the lack of emotional involvment scientists have with the creatures they experiment on, or something to that effect...
or the fact that humans can be overly annoying and intrusive into other species' or even peoples' affairs to a point at which it is... damaging to their relationship...

Oh, and considering the fact that I think about things in such abstract ways and possible effects as in this commentary stream IRL, along with the nature of my mind in the continuity, cannonically speaking, my mind would be racing with the other possible effects and not just the Aquation affairs in there too...

Your private life is quite entertaining... that sounds a bit creepy... lol

This makes me think that Skull Deep's criminal activities may have declined because of their starting a new project, and wanting to make it seem like they have gotten weaker than they have, reducing the amount of a threat they seem to be.

Who says she can't live forever? *cue song from Queen bursting in* <-Inside joke. lol

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/16/2011 14:16:34)

sprained ankle is hardly ever grounds for amputation. and no, she's still human. no serious damage like lacerations or whatnot but yet still critical condition (in my opinion) is little more than cardiac arrest and not breathing. simply, her brain still lives but the heart and lungs shut down. at least her helmet hopefully reduced whatever brain damage that could've occured, but it's the little things that kill you.


She could also be refering to the lack of emotional involvment scientists have with the creatures they experiment on, or something to that effect...

close. it's actually more like the aquatians that are surfacing more than likely are looking for a relationship more than just a simple research experiment. even if they don't have offspring though, just simply finding a mate would be enough for at least some of them.


Oh, and considering the fact that I think about things in such abstract ways and possible effects as in this commentary stream IRL, along with the nature of my mind in the continuity, cannonically speaking, my mind would be racing with the other possible effects and not just the Aquation affairs in there too...

that quite obviously makes two of us [:D] in fact, my mind literally thrives on this kind of thing.


This makes me think that Skull Deep's criminal activities may have declined because of their starting a new project, and wanting to make it seem like they have gotten weaker than they have, reducing the amount of a threat they seem to be.

actually, they are weaker than they used to be. don't forget about the failed mass assault on the heroes the first time when Psi shredded them with their own prototype :P and especially since he's on the heroes' side now, only the bravest (or dumbest, depending on the mindset) would try to pull off a stunt on the city right away.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/16/2011 15:11:20)

TO be fair, if the brain damage is due to cardiac arrest, then the helmet will do nothing...

I wrote that before knowing it was a sprained ankle, btw.

Oh yes, obviously one could have a romantic relationship in a situation like that still. And no, as intelligent beings, they probably wouldn't want to be an experiment/be experimented on. lol

Good, then. Nice to see your intellectual qualities do not only have place in your writing ability.

Oh, no, I didn't doubt they were weaker than they used to be, I am just thinking the more powerful of them are holding back to make themselves look weaker, to have the veil of secrecy be more... protecting.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/16/2011 15:26:56)


TO be fair, if the brain damage is due to cardiac arrest, then the helmet will do nothing...

point taken, but thankfully the heroes (and strebor) were fast enough to minimize the damage to the point that it's negligible


And no, as intelligent beings, they probably wouldn't want to be an experiment/be experimented on. lol

yeah, but what i really meant was more like small blood or skin sample donations for research purposes, and even simple sessions of Q&A or interviews, instead of actual experimentation that would likely cause an inter-species outrage. (and thus severly damage public relations between the two)


I am just thinking the more powerful of them are holding back to make themselves look weaker, to have the veil of secrecy be more... protecting.

or it could seriously backfire and the heroes take advantage with their own heavy assault

Celestin123 -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/16/2011 16:06:46)

Ugh! I was about to post my commentary but I accidentally refreshed the page and lost it all... :l

Ok, I'll be editing my post from time to time, and I'll be adding commentary every time I edit so...
this might take a while.

Oh, I find it very sad that your story is over now. Although, I hope to see a sequel coming soon...

I would hope that Psi finds a different means of recharging in the future... I can just imagine him and Demo having dinner in
a fancy restaurant and Psi would just randomly take out a phone charger and exclaim "it's time to recharge!" and start
looking for an outlet...and the whole time people would be staring at

I find Psi's devotion towards Demo very touching...although it could be a bit unhealthy to have such a strong devotion and
some might even consider it an obsession but like Aphrodite says, "True love conquers all!" Besides, who am I to talk?
Especially when I've had similar feelings in the past...

Yeah, I'm glad that Demo survived in the end. Partially because her Death would've had sever repercussions...
and partially because she's like my favorite Npc.(Or atleast, my favorite female Npc.)

Yeah...I doubt that the villians will stay quiet for long...or atleast, I doubt the competent and powerful villians will...

Interesting...I hope the Aquatians don't end up regreting that they decided to interacted with the humans... Of course,
I'm almost certain that some Government agencies will experiment on them but still...

Well, there were toher things I wanted to say but I just lost my motivation... :l

Anyways, I liked the story's ending and hope to see a sequel in the future. You really are a talented writer, Vector.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/16/2011 16:23:05)

i did that once, and i raged as a result. not fun.

Celestin123 -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/16/2011 16:26:33)

Yeah...I had sooo much information in that post too. :l
Oh well, this just goes to show that it's good to be I right, Drakky?

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/16/2011 16:45:44)

I hate it when I lose my posts... ._.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/16/2011 19:04:45)


I can just imagine him and Demo having dinner in a fancy restaurant and Psi would just randomly take out a phone charger and exclaim "it's time to recharge!" and start looking for an outlet...and the whole time people would be staring at

yeah... no. pretty sure he'd be smart enough to recharge before an important event like that, celestin :P


Yeah, I'm glad that Demo survived in the end. Partially because her Death would've had sever repercussions...

so severe i'd rather not talk about it. like my story says, she's the only one he has.


Interesting...I hope the Aquatians don't end up regreting that they decided to interacted with the humans... Of course, I'm almost certain that some Government agencies will experiment on them but still...

those agencies better hope they use some that are truly willing to go through it, otherwise, they'll have one heck of a pill to swallow.


Although, I hope to see a sequel coming soon...

definitely. there's gonna be a change in relative POV (technically i guess i write in limited third person, but i could be wrong) but i will spit out a sequel if i'm brave enough :P

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/21/2011 21:12:33)

@vector: The dark side of the force is strong in this one >:). Wonderful endings, one is kinda like how I ended my soldier's story and the other is like how I ended my summoner's story.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/21/2011 21:17:47)

consider them inspiration for mine, then [;)]

personally, i'm glad i used the good ending for the plotline. otherwise i might not be willing to dare make a sequel

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (10/21/2011 22:09:51)

I don't see how you could make a sequel. I prefer the good ending, myself, the bad ending is a serious case of Cerberus Syndrome.

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