Exile Leader (Full Version)

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LatinLover/Martini -> Exile Leader (8/28/2011 19:53:49)

With the new level 50 NPC called Exile Leader... theres the suspision of who he could be!!!

Who do you think he could be?
Is he a mix of two people?
Could he possibly be a new 2vs1 Boss?

Basicball -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 19:58:49)


aqwshadowking14 -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 20:00:49)


One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 20:02:23)

Big Tuna

JK i think the Exile Leader is Thaddeus

Stabilis -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 20:02:37)

Oz? Even though he's in Central Station?

Laces -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 20:04:54)

^He could sneak away quickly and come back...I dunno. But if they removed Oz from Central Station and introduced this guy..It would be pretty obvious its Oz.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 20:05:01)

I still think its one of these:

1) A mutant combo of Oz and The Junker
2) Ulyses
3) Oz from the past

PumKing -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 20:07:41)

Judgeing by the facial hair, I have to believe it is Oz, however, since Ulyses's face is covered by a mask there really is no telling what is behind it (and don't give me that battle scars melarchy, we can safely assume that everyone can be healed easily with enough varium and/or the awsome technology that prevails in this time period of the game.

Xx. Christian .xX -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 20:08:16)


aqwshadowking14 -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 20:10:41)

Ulyses could be Oz's twin brother. :o

Stabilis -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 20:11:21)

IDK I think there is higher up Exiles than Oz.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 20:31:56)

U know how that one elevator near ulysses is closed? maybe upstairs is a lab where he mutated someone :o ... bt yet theres a closed elevator near The Lawman also...

Avantir -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 20:32:11)

I would be disappointed if it were Oz. My best guess is someone new, but it could be Thaddeus.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 20:34:47)

Why are people assuming he is some mutant freak? Why cant he just be Oz's twin brother or something?

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 21:03:22)

It would be awesome if it was oz, then it truely would be the new oz lol.

T.600 -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 21:04:12)

Maybe he's the leader of the exile army?

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 21:14:55)

@T.600 Of course he isnt. Why else would his name be Exile Leader if he didnt lead their army?

Basicball -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 21:25:08)

Shari told me it's not oz, she said oz is 'only' the leader of the uprising (the army if you want), not of ALL exile, this bro, on the other hand, is

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 21:30:17)

Oz is logical since hes around all the city guards protecting every part of central station 0o what if exile leader is dating selina? :O lol

Basicball -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 21:43:49)

^lol, you caught him [:)]

voidance -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 21:45:19)

Wow guys really? It's pretty obvious who it is. Think about it, who would want to run a rebellious army? Buffy Of course.

Basicball -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 21:51:29)

no, Vadro Kirano does

Xx. Christian .xX -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 21:53:25)

NO its me!!

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 21:55:25)

The more I think about it.. the more I think there was some time capsule and the Exile Leader is OZ from the past...

@Voidance... I would probably be the leader of a rebelious army

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: Exile Leader (8/28/2011 21:56:14)

@ Voidance Writes:

>"Wow guys really? It's pretty obvious who it is. Think about it, who would want to run a rebellious army? Buffy Of course.<"

It Will Soon Be Revealed... It Is Me!!!

Thank You Voidance.


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