SplitRend Lance G I (Full Version)

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BlackAces -> SplitRend Lance G I (8/29/2011 5:30:05)

SplitRend Lance G I

Also see I, II, III, G II, Z, IV, and G V

Level: 43G
Power Level: 48
Price: 11,000 743
Sellback: 5500 371
Location: The Terrible 12 War

Type: Ranged
Element: Earth
Damage: 8-26
BTH: 6

Hits: 2
Type: Ranged, Ranged
Element: Light, Earth
Damage: 325.5% Base and Random each
Stats: 212% each*
BTH: 26
Rate: 20%

*Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs.

Clicking on the lance changes it between Earth and Light damage.

This lance possesses the power to both split the earth apart and rend the dark heavens asunder! It was discovered in a war cache during the Terrible Twelve war! (Click on the Lance to Toggle between Earth & Light damage)


Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image thanks to Billie Joe Armstrong.


The Special deals *1.0775*85/90 damage and gets +5 BTH (this is already calculated into the special).

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