(AQ) [Quest] The White Mage of Arcangrove (Full Version)

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Zyrain -> (AQ) [Quest] The White Mage of Arcangrove (9/1/2011 10:40:49)

The White Mage of Arcangrove

[Comments Thread]

Zyrain -> RE: [Quest] (AQ) The White Mage of Arcangrove (9/1/2011 10:55:26)

«The scene is Warlic's Shoppe, where Warlic is patiently waiting. «You» enters.»

Warlic: Ah, «You», you made it!
«You»: Yes, I just got your message. Is this going to take long? Because it's Robina's birthday and I was kind of hoping to grab a bowl of ice cream at Yulgar's Inn before Twig covers it all in fish.
Warlic: I'm afraid you won't be having ice cream anytime soon. There's a matter of great importance that needs attending to.
«You»: *Sigh* Fine, what's the problem?
Warlic: It appears something... strange... has happened to one of my former apprentices. I sense a great amount of evil is growing.
Warlic: Her name is Whitewind, the White Archmage. You can find her in the abandoned tower of magic; Arcangrove.
«You»: And why can't you check up on this? After all she is your apprentice!
Warlic: She'll be able sense me coming and prepare. Besides, I think I fancy a bowl of ice cream.

«Warlic exits the screen in a mage-like manner.»

«You»: So unfair.

«The scene is Greenguard Forest as you travel to Arcangrove Tower. Visible tower in the background.»

Random Greenguard Monsters
Full Heal after battles #2 and #4.

Forest Spirit: Turn around «You», you must not go to the tower!

Forest Spirit
Full Heal after battle.

«You»: Hey! What was that for?
Forest Spirit: You must not enter the old mages tower, it is cursed!

«A rogue enters.»

Furcifer: That is enough spirit, thank you for your aid.

«The Forest Spirit fades back into the forest.»

«You»: What was all that about? Who are you?
Furcifer: My name is Furcifer, an archer of Greenguard Forest. I summoned the spirit to stop you from going to Arcangrove. It is now a place of dark magic.
«You»: You summoned that Forest Spirit? But how? You are a rogue!
Furcifer: My farther was a Mage of Arcangrove. I inherited some of his powers, allowing me to use earth magic.
«You»: I know you were only trying to help by attempting to prevent me from going to Arcangrove, but I have to go! Warlic sent me to see what has happened to his apprentice.
Furcifer: Wait, the great mage Warlic sent you? Hmm, if you truly are intent on going to Arcangrove let me come with you. It would be an honor to aid the great mage Warlic.
«You»: "The great mage Warlic"? Ever heard of "the great hero «You»"? No? Oh, very well then you may accompany me. By the way, how did you even know where I was headed?
Furcifer: You mumble so loudly on your travels. The whole of Greenguard heard that you are traveling to Arcangrove and about the nasty rash you have.
«You»: Oh... Brilliant.

  • Battle with Furcifer
  • Battle by Yourself

    Random Greenguard Monsters
    Full Heals after battles #2, #4 and #6.

    «The scene changes to the tower of Arcangrove.
    5 years ago: the tower is shown as full of life with many mages casting magic, the wilderness flourishing and many animals around.
    Today: the tower is shown as a dark and deserted place with an aura of evil shadowing the tower. Skulls are scattered everywhere and there is no life to be seen.
    «You» and Furcifer enter.»

    «You»: What happened here?
    Furcifer: No-one really knows. It is suspected that the tower was drained of all magic and life by a mysterious dark force. Every mage was killed. Including my father.
    «You»: I- I'm sorry to hear that Furcifer. I promise you we'll get to the end of this! Do you think Warlic's former apprentice could still be living in there?

    «Upon saying that, a beam of white magic shoots from the top of the tower into the dark sky.»

    Furcifer: Do you think that answers your question?

    «The scene is now inside the tower. It is dark with skulls and traces of magic everywhere.»

    Furcifer: Can you feel that?
    «You»: Urm, I can't say I do, no.
    Furcifer: This tower is full of dark and twisted memories of hatred and pain.
    «You»: Kind of like those aggressive monsters charging at us?

  • Battle with Furcifer
  • Battle by Yourself

    Undead Mages
    Full Heals after battles #2, #4 and #6.

    ???: Furcifer...
    Furcifer: Fa- Father?

    «Out of the shadows, Furcifer's father, Narael, enters the screen.»

    Narael: Son, you must stop the White Archmage. She has been possessed!
    Narael: Aaaaaaaahhhhh!!
    Furcifer: Father! No!

    «Narael transforms into a powerful DarkShifter against his will.»

  • Battle with Furcifer
  • Battle by Yourself

    1 BATTLE
    Full Heal after battle.

    Furcifer: Nooooooooo!!
    «You»: There was nothing you could have done, Furcifer.
    Furcifer: Then let us end this now, so my father's death may not be in vain.

    «The scene changes to the top of the tower. Standing there is Whitewind. Her skin is pale, she has long and wavy white hair, her eyes are like two glowing white lights, and she is dressed in a fully white robe. She wields the Staff of Awe, but it is corrupted and appears just as the darkness-elementized Staff of Awe does. «You» and Furcifer enter.»

    Furcifer: The White Archmage!
    «You»: Whitewind, is that you? Your former tutor, Warlic, sent me.
    ???: Hahaha! Whitewind is gone. I am The Darkness, a powerful Shadow Giant.
    «You»: A Shadow Giant? But I thought that they were sentinels from the caves of Alphanar and that only one was left in existence.
    The Darkness: Foolish mortal. I was always much more powerful than Navith and the others. I was able to conceal myself by taking over the bodies of mortals. Then five years ago I took over this Archmage's body and all the magnificent power she once owned!
    «You»: What exactly did you do to the tower and it's mages?
    The Darkness: I tainted them with my power to create an army. Those that fell to the taint became Undead Mages and those who survived became DarkShifters.
    «You»: You will pay for your crimes!

  • Battle with Furcifer
  • Battle by Yourself

    1 BATTLE
    Full Heal after battle.

    «After the battle, The Darkness leaves Whitewind's body and transforms into a Shadow Giant. Whitewind's eyes stop glowing yet remain their natural white colour and the Staff of Awe looses the darkness and returns to the normal/earth element.»

    Whitewind: You freed me hero!
    The Darkness: No no no! All that power; gone! Prepare to meet your doom!

  • Battle with Furcifer
  • Battle with Whitewind
  • Battle by Yourself

    1 BATTLE
    The Darkness
    Full Heal after battle.

    Whitewind: And so it is sent back to the shadow realm where it may never be free again.
    Whitewind: I must thank the two of you so much! You have freed me and the tower with it.
    Furcifer: The lives of all those mages... My father...
    Whitewind: I am deeply sorry for what has happened to the tower and the lives within it. I could not control The Darkness inside of me.
    Furcifer: It is fine. I am just glad that my father can rest now.
    «You»: What will happen to the tower now?
    Whitewind: Arcangrove has served the mages of Lore for centuries. I will send word to Warlic and other mages that the tower is once again safe, then we will rebuild it to it's former glory.
    «You»: Well, before we get started on that, I say we should head over to Yulgar's Inn and grab ourselves a well-earned bowl of ice cream. Though I must warn you, it may contain fish.

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