Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (Full Version)

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Sparticus -> Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 15:32:54)

Here is the Thesis: Battles in ED should be more like fries and less like a burger.

What that means is battles should be short, tasty and plentiful. French fries come in boxes, usually in great bunches of fried, salty goodness. They are of all different lengths and shapes but they basically taste the same and are delicious. The loss of one is usually of no great concern, they fall on the floor, are stolen by a friend or are lost at the bottom of the bag and missed.

A Burger, on the other hand, is usually singular. It is delicious in it's own way. We all like them done "our way". It takes a good, long time to eat one. They have great intrinsic value since they are usually the only one we have at that moment and the lose of that single burger would be devastating.

There was a time when ED battles were more like french fries and less like burgers. Back in those dark days of ED, players ran through battles with much less concern for their win/loss records and more concern for the volume of battles they could fight. Greetings were brief and banter was kept to OZ world 8 or higher.

Discussions of luck were minimal, they revolved more around who went first and who missed whom. The most heated arguments were between players who used boosters and those who refused to because they slowed the game down.

I remember the old days when this game moved faster, when players could PVP a lot in a PVP game (imagine that). I bet there could be a day again where attitudes change enough that this game again starts to move at a faster pace and battles again become more like fries (things to be shared and gorged on) and less like a burger (a thing to covet and squabble over).

What do you think?

Lord Nub -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 15:36:29)

I think players have their own choices. If you want a fast battle make a fast build and take your chances of losing to a slower one.

Not everyone would enjoy quick battles that delve less into strategy.

Basicball -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 15:36:35)

ah, but burgers ar way more divers, they are more juicy, and you can enjoy them longer

DeathGuard -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 15:38:36)

Wow, nice post there, and I agree with your statement very well, but I like more the burger fights, that means I like the battles that last really long because it is all about strategy in it. Also the win/loss record, it is not that great to think about it.

Sparticus -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 15:40:04)

Indeed players who like burgers have their own choice and burgers are indeed diverse and last longer.

But what of the diner who wants a quick, delicious and numerous food source? Why should he be stuck behind a slow poke enjoying his burger?

frosty123 -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 15:40:46)

But its quality is only 1(or is it quantity). So i think what he is saying is that you shouldnt have to eat a burger each time you battle. Once you finsish that juicy long lasting burger you could have finsished to fri packs. So in the "old days" it was 2 battles per battle in the time we arfe in now. Confusing?

Basicball -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 15:49:11)

then i guess npc's are like soda, you take em sip by sip, but you can only take so many an hour, or you'll burp like hell

frosty123 -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 15:52:29)

lols. whats up with the mcd theme O.o

Sparticus -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 15:56:01)

NPC's are indeed soda, they come with free refills each hour. Bosses are like desert, hot apple pie. Don't burn the roof of your mouth biting one too soon.

I still think I enjoyed the era of "fries" over the current era of "burger". Being one of the few that was around when the restaurant opened, I had a chance to sample all the food. Boy, the days of fries were sweet!

DeathGuard -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 15:59:44)

Sparticus: I remember back in beta I did 44 hits with really low strength and malf xD, and no more than 5 turns the battles were over.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 16:00:44)


I remember the old days when this game moved faster, when players could PVP a lot in a PVP game (imagine that)

So right , its unable to do PvP now , i cant tell the reason because its not allowed in forum :) , When Devs forbid players complains they thing problem will solve but nothing solved.This is just gild the pill.

Sparticus -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 16:39:12)

@TurkishIncubus: You are aloud to talk about burgers and fries. If you think that some of the burger toppings are ruining the burgers or the fries are too salty then just say it.

As for me, I would rather visit my local ED, snack down on some tasty fries for an hour or two, come away full with 100 wins and then go do something else. I really don't have time to sit in my local ED, order a burger, wait an hour for them to prepare it, spend another hour eating it and only get one win.

od -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 16:50:03)

I wonder what food arcade battles are like.

Basicball -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 16:52:11)

^fruit slot machines

Sparticus -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 17:02:34)

Arcade battles are nothing more then overpriced restaurants. They serve the exact same food but it cost more and there are more foo foo things on the table.
They sometimes server you too much so very occasionally they send you home with a doggy bag. ;-)

Fay Beeee -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 17:07:39)

I like a bit of a varied menu.
Sometimes a little of all on offer.
I would not like burger and fries all the time.
I like to choose what I eat and when. This can be hard if only burger is on offer. :)

PD -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 17:09:17)


It's making me hungry .__.

But yes, I like shorter battles.

Baron Dante -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 17:12:47)

This is... slightly amusing. For the record, I don't like burgers. I like fries.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 17:21:51)

Right now Fry battles are valued more in all aspects of the game. When Burger battles have more value, I think more people will enjoy them more.

Basicball -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 17:24:37)



It's making me hungry .__.

But yes, I like shorter battles.

2V1 bosses are like soup, they take time, cuzz you have to let them deplete their heat (energy) first

frosty123 -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 17:30:36)

I see thought we were on micky d theme. Turns out i was wrong.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 17:35:34)

Right now i see alot of Fry battles pretty much everyone is the same, TLM, and battles are very short i would prefer a burger battle every now and then where i fight like Fay Bee for a nice long fight where no one is using a conventional build

Also i just ate dinner but im really hungry again

Sparticus -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 17:41:01)

@JZaanu: LOL, I remember that you are a burger girl from way, way back! I recall your many adds for burgers, some were mouth watering. ;-)

@One Winged Angel1357: I see the same TlM at my restaurants but they are all burgers. The battles take 10 or more turns and are painfully boring. I wish I could find a TlM fry here and there but all I see are burgers. :-( Oh I know why your battles seem like fries, your a mage.

DeathGuard -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 17:43:41)

I always have fry TLm, but the battle is over at 5 turns, because else I supercharge hit him and he is dead, or he crits me and wins.

Wiseman -> RE: Battles are Fries and Not Burgers. (9/4/2011 17:49:34)

I love fries, I'm totally a fryman, let me tell you about the fries I use to eat back in the day. Each was short and full of salty goodness, and even so I will never forget many of them because of how interesting they where. Fries sometimes come in unique shapes, so not all of them are the same each time, and besides with some strategic thinking you can have a lot of fun while eating your fries.

Why not have the entire meal though? What's wrong with having your Burgers AND your Fries? I think a restaurant should always serve something for everyone, otherwise they just have poor service. :P

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