(DF) The Tale of Stephen Nix (Full Version)

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Stephen Nix -> (DF) The Tale of Stephen Nix (9/11/2011 19:51:19)

Yes ladies and gentlemen it's time I finally told you about how I became to be! Some of you may be looking forward to this, perhaps some, not so much! Anyways let's start with some questions I know you have had for me!

Question: Why are you Evil?
Answer: I'm simply not evil or a villain....YOU ARE! I see the world as a chance to change things, we live in a society where people want to try change and heroes and civilians wish not to partake in this so they declare war against these people and call them evil and villains and stuff which is out of hand. In my place, my own people are dying because of the human race/global warming/other animals and the moment we step into the world and fight against it, well then you're hated by everyone! So why is it us that are considered the problem when it's infact YOU PEOPLE THAT START ALL THE WARS!

Other Questions: Why Undead Penguin? How did that happen? Why the beef with Artix? TUSKNIX...what is that? Why do you have to hate the Beacons of Hope those guys are totally cool? When was your first battle against the heroes?
Answer: Check out the story the answers are in there! Please read carefully!

ummm, enough questions let's just get right to the story...

When Stephen Nix was born their were 12 baby penguins in the family, he had 6 sisters and 5 brothers. When they reached the age of 3 their parents told the baby penguins that they have a choice on how to live their lives. They could either take the route of going to explore the world or stay with mom and dad and grow up together. Nix choose the explore route, to this day he doesn't know why he did, perhaps it was because he felt distant from his family as not everyone appreciated Stephen. So Nix decided to face the world head on, when Nix came to a dark forest he went in head first to see where it would lead him and inside the forest, he found an old penguin reading a black book. He waddled up to the old penguin because he was curious and asked him what he was reading, and the penguin said "I am working on my Black Pedia." Stephen continued to ask questions because he wanted to learn more about this book, and the penguin told Nix to read a few spells off one by one. As he completed each spell new creatures appeared before them by the use of those spells. Stephen was definitely in love with this book!

As several months went past, Stephen started casting out bigger and more complex spells and thanks to the help of this old penguin Nix was ready to continue his journey, but before he left the old penguin said, "Before you go I want you to have this! He gave the encyclopedia to Nix. There is an old friend of mine named Linus, I want you to meet him. He lives in the high north," He pointed, "That way! Once you get there he will help you on the rest of your journey." He thanked the old penguin and continued North.

Along his path he continued to read spells off one by one and once he was finished he wanted to check out the Owner Spell. Stephen read the spell and realizes that it would make him a very powerful spell castor and that was all that he needed to see so he immediately started the chant, he got half way and thought, "Hmmm this doesn't seem right the ending was a little off from the rest of it. Hmmm." But it didn't matter to Stephen as he continued to read it, and once he finished the spell activated and changed Stephen FOREVER!

He started to change as half of his body turned inside out! He didn't know what to do as he checked that page again to find out the bottom of the spell was infact TORN OFF! He shouldn't have read the bottom part as he soon realized it was part of a spell to make yourself into an UNDEAD AND ITS IRREVERSIBLE! Even though Stephen was dissapointed in himself he still continued on his way to meeting Linus. Now, when Stephen casts spells, they have an undead affect to them.

He eventually waddled off to the highlands of the North and found a penguin named Linus, and asked him "Why he was like this." and was told that "There is no way you can change the way you look and that you need to move forward." Stephen had no choice but to agree to move on with his new looks! Nix showed Linus the pedia book the old penguin gave him and he was stunned to know that Stephen had obtained it! But he knew this day would eventually come and that he would need to help Nix with learning all the different types of spells in that encyclopedia, as there were combat spells, healing spells and much more than Stephen never noticed before.

A few months later Linus eventually asked Nix about trying his way back to his village. He did want to see his family again but didn't know if they would like the new looks on Stephen Nix.

Unfortunately upon his arrival Nix was well noticed by all the penguins and was denied entry into his home because he was claimed to be "No longer a penguin." Saddened, defeated and mad all at once he returned to Linus and told him of the way he was treated, and how no one respects him. Linus told Nix that it's not you that needs to change, it's them! (Stephen never forgot that)

Linus told him to meet with someone else, someone who is known to be hated by the villagers and heroes, his name was Sepulchure. Stephen agreed to meet up with him and did at the end of the Northlands he met up with Sepulchure who was doing a job at the moment. When Sepulchure saw Stephen, he knew he wasn't liked by the other people around him. Sepulchure showed Nix about how darkness constantly surrounds him, and how he can control it with his vast knowledge of the world, Stephen was a little skeptical. He told him also about how he could summon undead in that encyclopedia of his and Stephen did a perfect job in showing Sepulchure his first attempt to summoning an undead.

When he thought Stephen was ready he took him to the land of Battleon and talked to him. He asked Stephen, "What do you think of heroes?" He replied with, "People who want nothing else but to remain the same and wish not to change when all we try to do is see what it would be like if we were in control." Sepulchure nodded his head and told him he was ready for battle. So he sent him into the first undead war, but merely just to see how it was done. He even summoned a few undead to aid the cause. Though they lost the battle Stephen wanted more results, so a few weeks later Stephen sent out an army of HIS OWN TO DEFEAT THE HEROES OF LORE!

Unfortunately for him his army wasn't that great and infact came to a quick end, but that's when he met him...Artix, and his Paladin Brigade. Stephen in anger for his army slain, he ran towards Artix while he finished off the last of the undead. He used his book to summon some huge monsters but they were no match for Artix and one by one of Stephen's summons, Artix destroyed all of them. Some of those summons were some of Stephen's newest friends in learning how to summon them he became friends with them and now that he lost them, Nix went into berserk mode and summoned a dark skull staff and dueled Artix till the end. Figuring out that Stephen's power came from his Black Pedia Artix snapped it out of Stephen's fins. With the book obtained by Artix, Stephen was defeated.

For his attempts to burn Battleon to the ground, Stephen was charged and sentenced away from BattleOn and thrown into this special glacier the Northland people made for the heroes. It was an ice fortress which would be the perfect place to hold Stephen. So Stephen was thrown inside and he made it his new home. Stephen's Black Encyclopedia was locked up in the Falconreach Guardian Tower where it remains to this very day. The heroes appointed a new type of saviors to this world known as the Beacons of Hope, they were formed when the heroes had indeed lost all hope in a battle against the undead, but the people of LORE came through and defeated the undead thanks to those men and women. With a clan made, Stephen locked up, and his book in the Guardian Tower forever locked up, things looked positive for the heroes, Artix even specifically trained a Tusker (the well known enemy of Killiguns and other Penguins) but this Tusker was special as he was made to combat Stephen Nix and other undead beings, he is on the hunt for Stephen, if he is to ever escape, Tusknix will find him!

For several years Nix planned against the heroes, and he swears revenge against the newly appointed Beacons because he thinks they do the dirty work for Artix and his Holy Paladins. Stephen even without his books studied the materials enough to remember a few pages and they were for summoning undead, and for other undead abilities. Stephen merely embraced his new look and he made a new look for himself, one that would make him stand out. He wears a top hat, a monocle and with his staff that he made, he bares a pretty evil look.

Finally over a few years Stephen learned that penguins were easier to have as minions as they did very good work, but if he ever needed them, he could summon them in different ways, alive or undead, and if they didn't work simple skeletons would do the trick! Now with a penguin and undead army Nix wishes to take over the planet and change everything from the start, and by doing that he wishes to obtain the one thing he has lost, HIS BLACK ENCYCLOPEDIA, for if he is to acquire it, he may MAKE THE WORLD INTO A NEW ICE AGE! Due to the intense heat from the sun and global warming, Stephen has finally escaped from his home and is now on the road in trying to obtain his book of knowledge.

Can Artix stop him, will the Beacons of Hope defeat any chance Nix has in controlling the world? Only time will tell!

Thanks for reading,

Now you know why Stephen Nix doesn't care for heroes and why he wants his book back so he can change the world and start over again! Can you stop him?

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Leave me a post here in the commentary thread on your opinions...I'd love to hear them!

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