RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (Full Version)

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Kinzdor -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (2/6/2012 7:40:46)

Strebor is starting to creep me out now!

Vector -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (2/6/2012 8:19:31)

looks like strebor turned a little psychotic. coupled with the fact that experimental hates strebor now, this could get messy if the two end up bumping into each other again

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (2/6/2012 13:28:53)

You told me mon cheri refers to a male? O_e

I am suprised he killed the guy, still. I already knew that her joining in on that opp. would be a bad idea, but it saddens me, seeing the afteramath of it, anyway. :/

Madness? THIS IS SPARTA!!! ...just thought I'd add that in there.

YEAH! BREAKING AND ENTERING!!! What a brilliant idea. ^-^

Mmm... I agree. Saddens me, too, hearing the poor lunk talk. I am suprised the Villains didn't give him hands, considering that would let him to weild ranged weapons, and that would be more useful than using the pincer things, while he would still be quite apt at unarmed combat, and he'd be able to weild melee weapons with larger reach, as well.

... Well, I have to start school, now... I'll hopefully continue later today. I think I might devote the day to catching up on reading instead of playing, altogether...

Now the police will know someone's been tampering with evidence... but it is good to see you remembered to have the police stated to have been to her place first.

I still say the police would be able to tell, even with what precautions were taken at the door...

You know, govornment agencies would be able to tell that the cyborg was on the phone with her... they say they don't do phone tabs without warrants, but they lie...

Hmm... Makes you wonder how OmniCorp would actually act in such a situation.

Going to go think... Interesting.

He put one in his neck by himself?... gutsy fellow. Makes you think back to that bit about how much bloodloss he could handle. XP

I wonder if he's in shock. The L.E.E.C.H. pieces combined with the insertion of them all at once could have caused a negative reaction, or at the very least, one that could effect him from thenseforth, making him possibly ACT different, along with the having of different abilities. It could also be that he had not taken his medication anyway, regardless of his knowing he needed to. Hard to say what sort of reaction a person would have, with all those things in play, and what would cause what.

Jessa K -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (2/10/2012 21:12:04)

XD Celestina... I assume you mean Celestin?

Ah, this makes me miss Jae...

A shotgun? I wonder what type? Although I'm not exactly fond of shotguns lately.

I think you portray Cel pretty well, imo. Can't miss that sarcasm, XD.

White stain... Lol

*imagines Strebor trying to do somersaults and giggles irl*

Oh, wait, apparently it's not something to laugh about... Oops.

In all seriousness, nice chapter. Poor doc.

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (2/10/2012 22:54:43)

He pooped on him. That's the joke.

And yes, this has gotten all grim. Next week, Tom Selleck heals Strebor with his mustache. Huzzah!

Kinzdor -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (2/10/2012 22:57:49)

So much emotion in this chapter. It`s so sad what is happing to the poor man. [:(] Nice way conveying the emotions.

Jessa K -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (2/10/2012 23:57:11)

*rolls eyes* I know that was the joke. That's why I said 'lol'.

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (2/11/2012 11:12:15)

Ok, just making sure.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (2/13/2012 13:58:17)


I don't like it when things don't improve. Bad for my reputation. lol

Yeaaah... Healing factors oddly lead to improved strength, for some reason. Endurance and sometimes agility, too.

This is not the day you are awake in... Mind screw. XD

Ah, such a cute little family of rats... They make nice pets, you know. My sister used to hve two of them, but they died. :/


“Omniverosa prevents psychosis, it doesn’t treat it,”


Oh, how innocent mutterings to one's self can cause problems. XP

(Seems Jae might need a bit more discipline with the use of her powers. O_e)

*whistles innocently at the slamming of Strebor into such a room*

You know, use of mental powers to fix such a problem COULD be warranted, eventually, but unfortunately, that's risky business, both to the one being probed, and in some cases to the one who is boring into their mind.

Ah, memories... *thinking of the blood stains* lol

/me imagines Charles attacking and eating the rats, out of boredom

Hehe... I am starting to like that bird. Sorry, Celestin, if you read this, but that was funny. XD


Or at least trying to... *snickers*

*sigh* At least I have other things to entertain myself while waiting. Many people don't have an entire world within their mind, you know? *imagines the awkwardness of sitting there, just doing nothing but watching and waiting with two guys with wings, and an old man with a shotgun*

I wonder what all was done to pass the time. o.O

Jessa K -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (2/18/2012 3:10:53)

Ooh, Christmas colors!

XD... Ilk... You know, my iPod says that's not a word.

I wonder who the narrator is?

Who's back?

Short, sweet, and entertaining. Good job.

Kinzdor -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (2/18/2012 8:38:11)



MR.MAVET! It`s gotta be!

Twighlight Sky -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (3/10/2013 20:26:05)

I decided to try reading some fanfics for fun, and I came across this french mistake

J’aime il

Proper french would be 'Je l'aime.'

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