RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (Full Version)

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Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/11/2011 21:08:13)



Interesting note from the chronicler...

Yes, I agree. It IS a crocadile...

No, I'd say it doesn't make their actions excusable either, but then again, I'd also say the cops are either idiots, weak willed, or corrupt, as well.

Very distracting, hot air ballons seem to be these days.

Hmm... Assuming they were college students... Then again, I might not be, and I could be saying that just to get the conversation rolling and to extract the corrct information. Also, as I know their names without asking, especially with the costume worn by Strebor, I may already know exactly who they all are. Hard to tell specifically, because I have hidden motives in a good deal of my actions, and show exactly the information I want to be known, and generally not much else.

Sharp cookie, Strebor seems to be. I suppose it was somewhat obvious, but still nice to see he noticed that so swiftly.

Hmm... Syrena is known of at that point in time... Interesting.

Yes, to be fair, Celestin's insanity somewhat worries me sometimes (no offence)... At least one of his actions has been detrimental in the recent past to the side-affairs, which were not at hand at that moment.
He is still quite a good asset, and a good friend, as well, but it sometimes makes me nervous.

You did mention me becoming your mentor. It makes me wonder what I shall be able to teach you to do, specifically, although I have quite a few ideas...

I was wondering what the mental SONAR was...

Hmm... I wonder why they just left him there... Glad to see he wasn't killed, though.

Asking about love... understandable, and good to see him do at that point, considering plotlines and action progression.

The conversation between those two is intriguing... almost strange to see Experimental react that way to her almost cussing, if you don't have his mental state in your story in mind... But I suppose it makes sense.

A rapier... I wonder what her plan will be, exactly.


Get new clothes on, you say? Hmm... I suppose that would make sense, to conceal your identity, or just because of sweatiness, but most people wouldn't think like that.

Yes, I agree, SL9K, that was a silly presumption. XD Then again, I could have been hiding something, and I was probably just thinking outloud before collecting my thoughts into a good idea of what was going on. Along with that, as I already said, I may have used that to get the conversation to advance in a way I desired, for intelligence gathering purposes. It also could have been a test to see if Strebor would pick up on the fact that I had used their names without them having been introduced. Many things could have been going on. Hard to say; It could have even been a brain fart, for all I know. lol

And what would the other reasons be? (I could guess a few)

The statement that it is for combating mental psychosis is especially funny as it could almost be interperated as a refutal of the not being a mad doctor bit. I wonder if you were refering the restatement of fact, or that.

Those were examples of insanity leading to criminal activity, not necessarily chaos.

In response to the zombie appocalypse statement: Glass box with a shotgun in it, along with shells, saying break glass in case of Zombie Appocalypse.


You know, rapiers are rather common...

Makes me wonder how Sarah will handle becoming a swordsman with perhaps no powers at all. *Pulls out a sword, and shouts a battle cry, then gets shot in the chest*

Idk, you implemented the shift pretty well. I suppose we'll have to wait and see, but I like it.

Good luck to Experiemntal on ye olde date.

Jae10 -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/12/2011 17:48:18)

I must say my friend, that you are an artist at literature. I thought the original version of Who Needs a Medical License was great. This revision just blew me away. It extremely good humored and you pull off a well balanced plot that kept me wanting to read to the very end (where you stopped writing anyway, lol).

And you think I'm good with handling character interactions? You're amazing at it! I was ROFLing plenty of times because of Strebor's (and a few other characters') witty remarks or thought patterns.

Ugh, I hate corporate scams. I should know, I used to work for corporal. I admit, I was indeed very disappointed in Strebor over the fatal results of the LEECH. But he did try to correct his mistake and now my anger is more directly flared against Mr. Mavet and the company that he runs (or works for?).

Lolz, the perspective of a guy when it comes to relationships...amusing. I smirk at the fact that Sarah was taking it easy on the poor fellow by leaving a letter. There are some females that would have been less 'polite' at dismissing guy with jerkwad tendacies XD

I respect her for it. She seems like a very good girl.^^

Speaking of relationships & love and whatnot, you did a fantastic job portraying Vector's character - Experimental. It seems so like him; his mannerism n this story really does bring out the supposed-evil-yet-good-natured cyborg in him.

Ooo! A DoV? Interesting new city feature. Starting out on your ventures as a vigilante makes perfect sense, especially if you're undecided. It's something we Smashers all need time to think about. And fitting name you've chosen - Surgeon General. Good medical ring to it!

Oh gosh...this dialogue is terribly funny. I can't quit chuckling at some of these conversations. I tell ya, humor usually wins me over easily.

Awesome! You got to include lots of players in here nicely. Super City's always such a hectic place with the Good vs Evil vs Chaos that runs rampant in its streets.

Yes...Drakkoniss is a fine mentor. He's actually been teaching me too, for a while now, especially after my condition. Great choice!

Splendid job, once more, Goldstein! I always look forward to reading more. :D

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/12/2011 18:09:42)

Well, jeez everyone, I appreciate all the praise. I really do hope I'm producing the the best I can. This week's chapter is going to be a doozy!

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/13/2011 19:23:12)

Very interesting and good points, for the most part, though it was stated in the story that Sarah overreacted alot and did things like that many times in their relationship before he released the L.E.E.C.H..

With it being from his point of view, I suppose he could have been more of a jerk than it would have seemed, or the stress would make reasonable, but I suspect she may have slight mental problems.

Thank you for that compliment, btw. XD

Jae10 -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/15/2011 18:10:38)

Lolz, np!

I can understand why she would tend to "overreact". His behavior is rather abnormal and that's before his run-in with the evils of OmniRoe. He's a bit borderline crazy when it comes to his work. I got all that from Chapter 3, among other things. Meh, I could point out several things that went wrong with this. But, I won't, of course!^^

Oh, and I'm not sure she has any mental problems...maybe just hurt feelings.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/15/2011 18:36:07)

Eh, her having mental problems was just a guess based on her actions in later chapters, but yeah, you are right, there's a good chance she doesn't have any.

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/15/2011 19:07:08)

SPOILER ALERT: She doesn't.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/15/2011 20:01:54)

Not significant ones, anyway, even though she could be easily constrewed to be naive.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cut along the dotted line to get to the COMMENTARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I can imagine that would be quite embarassing... And you've needed a jetpack, or some such machine, or at least expressed the wont of one, for quite a while, now, anyway.

Ah, polo: The game of riding a horse, and hitting a ball with a mallet, like you would a man with an axe, and from horseback, no less. Hehe...

Nice idea, having me act as if I am blind, as well. Could be quite useful for reconaisance purposes, among other things.

But of course, I have many investments, and many business associates, along with people I become aquainted with overseas, don't you know? XD

Suspicious fellow, isn't he? (refering to the receptionist) Either that, or he has predudices based on appearances... *snickers* Oh, when shall they learn?

Oh, ye of little faith... And a harsh tone, no less! Silly little thing.

Nice idea, with the Treehouse. Very inovative thinking, and probably correct, as well... Being underneath the city both pretects from disasters, and opens up the potential for getting where you need to be faster, possibly.

Oh, I have my ways of telling things... Not only intelligence gathering abilities, but chemical markers, along with it. Those two would be my best guesses as to how I knew, with the latter only being pertinant if I didn't already know of your location in Skull Deep before you escaped. That and the obvious telepathy mentioned in the story, as well.

Meangle, hmm? I haven't heard you called that before, or at least I don't remember it. Interesting term.

Japanese dojo, hmm? They have quite the intriguing culture, and I do enjoy its contributions to society very much so. I especially like katanas, although I haven't had my character use any in combat recently, story-wise.

Hmm... Jae acting like that makes me wonder if she lost anyone in the events following the L.E.E.C.H.'s release...

Not sitting for a few weeks might be a bit hard... Break your tailbone? Perhaps a few hours would make more logical sense, but I like your emphasis, nonetheless.

Seems you included the little gem from my, Celestin's, and your conversation in your story. Hmm... I suppose you would know such a thing, with your medical training in mind. Good to include it at that point, overall, in my oppinion. Interesting choice of weapon, overall. Not too many are seen to use staffs, in-game, or storyline-wise.

That's true. It is combat training, afterall; You would need some sort of knowledge and experience on how to deal with projectiles in combat, anyway.


No, I don't think the claws would help too much with remaining incognito, either.

I like that girl... I wonder just how she'll play into the storyline. Hmm...

Oh, that liar... Funny, though. XD I hope that doesn't cause problems later on. *rolls eyes* lol

I wonder if it's a new version of Blade Runner, or a repeat of the classic...

“uppity new Smashers, who do they think they are, taking our women…” <- *points finger and shouts, "How dare he?!"*

That's horrible, both from the standpoint of a smasher, and the fact that he sounds like he's thinking of women as property. -.-

Swordswoman. *nods head* XP

Hmm... A sign of latent abilities, per chance?

And that's why genetic engineers have to be extremely careful, as they could wind up making something that couldn't survive, whether or not it's because of the genetic combination's inherent flaws to health, or the gene sequence's causing certain things unexpected to happen, as single genes happen to account for multiple things in many cases. Thus, a bird with lacking flight coordination abilitites, apparently.

I think you might need a falconer glove in the future...

Oh, and interesting note about her being the "key to his life", btw, before I forget to comment on that.

In case you couldn't tell? Is she planning on publishing her diary?

That is a good example of possible advantages of genetic engineering, however... The new specimen could be more intelligent than its progenators. That and size, strength, and all that jazz with hybrid vigor.

I suspect it may be an inate ability to control animals, and possibly nature in general, though.

Imagining that bird under the sink makes me sad. :/


Vector -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/16/2011 20:13:49)

herr goldstein... i am gleefully and utterly speechless. i am concerned that he might not enjoy the movie, but then he just might be happy by merely being with the girl he seems to like so much [;)]

ah well, better wait til next friday time

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/16/2011 20:52:10)

If you are speachless, I am not.

I am also looking forward to reading another sample of your literary prowess, doctor.

Devastate -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/17/2011 0:10:19)


I have finished the first panel moments after you sent the link to me.
Some points that I find amusing :

-The way of describing the main protagonist, Strebor Goldstein is exemplary! It started out as out of the norm of describing the physical appearance and pesonality, making the introduction an inviting one.
- (Bukovinian State Medical University in the Ukraine is a find college to be sure, but it is no Oxford) - Ahh the comparison made me laugh heartily!
-3rd person view is portrayed and written in a very coordinated manner.
-The transition of events is soothing, making me grasp a scene first before moving on to another, in which you deserve a "thumbs up" - in Russian language

As for now, I would be moving to the next panel and would continue to give my comments.

For the second panel :

Now now the LEECH seems controversial for me, and I feel how Mavet feels...I commend how persistent Strebor is with this project, especially now that the effects are promising - 6 months of life extension to 3 years; that's a lot of time.

"The Vine" - a perfect name for a fine dining restaurant, not to mention the mouth watering menus they have in store.....69' wine - CLASSY!

Done with the 3rd panel :

Now that has become something that's worth of the time! I love how Strebor pretends to act too "professional" even with the presence of Sarah...ahh the love story has gotta be a perfect fit for the serious atmosphere of the story.

Now that the LEECH seemed to be running, I can't wait how Strebor would deliver this to Mr. Mavet.

So the felon remembers his name, now this has gotta be an extra perk for Strebor; I was expecting him not to remember anything even his name.

Moving on to the next panel, can't wait what's going to be unraveled next.

Sir Night -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/17/2011 0:24:05)

Hmm, a rapier? A bird on her shoulder? Is Sarah thinking of becoming a pirate?

Anyway, awesome chapter as always.

Jae10 -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/17/2011 23:55:55)

Ohhh, well when I think about it that way it does seem pretty buccaneerish.^^

LOVED the new chap. It was another interesting read & I'm pleased with the portrayal of Jae from what you gathered. Yeah, I think I would be a bit sore over all the havoc thats been done by the LEECH. Also, glad Celestin didn't kill ya. For some reason I got a mental picture from this scene at the time!

Enjoyed the perspective switches as well. Gives me more insight into Goldstein's and Berkeley's mindsets and personalities! Once more, great job.

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/26/2011 21:02:27)

Well, Sarah ditched the rapier. That was just an idea that she had that she quickly abandoned. How lucky, she met Charles! Some could even say that the bird is a spirit...(HINT HINT HIS NAME IS A REFERENCE TO CHARLES LINDBERGH. YUP.)

Sir Night -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/26/2011 21:28:59)


Well, Sarah ditched the rapier. That was just an idea that she had that she quickly abandoned.

O_O So... that was just some random thing that had no importance to the story?

By the way, do you know when the next chapter will be released?

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/26/2011 21:36:34)

It was a reason for Sarah to visit a place with falcons. Why else would she go there? They don't sell hybrid-falcon birds in a regular bird store. And I'm working on the new chapter as we speak! It's going to be kind of short.


Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/27/2011 4:02:45)

Forgot to comment on the last chapter. Blame Overcast/Zombies.


The idea of being chauffeured everywhere by the closest hero with the ability of flight wasn’t very appealing.

And they charge. Heavily.


most people assume I am when I stumble around with a cane and sunglasses.”

But aren't blind people glasses designed to completely cover the eye? Not to mention that a blind person would choose a cheap, sturdy cane over a decorative one.


“You sure do have lots of visiting associates from Europe,

From the sounds of it, his charade is not going to work for much longer.


Drakkoniss just chuckled and pressed a button labeled “Steam.”



carrying weapons and papers

Paper, obviously much more dangerous then weapons (especially in hat form).


“I am a mind-reader. At least, that is one of the many powers I possess,” he said. “I don’t like to investigate people’s minds, but you are the notorious Doctor Strebor Ovan Goldenstein, the Dr. Knox, the Dr. Meangle. I had to probe your mind to make sure you weren’t this monster. You aren’t.”

Did I mention that I hate psychics? Because I do.


How is he no different than Clown?” Jae asked indignantly.
He Is a doctor, and (mostly) sane.


How will other people react?

With a battle-axe


“Okay, so how exactly do I train with this?”
It's a glorified stick, go up to people and bash them with it. 


Experimental stood, rooted to the spot for thirty minutes, when the girl finished her latte,

Who takes 30 minutes to drink 1 latte? It would get cold.


“Really? What did you think of last month’s cover story?” 


Conversationalist of the year.


two hours of static, and he’d still happily accept.

My favorite show.


*Chronicler’s Note:
I think we should call him Steve.


. Falcon and something or another.
Falcon and Wolf. Yeah you don't WANT to know why that combo was chose or how it even worked.


I named him Charles in case you couldn’t tell.

Why that name?
Here we go, the actual chapter.


 Oh, it looks all rosy on the surface, sure, with their shiny white walls and friendliness. But isn’t that how they sucker you in? Wasn’t Mr. Mavet and his staff soooo accommodating? And look how that turned out!

It could have been worse.


Perhaps I’m being paranoid. But don’t I have a right to be paranoid? I think I do. I really think I do. How easily could Drakkoniss turn on me? Or Jae and Celestin?
 All mind readers are tricksters, right? They’re fourth on my list of untrustworthy people, right below corporate executives, telemarketers and politicians.

It's not Paranoia if somebody is out to get you.
Good list, for me it's:
Pandora Radio.


Drakkoniss beat me to death. Well, not to death, but pretty badly.

It's to test if you're a Saiyan or not.


“You’re going to have to learn close-combat.”

Shotgun, flamethrower.


Celestin and Jae stood off to the side, amused, half-bored expressions that indicated that they knew exactly what would happen.

Telepathic betting on how bad you'll be hurt.


“Whenever you’re ready,” Drakkoniss said happily.

50 years later: still not ready.


He easily swatted it away the strike with a flick of his sword. “Come now, Doctor, try a little,” he said, and he swung downwards.

Rule 7: Don't battle-medic, it only ends in failure.


“Oh, that does not look good,” Jae said. Celestin tried his best to hide his snickering.
Looks like Celestin won that bet.


Celestin titled his head to the side and asked, “How did you do that? How did you stop the blood loss?”

Magic, M-A-G-I-C. Say it with me: Magic.


“He’s on a date with a girl he has a serious crush on. He called me, said he was watching a movie. ‘Blade Runner.’ He’s having major existentialist crises, but he says he’s having a very good time. I’m glad for him.”

I, Robot or Matrix would have been more fitting but meh your story.

Right, so it all goes to hell in 3 chapters, right?

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/27/2011 4:25:47)

Oh, that sounds about right...mwa ha ha ha!

Kinzdor -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/27/2011 14:59:41)


They’re fourth on my list of untrustworthy people, right below corporate executives, telemarketers and politicians.

Me and (I imagine) The Dealer take offense to the corporate executives part! Though you`r not wrong.


But this diary isn’t for me to complain. It’s to “document my journey” or some crap like that…

Someone is grumpy.

I would comment more but my computer is acting up. Overall good chapter.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/27/2011 22:02:20)

Well, Power Defence seems to hate me about now, so I think I'll comment for a bit.

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like his complaining, thinking super heroes have to sucker people into helping them out, as if they can't just quit whenever they want to...

That's not nice. I prefer the term "master manipulator" over trickster... Hehe...

I TAKE OFFENCE TO THOSE QUOTATION MARKS!!!!!!!!!!!! Then again, unless I am mistaken, that's a very deadly weapon, so he has somewhat of a right to be upset... I imagine I had safeguards in place to prevent him from being counted among the deceased, however...

This makes me wonder if, with the brutal action, I am fighting relatively seriously because I know he can take it, and then there's the obvious bit about him learning his physical limits, and all. He should probably be tought the actual basics of staff-based combat at some point, though, instead of just having him rely on instinct...

Yeah, those with healing-based powers have a relatively good chance of automatically having their stamina and possibly strength increased beyond the capacity of a normal human...

I do agree with myself that the limits of his powers do need to be tested, especially if he's going to be adequately tought a versitile combat technique array to make use of it...

Where did she get targets?... and why is she shooting indoors in a public area where the police could easily be called on them, leaving them in a very bad situation yet again...?


And very funny, too. I like him. XD

I did not understand the "lance Armstrong" bit...

We had a nice talk in-game. :)


It's still paranoia if you are in a profession where that is normal.

That's true, I could have beaten him much worse, and besides, he healed and recovered his endurance extremely fast, anyway, which I would have known he would have done.

And then, if he WAS a Saiyan, I would have done that at least 5 times that day. :) (I would have known if he had such a power...)

Shotgun, staff, pointy stick with various chemical injection possibilities, Makarov, instant K.O. and/or poisoning powers... and possibly a chainsaw.

Battle medics with lightsabers work out relatively well...

Idk, SL9K, I am thinking maybe 2 or 4, depending on how he wants to play it, just to spite you, or something along those lines (j/k). Very good point, though. XD

Vector -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (1/6/2012 15:22:54)

wait, what? a second date? looks like the cyborg's budding romance is going well... you don't mind elaborating on that do you, dear boy? [;)]
interesting to know strebor's gonna get his own smasher-specific clinic though, but i'm still edgy on mr. mavet...

woah woah, hold up, i think i might have missed a chapter. gimme a moment [>:] i did miss a chapter, but i couldn't help but feel bad for strebor on the (unofficial) combat training

Kinzdor -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (1/6/2012 19:13:03)

Nice chapter. I was not expediting Sarah to become a smasher. You know I think she is the first good guy err gal non powered smasher since Gray Shilotue. The falcon seems almost like her sidekick!

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (1/6/2012 20:52:06)

KILL IT, IT'S A DEMON BIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*loses interest*

THE LAUGH IS THE SIGN HE'S EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or not, meh...

*pays attention to the game*

*laughs hysterically at her lack of appreciation of gun skills' change to love of the fact she cna do that*

The problem is that accuracy is not all there is to using guns... You must have tactical skills, and be in the frame of mind not to get yourself or your allies killed on accident. You must also know how to... move so as to make effective use of the weapon.

Airheart... I wonder why/how she came up with that one... I mean, I like the name and all (in fact i like it alot), but it makes you wonder just what her inspiration was.. I understand where the name comes from, but why avionics as a theme?

Sadly, I think Airheart, as she is now called, is going to die... just a feeling, but still... a certain unease about it fills my mind.

Good to hear about Experimental, yes.

His mind, not his brain... That would be the proper phrasing...

She has an interesting way of writing things... Intriguing oppinions and thoughts, as well... I won't get into specifics, though, atm.

Odd... necessary, I suppose, because Smashers' scheduals being what they are, even part time jobs could be interupted at any moment, and lost because of leaving them too much/at the wrong time... Some could afford not to be payed, but still. It also makes sense from an in-game perspective, because every enemy taken out allows you to get more fame, and fame used to be gold... but because we get fame, and not actual money, I suppose I just assumed we were either not payed at all, or given a regular pay check, or something.

I'd be more philanthropic about it, but if I flood the jewel, gold, silver, ect. markets, what good would that do? Especially considering the fact that it would require constant feeding of money to maintain whatever projects the city, or whoever, decides to use the money on...

I mean, I could manufacture stuff, but meh... maybe later.

Hmm... Plastic bullets... At least the damage isn't as bad as it would have seemed, and that means she almost certainly didn't kill someone by shooting through the ceiling/wall.

Ah, chips... such simple, yet delicious, things...

Hmm... Drakkoniss seems to be a hard thing to remember, for some reason... Hehe...

Nice to know of govornment terminology in your continuity... and yes, Blackshock's being a vampire concerns me... nice to see you decided to use it in your story, btw.

I wonder how that will turn out, considering I imagine this is to be an actiony story... Perhaps things will be quiet for a while, and then take a darker turn...

Mmm... That sounds like something I'd say. I like how you interperate my character.

*imagines him standing there at 8 o'clock AM, and waiting hours on end without realizing he meant 8:00PM* XD

I did say morning, though, so I suppose that will work out just fine.

That's DOCTOR Surgeon General, to you, sir!

Now I want a soda!!! T_T

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (1/7/2012 3:39:03)

Here we go again. Yet again.

The place where they launch those clay discs into the air.

That would be skeet.


It scares me to think about what his brain’s like.

Spilt milk at this point probably.


“Yup. They got rid of all of the foreign languages except Spanish once the city government cut down on grants. She’s working at my grocery, but she’s not happy about it. Alright, done!”

The Frenchmen is displeased. Atleast I think so. I don't speak French.


“Not too bad,” Drakkoniss said as he sauntered in, his cane resting on his forearm. “Hello Mr. Berkeley. Hello Strebor.”

... You couldn't knock, could you?


“I think Mr. Drok, Mr. Drakkan, Mr. D is saying you open a clinic.”

But what would it be called?


Radically Endowed Individual.

I'm not sure how I can leave a comment on that.


BlackShock. But as of late, he has lost my trust. Becoming a vampire can do that. Old-world prejudices die hard. Now, what do you say?”

But what of Zafara's vampirism?


“I have already contacted the owner. This clinic is something you want.”

"and this is not the sandvich you are looking for."


“you must give up your thirst for revenge. As an associate and a friend, I ask you, put the idea of revenge out of your head. It will destroy you and everyone you love. I don’t want that to happen.”

You can always try healing them to death.
KILL IT, IT'S A DEMON BIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Oh no.


The problem is that accuracy is not all there is to using guns... You must have tactical skills, and be in the frame of mind not to get yourself or your allies killed on accident. You must also know how to... move so as to make effective use of the weapon.

And hats. You need hats.


Odd... necessary, I suppose, because Smashers' scheduals being what they are, even part time jobs could be interupted at any moment, and lost because of leaving them too much/at the wrong time... Some could afford not to be payed, but still. It also makes sense from an in-game perspective, because every enemy taken out allows you to get more fame, and fame used to be gold... but because we get fame, and not actual money, I suppose I just assumed we were either not payed at all, or given a regular pay check, or something.

Or heroes get money from local government or news, villains  just take it.


Hmm... Drakkoniss seems to be a hard thing to remember, for some reason... Hehe...

Kinda like nobody figures out how Clark Kent is Superman.


Nice to know of govornment terminology in your continuity... and yes, Blackshock's being a vampire concerns me... nice to see you decided to use it in your story, btw.

Unless they start singing, I'm fine with all the vampires.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (1/7/2012 11:48:25)

Zafira's been a vampire all her life (which is pertenant in that she is able to resist and control her hunger better than most vampires because of that). Blackshock also, being a medical practitioner, is in a possition to where his vampirism would especially disadvantageous to society, should it control him.The effects of Blackshock's vampirism has proven negligable so far, but then again, it has proven to be able to progress and change his physiology, even with his unique advantages wih regards to his powers. He also has not consumed the blood of a human yet, so far as I know, which in many cases acts as a catalyst to the completion of the transformation process.

To be fair, healing them to death does work on zombies, according to JRPG's. His powers actually can effect normal humans beyond just healing them, as has been shown with his ability to knock them out, as well.

Yes, you DO need hats, but she had already aquired aviation goggles. ;)

Yes, villains tend to just take it, but I am assuming the govornment does not fund them, so I was refering to just heroes/vigil antis.

I think someone may have cast a spell on Kent's face, which causes people to forget it, whenever they make the connection...

*shivvers* Vampire musicals...

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