RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (Full Version)

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Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/22/2011 11:50:09)

Idk, SL9K, death by teacup and fish are up there with being stabbed with a pen, too...

Oh, and nice joke about death, btw.

Commentary: Ah, dried blood. It makes the atmosphere of a room so much more... awesome. Especially if there are still bodies there (although the stench may offset that... meh). XD

Pfft... if they want you to make any progress at all, you'd think they'd at least provide good equipment...

I randomly guess that Cram is evil. :)

I still remeber Igor from last time... poor guy got written out of the story... lol

*sigh* This reminds me of how corrupt the justice system happened to be... No chance at all. Ridiculous.

How many years ago was this, btw? I am assuming it is not actually in the cannonical storyline, but still... It would be good to know.

Makes me wonder just what Dr. Braun's status in the medical community is... whether it is soiled and tarnished, or if he is a leading figure that just happens to be corrupt...

/me notes the predudice against mechanically based life forms

Makes me wonder why they bothered to give it that monicker at all, when it just means robot in the code of the military... You'd think they'd give it (him) a better designation.


Very interesting to consider Experimental's mind seems to opperate like unto that of a child...

Also, it makes me wonder if his machine parts are carefully analysing the bodies' minute details and organ structuring... Probably not, other than basic thought on the matter, but meh... it could be... *grins*

Interesting design differences...

Makes me wonder what an alloy of Titanium, Molybdenum, and Irridium would be like...

Err... Interesting to say the least that they want to use a doctor with such moral principles to create weapons like that... I mean, it's been done before, and all, but still... I BLAME THE NAZIS!!!!!!! lol

Cleaning? Imbiciles! That's glorified grunt work- offence to the Air Force, which forces all of the pilots to clean their planes (and presumably their armaments) vigorously, and rigorously, constantly.

O.o YOU killed Shriner?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! If you had done that in Vector's story, DAAAAANG, man, that would have been screwy... but you couldn't have, unless the circumstances were completely different, of course...

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/22/2011 12:28:08)

Strebor didn't kill Shriner, it was a pen, for goodness sake, not a sword. And Cram is basically the same as Igor, but with a different name, since Igor is SO cliche. And I always viewed Experimental as being very innocent and naive until that one rouge scientist reprogrammed him.

And all of this is canon.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/22/2011 12:47:30)

O.o as in this could technically have happened in the in-game universe? That is... interesting to say the least. XD (That is what I was menaing by canon. lol)

Yes, I assumed Igor and that wretched looking assistand were the same character, essentially... But being stabbed with a pen and dying would have been awesome... :/


Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/22/2011 12:48:53)

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you meant canon within my story. And, come on, it's just a pen.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/22/2011 13:39:39)

If it was a quill pen it would have worked...

Sadly, I am refraining from reading "Who needs Ethical Boundaries?" for now, because of spoileriness... I assume it is within the same continuity and has spoilers about what happened in "Medical Liscence", no?

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/22/2011 14:20:22)

No, all three stories I have planned will mostly be independent (except for a few references). They all connect in the final chapter.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/27/2011 22:14:28)

woah... now that was insanity! lol

how much are you guys willing to bet it won't be past one hour before skulldeep realizes something went wrong? *chuckles*

wonder if ROBOT would be able to elaborate on its... um, life story at some point... that would be an interesting bit to read about, methinks [:)]

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/27/2011 22:15:49)

ROBOT? You mean Experimental? Yeah, he's a pretty chill bro.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/28/2011 2:47:32)

And a new chapter. Yay.
On to commentary.


Not very well. He's dead. That pen of yours punctured his stomach. Very messy."

That should have made the blood drain from his face. That should have made his stomach turn inside out. Instead, he was filled with a sense of triumph. Dr. Shriner had deserved it, he was monster that was building a bio-bomb to be sold to the mob. His death made Liberty City safer. Strebor stuck his head out from between the bars and spat down on him. "Send my condolences to his grieving widow as she laughs herself silly."

Heh it is funny, but didn't you say that you wouldn't kill him?


There was no explanation for his fixation on the robot. But in every one of his escape fantasies, it was always the robot that cut him down and helped him escape. No other creature appeared, no other entity. Just the robot. Just the robot. Just. That. ROBOT. WHY THAT ROBOT? WHY?

don'tsayitdon'tsayitdon'tsayitdon'tsayit -ahem- Well who else was there?


"И если я вижу Mavet Клянусь Господом я убью его. Кровь будет литься по его лицу, как я обезглавить его. Но в глубокие ямы моего сердца я люблю тебя, так что ... это слезы меня на части, она извергается каждый атом и клетка в моем теле с яростной огненной страсти. Бог помилует вашу душу, MAVET, ибо я нет, то я КВАРТАЛ ВАС И ВАШ SCATTER ЧАСТИ через этот глухой ЗЕМЛИ," Strebor would babble in Russian. It was incomprehensible to everyone, even the Russians. It was some strange, alien language.

Which I managed to translate. In spoiler.

"And if I see I swear by the Lord Mavet I'll kill him. Blood will flow down his face, as I decapitate him. But in the deepest pit of my heart I love you, so ... it tears me apart, it erupts every atom and cell in my body with fierce fiery passion. God have mercy on your soul, MAVET, because I do not, I BLOCK YOU AND YOUR SCATTER OF THE EARTH through the deaf,



The link was never cracked.

Did someone say Link?


. Curse this world, curse it and it's mercilessness

But not the cake, cursed cake is bad.


"Oh, yeah! You killed Dr. Shriner!"



"I'm Experimental now, by the way."

That doesn't sound very nice in-context.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/28/2011 9:27:30)


That doesn't sound very nice in-context.

i kinda thought of it as the ROBOT picked that name up by thinking the label on his... tank, or whatever, was his name. that's my random guess, though; goldstein can think of whatever reason he wants for why that was chosen [:)]



don'tsaywhatdon'tsaywhatdon'tsaywhatdon'tsaywhat? :P


But not the cake, cursed cake is bad.

you got it all wrong... the cake is a lie [:D]

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/28/2011 19:28:54)

Ah, cages that aren't large enough to house humans properly... brings back memories. lol

Also volcanic breezes; Reminds me both of my time in Hell (to be fair, not all of it is a volcanic wasteland, as some people want you to believe...) a while back (on business, mind you [no, I am not a demon]), and also of actual volcanoes!!! XD

And a coarse beard?!?!?!?!?!?! OH, THE HUMANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

/me laughs at Mavet's talk with Strebor

^Both because it is hilarious, and from nostalgia!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HUZZAH!!!!!!! IT DID KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also like the moral view that comes from the partial insanity Strebor now seems to have, but then again, I'd also have been glad to kill him, possibly, depending on what I knew about him.

Good to see you talking about muscular atrophy, which I had forgoten/not thought to indicate at the time I was reading the original.

/me bursts into laughter at Experimental/the ROBOT's childish behavior in his Strebor's dream

I SUGGEST THE ABILITY TO SEE THE FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or at least possibilities for it...

And how had you known the nooks and crannies? Because you have a little ability-type thing which is either Future Sight/a derivative thereof, Far Sight/a combination of that and Future sight, or either a combination of both and an ability to make calculations as to how different scenarios will work out, whether subconciously or not, or a very good memory and OCD/a combination of that and a psychosis...
Then again, you could just have something crazy going on, and none of it is real, but meh.

YES!!! KILL WITH FIREWORKS!!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have thought about the hypothetical lethal uses of them before... XP

Why would fireworks be in a bucket which appears to be in a janatorial closet, though, eh? *whistles innocently*

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A PARASITE, YOU SAY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! *bursts out in laughter again*

/me finds his insanity to be hillarious

I am still worried about it, of course, and I would like you to get proper medication and all, but I was so analytical the first time that I figure I might as well express my amusement this time around.

I dislike the "Big Brother is watching me" viewpoint of the world... or rather the fictional concept.


Urm... I wonder if this is the spoiler tag... Nope, it wasn't. Sorry, I have no idea how to use those, so here's the translation of the Russian, via horrible translators (and me compensating for them).

And if I see Mavet swear to God I will kill him (The translator said it, but meh, translators tend to be horrid a gramar...). Blood will be shed on his person, as I decapitate him (I don't know whether that was intentional, and that sounds much better in Russian, or it was mistranslated, although the gramar is correct, barring differences in the way the language flows). But in the deepest pits of my heart I love you, so. .. It tears me apart, she izvergaetsâ (I have no idea what that means, but I am assuming it is either "my" or some word to emphasize it) every atom and cell in my body with fierce fiery passion. God have mercy on your soul, MAVET, because I am not [God], then I BLOCK you (I am assuming it means "and I'll CHOP you up", or something to that effect) and SCATTER YOUR PARTS (I am guessing the proper translation would be remains, but I felt I should leave that there) through this Godforsaken LAND!!!!!!!!!! (It ends with a comma, but I'd think it should have exclaimation marks)

Hmm... Then again, the mistakes could have been purposeful, to add to the air of insanity; Meh, whatever. It could also be his accent (relatively unlikely), or his slurring the words significantly, or whatever.


No memories, yet he thinks there is a God? Fascinating...

O.o He's now an EXPERIMENTAL ROBOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now, on to the comments.

@SL9K: Down his face? That makes no sense at all... Well, unless chopping the upper part of someone's head off is still considered decapitation, that is. I consider it only partial decapitation, but still.
If it actually was " erupts from every atom of my being", that would make more sense. OH!!!! I DO not!!! That makes more sense. lol

Seems I did a better job of translating the last bit than you did.

The fact he's called Experimental makes me think, "THEY ARE GOING TO MAKE MORE!!!!!!!!", but that's just me.

/me has guesses based on the fact SL9K is doing the "GAH, I WANT TO SPOIL IT!!!!!" thing

@Vector: Eh, it depends on where he's staying at the time...

I dislike the Big Brother thing for many reasons that are hard to describe, such as the fact it could be pathological.


Vector -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/28/2011 20:00:25)


Also volcanic breezes; Reminds me both of my time in Hell (to be fair, not all of it is a volcanic wasteland, as some people want you to believe...)

i heard that near the head honcho of that place is so cold that the vilest of souls are frozen into the landscape.


Then again, you could just have something crazy going on, and none of it is real, but meh

can't help but bring up einstein's quote here: "a question that sometimes drives me hazy: am i or are the others crazy?"


I dislike the "Big Brother is watching me" viewpoint of the world... or rather the fictional concept.

can't help but ask why you hate it, i mean there's a lot of reasons to hate this thing after all

EDIT: spoiler tag is (leftbracket)spoiler(rightbracket) text (leftbracket)/spoiler(rightbracket)


like this

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/29/2011 1:47:03)


HUZZAH!!!!!!! IT DID KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now did I call that or what?


Why would fireworks be in a bucket which appears to be in a janitorial closet, though, eh? *whistles innocently*
 Well it's either with the mops or with the lava. Which one seems safer.


(It ends with a comma, but I'd think it should have exclaimation marks)
I think the comma meant that he trailed off some more, but Goldstein decided not to write more of it.


No memories, yet he thinks there is a God? Fascinating...

and he can still speak English, what a miracle.


O.o He's now an EXPERIMENTAL ROBOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Going from ROBOT to EXPERIMENTAL ROBOT seems like a demotion/downgrade to me...

Seems I did a better job of translating the last bit than you did.

Seeing as both of us used translators, we don't know exactly what was meant. I guess we just wait for Goldstein to post the real translation (or not, he might not want to).


/me has guesses based on the fact SL9K is doing the "GAH, I WANT TO SPOIL IT!!!!!" thing.

Why what could I possibly spoil, I honestly have no spoilers for this story at this time.


I dislike the Big Brother thing for many reasons that are hard to describe, such as the fact it could be pathological.

I thought he was referencing the TV show.



Nothing at all that directly concerns you, or anyone else. (shifty eyes)


you got it all wrong... the cake is a lie.

Way to go, you saved science. (Did you hear about the new portal2 DLC?)

Vector -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/29/2011 9:36:41)


Way to go, you saved science. (Did you hear about the new portal2 DLC?)

surprisingly, no. i've just had that phrase stuck in my head for years... ^^;


Nothing at all that directly concerns you, or anyone else.

so i've heard, but i, for one, don't believe that.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (11/8/2011 22:31:00)

Drakkoniss says: COMMENTARY!!!!!!!!!!!

`5 eyed duck?

Omniverosa, eh? Interesting... Did you make that up? I have no clue what it is, other than an anti-psychotic drug...

Interesting indeed... Memory loss in a cyborg tends not to be coincidental. It's almost certainly either on purpose, or as a result of a glitch.

Doesn't seem that secret passage is well maintained... and in the case of an emergency, its usefulness is somewhat dubious.

Quote: "Do you remember Dr. Shriner? Or Dr. Braun?"

"No, should I?"

"Lord no, they're no one." *unquote*

^Bold faced lies...

Ah, the Lowly Overignorant Veritable Evil-bot targeting retrovirus, or L.O.V.E. for short.

CUTE!!!! THAT SOUNDS INSULTING to such a... erm... supposedly evil, killbot like him... ._.

A crush, similar to a virus? How so? (I remeber saying something of the sorts about this originally; lol)

I like how he thinks about things in computer terminology.

Crushes be serious business, ma'an... XP

In his doctorial oppinion... *snickers*

I like how experimental suddenly became more thoughtful/philosophical/cognisant...

The fact that you already knew about your powers then amuses me... And interests me in an abstract way... I wonder how you didn't kill yourself on accident by then.

Since when has Experimental been able to fly?

Yes, a highly notorious hack. A highly notorious hack in a city filled with crazy people calling themself super heroes, some of which are actually heroic, some of which are murderous, and would kill him without knowing if he was to blame for the deaths or not. Truly, it is a happy day for society, when a deranged doctor with new chemical based powers is set on the streets to mingle with civilized beings.

I will end my being silly about now.

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (11/9/2011 7:10:23)

When has Experimental been able to fly? Well...ever since...forever! He has a jetpack, jeez!

Vector -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (11/9/2011 16:55:32)

do i have to bring his character page out for you, drakky...? -_-

anyhow... at first i thought he took sarah from you, but then i looked at the descriptions again. could it be a different person from the same place where strebor used to work in or should i just quit guessing? :P

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (11/9/2011 17:14:29)

Oh yeah... I completely forgot about the jetpack...

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (11/9/2011 17:21:33)

lol drakkoniss's commentary speaks for everyone else.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (11/9/2011 22:31:09)

Of course. I am thorough.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (11/20/2011 23:24:15)

ouch... the weight of such a painful loss is not carried easily... i hope he doesn't have to go through it alone... :(

EDIT: safe to say that this would be approprite for the cyborg...
this can't be good

EDIT2: may i suggest the cyborg attempting to rescue/help the girl he likes escape from omnicorp thugs?

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (11/30/2011 22:14:00)

Do I need a Medical License? NOOO!!!!!!!! rofl

Well, anyways, I do believe it is time to read a certain thing known as a story.

A plan, you say? O,o

Interesting that there is a DOV at all... I've always thought that the regulations would not work too well unless they were hard-core, trained soldier-like people, and that doesn't seem to be the case for most of them... I mean, the Heroic League seems to be somewhat organized, but probably not under govornment control... Of course, that obviously could just be a company, but that would be a bit odd, IMO.

What injury, I wonder...

12 this time, hmm? Intriguing... I can't wait to see how this plays out...

The name makes me laugh, too... XD

It could be worse, though. It could be DOCTOR MAN!!!!!!!!!!! ... Although I kindof like that better. Hehe...

That is spectacularly funny, the talking to you while you're naked bit, that is. Very funny indeed... *grins*

MONKEY MASK!!!!!! Oh, the evil of it all... XP

The thought of you fighting in that outfit makes me have mixed views on whether it would be funny, or just make you not seem to be recognizable as a hero/vigilanti...

Skeleton masks... Interesting...

I like that. Hooked nose mask of uber, you say? We shall see!

How the heck did they fit that much information on an ID card? DNA is complex!!!

I like Makarovs...

Almost brings a tear to my eye, rereading that tragic loss...

I wonder if you are goign to modify the Makarov in a similar way to how you did in the first story...

Aaaand... I think I'll post this now, and then read the second chapter and edit it.

Edit it once I read it tomorow, that is...

Well, I have decided to comment on your story instead of immediately doing the release I shall call "The Yergening". Hopefully I shall have no more bluescreens while doing so; I have already had 2...

I am sorry for not keeping my word, and commenting yesterday, by the way, but enough prattle; On to the show:

I've heard of crying yourself to sleep... but never the phenominon of crying while you already are... Does this happen irl? I would presume so, but I would like to be certain...

Berkeley... The university, or a person? XP

REI? Good to know that there is a reason for the Department of Vigilanties being unknown by me, having not been mentioned untill then. Nice to see you are thinking so inventively, and so reasonably and logically, as well.

Hmm... Interesting turn of events that allowed you to get into that apartment complex...

Yes, I suppose being embarassed by your costume would be quite sad, eh? Hehe...

And that does sound incredibly awkward, doesn't it? XD

I wonder...

An odd conversation between you three. I wonder how it will all turn out, knowing the police have you surrounded in the next chapter, because I accidentally skipped foreward too far...

Ah, Earl Gray... brings back memories. :)

I think I will refill my glass of tea, now, and post this in case of Blue Screens of Death (and misery, apparently).

Vector -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/2/2011 18:57:48)

[sarcasm]big surprise omnicorp would want to apprehend the 'rogue AI'...[/sarcasm] but i bet you wont shake off the corrupted bratwurst that easily. [>:]

i've heard of mood swings, but sarah just seemed to pull that off rather... skillfully? :|
well, anyway, hopefully they all have some breathing room to tell a little about themselves

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/2/2011 19:09:26)

She is rather skillful. Then again, her ex-boyfriend, that was a jerk to her, and killed thousands, and was also considered dead, comes back, starts to live with her, and then, after a few minutes of living there, police tie up her grandfather and break down the door.

So yeah, her mood swings are understandable.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (12/2/2011 19:25:59)

ouch... let's hope she finds someone who treats her better than that. i really feel bad for her :(

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