PivotalDisorder -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 12:05:02)
can someone explain why people would leave ? the leaderboards would be saved, anyone in the top 15 would of made history. job done. then you could try and make history again, a whole new goal. you don't lose anything, but other 20,000+ players who aren't on the leaderboard due to overwhelming odds caused by the imbalance during test phase actually gain something how is 15 people [per leaderboard] more important than the entire community, when its likely that only 3 of those players truely earned their place and the rest abused situations. juggernaut was ridiculously easy when it launched, and it allowed players with OP builds like support mercs, to clean up with 99% win rates for over a week. then they increased difficulty slightly and the run continued, then finally they made it difficult, but by then certain players had thousands of wins headstart. that doesn't make them the best juggernaut, just makes them the best abuser of the current situation. you want acclaim for that ? you want to compete against that? I understand it would be a bit of a downer for those few who earned their spot, but like I said, you will go down is history, is that so bad? I would have no problem with their being an extra mini achievement for those on the leaderboards at the end of the testing phases. surely a cheevo [ugh, makes me wanna puke even saying it] might change your mind?