(DF) The Hero that Never Was. (Full Version)

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nield -> (DF) The Hero that Never Was. (10/3/2011 2:12:20)

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Prologue: A Dark and Story Night.

The three Heroes climbed the hill, arriving at its crest. "Look, there. We can see the bandit's camp. Let's make haste, and put a stop to their foul deeds." "Permanently...""I... what? No, there shouldn't be any need for that! Once we teach them the error of their ways, I'm sure they will become upstanding citizens!" "Listen you silly klutz! They KNOW the error of their ways, they KNOW what they do is wrong. The only way to stop them is to stop them for good." "Um..." "Is that what you really think? Everyone is redeemable!" "Guys? Can we..." "Oh? Well have at you!" The aggressive hero tackled the kinder one, and they began wrestling in the dirt. "Guys... I was, uhm, looking forward to this... so could you two, uh-uhm, just, kind of..." "Knock it off!"

The girl's hands raced over her mouth to cover a squeal as the two boys snapped around, looking at the man who was approaching. "Nield! Grog! How many times do you two have to be told?""It's Stagrogarlyon..." the more aggressive boy muttered under his breath as the other looked at his father. "Sorry Dad... Sorry Lissy..." he said the second part to the girl, as he knew now that their little game would not be resumed. After a short silence, the man turned to Stagrogarlyon. "Well, Grog? Aren't you going to apologise to Aliscyana too? After all, it WAS you who started the fight... just like EVERY other time." The man sighed. "You upset your father, getting into fights all the time, lad." Stagrogarlyon stiffened. "What is between me and my father does not concern you... Fjorrik." he said icily, before turning to the girl. "Sorry, Lissy." he spoke, making the word sound like an insult.

"Oi! What's all the racket out here?" another man called, as he approached. "Ah... Hello, Shane. Our sons were in another tussle." The second man, Shane, sighed. "Over what it means to be a hero, no doubt. That's what it is every other time... Nield, Stagrogarlyon!" the two boys snapped to attention. "As punishment... go to Lyondor. As you know, he was once a hero. Go speak with him, and for the love of Alteon, behave!"

The two boys did as instructed. "Cyana, you go home to your mother." Fjorrik said kindly. Aliscyana bit her lip, looking after Nield and Stagrogarlyon, before she went home.

"This is your fault..." Stagrogarlyon muttered to his rival as they walked. Nield said nothing in return, keeping quiet. Soon they arrived at Lyondor's house, where Nield knocked. "Just a second!" a voice called out from inside. A few minutes later the door opened. "Ah, hello Nield, Grog. What can I do for you today?" Stagrogarlyon once again muttered under his breath about his name, but the man paid no heed. "Shane sent us, Lyondor..." Lyondor sighed. "You two been at it again? Alright, inside." The two boys followed Lyondor inside.

"Make yourselves at home." Lyondor said as he moved about. Stagrogarlyon slumped on the couch, whilst Nield sat politely on a wooden chair. After a bit, Lyondor came and sat near them. "Alright you two. Tell me what being a Hero is about." "Strength." "Kindness." "Allies." "Friends." "Victory." "Success." "Fame." "Renown." "Assisting." "Helping." The two boys then grew silent, as Lyondor looked at them with his eyebrows raised. "Ah... I see. I understand why you two come to odds so often. You're both right. You've both listed what it means to be a hero. HOWEVER. You would make two vastly different heroes. You would make good heroes... but you would not truly be outstanding in any way." Lyondor raised a hand as both boys began to protest. When they had quietened, he continued to speak. "Listen to what I have to say. Stagrogarlyon. You're more power oriented. You see everything as clear cut as black and white. Either it's good, or it's bad, and you feel that the bad must be punished to the utmost. You also expect rewards and acknowledgement equal to your deeds. When people fight beside you, that is all they are. Someone who fights beside you. If asked for help, you will do so, but you would require compensation for your services. You only understand total victory, the meaning of compromise is unknown to you. You make a good hero when true evil is afoot and must be stopped at any cost, but for some petty criminals, you are unable to understand what motives they may have. Nield. You lean more to kindness, and naďveté. You see the world as shades of grey. You understand that what is good in one way may be bad in another, and your judgement varies by the amount of good against bad. You don't care for rewards. The fact that you help others is enough for you, and you merely wish to be recognised as someone who can be relied upon. Those who fight beside you are more than just allies. They are your friends, people you would gladly help, for nothing in return. If asked for help, you do so and, again, you expect nothing in return. You understand that compromise is a fact of life. You are not always able to do what you set out to do to the exact letter, but you always aim to do the very best you can, and take the next-best thing if the best is unavailable. You make a good hero when mere criminals are about, as you can empathise with them. You learn what truely ails them, and do your best to help them on the path of goodness. However... if a dark, true evil were to beset the land... Your naďveté would be your downfall. The two of you... would be opposite heroes. By yourselves, you would fade and be forgotten. But together... together, you both pick up for each other's weaknesses. As a duo, you would go down in history, never forgotten. Unfortunately... the two of you just can't get along. However... you have many years left before you could even think of becoming heroes, and people change over time. Who knows, you might become co-operative with each other... or simply develop into the most ideal hero possible."

There was silence for a time, as the two boys mulled things over. "And what of Lissy?" Nield asked, breaking the silence. "Hmm? Aliscyana? An interesting question... hmm...... Aliscyana... I don't think is hero material at all, really." Before Nield could protest, Lyondor held up a hand again. "Hear me out. Aliscyana... is not her own hero, as such. She follows the two of you, and idolises you. She looks forward to when the three of you get together and weave your stories of heroism, as she enjoys spending time with you both. But that's it, truely. If the two of you were not around... I believe any interest she'd have of becoming a hero... would simply disappear. She is your follower... both of you. If the two of you were to go seperate ways... who would she follow? Would she be able to choose between you? I don't think she would, and if she did, her heart would only be half in it, at most."

There was again silence for a time. "So... you mean... in a way, we already are heroes... heroes to Alcy..." "Indeed. But you must remember that you are BOTH her heroes. She idolises you equally, preferring neither over the other. In fact, one of the least heroic things you could ever do... would be to ask her to choose between you." "Uh... Lyondor? Are we... still talking about being heroes or... something else?" Lyondor smiled. "You're quick, Nield. Aye, I might be inferring things a little deeper. After all, you're all teenagers, and at that age where relationships tend to start. But remember... IF anything should ever happen between either of you and my daughter... and you break her heart..." Lyondor let the sentence trail off. The boys swallowed, before nodding their heads. "Understood." they said simultaneously. "Don't think we parents don't know what goes on between you three. Becoming a hero stems as much from wanting to impress her as it does from wanting to help people. Now... It's getting late, off you go. Go home, and think on what I've said. Think on ALL of it." The two boys stood up and made small bows to Lyondor, before leaving.

As the two boys went their seperate ways to their houses, an understanding of sorts ran between them. Neither really wanted Aliscyana to themself, as such. They wanted her to be happy. If that meant they would have to learn to get along... that was their goal.

nield -> RE: (DF) The Hero that Never Was. (1/9/2012 23:06:18)

Chapter 1: The road is paved with blood.

Aliscyana screamed as the figure choked the life out of her bloody body. "Lisssssssssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!" Nield screamed as he charged at the figure who waved a hand at Nield, sending him flying back. "YOU-"

he screamed at the top of his lungs, waking the whole village. In seconds, his father bashed the door down, looking around wild-eyed, his hammer in hand. "What's wrong, son?" Fjorrik asked, tension obvious in his voice. "I... I saw-" "Alcy, being murdered by a shadowed figure." Nield turned towards his rival in surprise. "Yes... how did you know?" "I saw something similar... your cry awoke me just as I was about to bellow at the top of my lungs." Fjorrik jerked his head at the other two men who were there with them, and they left.

Fjorrik sighed. "Boys, what you saw... was a prophecy. The chance that you will be able to stop this event from happening-" "is 100%" the two boys said together. "We won't allow this to happen."

How wrong those two boys would turn out to be.

Ten years later...

"Get up." Stagrogarlyon said to his rival as he hit him to the ground. Nield coughed and stood, bringing a flame to his hand. However, he overcame his anger and extinguished the flame, smiling at his rival. "That was a good hit just now. You just keep getting faster and faster all the time." Stagrogarlyon just grunted. Nield stood and the two resumed their swordplay. After a time, the two stopped to break. "You two at it again?" Both men's attention was immediately drawn to the new voice. "Yeah, we gotta get stronger, all the time!" "Yeah... gotta get stronger... stop... it from happening." Aliscyana put her hands on her hips as she huffed. "Really, you two. I'm perfectly capable of handling myself! I don't need you two fussing over me all the time!"

The two men shared a look, before they burst into laughter. "What's so.... oh. You were having me on, weren't you?" "You walked RIGHT into it too! Ahahaha! Ah, too rich!" "You really do make it very easy to do, Alcy! Heheheh!" "Men!" was all she said before storming off in a huff. The two men shared a high-five, before they finished up for the day.

That night, Stagrogarlyon had a dream, that was not a dream. "Hello Stagrogarlyon." Stagrogarlyon looked around wildly, trying to see through an impenetrable darkness. "Who's there?! Who are you?" "Who we are is not important. What is important are the scenes that are about to play out before your eyes."came the androgenous voice. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a light. As he turned to look at this newfound source of vision, it expanded, until he was looking at a stream of images that filled him with a sesne of sorow. He saw Aliscyana, laughing, happy... with Nield. He saw the shadowed figure choking the life out of her, he saw Nield standing at her grave, the rain soaking his body, and he saw many other things, most of them unimportant snippets of conversation, but one in particular caught his ear. "Huh, stag? Nah... He's kinda cute I suppose, and I did have a thing for him when I was a bit younger... but have you LISTENED to him? He's all melodramatic and mopey half the time. Ugh. Now... Nield, on the other hand..." Stagrogarlyon clutched his hand into a fist as the voices continued. "So Nield, what do you reckon?" "I wouldn't get your hopes up. He has his sights fixed so tightly on Lissy that he can't see anything else... He doesn't WANT to see anything else... You know, they went on a date once." "What?! No way!" "Yeah... Lissy told me about it... Kinda cruel though..." "Huh? What do you mean?" "It was a pity date, is what she told me. She didn't actually have any feelings for him at the time. In fact... she said she only did it because one of her friends dared her..." "No... No, I don't believe it. I WON'T believe it! Lies, it's all lies!" "Every image you have seen, every voice you have heard... they either have, or will happen." "She betrayed me... She... betrayed me... she took advantage of me..." For the first time in his life, Stagrogarlyon cried.

The next day, the weather was extremely bad. The whole of the day was incredibly dark, and storms raged throughout the day. Aliscyana went out, wearing her cloak. She went up the hill just outside of town, where Stagrogarlyon had asked her to meet him. He was standing there, his back to her as he looked up at the raging weather. "Stag? Was there something you wanted to say to me?" He stood there so still and so silently, she was sure he musn't have heard her. "Stag? I said, was there someth-" "How?" he said, so quietly she thought she had imagined it. "I'm sorry, what was th-" "I said, how? How could you do that to me?" "Um.... I don't follow?" "You lied to me... you betrayed me... you... you took ADVANTAGE of me. That date... it was a pity date, and nothing else. Do you know what that has done to me?" Aliscyana was speechless. There's no way he could possibly know that... unless Nield, or Gabe told him... Neither of them would do that! Stagrogarlyon turned around. His hands were shaking and he was holding his sword. Aliscyana started to back up, far too late. In fact, the moment she went to meet with Stagrogarlyon, it was too late for her. "You did such a terrible thing to me... and all the while, you were off being happy with HIM!" he shouted as he rushed her. She screamed briefly as his sword slashed at her thigh. As she fell to the ground, his hands were so shaky he couldn't hold his sword properly. He threw it away from himself and it embedded in the ground at the tip of the hill. Stagrogarlyon mounted Aliscyana and wrapped his hands around her throat.

Nield, who had been hunting in the nearby forest, saw all this occur when he exited. Seeing the dream from ten years before playing out in front of his eyes, he ran towards Stagrogarlyon and Aliscyana. She screamed as Stagrogarlyon began to choke the life out of her. "Lisssssssssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!" shouted Nield as he neared them. Stagrogarlyon waved his hand at Nield, sending a blast of elemental energy at him, sending him flying back. "YOU COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD!!!!!!!" screamed Nield as he saw his love die in front of him. Stagrogarlyon's strong hands crushed Aliscyana's throat, and her body spasmed. Within moments, it was still, as Stagrogarlyon began to beat her head against the ground till her skull split open. Nield was left speechless, and immobile. Stagrogarlyon let out a cry of rage, and then he ran off, disappearing into the storm.


A few days later...

Nield stood there, at her grave as the rain drenched his body, chilling him to his bone, yet the cold he felt inside himself was far colder, cold enough to rival the chill of the Elemental Plane of Ice. "goodbye... my love... I will find him, and if... if he has become evil... I will do what must be done. But I will make sure he atones, one way or another..." He turned his back and walked to the hill where Aliscyana had died. There he found Stagrogarlyon's blade. "How... fitting it would be, if this blade ended his life..." He picked up the blade and walked onwards.

nield -> RE: (DF) The Hero that Never Was. (5/23/2012 22:37:32)

Chapter 2: ...And the Beast Within Arises, as the Red Veil doth Fall

Nield wandered the lands, hiring himself out as a mercenary, for there was not much else for him to do. Nield had never been particularly small, his height had always been slightly above-average, which, combined with his medium-solid build had always made him someone who wasn't underestimated. Since leaving Crowsglove in search of his rival, he has pushed his body to its physical peak, He keeps his head shaved, never letting his auburn hair grow past a single centimetre in length. His sky-blue eyes still bore hints of kindness, but this was mostly masked by a kind of blankness that was easy to mistake for sadness, and a measure of depression. Many people suggested he be a true Hero, but he always rebutted the same. “A Hero saves people before they come to harm. I couldn’t save the person most dear to me. A mercenary cleans up messes. That’s all I’m good for.” This was almost always met with sighs and mutters, or shakes of the head, but none could change a mind as made up as Nield’s.

For years he had lived as this. All the while he kept track. “Five years six months two weeks three suns...” Every so often he whispered to himself how long it had been since he held her body, limp in his arms, how long it had been since his rival ran off, off into the storm. He often cried himself to sleep, lamenting over his failure. Every night his waking dreams were haunted by her voice. “You couldn’t save me... What kind of hero lets the beautiful maiden die..? you failed... You Failed... YOU FAILED!!!!” and he would start awake, awash in sweat.

Stagrogarlyon fared little better than his rival. In the years since he fled Crowsglove, his nights too were filled with shrieks from Aliscyana. "Why Stag..? I loved you... but I just couldn't bear to break his heart... You murdered me... Murdered Me... YOU MURDERED ME!!!!" To escape his past life, Stagrogarlyon preyed on others with a gang of merciless bandits that he had handpicked to be by his side. His right-hand man, Crowler, was a very odd sort. On first glimpse he appeared as a jester, his face covered in white paints, with a variety of expressions all painted on, one on top of the other. He was a difficult person to take seriously, due in part to this, and his highly effeminate nature, and the fact that he preferred to frolic about in lady's wear. These are, however, in stark contrast to the ruthless man he truly was. He was as likely to politely ask directions in a ladylike way, as he was to sever several body parts, then proceeding to DEMAND directions. Crowler's slight build and shorter-than-average height made him quick, nimble, deadly and easily-underestimated. Stagrogarlyon stood tall, muscly and defiant. He had always been slightly larger than most, but since he fled Crowsglove he has further worked on his figure, leaving him very imposing. His flowing black hair falls to his waist as his cold, hard hazel eyes peer out from amidst a many-times-over scarred face.

It was inevitable that the two rivals would clash, but there was not a soul alive who could have foreseen the events that were to transpire.

The bandits lay in wait, on the lookout for unsuspecting travellers who presented an easy target. Unfortunately for them, a lone man walking the path caught their attention. They readied their weapons for what they believed would be an easy target. The first man jumped Nield, who had been fully aware of their presence. Nield brought Stagrogarlyon's blade up horizontally, easily blocking the man's attack, then, with a quick slash, the man's shoulders were relieved of their burden. The second man had already lunged at Nield, who raised his elbow and smashed it into the man's face, rendering him unconscious. The remaining two bandits were cautious of Nield now, but their caution brought them no reprieve, as Nield brought fire to his hands, and torching them both. As they died, screaming, Nield trussed up the man he had knocked unconscious, on a spit, over a small fire. Nield sat back and awaited the man's awakening.

The man came around slowly, the smoke keeping him slightly drowsy. "Whuh... Wh-Where am I?" the man stammered. "Take it easy there. I'll let you down from there, if you co-operate with me." Nield said smoothly. After a short silence, the man spoke. "What do you want?" the man asked cautiously. Nield smiled to himself. "All I want to know is where you're set up. Don't bother trying to tell me it was just you four, because I know there's a sizeable gang operating in these parts, and I doubt you'd stand in defiance of a group as ruthless as I hear these guys are." It was not long before the bandit told Nield the details and he was on his way. He left the bandit trussed up to cook slowly, ignoring the mans screams and protests. "He'll make a nice snack for some passing monster or other."

Once Nield was close to where the bandits were operating out of, he grabbed out his spyglass and surveyed the area. As he watched the bandits, he muttered to himself. "Let's see here... got about... fourty-odd bandits, too many to take on all at once... hmm..." movement caught his eye and drew his attention to a structure that was built into the hillside. Inside he could make out a man, by the size... but the man was covered in makeup and was wearing woman's clothing. "Oh, please tell me that isn't their leader... He's got makeup on... and is that a woman's dress??" He shook his head and began to make his way through the camp undetected.

When he was about halfway through the camp, more movement within the structure caught his eye, and he could barely make out the voices. "Crowler!" a voice said, forcibly, and the man in makeup jumped. "Ah, so he's not in charge... that's good." Nield muttered to himself. Crowler was between Nield and the second man, so he couldn't see who it was, until Crowler moved aside, and the man looked out the window. As Nield saw, and recognised him, his eyes went wide. "HIM." Stagrogarlyon was unaware that his rival was there, hidden and un-noticed. Seeing Stagrogarlyon, Nield's rage boiled and spilled over, until he was no longer in control of himself. Nield stood, his whole body bursting into flame, drawing the attention of everyone in the camp. A large blast of fire centred on Nield instantly incinerated a few nearby bandits. All onlookers gaped as Nield's form changed. He transformed into something more primal, and his humanity fled him. He roared, grunted, and groaned as his skin was replaced by a pitch-black armour-like substance which had blood-red 'veins' that trailed from a curious pattern on the top of Nield's head down his body, curling and twisting around his arms and legs. The front of Nield's head elongated, and his head changed until it resembled a dragon's head. His feet changed so that, while they still resembled a human's foot, they also resembled a dragon's claws, the same happened with his left hand, the fingers elongating into claws, his right hand however, became little more than a lump, as blades appeared from either side, these blades curved in a cruel, jagged manner, covered in the pulsing red veins. From his shoulders erupted long 'spines' that glowed orange, similar spines, though much smaller appeared al over most of his body. His eyes changed colour, from sky-blue with hints of kindness and sadness, to blood-red, emanating uncontrollable rage and fury. After the transformation was finished, Nield raised his head skyward and roared. This roar ignited the very air in front of it, and he roared again, this time pointed at Stagrogarlyon.

"Sir! Get down!" shouted Crowler as he tackled Stagrogarlyon to the ground, the two of them barely avoiding being roasted alive. Cautiously peering outside, they saw the beast that Nield had become slaughtering their crew. Many were granted quick deaths. Some, however, were not so lucky. One unlucky soul had his very guts EATEN while he was still alive, and far too aware of what was happening to him. "We must be gone, Crowler. And we must learn just what that... that THING out there is." As they exited into the system of caverns that lay beneath the hill, Stagrogarlyon triggered an explosive that sealed the entrance behind themselves, leaving the beast that was Nield to slaughter and feed on the men they left behind.

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