King FrostLich -> Juggernaut adjustment first? (10/11/2011 8:38:00)
We all know field medic is going to get a big nerf and that it is going to really damage support builds. However, I am concerned that juggernauts wont be able to succeed that much. With bunker mercs, strength bounty hunters and caster mages that deal huge damage in a short amount of turns, this update could ruin the juggernaut match and make it unfair as having field medic being lowered GREATLY, it wouldn't be a surprise to see more people win than a juggernaut. I believe that in order to stop this is to lower the level cap back to 23-28. Think about it, if you were to face 2 level 30's(full varium equipment let's say 2 strength bounty hunters) when this update happens can you even win now? No, not even the future support merc will be able to defeat them anymore when the update happens will be able to stop them because their heal is so low that it cannot withstand 2 players anymore. The best thing to do now is to at least lower the level cap for juggernaut to level 23-28 players. If you think this is unfair and for free wins, you can think twice. Try facing two non varium bunker mercs who have high mana and are smart enough to reserve it for rage. There are also "strong" builds from level 23-28's from my alt's experience. There were alot of tank mercs though their resistance and defense isnt that high and caster mages who abuse all their stats for tech.(except hp and mana) I'm hoping for a juggernaut readjustment because I sense that this week's update(if ever not delayed) will weaken juggernauts by the field medic nerf.