Clutch -> Good Bye, Old Friend, you will be missed. (10/22/2011 16:49:37)
Alas, level 34 has finally come out and thus our dearly beloved Bio Hazard will soon become obsolete to the NPCers. For as long as I can remember I could always NPC him. Be the level cap 30,31,32, or 33, he was always there to cheer me up and give me a win when I most desperately needed it. Through thick and thin, Overpowered classes, to just not feeling like battling other people, you always stood tall and provided a good place to experiment builds and provide wins. Finally the days are upon us where we must say goodbye to our friend who we have shared our memories and time. Just thought I'd like to leave this thread as a tribute to our dear and beloved friend, Bio Hazard. *Sniff*