BlackAces -> RE: Straightjacket Z (10/28/2011 21:57:34)
[img][/img][img][/img] Straightjacket Z Also see: Straightjacket and Straightjacket G Level: 70 Power Level: 81 Price: 4,200 Z-Tokens Sellback: 3,780 Z-Tokens the first 48 Hrs | 2,100 Z-Tokens After Location: Mogloween 2011, 2012 Element: Energy COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: +35 Ranged: +35 Magic: +35 ELEMENT MODIFIERS Fire: 94% Water: 62% Wind: 90% Ice: 78% Earth: 90% Energy: 62% Light: 78% Darkness: 94% ATTACK: Hits: 1 Element: «As Weapon» Type: «Ranged converts to Melee; otherwise as Weapon» Damage: 455.81% Base, 455.81% Random, and 842.56% Stats BTH: +5 plus Stats Rate: 100% DESCRIPTION You're a crazy person! (Good thing this is just a costume! It'll give you an inaccurate but powerful attack, and give you resistance to Energy and Water attacks!) [img][/img] Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Write Up Template thanks to BlackAces. Correction thanks to Avalonmerlin. Analysis The armour starts out with 429% B/R, 793% Stats, and 10 Bth. It takes -5 Bth with the appropriate 85/80 modifier. This is ALREADY calculated into the above BRS and Bth.