Pets=More Tank Builds? (Full Version)

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.Nikzat. -> Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 13:34:13)

Well i guess it will be alot of tank tlm when the pet comes out...
What do you think?

Remorse -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 13:46:30)

I dunno, Im sorta thinking it will give the power pilers more of an advatage as it will most liekly make thier builds evenmore powerful pherhaps give them even more damage.

Smackie El Frog -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 13:46:50)

I think there needs to be less hate on TLM when all classes will be getting the chance to get this new baby yeti

Remorse -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 13:48:55)

^ Maybe your right.....

Wait they ruined the game, NAH!

.Nikzat. -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 13:54:53)

^ yep they did

Calogero -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 14:09:35)

Depends on what the pet will do and with what it improves...

If it's like Assault Bot, 5 focus isn't really needed
If it's like Gamma Bot, then 5 focus

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 14:37:48)

has it even been confirmed as working like a robot?

supermasivo -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 14:38:52)

And who said it is a "robot" by the way? and improved by focus? pffff u talk too much.

Lord Nub -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 16:17:16)

Hey I know....what if it were to improve with strength?

We all know strength builds need a buff...

DunkThatOreo -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 16:23:28)

^I sense absolutely no sarcasm from that post and I completely agree with you.

Stabilis -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 16:28:16)

Technology and energy users needs a huge buff.

Algorithm -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 16:30:23)

I can't wait to see the creativity that pets *hopefully add to the battle modes.

Stabilis -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 16:32:46)

^ ?


goldslayer1 -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 16:55:58)

yeah guys, real smart lets make robots damage depend on energy so str BH can become even more dominant :D

Wootz -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 17:16:11)

Energy kinda makes sense Goldslayer...I mean if you put a lot of Energy at higher levels you'll have low ammount of Health + Low Defense/Resistance. So you easily can outdamage it. And I don't really get it why STR BH will get more dominant. Would you take some time to explain your 'facts'?

DeathGuard -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 17:28:24)

Energy would be kind of specific for one class that would be only for CH, TM and BH, since they're the ones who uses points on Energy stats.
I would said that it should be depending on one hp and energy, also why don't in technology?

Technology and energy users needs a huge buff
Dex users have more chances of blcoking, strength users of having faster battles, support user having crits all around the battle and technology what? It must has a special effect for it.

Zean Zapple -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 18:01:41)

Wait a minute? Is the baby yeti going to be a pet or a robot? Does anyone know for sure are are both of the said options guesstimates?

Stabilis -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 18:03:23)

I didn't hear robot so much, it could possibly be another equipment spot.

Wootz -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 18:03:44)

Nope. Nothings for sure at this moment Zean.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 18:21:05)


Energy kinda makes sense Goldslayer...I mean if you put a lot of Energy at higher levels you'll have low ammount of Health + Low Defense/Resistance. So you easily can outdamage it. And I don't really get it why STR BH will get more dominant. Would you take some time to explain your 'facts'?

the efficent str Bh these days uses 80 energy. for a good smoke and high lvl mass.
i have builds that have high energy but dont leave u completely defenseless as u claim.

there are other BH builds that use more energy than that tho.

Wootz -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 18:33:18)

Still, you wouldn't be as efficent with more Strenght then Energy. I see some BHs who still use 50-60 Energy.

AQWPlayer -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 18:33:42)

You can really expect the devs to pull off a whole new feature in one week now can ya?

Stabilis -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 18:55:40)


I believe energy does reach a limit at which its usage is destructive of build competition. You say you have a good bh build @ 80 energy. If it were to use say 130 energy how would it function? More skill use, yes. But at what cost? This is probably what speedy meant.

I'm sure most of us put points on energy, but we do it in disposable points if not the basic 4 stats. Energy does not effect the character in accordance to stats and battle functionality with the exception of skill usage. But energy is relative to all skills, therefore one skill affects another skill after dispensing energy.

Energy's issue is regarding stat point consumption. By being able to use skills more often, the character loses the functionality to battle by say losing dexterity to block and absorb physical hits.

Energy is directly proportional to the use of the skill tree, and if skills costs energy, according to how much energy the skill uses, the character suffers chronically from the exhaustion of skill point consumption.

nico0las -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 19:02:19)

Maybe they will. I for one, really don't care. I'm probably not getting one, I have no interest in doing so, and I need not take part in a new wave of abusers.

Just for the record, TLM did not ruin this game. Your inability to beat them did.
Of course, for non variums, they WERE OP. But that's more due to the gap than the class.

@below You're giving 2v2 hunters an advantage. My 2v2 build (cyber hunter, mind you) has 137 dex. Now clearly that would make this pet "OP".
It should have it's own base damage, which improves according to your level.

helloguy -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 21:00:45)

If it is gonna be like a "Robot" then I suggest it improves with dex. Dex is the probably the safest bet on keeping Abusers away. And no, it better not improve with strength. Strength has had its turn why not let Tech/Dex have a turn?

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