Frenetic Raptor -> RE: Otherworldly Encounter (C&C) (11/30/2011 17:32:55)
Glaisaurus_x, thanks for commenting and showing interest. As for her species' appearance, they appear as normal humans, at least for now that is. Although, I do wonder how they would look if they were some kind of bug creature. Still working on possibly inserting some hints as to Akora's appearance within the intro. Your mention does remind me of the Ender Saga and his association with the buggers. For generalities sake, Akora is a long haired red head and wears a pilot space suit. Also, Valaharans and Malaharans are essentially social classifications amongst her people. Malaharans are everyone that lives on the planet of Decimus with the dormant form of the Malvia mutation. On the other hand, Valaharan's have been making their presence known. They are the ones who have the active Malvia mutation, resulting in mental and physical changes. This can vary widely amongst an individual, so others can certainly appear with unhuman characteristics. Many people fear the further activation of this mutation and have basically deemed those that have gone active as the enemy, and are not to be trusted. Strongly resembles the predicament Akora has found herself in at the beginning of the intro. By the way, if anyone wishes to read further along, I've edited in another section of the first chapter. Will be under the heading of *~*~*OE1.2*~*~*.