xxomegafaustxx -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel DNs December 15th 2011 (12/18/2011 16:11:14)
Finally earned the bombardier achievement. I pride those who earned it not purchased it. And let me sum up what I learned while harvesting Arctic Guard for 5 long straight hours- 1) The achievement is really not worth it. Sure, the 1,5k rating points may help in the long run but it is important to acknowledge that sometimes the ends to justify the means. I ended up draining my time killing off NPCs with tremendous boredom. Was it worth it? Well, it's up to you. 2) NPCing with the slim prospect of 10 war points/battle makes it feel like a monotonous endeavour to rank up (in terms of war). It's ridiculously long. And for those nonvars and also for those who did not pay bombs in this event, how will there efforts help in the war if they can only do 50 damage to the core every like 7-10min (depending on the bomb drop rate)? Their efforts are mocked by those who can easily purchase 1000+ damage; this really discouraged me from continually farming bombs and I eventually decided that I would stop once I got the bombardier achievement. 3) Finally, no rewards other than bombs (to speed up ranking) and also 10/20 war points/battle makes the whole effort in participating pointless. Sure, join a faction. Once the war is over, I'm going to see a ton of people leaving. It really didn't make factions "unite". This event was just another excuse make factions more credible.