RE: The Poor Exiles (Full Version)

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Shadronica -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 19:41:20)

Legion would be howling if I had Dragonwawa and Firewawa here. :P I could well imagine what this thread would look like "The Poor Legion".

However, I would never dream of asking anyone to make such a personal sacrifice especially at Christmas time when real life family and friends are priority. Basically the WaWa's have made a huge financial contribution to ED and we thank them for that.


Zean Zapple -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 20:08:11)


The daily is different to the war in the respect that war kills don't add influence, where bombs do add points. So, in the war the effect of bombs is much greater in many ways.

Taking the bomb damage out of the equation and just having it enable individual players to increase points for ranks would help. To late now thou!

There is no way any player or group could effect the outcome due to battling!

Well payed Legion ;)

It's not over yet.

Master Volcon -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 20:17:02)

^ I agree

The exiles have dedication and commitment. We don't want to be under the control of the tyrant Baelius and the corrupt legion, and we will do anything to free ourselves. This is our time to fight back and show legion just how strong we are.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 20:22:35)

I was asked a good question that i thought it would be fair to bring up here.

How far ahead would the Legion be without the bonus 25K from killing the core.

The question is not would they be ahead because you can see from averages that Legion would still be leading but would the gap still be over a million.

Now should Exile be getting anything special for being 1 mil behind not really because then the Devs would be favoring an outcome to the war(think Gear Games in MQ who has won the last few because of Dev intervention)

PD -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 20:27:46)

I'm glad I have yet to participate in this war.

This war became much different than what I hoped it would have been (which was Farming opportunities).

Personally I think people have a right to do what they want with their cash (including wasting a fortune on ED). But that's just me. Honestly this war isn't really a "war".

And this is someone from the POV of Exile.

Zean Zapple -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 20:27:50)

This statement "Legion are the payers. Exile are the players." is not a good thing for us to spread. Because on both sides their are payers and players. No matter what both are essential to victory and people shouldn't be put down for supporting the game.

But somethings got to give, somebody needs to help out the Exiles, someone needs to step up and I am trying. I've hit my varium cap for the month already though.

Whirlwindstorm2 -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 20:30:33)

Although im not sure we will make much of a difference, count Moonlight Phoenix in for the war! :) Go exiles!


goldslayer1 -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 20:31:19)

well Control Alt Death will be helping.
and i dont think firewawa, and dragonwawa helped in this war yet.

yeah the more factions that help, the better.
legion already has alot of legion factions and usually more payers.
(im wondering where buffy is)

Goony -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 20:34:01)

Yeah, but they could make a booking for the fat lady ;)

We can always tell the Legion that Exile controls more of Delta V (donut favors Exile) so, I guess, they really do need to win this battle if they want to control Delta V.

Zean Zapple -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 20:35:01)

@goldslayer1, If everyone in CaD gets 13,888.888 war points a day, that would be 250k. 26k each would be half a million points. If enough factions hoped on the 13,888.888 agenda for a war requirement we could easily slim the gap.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 20:38:32)

Zean you are forgetting on most days one Legionarie alone has a quarter of a million points so the gap would be like normal(before yesturday) we get down to X points between us teh it shoots back up to where it was before we started

icestorm100 -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 20:39:17)

Exiles have to start showing their power. @ whirl, Go Moonlight Phoenix!
Gold, we would really appreciate you and CAD's help, since we don't know what the future of Frysteland would be
It might be something very big (idk)
So, maybe we need to start picking it up. SURPRISE ATTACK!!!

Zean Zapple -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 20:42:31)

OWA you're right.

Matrix77 -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 20:42:59)

idk what everyone is screaming about when this war has yet to be over? Legion may have dedicated players and payers, but so do exiles. Just because there is quite a gap in war points between the two does not guarantee Legion to win nor does it guarantee Exiles to loose either. So just chillax and play. Legions who think they've won the war might just end up loosing since when there is a war, an outcome is no easy to predict even when there is a huge gap in power

Zean Zapple -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 20:44:22)


idk what everyone is screaming about when this war has yet to be over? Legion may have dedicated players player and paying, but so do exiles. Just because there is quite a gap in war points between the two does not guarantee Legion to win nor does it guarantee Exiles to loose either. So just chillax and play. Legions who think they've won the war might just end up loosing since when there is a war, an outcome is no easy to predict even when there is a huge gap in power

Well said. Ya hear that quitters. Step it up.

Wraith -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 20:44:41)

To be frank, if Mokta 3, Narcissus, and Smackie did not participate Exile would be winning.

Since they got da big wallets, let's show them we got the big swords! Woot!

Yes, I am still goin' with the payer/player thing.

Regardless, I believe that Exiles can pull it off and win. Sheer determination will beat the big bombs. After all, don't the bombs drop more, right?


PD -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 20:45:12)

IF there's one thing that has always stumped me it's like as if ED has to have an "easy" way out of things.

What I mean as in is that there are "easier" ways to get points or score in a war.

Especially in a community antagonistic war making player paid advantages was a bad idea from the start.

They should've just made it so everyone has to work to win.

AQWPlayer -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 21:16:24)

I shall help too, goldslayer. Even though we are enemies in the var-nonvar conflict, we are still exiles ;)
P.S. Do not underestimate my speed :D

goldslayer1 -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 21:19:19)


P.S. Do not underestimate my speed :D

dont under estimate mines ;)
i usually do 30-35 seconds. altho i have 3 turned yeti a couple times with massive crits as mage today.

primary did like 40, gun did like 75 and aux was like 65 a couple times.

Wraith -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 21:30:44)

@gold: After reading through the first page: THANK YOU FOR YOUR PLAYERS' SUPPORT.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 21:39:37)

i got bored

1626326(current gap)
275(average Super Bomb damage with crits and super crits counted)

5914(number of super bombs used rounded up from 5913.9)
50(price of super bomb)

295700(total amount of Varium spent on super bombs)
10,000($50 varium pack)

29.57(number of 10K varium packs)

1479(amount of money needed to close gap)

As Ashari so kindly pointed out on IRC super bomb average is really 260 but it was close enough to just leave it

Luna_moonraider -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 22:25:38)

well firstly go exile!!! as u all know the war is about the big spender the more money you put in the better your side. the devs did not taught of this because they just wanted $$ and if the devs want to fix things the devs should make a limit on the number of super bombs used per hour so that the war would be fair and it is more bout farming like in most wars in other ae game.

Renzan -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 22:40:00)

I'm in as an Exile! *puts on hipster shades*

DeathGuard -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 22:54:03)

@GoldSlayer1 and @WhirlWindStorm2: Good to hear guys, wind remember my current faction, XxX Fuerza Latina XxX? Well, the founder of it said we got free days until war ends, that means the help from my faction has come[:)]. Also I'm thinking in asking help to one of my friend's faction, many factions that are latinas (latins) are exile banded, so we can get huge help from them, let me contact them.

I must say I will use my christmas money to help exile to get close to legion, 200 bombs/ 10k varium would help a bit and thanks @Zean since you're helping too[8D]

Exiles for the win[;)]

button33 -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/23/2011 23:25:43)

I think it's time to fire 2500 dollars of bombs?

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