DeathGuard -> RE: The Poor Exiles (12/24/2011 18:50:42)
@LadyHeartBreak: Money in this life is way more powerful than one's sweat, effort and speech, you can't say it is not' true. I'm not whining, I'm think I'm one of the fews, also I have bring up many ideas with wraith and have estabilized a reunion of exile faction's founders, we are preparing builds to give them out to the founders for faster npc killing, theories about bomb crits chances, the balance of the kills of the npcs, also we are even accepting low lvl players in our factions, we are leaving our pride ON THE GROUND even if our factions are famous, we are accepting newbs, one favor that Legion factions aren't doing. We're moving on, but the corruption and money can't be stopped, a pay to win war isn't what we need, if you take out the super bombs damage and war points, do you think you will be winning? I don't, the payers aren't bonus, they are your base. Prove me wrong, show me a list of 30 players that have more than 1k wins and I will give you the reason, if not, your post is a simple leaf that the wind will blow up. Jari may have lots of wins, 1 player doesn't counts for all, no single person is equal to other, how can you compare jari to another player? It doens't makes sense to me, it is absurd, it is pathetic, don't compare persons, it is a mistake many commit and it shouldn't be done! No single human should be compared to another, we were born different and because of it, we got different perspectives, goals, and points of view. I'm capable of saying these since I'm one of the few who has stand up and make arise the organization of the exile factions, don't like my ideas? Too bad, you try to humillated us with poor words, I will be giving rich words back humillating you. Flame me all you want, but I will stay in my position defending my side and my friends, and if you want to discuss it in private, pm[;)]