RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (Full Version)

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Wraith -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 13:01:30)

I feel like a meanie.

I bought a sword, decided i didn't like it, sold it, then bought the mutating.

Feel like I robbed a F2P.

Matrix77 -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 13:08:24)

this update is awesome, good job ED team :), however, I feel as though the spirit of valentine is missing....maybe some valentine scenery to add to the game to make it feel more like we're actually going through this heartbreaker event?

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 13:24:17)

I bought the dark varium blaster, Farkas likes.

Sageofpeace -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 13:45:57)

BEST UPDATE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 13:50:09)

Very nice release. Great job for all. Loved the mission - especially the 3 parter. [:)]

JariTheMighty -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 14:03:17)

Thanks for the level cap non varium items, we are now able to compete once again. :)

Very nice update, too bad I keep missing the restocks... :P

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 14:51:04)

Rust Runeblade:


Uh Oh


Strength: +18
Dexterity: 0
Technology: +4
Support: +3

15, 000 credits

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 14:58:35)

don't think too many variums are worried about non var strength builds.

if that was a varium item with that kind of str boost I would be concerned.

nice item :)

Vendile -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 14:59:58)

This update really boosted non-variums

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 15:06:32)


Tell me, in this time of ED, where it is difficult to not see a STR user of the CH, BH, BM, M, or TlM breed? And, which item out of ALL ITEMS THAT EXIST RIGHT NOW, has a higher STR modification than this sword?

rej -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview - Release is live! (2/4/2012 15:12:06)

Love the release, it was great. :3

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 15:18:13)

yeah but its a non-varium item is what I am saying. I doubt any var player is gonna buy it regardless.

you are probably right, might see it in battles a lot soon, used for extreme strength non-var builds, I am not sure if the 42 str requirement on it
is a good thing or bad. With it giving no dex, they will have to invest points into dex or risk being blocked a lot although it also has 32 dex req.

suppose we will have to wait and see. Just seems to me like they have given non vars a more relevant new item. its sad to see level 34s using
Mjolnir and Cadens Wrath purely for the stats. now at least they can pump points into tech or dex to compensate and not do 3dmg with strike.

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 15:31:43)

I had an Epiphany recently as to why STR builds don't need dexterity:


What happens when attacks are blocked?

If an attacker is blocked, the attacker's Rage Meter will still fill up by the amount that the defender's defense or resistance would have reduced the damage had the attack connected. The defender's Rage Meter will not increase. Here's an example: A Mercenary attacks an enemy with Berzerker for 44 base damage. The defender's defense reduces the damage by 24 points down to 20 damage. Regardless of whether the Berzerker attack successfully connects, the Mercenary will still see 24 points added to his Rage Meter. The defender will see no increase if the attack is blocked.


In other words, when you get blocked you get a huge boost to your rage while the enemy receives none.


What if you have rage fully charged and you have low dexterity?

Options: Unblockable skills, sidearm (tech now controls deflections), strike and risk block.

However, with strike, there still is that minimum 4% to block and hit, so until that is fixed, striking is still a gamble of an option but still an option.

Lord Nub -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 15:32:15)

Is there any particular reason why 2v2 influence is still 5?

Part of the release was to balance 2v2 rewards so decided to bring this up yet again.

I'm sure the tracker can point out that an average player completes 3 1v1s compared to 1 2v2 yet everything is doubled for 2v2 except influence.

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 15:33:45)

Why does edgar boothe's weapons have the exact same stats as headhunter SMG and Hunter Cannon? Was this intentional?

Whirlwindstorm2 -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 15:40:40)

^ Please answer that, I had the same question myself. o.O

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 15:44:13)

I asked Rainaka to ask Titan if they were aware that matchmaking in 2v2 for capped players seems to be broken, with it being possible to have
a 5 level difference between teams i.e 29+34 vs 34+34 and Rainaka's reply was this "Hudelf is planning on fixing that as soon as possible! :)"

just thought I would share that with you all :) if anyone has a link to a more relevant topic to post this in I'll edit and repost there.

Basicball -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 15:51:56)

i was kinda distracted while making it, but here's the new EDMU vid nevertheless xD

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 15:52:23)

Oh good, now this won't happen:

"Lv 28 non-varium with only a Primary that has weak statistics AND I
Experienced Lv 34 w/ varium AND experienced Lv 34 w/ varium"

RabbleFroth -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 15:53:23)


I asked Rainaka to ask Titan if they were aware that matchmaking in 2v2 for capped players seems to be broken, with it being possible to have
a 5 level difference between teams i.e 29+34 vs 34+34 and Rainaka's reply was this "Hudelf is planning on fixing that as soon as possible! :)"

(It's Froth now, btw, gotta break away from the old name)

The reason I haven't done a fix for this is that I'm not 100% sure *how* I should fix it. What should the worst case be? If one team is all 34s, should the other team have to be all 34s? Any way we restrict it could dramatically slow down matching for some people, which we want to avoid as much as we can while still getting decently fair fights.

My initial thought was to make the max level difference between the two teams 3 or less, making the worst matchup possible 34+34 vs 34+31. This could actually apply to all level ranges, too. This approach is better, but probably still not ideal. I think there's a good, clever way to solve this, but I haven't come up with it yet.

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 16:01:55)


How about, scale the levels with Encumberance:

Lowest match-up would be Lv 34 AND Lv 30 (they can use Lv 34 gear) Vs. Lv 34 AND Lv 34


Basicball -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 16:04:19)

@hudelf (still calling you that [:'(]): max group lvl diff = 5 (or 3, idk) AND max lvl diff. between A and C = 2 and between B and D = 2

ABCD = player position =>

A - - - - C
B - - - - D

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 16:21:52)

moved to balance discussion

Wraith -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 16:28:42)

@Depressed Void: But that DID happen.

About 25 times in 80+ battles Q_Q

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/4/2012 16:39:42)

I like Jzaaunu's idea, total gear stats have to be within certain range for every player.

HOWEVER, if someone decides to battle with only their "basic club" equipped, where do they get sent to?

The worst of luck can happen to the best of us (if someone manages to lose their best gear).

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