=HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Ashari -> =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 16:48:44)

What character are you? Whose outfit is the best? Who has the prettiest shoes? What experience as a character have you liked best so far?

Discuss all things related to the characters in Hero Smash!

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If you don't know who I am, I am the Head Moderator of Legends and Lore, the Creative Writing corner of the AE Forums. It has been requested for me to offer to you the same courtesies that I have extended to AQ and DF. Within our collaborations and AE Fanfiction sub-forums, we have numerous accounts of ingame storylines going on by players like you.

So, I have joyfully started you off with this:

In the Beginning... This is a story thread specifically for you to tell the world about the beginnings of your character.

=HS= In the Beginning... discussion This is where you can talk about the stories that people place within L&L.

As with AQ and DF, anytime HS has a major event or war, we will have a story thread set aside just for you. If you have a storyline about your character that is much more than his or her origins, we encourage you to create a story thread in AE Fanfiction and then a commentary thread in Works Discussion

~Eukara Vox

If you wanna discuss or have some urgent questions or you just wanna chill,come and join us in the IRC #HeroSmash channel ^^ we'd be grateful to have you guys there. From there you could also join the official AE games channel like #yulgarsinn and #battleon #epciduel etc. Don't know how to get on IRC? Here is a guide on how to get on IRC http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=16791187 See ya guys there ^^. />d4

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 16:54:55)

*sniffs the air* THAT NEW THREAD SMELL! Wonder what weirdness will happen within this thread!

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 17:27:35)

WHAT? i've been gone for a couple hours and all i get is a new thread...?

it'll do :P gimme another couple minutes to think of those (minor) details, clown, but a format of those details you want/need would make it easier... well except name, that's set to NONE, while alias is experimental. never mind this, i can just look at your case files story thread

anyway, i'm thinking kinzvile...wait, kinzvlle should run and hide before the cyborg realizes that you were trying to kill him... oh don't worry, i'll save you time and tell him for ya[;)]
(how did i not see there was two 'L's in the forum name?)

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 17:38:19)

Bu bu bu bu but I let hims go free! Meh I didn`t even like that mission. I mean in RL I am a hopeless romantic so breaking up someones relationship doesn`t really appeal to me. I will interfere in there relationship no more! In fact *hands the cyborg a bouquet of purple roses and a letter* , the roses can be used to woe Artisa and the letter explains everything and clears you`r name!

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 17:43:44)

he's already trying to get to artisa. don't bother him or he'll mistake you for trying to interfere. that squad you sent out didn't help you either, so just stay back and let him handle things from now on[>:]

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 17:51:13)

Hey The Dealer made me! Well I am still mailing the letter to Artisa! Edit : I am only doing this because I am a hopeless romantic,if I weren`t such a sucker for love they would be in big danger! Lucky them I am a sucker for love!

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 17:59:52)

at least you're not going to chase after him... are you?

(you and me both, kinz.)

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 18:27:00)

I am not going to chase after him. I am going to mail the letter and keep out of this whole thing. I shall let love runs it`s course!

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 18:29:58)

after the cyborg practically saving her life from the crocodile monster thing earlier, i doubt the letter is even necessary

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 20:14:36)

I'm back. Well... sort of. Oh, Clown, your PM inbox is full.

*Atroxia keeps on running.* Closer, closer now...

Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 20:15:11)


*Passes Kinzvlle a crystal goblet.*
Simply superlative. Everyone had a bit of a laugh, there was a great deal of action, and true love triumphed as it is wont to do.
Joy all around. It would bring a tear to my eye if it wasn't so filled with energy.
*The Ringmaster's eyes give a resounding crackle.*
Here, drink, drink and be merry, for a new age of prosperity is approaching!
*The Ringmaster gestures proudly to a table of beverages that he has set up within the center of the devastated city block. It is decorated with circus stripes and little hearts.*
There's enough for everyone!

*The Ringmaster appears irate*
What? Is no one partaking of my delicious liquid buffet? I made enough for everyone! It's spicy, with warmth that writhes its way down you throat quite pleasantly, and i'm sure that you'll find it quite enlightening.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 20:16:37)

we better be closer... i can't lose her now.

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 20:17:13)

New chapter for Sisters in Arms!

I think this may be the longest chapter I've written for any of my stories... O.o
Reveals a lot about Saphire, though.

~Lady Zafara

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 20:20:31)

*raises his goblet* A TOAST TO TRUE LOVE!

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 20:23:53)

*Sees her home in the distance, and she runs faster still.* After me.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 20:26:14)

*catches up with atroxia* i hope she's still alright...

Goldstein -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 20:27:21)

You can't see me Ringmaster, but I'm toasting to you.

To love.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 20:34:49)

*they draw ever closer to the house* home stretch, atroxia! keep your eyes open!

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 20:37:12)

... If it hasn't been stated/realized by now, Kinvlle obviously intended to use his new form to smear Experimental's reputation, not to combat him, unless I am wrong, and Kinzvlle is an idiot.

Well, seems Kinz actually has the sense to do that, and Zeuzt continues on his attempts to kill immortals. *whistles*

Hmm... Interesting way it's playing out... Hehe. Clown got kicked across the planet.

Ah, the smell of blood explosions in the morning...

Interesting fight, those to were having. I am suprised Artisa had not figured out it was someone else by then.

You didn't use to have that rule about numbers of refusals, Dealer... Wasn't that supposed to only apply to employees?

/me notices that Experimental still has not noticed the sticky note that remains on the back of his helmet

Are you sure Experimental HAS a style of handwriting? XD


*facepalms at Experimental's wording*

... You do realize Experimental's memory is contained in a hard drive, so the spray would not effect him as it would effect the fully organic folks of the city, right? Seems you do. Wonder if you realize there is a secondary memory unit that can be triggered with the correct command prompts.

VEAL!!! HOW DARE YOU INSULT VENISON LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!! (XP [preferences])

Tampered chip? Kinz said chips, and the tampered chip would have contained other memory and information on it. -.-



I disagree, monsieur le Dealer. The moment he became self-aware, he ceased to be private property. If he were an employee, it would be another matter, but in this case, no.

I agree with Crystal Lion on this matter. Love is for all days... But Saint Valentine the Marryer's day makes for a nice excuse to get gifts, nonetheless. XP

The ROBOT?!?!?!?! How insulting...

That Electro-magnetic pulse generator would have effectively caused all the wiring and circuitry in the surrounding area (and it can be quite a large area) to be fried, basically.

*teleports to the Dealer, and hands him a note telling him about the letter I put on his desk, previously*



I might be able to help you with that, Eclipse.

Yeah, suuure the Dealer forced you to have a group of GUNmen attack Atroxia and Experimental. I take it those guns were loaded with live rounds that fire the metal type of bullets.

... Kinz, you are going to mail it using what postal service? *points out the smoking ruins of the post office*

I took a wine glass. Not my fault it doesn't look like it, and noone else did.

/me imagines a meteor hitting Experimental right before he reaches her

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 20:38:52)

*The red lion looks around quickly.* Let's get going.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 20:44:00)

(which would be the reason the cyborg would try to get away from the radius ASAP!)

*they reach the house, while the cyborg looks around carefully*

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 20:44:41)


... Kinz, you are going to mail it using what postal service? *points out the smoking ruins of the post office*


Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 20:48:15)

*Atroxia quickly opens the front door and goes in. She sees her twin sitting on the sofa.* You're alright!

Come in, quickly! *Artisa stands up.*

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 20:50:15)

artisa! *runs up to her and hugs her carefully*

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/11/2012 20:57:01)

*Artisa shows him the note saying she was lucky.* I know you didn't write this. Right?

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